Are there any non-conservatives on this board?

17,261 Views | 319 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by aTmAg
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AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
Look up Shanked Punt.
Psycho Bunny
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Rockdoc said:

We're all free to leave anytime we want.
Except liberals threaten to leave and never do.
I want to see chaos in America. My vote will be for Harris.
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What is the game?

Joe Biden's own daughter said they took inappropriate showers together…did you vote for and support a person who has such a claim against them?

If you have any personal misgivings as that being an attack on yourself, well, I can't help you there, but maybe you should evaluate who you support politically, and why.

Yes or no?
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Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

And someone who thought Biden dropping out was a conspiracy theory. How did that work out for you.

Old McDonald said:

the msm wanted biden to step down, but as we all know the msm is the enemy of the people

biden thwarting their plan to replace him makes him the people's champion, we must rally around him to defeat the deep state journalists and politicos who tried to interfere with our election

the msm wanted biden to step down, and the msm are cheering in the streets tonight because got what they wanted

it's never good for the american people when the msm get what they want

You were holding out hope that Biden would not quit. Are you writing in Biden as your vote? Is that what you are telling us?

Dear Lord have mercy.
Psycho Bunny
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bobbranco said:

Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

And someone who thought Biden dropping out was a conspiracy theory. How did that work out for you.

Old McDonald said:

the msm wanted biden to step down, but as we all know the msm is the enemy of the people

biden thwarting their plan to replace him makes him the people's champion, we must rally around him to defeat the deep state journalists and politicos who tried to interfere with our election

the msm wanted biden to step down, and the msm are cheering in the streets tonight because got what they wanted

it's never good for the american people when the msm get what they want

You were holding out hope that Biden would not quit. Are you writing in Biden as your vote? Is that what you are telling us?

Dear Lord have mercy.
Wonder if he was the guy driving a SAAB yesterday, with a giant sticker that read Ridin with Biden.
I want to see chaos in America. My vote will be for Harris.
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Or the Coexist bumper sticker.

Joetato will send him a Hanging with Hunter bumper sticker.
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I'm a liberal, but not exactly a consistent poster. I kind of go through phases where I'll post for a bit and then have a long stretch where I don't. The responses to any liberal opinion posted here are mostly insults or trolling attempts and while it is sometimes entertaining to play that game for the most part it's just a waste of time.

And to echo earlier posters in this thread, I've been around long enough to have seen and agree with the idea that the current incarnation of F16 has a lot less intelligent discussion than what it had 10 - 15 years ago. With far less diversity of opinion as well.
Ag with kids
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AggieShanks said:

Not saying it was one-sided. But just feel like from watching these posts that the board does lean to one side.
Old McDonald
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backintexas2013 said:

So you were trolling with your post. Got it. Good luck with Heels Up. She is a complete moron.
if there's one thing you can be sure I'm never trolling about, it's my opposition to trump. biden stepping down changes nothing about this, whether it was done of his own volition or orchestrated by the leeching media and pundit class.
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And that's just in 20 minutes.
“Give it hell Heinekandle, I’m enjoying it.”
- Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX

“No secure borders, no alpha military, no energy independence, no leadership and most of all no mean tweets - this is the worst trade I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. ***Put that quote in your quote/signature section HeinendKandle*** LOL!”
- also Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX (obviously in a worse mood)
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Go back to reddit
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Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

So you were trolling with your post. Got it. Good luck with Heels Up. She is a complete moron.
if there's one thing you can be sure I'm never trolling about, it's my opposition to trump. biden stepping down changes nothing about this, whether it was done of his own volition or orchestrated by the leeching media and pundit class.

Why would you rather vote for the party that supports Marxism than Trump? I'd love to hear why hyperinflation and starvation would be your preferred option to Trump.

Or even skip the comparison if you like.
Why "Never Trump"?
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There are a lot. The worst are the premium trolls posters that come over and whelm us with their "intellect"
El Gallo Blanco
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AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?

Yes. They never come with honesty or logic. They never debate on good merits or in good faith. They're like children.

