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37,402 Views | 198 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by azul_rain
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Thanks for the reply. It's always comforting to hear others who experience similar things. Will definitely follow up on the doctor visits that she has this month.
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aggiesportsfiend10 said:

10, your wife sounds just like me. I also suffer from emetiphopbia and have been since I was probably in the 4th grade. It was always manageable growing up but it wasn't until I had a child and she got her first stomach virus at 8 months old that my issue with this phobia went into overdrive and I had to seek professional help.

I tried lexapro, rexulti, buspar, and am currently on Viibryd. The rexulti really helped but it made me depressed so I had to switch to buspar which unfortunately offered no help at all. I have been on Viibryd since late November and I've noticed a big improvement.

I actually go back to my psychologist tomorrow and am slated to begin seeing a therapist once we get everything scheduled. While the medication has been really helpful for the anxiety, I still believe I need to work on some CBT to help my thought processes when I encounter triggers.

I am sorry your wife is dealing with this. So many times I've cried wishing I didn't struggle with it, especially when my daughter is sick. Mental illness is such a cruel thing. I am fortunate that my husband is supportive and he is a really big help to me when I am really struggling. I hate it for him too, and I'm sure your wife has guilt like I do. Hang in there. It can be a frustrating process to find the right combination to find relief, but I have faith you'll find it again just as I will.

If you have any questions or want to talk I'm here lurking just like you

ETA: reading your post gave me comfort that I am
Not the only mother out there who struggles with emetophobia, maybe it would help your wife too to know she is not alone in this. Send her my support.
I hate, hate, HATE throwing up. So much so that if I feel even a tiny bit bad, I think I actually make it a lot worse by worrying about it happening (but it hasn't even happened in over a decade, why do I worry about it so much?). But if people around me are sick it doesn't affect me, unless I smell it...which I thought was a pretty normal reaction. Do I have a form of emetophobia? Regardless, I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds horrible, and I'm sorry if this reply was insensitive in any way.
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So my wife went to her first doctor appt yesterday and she's very hopeful. She went to see a Naturopathic doctor first. It wasn't really planned but she's just very wary of brain meds. She heard good things and decided to check it out. Here in Colorado they are actually regulated, etc. She talked through a lot of potential hormone issues across the board. How Progesterone works in balance with cortisol and several other hormones and endorphins. Basically if the body is low on progesterone it will compensate with excess cortisol which can assist in producing anxiety and depression. Even talked about how a lot of issues started around the time she finished breastfeeding our son and how excessive prolactin after that can affect things. Was definitely interesting to hear how it all works. So she is having a full blood and saliva test to identify problem areas and go from there. Plan is to try this before trying any brain meds. Kind of weird to say but she's hoping for some messed up bloodwork, lol. Seeing a psychiatrist next week.
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I understand about the medication avoidance and the hormonal effects. My issues also coincided with ending breastfeeding. Baby and I both got sick and it was just a bad combination. My goal over the years is to eventually be off the medication, which is why I am eager to begin therapy and gain some tools to help combat the anxiety cognitively. It's a long road and will take work.

I'm glad your wife had a positive experience with this first doctor. What works for one person won't work for another. I applaud her for taking the steps to find relief. Often that is the hardest part.
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Slim, I didn't find your post offensive at all! I'm sorry you too seem to struggle with it. Based on research, this type of phobia is pretty common.

I have almost every single one of these avoidance behaviors listed on this site:

If you find yourself struggling with your everyday life because of it, I suggest you seek some sort of help. Medication isn't always necessary. Exposure therapy may help. Maybe CBT. Again, everyone is different. Hang in there.
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Don't know if anyone still comes to this thread but I want to blow my ****ing brains out. Don't know why I feel the need to share it some what anonymously online, but it just feels better to see it written out. Just gonna wait for this Xanax to kick in so I can numb the **** out.
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

Don't know if anyone still comes to this thread but I want to blow my ****ing brains out. Don't know why I feel the need to share it some what anonymously online, but it just feels better to see it written out. Just gonna wait for this Xanax to kick in so I can numb the **** out.

Please do not do this. Please call 1-800-273-8255. Life is too precious. If you feel like this it is temporary. I promise. I know I have no idea what you are going through but I do know that it will get better and taking your own life will only devastate so many people that love you. Many more people than you probably know.

Please reply.
Boats and Hose
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Please don't do it man. I've had those same thoughts and it will get better. It's not worth it at all. Please call anyone or call the suicide hotline mentioned above.

