Texaggie7nine said:
You don't touch it, but a bored ass kid will climb all over it, the fence, the gate, you name it.
And I think, as mentioned above, the fact that there are less and less options to go to means more and more people are going to want to go to the few places still open. How do you socially distance 20 5 year olds running all over a tennis court?
I think they are also trying to emphasize that "stay home" means "STAY HOME".
It doesn't mean take your kids to the park (where there might be other kids) or let them play in the driveway/cul de sac with other kids, etc.
It hasn't come up in this thread, but in the Coronavirus forum, there was a lively discussion a while back along the lines of "Is it ok if my kids play with my neighbor's kids in the cul de sac? I tell them to stay away from each other, but they don't listen, and they are just kids trying to have fun. We can't keep them cooped up forever."