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2018 Western States Draw Deadlines

108,320 Views | 1027 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by jetescamilla
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Sadly I'm back to cube monkey life and my plans to go hunt this weekend won't happen due to going back home to TX for some family stuff...Anyways, I put up quite a few game cameras. I was pretty disappointed in the results compared to last year but I did change up my strategy to hopefully get more cows (which I did). But thought this was cool enough to share

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OK team. I have a few min to crash course recap. I got no pictures.

Headed up on the 28th solo and met two buddies in De Beque. They both had deer and elk tags, and I only had the elk. Same place we hunted last year so we were pretty familiar with it. I had a pretty charmed week and got into elk every time I went out. Notable encounters were a non legal bull running straight into a cow call and over the top of me and then standing there barking at me for 30 min wrecking the whole evening. No hesitation if he was legal he would have gotten one in the chest. Had a great big bull come in from the only direction I wasn't anticipating, and his next two steps would have put him in my lap.

Third evening I told one buddy we were going to kill him a bull. I was committed to letting him whack one. So we work our way down into this hole that we reckoned some elk would be in and settled in for a while. After I bit I gave a couple soft cow calls, and we just sat tight.

20 min later, a bull was cresting the hill across from us. He was about 400 yards out, and we were set up on the side hill across from the one he was coming down. Told my buddy to stay put because I figured he was going to make his way straight to us. I was about 20 yards behind/above him. Bull was casually meandering down to us, and twice when he stuck his head in the brush and seemed disinterested I gave one little mew.

It takes him about 10 min to make his way down. Seemed like a hell of a lot longer, it was cool to watch him come in like this. When he was about 70 yards from my partner, two other small bulls (legal) come out to our left. They get the first bulls attention and he started side-hilling towards them, away from us. A couple calls has him turn and take a few steps our way, but he sees the other elk, and don't see no stinking cow where these noises are coming from. It is about this time I start considering shooting him, because I have a better position and can shoot further than my compadre. Then to my surprise he looses one!

Over him. He was a little closer than I figured... 50 yards. I give a couple chirps to settle him down again at 60, where another arrow is flung!

Over him.

More mews from where I'm at in the brush and he stops again broadside wondering wtf is going on. I then decide that you've had your shot ol son. And a follow up. But I didn't even have my bow in my hand. So I snake over to it, range him, knock and arrow, and fling one 90 yards. (sort of over the top of my buddy. but it was steep enough there wasn't no danger...chill out). Hit home, and I start calling again. I see blood pouring out the hole through my binos so I chalk him up as dead, and focus over on the little ones to my left. We didn't end up double up as all the other bulls were suspicious. I felt bad for poaching my friends elk from right in front of him, but it turns out after he shot his second arrow he was whisper-yelling 'shoot him, shoot him!'...I just couldn't hear him. I think the thrill of watching him come in had him white knuckling his bow, and we all know what that will do.

We heard him crash in the oak brush a few min later, and went to get some help before we started the search.

Got him chopped up and out of there in a lightning storm (thank goodness it didn't start raining till we were done at 11).

The next night same friend and I go to a different spot, encounter the aforementioned big bull in our lap. Later, we heard some horn crashin, and stalked up on two bulls.

I ranged the spot I figured they'd be in front of us at and whispered '60 yards, its 60 yards.' To which my buddy responded 'do I use my 50 or 60 pin?' Keep in mind there are two bulls within 70 yards of is while we're having this conversation. I know I gave him such an epic wtf you ****** look, I wish we had it on camera. 'I said hes 60, use your 60.' Fairly certain there were some expletives in there. My mind just assumed he was enjoying some day before double elk miss PTSD and had no confidence, even though that morning everyone shot and it was determined his equipment was fine. It turns out he thought I said 'its 50 or 60' so he's not mentally deficient I guess.

Bull steps out, I stop him broadside. And he flings one! Perfect shot...I could not have put my finger on a better spot to stick an arrow. Bull runs up the hill a little ways and is hurt bad. Wasn't a chance to get a follow up shot so my friend pulls his phone out and starts filming, fully expecting him to pile up . It takes the bull a few minutes to make it 200 yards into the brush, with a couple stumbles. Got a good 15" of penetration. When he makes it into the brush we go get compadre B because there is an elk to be cut up. Make it back a bit after dark...and cannot find him. I would have bet the farm he was piled up just inside the brush. Trail him for 300 yards in the godawful oak brush before the blood plays out. Search till midnight and most of the next day, to no avail.

Sometimes they just decide to not die. He may be dead somewhere, but I can't believe he made it as far as he did on the blood trail.

Womp freaking womp. What a let down.