Just don't do it.
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You are loved by many people including the Aggie family. Don't do it. Call the hotline above.
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The sun will rise tomorrow, and you are loved.

Please call the number above. Seek help- there is no shame.

John Francis Donaghy
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

Don't know if anyone still comes to this thread but I want to blow my ****ing brains out. Don't know why I feel the need to share it some what anonymously online, but it just feels better to see it written out. Just gonna wait for this Xanax to kick in so I can numb the **** out.
Whatever is going on with you, please know that things will get better. They ALWAYS get better. Life has a whole lot of ups and downs, but no matter how far down you feel right now, there is ALWAYS another up coming your way.

Please reply and let us know you're ok. As much crap as we give each other on this site, we care about each other like family which means you are NEVER alone.
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I've back off the ledge, Ags. I'm just really exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have problems and no one to talk to about them. It's frustrating as hell to ask for help when you're raised to be mentally strong and capable. Thanks for being there.
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Thanks for replying. I'm very glad to hear that. This stuff scares me. Too many times I have known people who get into a dark hole and lose the ability to think rationally. Smart people. Happy people. Successful people. They think it is "the best" for those they leave behind, but it never is.

Don't let yourself get into that dark place.
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Gig ' em, L-I-A. You've got a whole Aggie network that cares about you. Even if you need to vent to strangers to get past it, we're here and listening. Hang in there.
John Francis Donaghy
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

I've back off the ledge, Ags. I'm just really exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have problems and no one to talk to about them. It's frustrating as hell to ask for help when you're raised to be mentally strong and capable. Thanks for being there.
Glad to hear it. Stress and exhaustion can be every bit as serious as depression and anxiety. And in our nonstop always connected world, it's a LOT more common than people let on. Without going into too much detail, I hit the wall of exhaustion not too long ago after a bunch of major life events/tragedies hit in rapid succession. I handled them all fine on the outside, but I was so burned out by the end that I just felt numb every day, like I didn't have enough mental bandwidth left to feel like a person anymore. But that kind of exhaustion happens, and there's no shame in it at all.

But being the stubborn ass I am, I stayed that way for almost a year before I finally admitted to needing help. Don't be like me.

There is nothing more mentally strong and capable than recognizing when you need a little help to get back to being yourself. Even just talking to someone without having to worry about the things you say getting back to your family or friends can be hugely beneficial, and the improvement can come really quickly. Also, do not underestimate the power of rest. A good night's sleep and some down time doing whatever it is you like to do, can work wonders.
Thomas Sowell, PhD
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You've got the Aggie family showing we care. This Ag has you in his thoughts & prayers. Find someone or animal to help tomorrow. You are needed despite feelings. Feelings vary but your value never does.
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Legalize I am relieved you responded positively. What may have felt to you like a whisper in the dark on the web board was heard by your Aggie family as a scream. And it was answered. Please seek help.

I have a good friend who is giving the keynote address at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention tomorrow. PM me and I will put you in touch with her and the support resources she can help you access.

She shared with me the backbone of the speech she plans on giving tomorrow. I want to share it with you. You are not alone and the ripples of suicide are terrible and long lasting. Seek help.

Her speech -

The first time mental health was a part of my life, I was sitting in my OB/Gyn office. In that fabulous
gown, open in the back, sitting on the exam table just waiting. It was so quiet and all I could do was cry.
I was a mother of my second beautiful baby girl. I should have been on top of the world, but all I could
see was darkness. I would scream to myself what is wrong with you? Over and over. My doctor came
into the room after a quick knock on the door, I didn't have time to pull myself together, I was still
crying. After going through the exam and all that glory, my doctor informed me I was doing great. Then
she whispered to me, "all that crying, it's post-partum depression, don't worry no one will need to
know"..and no one did, I kept it all to myself. I didn't even whisper it to anyone.

Mental health affected my family again just a few years later, when my now ex-husband fought a battle
with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The doctor's in the ER whispered to me, "he's mentally
ill". So to help him I signed on the dotted line to have him committed to a mental health facility.
After I stopped by a friend's house, crying desperate to scream to anyone what was going on. When I
explained to them what was going on, I could see in their faces this would be the last time they would
speak to me without a whisper. Several days later I ran into them at the store and they whispered to
me, "how is he doing?" I couldn't even whisper to anyone what was happening. I just smiled and said

During this long battle he was having, my baby, that sweet baby girl that lead me to my post-partum
depression introduction, at just age 7 became suicidal.yes 7 years old. I am her mother; how do I fix
this how do I help her? She is too young to feel like she shouldn't be here. I fought and advocated for
her and all she needed. The doctor's whispered again to say things like depression, anxiety, and suicidal.
When I spoke with people, I whispered too.

