HtownAg92 said:
BohunkAg said:
HtownAg92 said:
BohunkAg said:
I don't know what it's like but it seems like the ICUs were at 70% capacity anyway, which is concerning. And this drive it up near 100. And we have a plan to help mitigate it. Which we should. What do you want?
For it to be taken a little more seriously. Call me crazy, but I don't think that reaching our "oh s&&&" contingency is no big deal, especially since trends are showing that even that may not last. Usually the "worst case scenario" is a passing thought with no real expectation that it will be reached, but we are there.
Pray tell, what were the trends showing in April?
Not this.
That's not my point of course. Any "trending" done on this is unreliable, as we all saw back in April, when "leading data experts" said the whole country was going to be overrun in a month. When that didn't happen we pivoted to something else.
That being said, I and my family am and have been taking precautions for three months now, including wearing masks. Just don't sit here and preach to the choir that it's somehow our faults this is happening now or we need to do something different.