12thManMarine ... I have searched thoughout the Archives website for something depicting life at Bryan Air Base during the period 1947-1952 when Fish were housed there. I found nothing except an aerial view of the airfield after all dorms and support facilities had been removed.
This may be a remnant of those days. The college bought 25-30 WWII barracks in the late 40s and moved them onto campus. (Some or all may have come from Bryan Air Base.) Most became apartments for married WWII veteran students and several were used as classrooms on main campus. This one is typical:
Edit: A word about those WWII barracks. During mobilization for WWII, using a standard design and mass procuction with teams of specialists for each phase of construction, the average time to build one of these was one hour. Within six months the Office of War Mobilization turned our 30,000 of these all over the US. Because of quality materials and quality construction many are in use today on military bases. (The shades over the windows were called "eyebrows."
[This message has been edited by fossil_ag (edited 2/21/2007 8:27p).]