Kentucky sheriff kills pedo district judge

15,893 Views | 242 Replies | Last: 34 min ago by cheeky
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FatZilla said:

Lower to manslaughter on crime of passion defense? Release on own supervision with suspended sentence for community service as a LEO. That is the way.

Seems like community service was already completed.
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Does anyone remember this case? Lawyer that stabbed his neighbor to death after the lawyer's wife said the neighbor was molesting their daughter. Police investigation turned up no evidence that the alllegation of mollestation was true. Wife even refused to cooperate in the investigation. Lawyer went to prison for 12 years and the family also was hit with a 355,000 civil judgement later on.

The family loses him for 12 years and has added financial woes due to him running off and killing who he thinks hurt his kid. Better to wait and make sure. Unless, of course, you see it happening with your own eyes. Then do whatever is necessary. I seem to remember that scenario happening not too long ago and the person wasn't charged with murder.
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BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.

I'm sure the county sheriff had zero evidence and went off his kids word
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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itsyourboypookie said:

BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.

I'm sure the county sheriff had zero evidence and went off his kids word
Yeah, law enforcement officers are always rational actors.

This thread is proof that many on here are LARPers.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

ME92 said:

Texas velvet maestro said:

Sherriff in the system, sees the power and in effect, immunity, the judges have. the wicked irony that the very worst people in the country get to the top of the judicial system.

And the hubris of these pedophiles is so crazy.

And the support pedos have from the general public.

About 5 years ago I thought that pedophilia was going to be legal in 20 years. I way over-estimated that time frame. It'll be legal in 5 years.
How much would you like to bet?
Not a betting type of person.

But keep your eye on the states that have recently passed laws to take custody from parents who don't support sex changes for their children. Those are the states that will take the lead in this.

The 'logic' put forward will be "If a person under 18 knows themself well enough to declare their own gender, who are we to stop a person under 18 from engaging in mutually enjoyable activities with persons who they wish?"

Translation: "If we let a kid undergo surgery to amputate body parts, why can't another kid chose to use those body parts to have sex with anybody they want?"

The reason why I think this:

One of my bosses, who was in her late 20s at the time, would say that kids are smart enough to know what they want and no adult should be able to say they can't have sex. No amount of logic that kids' brains aren't developed enough to fully understand the ramifications of sex or that adults are better able to manipulate kids into sex than kids are at defending against that manipulation would even give her pause.

I've spoken with a few other people through the years that voiced their opinion that they were fine with young teenagers getting together with older adults for various reasons.

It's been a very slow build up, but there is support for it. Sadly.

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Who?mikejones! said:

Gonne be hard with her father in prison
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Who are you hanging out with?

And you don't believe this will be the law.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

This wasn't a LEO taking justice into their own hands.

This was a father doing what needed to be done. And any father that would't do it needs to look long and hard into the mirror and ask questions about themselves.

*assuming the judge did it
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redeyeone said:

Does anyone remember this case? Lawyer that stabbed his neighbor to death after the lawyer's wife said the neighbor was molesting their daughter. Police investigation turned up no evidence that the alllegation of mollestation was true. Wife even refused to cooperate in the investigation. Lawyer went to prison for 12 years and the family also was hit with a 355,000 civil judgement later on.

The family loses him for 12 years and has added financial woes due to him running off and killing who he thinks hurt his kid. Better to wait and make sure. Unless, of course, you see it happening with your own eyes. Then do whatever is necessary. I seem to remember that scenario happening not too long ago and the person wasn't charged with murder.
This situation sounds more like the wife was manipulating the lawyer (her husband) to do something that would get him jailed.

Maybe she thought it was cheaper than a divorce?

Note to the good dads out there, keep your head on straight and check the facts before you act. Don't take one person's word as the total truth.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

itsyourboypookie said:

BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.

I'm sure the county sheriff had zero evidence and went off his kids word
Yeah, law enforcement officers are always rational actors.

This thread is proof that many on here are LARPers.
All we've got are rumors about the Judge and the Sheriff's daughter. On the other hand, we know for a fact the Sheriff was being sued in a case related to one of his deputies sexually assaulting a woman in the Judge's chambers.

Unless there's good evidence otherwise, I would suspect this killing has more to do with the lawsuit than anything else the Sheriff might very well be throwing out there to potentially excuse his actions.
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RoadkillBBQ said:

Who?mikejones! said:

Gonne be hard with her father in prison
Not if I was on that jury.