One recently made a thread (still on page 1) comparing Trump's cognitive function to Joe Biden's. And they/them is one of the smarter ones. I can't believe these people's vote counts just as much as mine TBH. The founding father's could have never foreseen such a media brainwashed and deranged group of anti-American, anti-God sheep. Surely they would have made a few more tweaks in drafting up our founding documents to implement safeguards.
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Or tell us we are fouling recroots.
oh no
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The liberals that inconsistently or only occasionally post here refuse to defend the open border policies they vote for, the massive big government spending they support and vote for, the pro-crime anti-police and anti-law and order candidates and policies they vote for, all of it.

They have nearly 100% of mainstream media and their social media echo chambers telling them these are good and to vote for them and telling them opposition to the big government regime = racist, extremist, domestic terrorist, white supremacist, threats to our democracy, etc. Try backing that up.

Their regime can censor news before elections, propagate phony letters before elections, fortify elections with mass mailed untraceable ballots, try to imprison political opposition before elections, etc., but the ones who want lower taxes and less burdensome regulatory environments from what was supposed to be a limited federal government are the "threats to our democracy". Yeah ok. Back that up.

They are welcome to defend their hatred of the job and family having, church going conservatives who don't want the massive spending & poverty-inducing devalued currency or as directed above, they are welcome to leave this little forum on this little college based website alone and stay on reddit where they can only agree with the Marxist regime and their approved propaganda. It seems that many choose to leave one of the few corners of the internet that isn't lock step in line with the regime. So sad.
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There are actually a couple liberals that post here that aren't trolltastic morons. Malibu, for one, is a great poster that is pretty liberal (and worse, a Californian....blech! ) but isn't a complete and total tard.
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Fatboy Thaddeus said:

Well here's my estimate of board population:
  • MAGA "conservatives": 80%
  • non-MAGA conservatives: 17%
  • liberals & independents: 3%

It'd be interesting to see how many MAGA folks were led to their current persuasion by Fox News and talk radio, and how many came to that camp from the "liberals & independents" crowd. My guess is, on this board, 95% of the MAGA folks are of the "Fox News MAGA" demographic.
Don't know if this helps, Fatboy Thaddeus, but as a full blown MAGA extremist here was my path to where I am now:

2024-Vivek (one of 10,582 people in Texas)

I also watch Gutfeld religiously so throw that into your sample and make of it what you will.

The Fife
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Very late to reply, but I'm a moderate. On this board that looks like the left, while I have IRL friends I absolutely won't talk politics with because to them I'm a right wing nutjob.

The joys of being in the middle
oh no
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Vivek is great- closest candidate we had to having our own version of Javier Melei, best of his kind here since Ron Paul, and I would have given him a primary vote, but he had already dropped out (January) before the Texas primary (March 5 Super Tuesday or ev in late Feb).

My hope for Vivek is that Trump / Vance puts him in charge of dismantling the bureaucracies of our security state.
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That's not necessarily left leaning. We can all agree that we shouldn't have 80 year old plus people running our country and making policies that they won't have to live with.
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C@LAg said:

unfortunately, yes.

ban non-conservatives on this board.

Yes! Can't wait until Trump is president and he starts rounding up all his enemies and puts them in concentration camps. Literal Hitler...
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Fatboy Thaddeus said:

Well here's my estimate of board population:
  • MAGA "conservatives": 80%
  • non-MAGA conservatives: 17%
  • liberals & independents: 3%

It'd be interesting to see how many MAGA folks were led to their current persuasion by Fox News and talk radio, and how many came to that camp from the "liberals & independents" crowd. My guess is, on this board, 95% of the MAGA folks are of the "Fox News MAGA" demographic.
I'm still not MAGA as defined in this context. They are slightly to the left for my liking. That will change if Trump truly guts the massive Federal bureaucracy the libtard Obama has created.

Oh, I got here by really understanding economics, history, and owning and operating a business for 28 years.

I find liberals to be extremely ignorant, overly emotional, and not nearly as smart as they think they are. Given the silly, mindless stereotype you posted, I'll put you in this camp
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AggieShanks said:

That's not necessarily left leaning. We can all agree that we shouldn't have 80 year old plus people running our country and making policies that they won't have to live with.