During the day we spent time searching for bedded bucks, and found a few and we flagged some stalks. But that brush is no joke. They both ended up killing nice bucks, but I wasn't there for either. For the first one I was taking a nap, and for the second one I had headed to NM to kill an antelope and then back to work.

In NM I had one day to hunt, so I brought a rifle as well. Busted my but crawling around in the rocks to get within range of a nice buck I liked. Finally got a shot at him at nearly noon. 77 yards. I missed hilariously low. Only thing I can think is I misranged. I don't mind admitting a miss, but this wasn't even in the ballpark. He trotted back to 125ish so I put the pow pow on him and had him hanging at the processor in an hour.

I'm headed back up there Sunday to kill an elk. And let me tell you, the boss lady ain't happy.

I always say I'm going to take more pictures.
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Great write-up. Congrats again!
Charismatic Megafauna
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90 yards!!! I guess you do have them arras dialed in!
Bet after cleaning that bull you felt like you could just throw that speedgoat over your shoulder and carry him to the truck
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The antelope was so hilariously small in comparison I did Indeed sling him over my shoulder.
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Montana update:

Spent the first 4 days about 6 miles back in an enormous basin where two giant drainages meet all to ourselves. Saw shooter elk everyday, but they weren't vocal yet. Tried to ambush a couple bulls we glassed but guessed the wrong trails. All in all it was awesome and we were covered in elk, but they were just not responsive yet. We hiked out for a scheduled break and slept by the truck. Got up that morning trying to get some bugles to no avail.
Spotted 3 bulls way up on the mountain moving into some dark timber and they never came out. Decided to make a play, 5 miles and 1500 feet up later we glassed into the timber from an opposite ridge for a couple hours but never spotted them. Decided to go make a play on them before the thermals switched. Got a little above them and crossed the basin and my brother dropped below a ridge next to a clearing next to the timber. One bugle and we got a little groan back. After about 10 minutes we had him pretty fired up. Then he stepped out below me majestic as F bugling. I ranged him at 62, but couldn't draw until he walked about 40 yards passed a little tree. Well first shot flew over his back, it felt good so I knew it was yardage, he was walking at more of angle and was getting closer to me. Waited about 3 more minutes until he finally turned to look away from me and I was able to draw. Shoot him for 50 and it was dead on. Heard him crashing 2 minutes later. Gave him an hour and tracked him into some nasty timber on a north face keep in mind this is grizzly country. Started cutting him up around 430 and had 2 quarters and antlers hung up out in an opening around 1230. Off the mountain by 330 am and asleep by 4. Went back in this morning waving spray and pistols and grabbed the rest and were out by 130. Absolute beating of a pack out. Now just need to fill another tag.

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Got dam. Nice work man!
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A grown man bull on a grown man trip
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Man that's awesome. We've got some elk killers on the OB.
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Man you boys are getting me fired up. I've got 6 weeks before I head to CO for elk 2nd rifle and 4 months before deer OTC archery in AZ.

I'm ready to go NOW.
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Final sight in & load testing before I start hunting. Had to install irons and switch to loose powder for CO. Front sight post was too tall, so had to order a shorter one on rush. Just installed it this week and finally able to sight it in.

3 shot group, playing with minor load adjustments. Lowered the sight and got down where I needed to be with final 2 shots.

3 shots @ 100, 150, & 175, shooting "real world" on various terrain off of my shooting sticks. Pretty flat shooter for a black powder.

I thought I bought some "life size" mule deer targets... but they are not. Whole poster is maybe 24" tall. I figure if I can kill this midget deer, I should be good on real fur. Shot in vitals was 100 yards off of a tree, shot below was @ 200 yards off my sticks. I held dead on to see what drop would be. Just need to hold a touch high and I should be good.

Pretty happy with the performance. Ended up with 120gr (by volume) of BH 209, pushing a 250gr Thor bullet. XS Ghost Rings for sights. CANT WAIT for Monday morning!!!
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Awesome brother!!! Thanks for sharing the epic story. Great bull!!!
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Way to go amigo! Sounds like it was a great time!
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You locked and loaded if your drilling it w irons like that
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Headed back to the hills tonight
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When wearing hunter orange during a rifle season.... I assume if you are wearing a pack, you need to have orange on the pack to make up for what is being covered on your back. Is this the case?
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AgEng06 said:

When wearing hunter orange during a rifle season.... I assume if you are wearing a pack, you need to have orange on the pack to make up for what is being covered on your back. Is this the case?

I originally thought so reading the regulations, but never saw a single hunter do so.
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What LA said... My understanding is your supposed to, I've never seen anyone do that either. Deer hunting last year, I talked to a game warden while wearing my vest and with pack covering the back. He made no mention of it.
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Interesting... thanks guys. I think I'll throw a cheap-o orange vest in my pack so if it becomes an issue I can put it over the pack.
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Y'all need to quit spreading the lies that there is good hunting in Colorado... there aren't any animals here. They have all moved to NM and AZ.