Me either, probably. But, I doubt the judge would allow testimony on the deceased alleged assault. So, it might be a tough sell to the jury who might be unawares of the allegations
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$3 Sack of Groceries said:

Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

Nah. **** that. Pedophiles need to live in constant fear. Full stop.
In my world, the only way the sheriff doesn't walk is if the judge was completely innocent of these charges.
You're going to see instances of vigilantism continue to increase as our justice system fails the law abiding citizenry.
This. And I have zero problems with it frankly.

We need more Gary's.
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Who?mikejones! said:

RoadkillBBQ said:

Who?mikejones! said:

Gonne be hard with her father in prison
Not if I was on that jury.

Me either, probably. But, I doubt the judge would allow testimony on the deceased alleged assault. So, it might be a tough sell to the jury who might be unawares of the allegations
There is absolutely no way that 1) any jury won't know of the allegations and 2) that the allegations won't be a central part of any trial there may be simply because that was the impetus for the actions of the father
No Spin Ag
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Rocag said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

itsyourboypookie said:

BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.

I'm sure the county sheriff had zero evidence and went off his kids word
Yeah, law enforcement officers are always rational actors.

This thread is proof that many on here are LARPers.
All we've got are rumors about the Judge and the Sheriff's daughter. On the other hand, we know for a fact the Sheriff was being sued in a case related to one of his deputies sexually assaulting a woman in the Judge's chambers.

Unless there's good evidence otherwise, I would suspect this killing has more to do with the lawsuit than anything else the Sheriff might very well be throwing out there to potentially excuse his actions.

If the sheriff was being sued, and I have no reason to not believe you, then any halfway decent attorney will have a field day with the sheriff in court.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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CampSkunk said:

I know most of you guys are being facetious, but for those of you who are not, look at the big picture. This sheriff didn't do this for his daughter - he did it for himself. That's because any father with any sense would know that after going through this his daughter would need his love and support. Now his career is over and his fortune will go to his defense. Will the mother be able to shelter, feed, clothe and educate the daughter? This was a selfish honor killing, not an act of righteous justice.
Completely disagree, but I suppose that is the difference between a lot of people and why we have a justice system that has major issues across the board.
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That sheriff deserves a medal!
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I thought this was an episode from Justified
Tea Party
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CampSkunk said:

Probably one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on TexAgs, and that's saying something. You don't really believe what you said do you? I'll admit that my attitude is colored by the fact that I'm a daily Bible reading and praying evangelical, but even without that I still understand that the society you seem to want would result in anarchy. If you want the death penalty for pedos, then go vote for people who will pass the death penalty for pedos. See how far you get. As it is, we have passed laws that yes, make it illegal to be a pedo. If we ignore this one, which of the other laws should we ignore. The ones you choose? The stronger position is to support your family, not give in to your own selfish desire.

I absolutely do believe it.

And no, the society I seem to want is one where our government can be trusted to take out the trash.
There is no anarchy when we can trust gov, yet a weak society that lets gov get away with enabling evil is what leads to anarchy.

On your second point, you are not supporting your family if you are allowing society to crumble around said family. Ideally, you would put effort into your community working to gether to take out the trash, ideally via laws and a judicial system. But if your community is apathetic in making gov take out the trash, then the selfish decision is to not deal with the problem head on for the sake of "being there".

Edit to add that it is strange to hear a comment that removing evil is "selfish". Ideally divine intervention, or government at the least, is the means of removing evil, but if government and the community is apathetic, it seems the polar opposite of selfish to jump on that grenade to remove evil.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Who are you hanging out with?

And you don't believe this will be the law.
I hope it won't be law because it is absolutely stupid and vile. But so is some of the trans agenda idiocy that has become law.

As far as who I hang out with. The really crazy one I described was my boss. She was a late 20s German woman who had pretty deep family/daddy issues. It wasn't something I asked her about in the job interview.

Other people I've heard stuff from have been other co-workers (different job), people in sports organizations, and people in dog parks. I distanced myself from them after these kind of comments.

Maybe they were trying to shock me. Maybe I just attract weirdos. But hearing the same sentiment from different people who didn't know each other creeps me out for the future.
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JohnnyStatueNow said:

You can tell who has kids, especially daughters, on this thread and who doesn't based on the comments. It would take an act of God to stop me from doing the same thing to anyone who did this to one of my kids.

I don't believe this. You're advocating the murder of an individual YOU believe molested a child based solely on the statements of that child to a parent, by a law enforcement officer, nonetheless. In a place where others could be injured by that act of murder.

And you're trying to justify it by the fact that its what a prudent parent would do in such a situation. Well, not any prudent parent I would want to know.