As my little firecracker grew up and continued in her treatment, she DID NOT whisper. She screamed and shouted about what she felt like and the darkness she was fighting. As she fought with a loud roar, so did I.
The first time I sat at my computer to share a post about mental health, I held my breath as I pressed the keys..this was NOT a whisper. I hovered over my computer, waiting.waiting.waitingoh dear lord, I'm just going to delete that post. Then it happened, someone "liked it" then they commented, my child is struggling too, I understand. Thank you for sharing.
My little firecracker showed me more about HOPE than I knew, she is a fighter and although she still fights a battle with the darkness, she has learned she does not have to whisper!

Then came the day my oldest daughter's battle against the darkness reared it's ugly head. She shouted to herself and whispered to the world. The shouting she shared with herself came out in some very self-harming ways. She whispered them to the world and it took me so long to hear it. She was battling a screaming darkness in her head, yet only shared a whisper with the world.

After time the whispers built up, I began to see the marks she made, the slices, and the wounds to let it all out. The first night she almost died she was still whispering for help, not fully understanding what was going on, just that she wanted it to end. When the paramedics came in, it wasn't a whisper she screamed when they brought her back. She screamed for me with a voice I hadn't heard before.

For months, I screamed to get her help. I screamed to anyone that would listen. What do I do, where do I take her, how can we fix this screaming darkness that is taking the light from her? Still she whispered. She was slipping away from me whispering and all the screaming I could do seemed worthless.
I reached out on social media for support, and we received it tenfold. Everyone wanting to help, to share their love.

What I didn't see at the time is that her friends that were also battling were reaching out to her for help. She was everyone's confidant, everyone's counselor. She spent countless hours consoling, talking, and listening to friends that needed her help, she would scream out to them to help them hold but she was drowning in her own pain. She still whispered.
For 6 years we battled and fought against the darkness that was over taking her. She nearly died 3 more times. The doctors, the medications, the therapy, it felt like we were doing everything. We were screaming at this mental health condition that kept her whispering and suffering. I often explained it as a stage 4 mental health condition to others, we needed more answers.

The whispers were over, on March 24th, 2016 when my girl quietly took her life. The rest of the world seemed to be screaming for answers, and all I could do is just scream in pain. Losing my girl and seeing my baby lose her sister and best friend was more pain than anyone should ever have to know.
Slowly I began to scream again, taking my tears and turning them into armor. I found a home with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, to provide hope to those affected by suicide, and to stand and advocate for more research, so someday we can all live in a world we don't have to whisper about mental health. I stand before this world a broken woman screaming for more help for those that need it, even if they are only whispering.

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Legalize-It-Ags said:

I've back off the ledge, Ags. I'm just really exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have problems and no one to talk to about them. It's frustrating as hell to ask for help when you're raised to be mentally strong and capable. Thanks for being there.
My man - I'm gonna suggest that since this was only 20 minutes after your initial post - you may have backed away from the ledge, but you're still probably too close.

Calling the hot line number given above is the best advice you got. A real human person to reach out to is the best first step. They will be able to help you in ways us here cannot possibly help.

I will remember you, by username (God knows who's on the other side of the screen), and your needs in my daily prayers, for the foreseeable future.
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

I've back off the ledge, Ags. I'm just really exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have problems and no one to talk to about them. It's frustrating as hell to ask for help when you're raised to be mentally strong and capable. Thanks for being there.

I'm happy to hear you're back off the ledge but please call the 800 number provided above. I've been there. I've come close to doing the same a few years ago but thankfully something kept me from going through with it. There are a ton of resources, here included, to help you walk through whatever you're experiencing. Not sure if you are a veteran but there are a ton of resources there too. Please find a counselor to talk to and reach out to many of us on here. We care about you and know that you are loved even when you believe you dont deserve it.

You matter and you are loved.
Not a Bot
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I think it may be surprising to hear how many of us on here have been in a very similar situation. I've been there too. I can tell you from my own experience the absolute best thing to do is to reach out to a professional. I tried to self medicate for a long time. Reaching out for help is nothing to be embarrassed by. I was embarrassed for a long time. Then I came to realize that there are literally thousands of people in the state of Texas alone who spend their entire careers, some making not much money, helping people through their issues. Please call that number.
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I'm glad you reached out. Glad you feel a bit better. Please reach out as other have said. Also, if you have weapons at home, please have someone else keep them for you. Lots of people are in your corner, way more than you know.
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

I've back off the ledge, Ags. I'm just really exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have problems and no one to talk to about them. It's frustrating as hell to ask for help when you're raised to be mentally strong and capable. Thanks for being there.

