94chem said:
aTm2004 said:
Why do you not think it will be enough? There always seems to be people in there when I go, especially on the weekend for breakfast.
Because it's a tough business. You take a weekend off, somebody forgets to put the lemons out for the tea, 2 yahoos raise a stink on Yelp, and you're clawing your way uphill just because you took your kids fishing.
I look at a national brand like Starbucks, add up the cost of those buildings, employees, benefits, and oh yeah, the coffee...I figure if cars were lined up bumper to bumper and did nothing but hand over $5 bills all day long, it still amazes me that they turn a profit.
You're comparing a national chain that you can't drive more than a mile without seeing another to a single owned shop that looks to primarily be family run? I've gone in there many times and haven't seen the owner, but there's always someone there who is able to make me the tacos or quesadillas I want. When I went to pick up the tamales, we spoke for a while and he stated they're doing OK through this. As I waited for them to get my order ready, 4 other people walked in to pick up theirs. Do they have the numbers Torchy's or Starbucks has? No, but they also don't have the overhead or need for it. You know, sometimes I just want good tacos, and I don't need a beer or margarita to go with it. Honestly, Kingwood Meat Market is the one I'm amazed is still going (may not be now since this started).