happyinBCS said:
Any news on this front ? The Eagle has an article but wanted to charge me to read it
https://www.kbtx.com/2023/06/13/sewerline-conversations-continue-heated-council-meeting-monday-night/COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) - Monday night's College Station Council meeting got a bit heated when a sewer line project was discussed.
Staff are looking at multiple options for the project including a gravity-fed sewer line through the
Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan or a lift station with updated infrastructure in College Station city limits.
Residents have been showing up to city meetings for months pressing for answers. But, the council and staff told the group those answers wouldn't be known until the location is decided.
Councilman Bob Yancy spoke to the room about his lack of support for the Beverly Estates option, but also neighbors to be kinder to staff as they work through this issue.
One of the newest Beverly Estates residents, Lesley Walton, told KBTX she knew this issue was going on when she decided to move in, but had no idea plans could include tearing up the entrance to her home.
"We could potentially have a hole dug right in front of my house and into my yard. We have three kids and we need to be able to get in and out of the driveway in and out of my street and there's only one entrance and one exit," she said.
Residents went back and forth with staff during the meeting about the focus of their concerns at the project's beginning. Staff told neighbors that concerns began with trees and now they are working to solve those issues. The access issue was
brought up at the beginning of these conversations. This is where staff told neighbors they wouldn't understand the scope until a location is picked.
Residents brought presentations to staff regarding comments about Bryan's infrastructure landing in College Station. There are electrical lines and sewer lines from Bryan that run through College Station, which is something staff said was their point of bringing it up. Residents pushed back saying that infrastructure and property were purchased before current homes were laid. They said the situation was different and was comparing
unlike things.