I am sure you can point to where you said this before Biden dropped out. If not it's just the lefts talking point.
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Scrooge Doogler said:

I'm not a leftist, just a regular liberal.

Why? Have you not paid attention to the massive illegal invasion that is occurring? Serious question.
Get Off My Lawn
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The left can't meme. Because their reality is so contorted that they can't use reality as a framework for a message.

Well… the same problem impacts their ability to advance their ideas on any low-moderation message board.

Most who visit here come with political drama or talking points. Their ideas draw in shark-like behavior because their ideas are bad/unsubstantiated/weak. The few who do bring up valid concerns and/or interesting discussion receive far more mature discussion in response.
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I'm not left leaning in the slightest.

But I am not on board with most of this board's takes. The GOP and the Ds play their parts well purposefully dividing the country.
Hubert J. Farnsworth
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aggiebq03+ said:

Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

So you were trolling with your post. Got it. Good luck with Heels Up. She is a complete moron.
if there's one thing you can be sure I'm never trolling about, it's my opposition to trump. biden stepping down changes nothing about this, whether it was done of his own volition or orchestrated by the leeching media and pundit class.

Why would you rather vote for the party that supports Marxism than Trump? I'd love to hear why hyperinflation and starvation would be your preferred option to Trump.

Or even skip the comparison if you like.
Why "Never Trump"?

The fact that these people would vote for a socialist/communist(dem candidate) over an actual moderate(Trump) says a lot about them.
Old McDonald
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aggiebq03+ said:

Or even skip the comparison if you like.
Why "Never Trump"?
many reasons, but the most disqualifying to me was his refusal to concede his loss in 2020 and everything he attempted to overturn that election.
oh no
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DadHammer said:

Scrooge Doogler said:

I'm not a leftist, just a regular liberal.

Why? Have you not paid attention to the massive illegal invasion that is occurring? Serious question.
she/he voted for it. It's what they wanted
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I don't understand the economics argument. Republican policies that enrich businesses and the top 1% cause wage stagnation (when we adjust increasing wages for inflation). Money and resources are finite. So, if more money is going to the top 1% and they aren't forced to circulate their money then the other 99% gets poorer.

Student loan forgiveness also directly impacts the middle class. How is that a bad thing?
Tom Fox
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AggieShanks said:

I don't understand the economics argument. Republican policies that enrich businesses and the top 1% cause wage stagnation (when we adjust increasing wages for inflation). Money and resources are finite. So, if more money is going to the top 1% and they aren't forced to circulate their money then the other 99% gets poorer.

Student loan forgiveness also directly impacts the middle class. How is that a bad thing?
Conservatives do not agree with your premise. We are not fighting over the same piece of pie. New wealth is created.

This is a fundamental difference that will not permit us to ever agree on economics.

Just like the view of whether man if basically good or evil. If you disagree on that, it effects so much of your world view.
oh no
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AggieShanks said:

I don't understand the economics argument. Republican policies that enrich businesses and the top 1% cause wage stagnation (when we adjust increasing wages for inflation). Money and resources are finite. So, if more money is going to the top 1% and they aren't forced to circulate their money then the other 99% gets poorer.

Student loan forgiveness also directly impacts the middle class. How is that a bad thing?
first, you have to stop believing democrat and pravda lies about the impact of tax cuts.

if you believe in big government controlling everything and solving every problem for everyone, then keep voting for big gov spending on socialist policies so taxes can keep going up and government can keep getting bigger and spending more. it's working out swimmingly so far.

if you think a less burdensome tax and regulatory environment, and thus a smaller government and lower or fewer taxes needed to fund it, would incentivize foreign investment here as opposed to foreign investment in other countries or US companies investing here as opposed to leaving, inverting, or investing in foreign countries, as well as encourage more entrepreneurship here if the government won't be taking 40% from anyone who is successful, then there will be growth and opportunities for everyone here because here is where all the action is.

student loan forgiveness is another tax on everyone else who didn't take out those loans and is a bribe for socialist votes.
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