If you live in College Station, let me know. I would be glad to be a sounding board for you if that would help you.
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Thank you for all the words of encouragement, Ags. Sorry I can't reach out individually but I'm sure ya'll understand. I'm going to get help, but I have a month long waiting period until my benefits kick in and I can go get some psychiatric help. But I do have one question for you all that have gone through something similar. I feel like ever since I got accepted in 2012 to A&M (which was my largest accomplishment of my life by far at that point), my life has just been a list of boxes and checkmarks. Go to school, graduate, struggle to find a job, take GRE, get into grad school, work on thesis, finish thesis, graduate, finally get a job, do social obligations, etc.

(None of this is a flex btw. I'm pretty ADD and adderall helped me a lot through the schooling)

I'm not finding any satisfaction out of any of it. I didn't give a **** that I graduated with my masters last year. Like none at all. and I should be proud of myself, but it was just like a quiet relief because that box was checked. And that's how my entire life feels right now. Like I'm sure in the next 3-4 years I'll have my student loans paid off but that will once again, just be quiet relief.

I just don't know how to find meaning in anything that I do in my life.

Thanks in advance for any help, advice, or insight!

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Do you exercise regularly? Lift weights? When I got into fitness (lifting) it added new meaning for me and it makes me feel so good. You get accomplishment from it, feel better and look better.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Ben has a great suggestion - exercising. What do you like to do away from work? Hobbies? Church? Spending time with family?

You are not alone. We all go through ruts in our lives driven by personal challenges that are all relative. Maybe we don't get to the point where ending it is the answer, but despondency certainly kicks in.

What are small victories you can get? Celebrating even the smallest of accomplishments can be important.
Na Zdraví 87
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BenFiasco14 said:

Do you exercise regularly? Lift weights? When I got into fitness (lifting) it added new meaning for me and it makes me feel so good. You get accomplishment from it, feel better and look better.
This! I have anxiety. Regular exercise helps mine very much. I cannot express this enough.
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Also for thread followers who may not have seen, I was prescribed Lexapro 3 weeks ago. Been kind of a life changer. No side effects.

Have my follow up today actually
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Good to hear ben, personally I couldn't stand those meds. Glad to hear something is working
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This may be a little difficult for me to capture completely in written form, and I apologize up front if it gets lengthy.

Your description of the checkboxes and lack of fulfillment from them sounds the same - at least to a strong degree - as what I have experienced and felt a great deal in the past and still experience to a lesser degree today. As you mentioned, I found myself checking all the boxes that I felt that I was supposed to be checking and getting nothing out of it other than being able to tell/show others that I checked them. The dissonance that was being caused by the extrinsic box checking and the lack of intrinsic reward or fulfillment was extremely hard for me to manage.

I spent countless hours with a counselor working through the different facets of the "path", as we came to call it, and to get to the underlying reasons for me feeling like I had to be on that path. That time with the counselor was not always easy or comfortable, but the work - and to be clear, it is hard work - has paid great dividends for me. Through that counseling and then subsequent, sometimes difficult, conversations with people who I am close to - and therefore felt the most "path pressure" from - I have been able to get to much better level of comfort with where I am in live and enjoy the things that I am doing and achieving rather than constantly focusing on the things that I think I should be doing and am not. The counseling to break down the walls inside me was vital in this process, but the conversations with others around me were extremely important as well.

Through this process, I have learned - likely better put as relearned - to focus on the present much more than I used to. I constantly lived in the future and tried to plan each step before which greatly contributed to anxiety around it as I had no control over the future. I have better learned that when I do things for myself that are fulfilling to me that I am a better member of my circles - juxtaposed against trying to achieve what I think they want me to or whatever it may be.

Another step that I have taken that has been extremely positive for me is that I got off of all social media except for LinkedIn (I only kept that for professional reasons) and got myself out of the habit (at least moreso) of constantly comparing myself to others highlight reels. While my circle of contact has gotten much smaller because of this, the relationships have become much more real and tangible and ones where I can talk to people about real stuff like challenge, success, fulfillment, etc. instead of the more surface stuff that social media leads to.

And finally, in any conversation like this, I do have to fully acknowledge that through all of this time, I quit drinking altogether as I had a very abusive relationship with that stuff that was greatly contributing to a lot of anxiety on my part. My situation is just mine, but stopping the daily deal with the beast of addiction has been immeasurably life changing.