There's NO ONE, parent or not, on this thread who doesn't sympathize with the thought but only in a barbaric society would one condone this behavior. What if the child/daughter is lying? What if the identification is incorrect and he shoots the wrong guy? What if a bystander is injured or killed? What if the dad/shooter ends up in a gunfight because the guy he is targeting shoots back and the dad is killed?

You didn't think about any of that, did you?

You can not go ape**** and call it a day, regardless of who you think you're protecting. This isn't war.
Mark Fairchild
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No, it's his eyes.
Gig'em, Ole Army Class of '70
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schmellba99 said:

$3 Sack of Groceries said:

Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

Nah. **** that. Pedophiles need to live in constant fear. Full stop.
In my world, the only way the sheriff doesn't walk is if the judge was completely innocent of these charges.
You're going to see instances of vigilantism continue to increase as our justice system fails the law abiding citizenry.
This. And I have zero problems with it frankly.

We need more Gary's.
The son of Gary did an episode of the Unsubscribed Podcast. It was a very good listen.

Warning: It is not for anybody with a delicate constitution, thin skin, or without an appreciation for dark humor.
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Where do you get your definition of "supporting your family". You seem pretty convicted, what is your moral compass on this based on?
Mark Fairchild
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CampSkunk posting name checks out.
Gig'em, Ole Army Class of '70
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No Spin Ag said:

Rocag said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

itsyourboypookie said:

BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.

I'm sure the county sheriff had zero evidence and went off his kids word
Yeah, law enforcement officers are always rational actors.

This thread is proof that many on here are LARPers.
All we've got are rumors about the Judge and the Sheriff's daughter. On the other hand, we know for a fact the Sheriff was being sued in a case related to one of his deputies sexually assaulting a woman in the Judge's chambers.

Unless there's good evidence otherwise, I would suspect this killing has more to do with the lawsuit than anything else the Sheriff might very well be throwing out there to potentially excuse his actions.

If the sheriff was being sued, and I have no reason to not believe you, then any halfway decent attorney will have a field day with the sheriff in court.
Who is Mickey Stines? What to know about Letcher County sheriff accused in fatal shooting

In a 2022 suit filed in U.S. District Court alleging a Letcher County deputy sheriff offered "favorable treatment for sexual favors," Stines was listed as a defendant for "for allegedly failing to properly train" the deputy sheriff, the Courier Journal previously reported.

The suit says the abuse occurred in the chamber of Mullins, but does not say if he was aware of it or allege he was involved in any wrongdoing. The suit also alleged Stines did not "reasonably respond" to reports or suspicions.

Esteban du Plantier
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schmellba99 said:

Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

This wasn't a LEO taking justice into their own hands.

This was a father doing what needed to be done. And any father that would't do it needs to look long and hard into the mirror and ask questions about themselves.

*assuming the judge did it

Killing a bad guy is lower priority than being there for your family.

You can't honestly tell me that you'd kill a guy in cold blood, get life in prison, and abandon your kids just for Western justice.

Even if he did it and you have video evidence, you can't kill him. Only if you're killing him in the act is it justified defense of others.
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Logos Stick said:

"Some emotional kid"

You mean your own daughter.

Good grief, what a terrible take.

Well mark you down for "I've never had kids" category. Thank you for playing.
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schmellba99 said:

$3 Sack of Groceries said:

Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

Nah. **** that. Pedophiles need to live in constant fear. Full stop.
In my world, the only way the sheriff doesn't walk is if the judge was completely innocent of these charges.
You're going to see instances of vigilantism continue to increase as our justice system fails the law abiding citizenry.
This. And I have zero problems with it frankly.

We need more Gary's.

Please use the photo with the laser beam eyes. It's awesomer.
Type 07 FFL / Class 2 SOT
Nightforce Optics Dealer
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stick95 said:

JohnnyStatueNow said:

You can tell who has kids, especially daughters, on this thread and who doesn't based on the comments. It would take an act of God to stop me from doing the same thing to anyone who did this to one of my kids.
I have eight kids, four sons and daughters and I am gun owner... and you are right. It could only take God for me not to answer to my flesh and to not shoot that man. Hell, I think that the judge got off easy here.

The problem is, that father didn't look to God. He answered his own human (and perfectly understandable) desires and killed a man. Now his family doesn't have a leader, and he isn't there to love his daughter in her most desperate hour. From my standpoint as a father, what he did was pretty selfish.

Romans 12:19: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
Who is to say that I am not the instrument of repayment?

