Schloss Guttenburg Germany

13,680 Views | 182 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by James Forsyth
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CanyonAg77 said:

1) I did not post the cartoon.

2) Being an @$$hole does not advance your argument

3) No one has yet figured out what your argument is

4) Not downloading any book, when you fail to articulate a reason I should, or a logical argument, or hell, even a hint of what you are ranting about.

It's like Spderman and Redstone had a baby

Forget it man, the dude fried his brain.
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Just having fun.....and a little curious as to his point.
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I've seen the Lone Ranger and The Searchers. I know what Native Americans looked like.
Jack Friday
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I'm saying that this is evidence that there are people indigenous to America that were not buffalo chasing asian mongol nomads....If black people only got to America in 1619 then how TF are they face of America on Murals all over Germany by the late 1600s and early 1700s?
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CanyonAg77 said:

Just having fun.....and a little curious as to his point.
I'm sure there will be a post about Olmec heads shortly.
Jack Friday
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So the Germans back then said hey these black slaves look like some ok people let's paint them on murals and make statues of them in churches and palaces all over Germany in the 1600s and 1700s...
Jack Friday
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The Germans created the artifacts back then and the North American Aboriginal Society of Canada documented it....I'm just presenting the facts. This ain't from the 125th St Afro-American museum of history. These are international artifacts.
Jack Friday
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The AMERICAN on the Musee McCord artifact looks like Shannon freakin' Sharpe...How TF is that dude the face and phenotype of America on a Museum Artifact by 1880 when he was supposed be a slave until 1865?

Seriously, by 1880 did so many asian mongols get wiped out and so many wht guys get killed in the Civil War that they had to put Shannon Sharpe as the face of America back then?
Jack Friday
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So in the 1800s, this guy John Henry Walker took a look around America and said hey - there aren't enough mongol asians worth a sht around here anymore and all the wht guys are buried in Civil War grave yards....I'm going to make this newly freed african slave the face of America!
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I don't usually post outside of F16, but someone sent me this link and this kind of stuff is a pet peeve of mine.

At first I thought it was someone who was bored, but now I see it is giant pile of Afrocentric pseudohistory. Kind of had that feeling after the first dozen posts.

Afrocentric pseudohistory makes a lot of bogus claims which legitimate scholars have refuted, but it just doesn't go away.

One of the claims by those who espouse Afrocentric pseudohistory is that the people living in the Americas prior to 1492 are "African." They say that Africans, which always means black even though most people in North Africa weren't and still aren't black, sailed across the Atlantic thousands of years ago and colonized the Americas. If anyone from Africa had crossed the Atlantic, it would not have been people from what is now called sub-Saharan Africa.

DNA tests have confirmed that the peoples living in the Americas prior to 1492 had come from northern Asia/modern Siberia, just as had been theorized long before DNA testing was even a pipe dream. There is also other evidence like the Llullaillaco Mummies, which sure as heck aren't "African".

Some of the other claims are things like all civilizations came from Africa.

Egyptians were black because in the minds of the people pushing this, everyone from Africa in ancient times was black, which was never true and still isn't. We know from the mummies and DNA tests on them what the ancient Egyptians looked like.

Supposedly there were numerous great, advanced civilizations in Africa throughout history. These civilizations are where all of the white societies got (stole) their knowledge and technology. We can't find any evidence these great civilizations existed because whites were so embarrassed by black superiority, they destroyed them and obliterated the evidence.

Even the most liberal historians dismiss this junk out of hand as nothing but fake history being pushed by grifters and people with an agenda.

Afrocentric pseudohistory is what I like to call Wakandaism.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Jack Friday
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Problem is none of those artifacts say "African" they say America...And I've produced my sources. So what you're saying is that the Dutch, Germans, Canadians, Romans and Mayans didn't know what they were talking about back then...and they are liars when I should believe you - a sourceless nobody...
Jack Friday
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As a matter of fact at the 19 minute mark of the video - the Germans demonstrate that they knew the difference between Africans and Americans 300+ yrs ago. The Canadians did too by the 1800s Yet somehow, you modern geniuses don't......
Jack Friday
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Here's my source - David Macritchie Ancient and Modern Britons Vols 1-2 written in the 1880s.

