Looks like I missed the excitement.
PC has live webcams you can view 24/7, no need to take anyones X post as fact, or fiction. Most major mountains have same. I will say they were pretty bad for the weekend, at least early, but most places are over the holiday weekends.evan_aggie said:
I'm seeing a lot of IG/media showing massive lines at PC. Oh Lordy I hope they get that all straightened out.
Does your occupation require flexing at times? Is your occupation legal?Bayou City said:
I dont work at ski Resort. You don't know me my guy. I probs make more than you do in year but I'm Not gonna flex.
Bayou City said:
Locals get it. Thank you friend. A voice of reason that actually knows what they're talking about. I give up. You guys Enjoy it out there. If you're going to NM dont use your own gear if you don't want to be PTEXing both your bases and likely core shot at least one. Enjoy the season. I got other message boards that don't call me a worthless ski shop POS when I spend hours of my time giving people discounts that I'm honestly not supposed to give. I've bent over backwsrds for people on here so to have 10 people Star a post infering I'm a worth less POS loser because of where I work part time, those days are now gone. I've probs spent 500-1000 dollars of my own on shipping alone to people on here because I want I wanted you to have good gear at a price doesn't break the bank. No good deed goes unpunished.
Best of luck guys Enjoy your season and Enjoy finding another loser that's 1000 miles away that doesn't know anyone you but still lets you skip the line, get up grades gear for 1/3 of the price, get you sales at 80% off, let you stay at our house for free, give you comped ski passes, free ski lessons, etc etc etc and genuinely care about your ski experience. Now I'll just be a loser and help other people that seem to appreciate it more. Thats the nice thing about the ski industry - there are more people that need help than I can help so I'm gonna focus on them and not a group that ridicules me for trying to help them. I've never once asked for a dollar in return. Im not in it for the money. I was in it because I cared about you guys and know how much a family can break the bank when it comes to rentals. Any $ I save you is more you can spend on your wife and your kids. Thats what really matters and that's what I've tried to do but obviously I'm an ******* loser that's below most of you because I work I work part time in a ski shop. God forbid people actually work 3 jobs vs wanting a Government hand out.
God bless you guys. If you know me - give me a buzz and in happy to help but I'm done going out of my way for a group that double digit Blue stars a post calling me a dumbass loser.
I hate to say it, but my left pinky toe knows more about skiing than most of you guys will in your life. Thats just the truth. I've ven doing this for almost 40 years. It's Not a hobby It's Not Ohh You You live close to a ski hill. I live it. I breath it. It's my livlihood. It's the same reason If I went to your place of work, I defer to you on most everything if not everything. I'm not an expert at what you do and I'm not trying to be one. So When I tell you something It's not because I'm trying to be an *******. It's because I do this for a living and know what I'm talking about because if I didn't I wouldn't keep My Job because everyone knows skiing here or get paid what I do AND if I was you guys spending thousands or tens of thousands on a vacation where you get to ski once or twice a year I'd you to know whats up. Thats trying to be an advocate, not an *******. If I disagree with you it's because you're looking at it through rose colored glasses and want to be brutally honest about whats the truth. I'm not here to Harsh your mellow on here I'm trying to keep you from going somewhere that's Not going to match the expectation you guys have.
Have you seen the reports out of PC? Thats why I've been telling people not to go during the ski. It's not me or because I hate UT or hate Texans or any other crazy reason you guys think. It's because It's been a **** show. Not for everyone but for alot. Read what the guests have been saying…. For gods sake they had to make an Announcement to Not accost the workers workering because they have nothing to do with the Strike. Guests are that mad. So keeping you out of that ant hill - I think was worth trying to convey and it sounds like some took the advice and are very happy they did it.
Good news on my last post - the Strike should end today once they vote on the new terms. They came to an agreement last night.
docb said:
Interesting article on what private equity has done to skiing. There are a lot of truths in there. I've personally watched what private equity has done in health care. It's simply terrible.
docb said:
Interesting article on what private equity has done to skiing. There are a lot of truths in there. I've personally watched what private equity has done in health care. It's simply terrible.
Bayou City said:
Pajarito on a good snow year as one of the best hills to Learn on in the country but that's not this year.
I'll absolutely take suggestions. What about helmet? Do I need to replace now that it has been in an accident or still okay to wear?Bayou City said:
You're doing it right for all parts but you Gotta get a better contrast lens. There are alot now that will help transition through those high to low light transfers. Lmk if you want suggestions.
The only proper was to fall is reaching for heaven.