I'm a Christian, but in a situation like this, odds are I'm not looking to God to smite the perp down. He and I can have a discussion when it's time, but now wouldn't be the time for me. I can turn the other cheek to a degree for myself, but my job as a father is to defend, protect, love and raise my kids in the manner I see fit. Part of that means eliminating anything that would do such a horrible thing to them, because allowing evil like that to live would compromise my duty as a father and, frankly, would destroy everything I have sad and taught to my daughters about my job as a father. And if God has an issue with that, then He isn't as benevolent as He says.

"Even God armed his archangles with weapons, because the Almighty knew that you do not fight evil with tolerance and understanding."

Psalms 144:1: "Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle."
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91AggieLawyer said:

JohnnyStatueNow said:

You can tell who has kids, especially daughters, on this thread and who doesn't based on the comments. It would take an act of God to stop me from doing the same thing to anyone who did this to one of my kids.

I don't believe this. You're advocating the murder of an individual YOU believe molested a child based solely on the statements of that child to a parent, by a law enforcement officer, nonetheless. In a place where others could be injured by that act of murder.

And you're trying to justify it by the fact that its what a prudent parent would do in such a situation. Well, not any prudent parent I would want to know.


There's NO ONE, parent or not, on this thread who doesn't sympathize with the thought but only in a barbaric society would one condone this behavior. What if the child/daughter is lying? What if the identification is incorrect and he shoots the wrong guy? What if a bystander is injured or killed? What if the dad/shooter ends up in a gunfight because the guy he is targeting shoots back and the dad is killed?

You didn't think about any of that, did you?

You can not go ape**** and call it a day, regardless of who you think you're protecting. This isn't war.
What if he KNEW it beyond a reasonable doubt, and was afraid that the court system would side in his favor because he's a judge. Then what?

You forget - all's fair in LOVE and war, not JUST war.
Owner - Mosquito and Pest Authority |
Tea Party
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Esteban du Plantier said:

schmellba99 said:

Ghost Mech said:

The only way I'd let him walk, is if he walked in on the judge actually raping his daughter and shot him on the spot.

Otherwise, got to send him to prison.

As bad as the accusations are, it doesn't matter, can't have LEOs taking justice into their own hands. If his daughter told him about it or if he had it on video, they should have gone to the DA and proceeded.

He's been trained to know better than to kill scumbags, no matter how disgusting they are or who their actions impacted.

This wasn't a LEO taking justice into their own hands.

This was a father doing what needed to be done. And any father that would't do it needs to look long and hard into the mirror and ask questions about themselves.

*assuming the judge did it

Killing a bad guy is lower priority than being there for your family.

You can't honestly tell me that you'd kill a guy in cold blood, get life in prison, and abandon your kids just for Western justice.

Even if he did it and you have video evidence, you can't kill him. Only if you're killing him in the act is it justified defense of others.
What is the bigger problem in this scenario, assuming there is undeniable proof:

A parent getting "western justice",
Or the government being historically soft on said crime and instead giving life in prison to someone that rooted out said evil?

If the latter was not a reality, then we would not have the former. Again, weak men create hard times comes to mind and that is not a call for anarchy but instead a call for a more trustworthy gov.
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Know what they called this in the frontier days?


We need to get back to some of that. Let the dad walk and give him a pat on the back.
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BrazosDog02 said:

Three pages in and I still can't find any facts around pedophilia. I'd need a lot more than an emotional kid telling me some guy messed with them to warrant killing a person. If this is what happened then that hothead sheriff not only killed his career, he's removed himself from his child's life. That's a first degree murder charge and for good reason.

If my daughter told me this information, I'd be collecting a lot of info prior to handling it the right way where I could be involved in the process rather than be lugged off the jail. Emotional decisions rarely work out well for everyone.
If, in fact, the allegations are true - how do you know that the Sheriff didn't do this exact thing?
Esteban du Plantier
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I don't have a problem with the rapist dying. I quite prefer that.

You're just an idiot hothead if you're willing to do life behind bars and abandon your family to do it.

That's why a Dexter like character is the hero we need.

Kill the guy please, just don't get caught.
Tea Party
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Ideally, we as a society do not allow said person to do life behind bars because we acknowledge that our government is ignoring their duty to deal with evil.

Having to avoid getting caught when doing the right thing brings us back ot the original problem, we cant trust our gov to do the right thing.

Everyone has their own scale of what they would let slide so they could be there for their family and what would need drastic action thay may come with severe consequences. There's no right or wrong answer, but saying you're an "idiot hothead" is naive to their limits and the level of distrust in our gov.
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