"In middle ages England wht people dressed up in black face so that they could blend in with the Moors society there....They were called Counterfeit Egyptians."
So WTF do you think that real Egyptians in Africa looked like 1000 yrs before that?
If they looked like real Egyptians then wtf did they need blackface for in the middle ages? They should have simply walked into the British Moors society as authentic Egyptians.

Wanna see the University of Toronto's British Moor head artifacts from the 1500s thru the 1700s. Wanna see what they looked like too?
These are the the Brits that your "Counterfeit Egyptians" were trying to look like...

Jack Friday
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All of this OLD INFORMATION would be considered "woke" if anybody put it in some bullsht movie tomorrow...
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Rapier 108 explained more in one post than "Jack Friday" has in two pages.

"Jack", if you believe that some artist sitting in Germany in the 1600s could paint an accurate picture of American Indians 1000s of miles away, I don't know what to tell you. Given the times, the artist would just be going by third and fourth hand reports.

Also, if you can't understand why Mayas would paint mythical figures in their ceramics, I can't help you.

So here's a question: if ancient native Americans were what we today would call "black", what happened to them by the 1700s to 1800s? Did they all get killed off first? Did they go into hiding? Do you not think that white Americans in the 1850s might have noticed that they were warring against people who looked a lot like slaves, as opposed to looking like "red men"?
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When I woke up this morning and saw the explosion of replies to this my first thought was that it would all be replies from the OP to himself. Surprised there are actual real posters in here.

Carry on.
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CanyonAg77 said:

Rapier 108 explained more in one post than "Jack Friday" has in two pages.

"Jack", if you believe that some artist sitting in Germany in the 1600s could paint an accurate picture of American Indians 1000s of miles away, I don't know what to tell you. Given the times, the artist would just be going by third and fourth hand reports.

Also, if you can't understand why Mayas would paint mythical figures in their ceramics, I can't help you.

So here's a question: if ancient native Americans were what we today would call "black", what happened to them by the 1700s to 1800s? Did they all get killed off first? Did they go into hiding? Do you not think that white Americans in the 1850s might have noticed that they were warring against people who looked a lot like slaves, as opposed to looking like "red men"?

They left for Japan to become Samurais. And every other people, place, and accomplishment.

Henry Ford was black so they had to hide that fact because he invented the automobile. Not that other guy in Germany. Well he was black as well, probably.
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And what about the thousands of other contemporaneous depictions that show Native Americans as non-African? Jack, you can't cherry pick data that supports your conclusion and ignore the data that contradicts it.
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This is like the pumpkin plant in my front yard, it went from nothing to a patch overnight.
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Apparently, he can cherry pick data, has been doing it for two pages
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CanyonAg77 said:

Apparently, he can cherry pick data, has been doing it for two pages
Yep, and should realize his error since everyone knows that the original Native Americans were actually the 10 lost tribes of Israel.
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So they looked like Jesus?

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BQ78 said:

So they looked like Jesus?

Thats a decent historical representation except the historical Jesus was also a samurai. So his hair should be in a top knot with the front part closely shaved.
Jack Friday
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Madman said:

BQ78 said:

So they looked like Jesus?

Thats a decent historical representation except the historical Jesus was also a samurai. So his hair should be in a top knot with the front part closely shaved.

Nice dreddy Yeshua and you already know this but - if you go to the Bonampak Mayan Murals you'll find folks with dreadlocks looking just like you. The Cacaxtla murals in Mexico has a guy with locks longer than yours dreddy Yeshua...All kinds of documented indians with dreadlocks looking just like you in John Ogilby's book "America...." But you know this already...Amen
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You can't be right. We all know that the Mandans, at least, were descendants of the Welsh. Right?
Jack Friday
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The book below was written in 1824...200 yrs ago.
"The Ancient Annals or History of Kentucky" by
CS Rafinesque. You can find correspondence letters from this guy to Thomas Jefferson. This book is on the University of Kentucky's website.

It's a 54 page geological and ethnological survey of America and specifically Kentucky. It's a short interesting read and like many out of copyright books - it can also be downloaded for free on the Internet Archive....

Any goofball who still believes their third grade history teacher and thinks that no Mediterranean Civilization had ever been to America before "wrong way Cristobal Colombo" - who didn't know East from West should probably read this...

