Somewhat on the topic,,,, and I know a thing or two about hoars,,, right Lori darlin????
Anyway, I saw a documentary on the history channel a few years ago, I think it was called "War and Sex",,, and the main thing I remember about it was the establishments in Pearl Harbor.
One hooker would work 3 rooms at a time. There was a line wrapped around the block, and each man only got 3 minutes in the room,,, thus the term some of you may have heard "3 minute man". Poor young bastages were so deprived that they'd spew in heartbeat, so 3 minutes in the room was no problem.
A hooker would turn literally hundreds of tricks a day.
At one point the establishment tried to go up to $5.00 and the General went there and told them his boys couldn't afford that, and basically talked them back down to $3.00.
It was a very interesting documentary.