The orange army is out in full force this year. There are people set up all over the place. RV's and tents in places I've never seen them before. Its ridiculous this year.

I got to a trail head VERY early this am, and had to pull in between a horse trailer and 2 trucks just to park. And there was a wall tent just across the road with more guys stirring inside. I knew where they were likely headed, and I knew the crew on horses were going to be far up the trail. It is a pretty well known trail. But I discovered what I thought was a "secret" last year, a way to slip off trail about a mile and go between two private properties and get back into some thick dark canyons that most people think are either private or inaccessible. Found some great action in there last year, and it was evident no one had been in there in many many seasons. I spent all summer dreaming of getting back in there once I leaned I drew a muzzleloader deer tag.

I had intentionally not gone in and scouted this area this year, just wanted to leave it quiet and pristine.
I hiked a couple miles in the dark, to the spot where I divert from the main trail. But now there is a really clear trail cut right where I wanted to go. Obviously, an outfitter had gone in and sawed a trail sometime this summer. Didn't look like any of the horse prints were particularly fresh, but the chainsaws had been running. I hiked back up in there regardless, and found nothing but 2 very small bucks, and one persistent doe who insisted on following me around and snorting. Orange flagging tape was strewn about, not really discernibly making anything, maybe just for his clients to know how to get in and out. It is THICK, and would be easy to get lost.

I put 8 very frustrating miles on the boots this am. I know this is part of the deal with DIY public lands- but I had been looking forward to, and dreaming of, this place for a year, only to find out someone had been in there trampling all over. I ended up having to hike down into some deep dark canyons, really really nasty stuff. Found a few elk beds, and saw another doe & fawn. But even if I had shot something, I seriously doubt I could have gotten it out of there.

*sigh* on to plan B... maybe even C.
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AgEng06 said:

Interesting... thanks guys. I think I'll throw a cheap-o orange vest in my pack so if it becomes an issue I can put it over the pack.
This is a good idea, and I carry a cheapo vest just for this purpose. I don't put it on the outside of my pack all the time (I probably should)- that's what I figure the 360 degree orange hat is for. But if I have horns on my pack, I ALWAYS wrap them in the spare orange vest. I use one of the mesh ones that slips on like a life vest, works well. Think it was $3- cheap insurance for not getting shot in the back.
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I hadn't thought about using it if I'm carrying antlers, but that's a great point.
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I've learned something on TexAgs over these past few weeks:

If you wanna kill a good bull with your bow, you better wear KUIU

Nice kills boys!
Charismatic Megafauna
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sucks Joe, hope you left the place "cleaner than you found it" and packed out all that orange litter
Been there...very frustrating. At least you won't have to bother driving up to that trailhead again during hunting season.

I hang my spare orange hat (beanie if I'm wearing ball cap, or vice versa) on my pack when humping antlers/meat, antlers get wrapped in flagging. Extra vest isn't a bad idea though

PFG you're right, the OB elk hunters are off to a great start!
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Sorry to hear that Cup

My group of guys have just about sworn off OTC rifle hunting bc of the crowds. Going forward, its going to be primitive weapon (bow or smoke stick), using pref points, or applying in multiple states with lottery systems hoping to get lucky every few years.

Been burned too many years by seeing more orange than elk.
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That sucks man. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things get better for ya.

And agreed. The hunting and skiing in Colorado sucks. No need to come here. Go to NM or WY instead...
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No luck today in nm. Saw prolly 150 out on top of unapproachable bald mountains on the neighbors in either direction.

Somehow my truck still smells godawful from Colorado.
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Hasn't been a great year for me. Now I've come down with a cold and Achilles tendinitis in the last couple of days. Either way I leave for Colorado tomorrow. Chasing elk at elevation is gonna be a gut check.
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Fistfuls of ibuprofen
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Yeah, I've been taking ibuprofen around the clock for the last 3 months since I broke my ribs. I think I'm getting an ulcer but I'm not gonna let that stop me.
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Back in town for 1 nite only. Season half gone. Several close encounters. Grabbin another gear.
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Sitting on a rock in the sun burning up.

Glasses a bull up. He went to sleep. I went up and around some some cliffs on the most technical stalk. Not exactly sure where the elk are now but I'm sure I'm wiThin 100 yards. Now I just sit in the sun until it gets high enough to hit them and hopefully make them stand up.

I did not back a lunch.
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But at least you're in the mountains. I'm sitting at my fuggin' desk.
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