Along with:
History of the Moorish Empire in Europe by SP Scott 1904...
About the guys that owned and operated the Spanish Armada from Granada 700 yrs before "wrong way Colombo showed up"

America BC by Barry Fell
Saga America by Barry Fell

Where do you think that the Moorish / Aramaic / Arabic names at the MOVPER Shrine in the Grotto Room at the George Washington Masonic Memorial come from? Where do you think the names on the fez display there come from?
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The Shriners?
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I don't really know what your point is, and it's probably not a bad point, but you introduced it through a 40 minute video with a rambling guy speaking in a nearly incomprehensible accent. Your more recent comment seems to suggest a summary of points, which probably should have been your first comment, with the video as background information for people interested.

It seems your claims are that Mayans or Mediterranean people or something had immigrated to North America. I'm not sure which. And it seems some documents from the 1700s in Germany are your source.

I'll just put this here: I have a masters in history and studied at a German University. I'm fluent in German and know the German intellectual period from the middle ages through the renaissance fairly well for an American. I will simply say this: No German not named Alexander Humbolt knew **** about North America before 1840. Europeans in general were abysmally ignorant about North America. I'll point first to the french naturalist Georges-Louis de Buffon, who famously argued that American species of animals like bison were smaller than their European counterparts, and used really alchemy-like quasi-science to justify their nonsense. Germans were particularly isolated, since Germany wasn't a unified country and almost no one outside of Humbolt (in the 1790s-1810s) had visited the continent. All the sources Germans had were basically third or fourth hand.

What do we know about early settlement? Did people arrive before Columubs? Certainly. We know that the Norse did, and it's very likely some others did as well. The Phoenecians did a lot of traveling and in the ancient era, people kept things secret if they gave you a trading advantage. But there is no evidence that they did so frequently or contributed to the gene pool in a significant way. This being said, there is definitely evidence of contact somehow with other cultures. The Olmec heads have very African-like features. This is a mystery, since no DNA evidence confirms this. But it is intriguing. We do know there are some tribal folks in the Amazonian area that have a DNA sequence similar to some Polynesians, which suggests some of them made it there. This is not surprising as we know they made it to Easter Island, so South America is not unlikely.

As to the Maya being in North America, well, there's no evidence of that at all. The evidence strongly suggests that there was movement from North Ameirca southwards, but not much going back the other way. This makes sense, as settled tribes don't wander, but nomads do, and once someone gets into a valley where they can grow great crops, they tend to stop moving. Hunters keep moving as long as the animals move.
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Jack Friday said:

All of this OLD INFORMATION would be considered "woke" if anybody put it in some bullsht movie tomorrow...

I've seen some of what you posted before and enjoyed seeing it again and your new stuff so thanks for posting.
But if I want to see what American aboriginal people physically look like, I'll go to a few reservations.
Unless you are talking about how they dressed back when?
Jack Friday
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Appreciate the input...and I'll respond in a couple of posts because it deserves it. The German historical landscape is very interesting....And yes, I could have asked more direct questions and presented a better video....

The first point that I should address with you tho - because GEOGRAPHY IS A THING - is that the Yucatan Peninsula and Belize has always been and will always be in North America....

Keep that in mind when youre speaking of the Mayans in the future there bud.......In case you didn't know - the Yucatan all the way down to Panama is the southern most part of NORTH AMERICA...It's the tail of Turtle Island. There is no continent of Central America.......There is North America and South America...period. So, THE ONLY EVIDENCE is that they are a North American people...ok

The real Mayan Calendar is located in Coba Mexico, North America..There's a pyramid in Coba and a whole temple complex. The real Mayan calendar has a Warrior Princess etched into stone on it - named Lady Kawiil Ajaw...That's how you know the difference between it and the Aztec Calendar that people are always showing as and mistaking for - the real Mayan calendar - Coba Stele 1.

The Coba Stele 1 begins with one day called a kin and has 24 Orders of days:
1 kin = the first order
Several Octillion days = 24th Order
That's 27 Zeros....A trillion is 12 zeros. There are more days represented on their calendar than there are grains of sand on the planet. That's an outrageous long count. They say that the universe is 14 billion years old. The universe is an infant on this calendar - timewise.

The Mayans have a star named after them in the Pleiades..