Lots of words, and I apologize again for length, but this entire topic is one that I am very passionate about. My hope is that in typing them that you (and/or others) may be able to connect to some parts or themes or whatever it may be. The things that you are working through are unique in that they belong to you, but they are not unique as they are all part of the human existence. I would just encourage you to seek any and all support that you need and know that you are not alone in that existence. Stay strong.

Email if you ever want to use it for any reason. I'll send you my phone number if you would prefer that, I would just rather not post it. pcmoore21 at yahoo dot com
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Dude, your post about checking boxes really resonated with me. Was definitely feeling the same as though life had no meaning and I wasnt valued because my contributions didnt matter. It was a huge demotivator for me and I withdrew from quite a bit. Ended up divorced and alone which reinforced the lie telling me I didnt matter. What changed things for me was looking for a mission I could be passionate about. Something that was outside of the "check the box" norm. That led me to volunteering at a local shelter. I didnt do more than clean up and prep meals but I got to know people there. Also met some really good people. Eventually they introduced me to Team Rubicon and Project Healing Waters and looked to find ways to help veterans. Not sure if this helps you or not, but I found that forcing myself out of the house to volunteer was helpful in getting my mind re-wired. For me initially, volunteering was more a focus on getting myself involved in a mission again.

A few years have passed and my life has completely turned around for me since then. I dont know if you're a Christian or not, but discovering the extravagant love and grace of God became comforting to me. Granted I didnt discover this until last year, learning this was the culmination of a many year battle with self-worth, anger, depression, and futility. We all have our battles and you're in the middle of one now but know that you are loved and you matter.
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I agree that exercising really helps. It can even be just as simple as going outside for a walk around the block. Or drive to a park and get out and go sit down on a bench and just relax. The fresh air and trees, sunshine, etc. will make you feel better.

No matter what is going on in my life, I have always felt better after spending time outdoors walking or just sitting and getting fresh air.
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

Thank you for all the words of encouragement, Ags. Sorry I can't reach out individually but I'm sure ya'll understand. I'm going to get help, but I have a month long waiting period until my benefits kick in and I can go get some psychiatric help. But I do have one question for you all that have gone through something similar. I feel like ever since I got accepted in 2012 to A&M (which was my largest accomplishment of my life by far at that point), my life has just been a list of boxes and checkmarks. Go to school, graduate, struggle to find a job, take GRE, get into grad school, work on thesis, finish thesis, graduate, finally get a job, do social obligations, etc.

(None of this is a flex btw. I'm pretty ADD and adderall helped me a lot through the schooling)

I'm not finding any satisfaction out of any of it. I didn't give a **** that I graduated with my masters last year. Like none at all. and I should be proud of myself, but it was just like a quiet relief because that box was checked. And that's how my entire life feels right now. Like I'm sure in the next 3-4 years I'll have my student loans paid off but that will once again, just be quiet relief.

I just don't know how to find meaning in anything that I do in my life.

Thanks in advance for any help, advice, or insight!

Please check in and let us know how you are doing today.
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Legalize-It-Ags said:

I just don't know how to find meaning in anything that I do in my life.
Howdy, Legalize--we'll all continue to keep you in our prayers!

I find for me that meaning comes from being connected to a bigger goal than myself.

I have my A&M undergrad degree and 2 master's (one in engineering and an MBA). I have my pilot's license, and at one point was running 10 miles at a stretch. I have solved extremely challenging technical issues in high profile programs, and have built $50M businesses from scratch. Sorry to sound like a braggart--not my style at all, just saying I have reason to believe I have accomplished some big things.

When I find myself saying "I did this", "I did that", it is every bit as empty as you describe and seems like a checkbox. I was brought up with a lot of humility, and being of service to others.

I volunteer to causes I believe in--my passion the last 10 years has been to work with a Prison Ministry, and it is so fulfilling to reach out and give hope to others, to listen to them and guide them along a new path forward. There are many, many other volunteer opportunities, and those are so hugely fulfilling. They truly mean as much or more to us than they do the folks we are helping.

Thanks for sharing your burden with us Legalize--we are all in this together and you've got this. just keep on reaching out!

Ben, and the many others that have shared your hearts--we are praying for you too. Please return often and let us lift you up. You can read with your own eyes people getting a sense of meaning in their lives on this thread simply from sharing and helping their fellow Ags here. This is the Aggie Net-work at work.
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