If you think they had any trouble traveling anywhere in North or South America and beyond and then getting back home using the stars for navigation then maybe you're just projecting...It would have been childs play for them. They've found Mayan hieroglyphics in Egypt....

Crossing the Rio Grand to go north into Texas? Or island hopping to Cuba and then over to Florida?
They could do that in their sleep...

It's no coincidence that there is a Powhatan tribe in Virginia and an ancient Mayan Chief Powhatan....both in NORTH AMERICA.

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Sorry, I was using cultural appropriation. The Mexicans call us North Americans, and don't consider themselves North America, so I was obliging them.

Did the Mayans travel to what is now the United States? Not impossible, but probably not. This is not to say there wasn't trade, but they never lived here in large numbers.

There are all sorts of anomolies that are interesting, worthy of future research and study, worth consideration, but not proven. There are supposedly Viking runestones in Oklahoma. It is interesting, but out of context, doesn't prove anything. Name similarities are interesting, but don't themselves indicate something, especially if they are transcribed or translated in another language before they are passed down.
Jack Friday
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Julio and Victor just floated from Cancun to Cuba last night on a piece of corrugated tin strapped to some coconuts but for the Mayans to make the same trip, impossible...That's an interesting take on the Mayan apptitude for local discovery.

Anyhow, Rafinesque actually references De Humboldt in Ancient Annals or History of Kentucky. I've read some of De Humboldts work as well...It appears that Germany was quite a different place before De Humboldts time.

I've got some data on that but, before I go there I have to present another American artifactual anomaly located in Germany....

"Moor with an Emerald Cluster" American Indian artifact located at the Green Vault Museum in Dresden Germany from the early 1700s.

He looks like Kevin Hart but with a tobacco Indian headdress similar to the Americans in the Allegory of the Continents video...

Three sources below who agree that this is an American Indian artifact:

The Graphic Sources for the
Moor with the Emerald Cluster
HELMUT NICKEL - Curator of Arms and Armor, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

So, in this thread I have:

1) A young aunt Jemima in a prom dress on early 1700s German murals. Before any of the "founding fathers" was even born yet...

2) Kevin Hart but with an American tobacco Indian headdress from early 1700s Germany.

3) Shannon Sharpe but with a pimp named slickback - buffalo grease perm - and the face of post-civil war America from the late 1800s...

None of these artifacts use the very generic definition of native American, nor do they use the artificial brand name "Native American" ....None of these artifacts say African, black, negro, colored or any other generic descriptions that have been used in America for these people...

For the hayseed geniuses in the peanut gallery - READ THIS CAREFULLY AND I'LL REITERATE:

None of the above artifactual descriptions say "Native American"...No one was trying to co-opt your artificial brand name and fictional social construct BACK THEN and no one could GAF less about doing so now in describing the American people in the these artifacts...except you. Your asian teepee mongols can keep that sht.

There also appears to be a different kind of people who held dominion in some parts of Germany BEFORE DeHumboldt's time that had a different experience with "the outside world"....
A simple Google Search "German Moors" provides different sources of info on these people...
Jack Friday
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Here's another interesting German Artifact...

Let's see what the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has to say about the internationally known Wildmen and Moors Tapestry...

It's from the 1400s and it's a long fkn way from sub-saharan Africa.

It's 300+ years before Alexander De Humboldt was born.

It's 50 years before "wrong way Cristobal Colombo" and Pedro Alonso Nino, his Moorish boat owner and boat captain navigated to Cuba.

Who do you think would have been known as Counterfeit Egyptians in 15-1600s British Moors Society?

The people in the castle?
Or the wild men-woodwose beasts on the left?

Who do you think would need black face to fit into 15-1600s British Moors Society according to David Macritchie in Ancient and Modern Britons Vols 1-2?

What would be the DNA profile of the people in this Tapestry?

Who does Frederick the Wise on this 1500s German coin look like most?

Who does the Moor of Freising from Pope Benedict's Crest look like the most?

The people in the castle?
Or the wild men - woodwose neander-beasts on the left?

James Forsyth
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Kaa98 said:

Did I stumble into a Spyderman/Leonard Stringfellow thread?

Feels like it but angrier. Also the "legal and corporate fiction" line reeks of "sovereign citizen" types
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