Are there any non-conservatives on this board?

17,265 Views | 319 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by aTmAg
Artimus Gordon
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MAGA: make America great again is such a reprehensible concept to wishy washy moderates, elitist liberals and outright fascists. They don't want that. They want America to be third world and control the masses.

I have been politically cognizant of these presidents in my lifetime JFK, LBJ, Nixon. Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, The Clintons, W, Obama, Trump & Biden. Reagan was a breath of fresh air compared to the first 4.
Carter was terrible. Biden was/is worse than Carter. GHWB & W were disappointments. Obama started the country on a downward spiral. Trump stemmed the tide, so they had to get him out of office. Biden was garbage controlled by Obama and a shadow government of who knows who else.

Trump being a former democrat's big mistake was thinking the democrats were for America. They were Not. They were all about empowering and enriching themselves. To hell with middle America.

They pitted the poor, every self interest group and their elitist liberal selves against middle America and won. Lately by hook or crook. Trump had to learn the hard way that he cannot trust the people he used to associate with. And that is why they villify him with lie after lie, lawsuit after lawsuit. They know he is on to what they are trying to achieve.

They (democrats) are current day Krushev's who in the 50's vowed that Russia/communism will bury you/us. Same ploy they are using today. And some of you CM's and holier than thou conservatives are going to let them.

This election is at the point that if trump doesn't win the America we grew up in and loved may well be gone, forever. The American dream is already dying a slow death for many.

Some of you need to get off your high horse and figure out what is happening around you. It's not about you or me much less your personal interests it's about the country and the system of government our forefathers bestowed upon us.

We are letting that be eroded by people that love to wallow in misery. And want to be subservient to a form of government that sees them as useful tools to be used as Guinea pigs whether in war or to test vaccines that further their control over you.

It's time for the citizens of this country to take charge of its future. And this election may be the last chance.

They are desperate to turn this election into a beauty pageant. To keep it close enough allow the fix to be put in. In reality there is no need of going through 4 years of misery and uncertainty with a puppet democrat at the helm.

The Dem party candidates offer nothing to the rank and file Americans to even be considered for your vote. Get your mind right. They have mastered the art of baffling many of you with BS. And it's an onslaught from many different sources. It's time to cast your vote for what's good for the country.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
Well let's ask real questions then. For any not in group "group think", should Biden step down from the Presidency since he admits he's not prepared to run in the future? Please keep in mind the last 3 years of proof we have seen and have a thread dedicated to it. Open and honest discussion instead of a hanging question with no direction.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
Old McDonald
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AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
i'm somewhere between a left-moderate and a liberal by most standards. strongly anti-trump, not necessarily anti-conservative or anti-republican.

there are dozen of us!

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And someone who thought Biden dropping out was a conspiracy theory. How did that work out for you.

Old McDonald said:

the msm wanted biden to step down, but as we all know the msm is the enemy of the people

biden thwarting their plan to replace him makes him the people's champion, we must rally around him to defeat the deep state journalists and politicos who tried to interfere with our election
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Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
Well let's ask real questions then. For any not in group "group think", should Biden step down from the Presidency since he admits he's not prepared to run in the future? Please keep in mind the last 3 years of proof we have seen and have a thread dedicated to it. Open and honest discussion instead of a hanging question with no direction.

Yes, should have already stepped down.

But I don't think we should rely on the person's who's experiencing a mental decline to make.thst decision either

Anyone who's experienced that with a loved one probably understands, they may not see it
B-1 83
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AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
What discussions can be "shot down" if there aren't any "non-conservatives" on here?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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jamey said:

Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?
Well let's ask real questions then. For any not in group "group think", should Biden step down from the Presidency since he admits he's not prepared to run in the future? Please keep in mind the last 3 years of proof we have seen and have a thread dedicated to it. Open and honest discussion instead of a hanging question with no direction.

Yes, should have already stepped down.

But I don't think we should rely on the person's who's experiencing a mental decline to make.thst decision either

Anyone who's experienced that with a loved one probably understands, they may not see it
I wish we had some formal process for that, like an Amendment or some official rule.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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You might have a better time talking politics on Reddit
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To be fair, every royal screwup from Biden tends to make the CM's and libs on this board disappear until Trump does something horrific like say his rally had the biggest crowd ever.
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And it's not like we didn't understand the purpose of your little excursion into cell block 16. If you prefer a higher percentage left leaning crowd, you might look elsewhere. But the lefties on here seem to do just fine and hold their own.
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Hahahaha! Has anything that poster has said had any semblance of truth or reality to it?
Fatboy Thaddeus
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halfastros81 said:

I think your Non-MAGA conservatives estimate is way low depending on how you define it. Take me as a for instance. I'm going to vote for Trump in the next general election for the 3rd time . have always voted what I considered to be right of Trump in each corresponding presidential primary. Which grouping am I in?

Agreed, voting for Trump =/= MAGA conservative. In my mind, if you put any one (or more) of:
  • national security,
  • business interests, or
  • fiscal conservatism
ahead of populism (i.e. contempt for elites), then you're not MAGA. Probably not surprisingly, I myself put all 3 at the top, and thus consider myself non-MAGA conservative.

Based on your response, I'd suspect you'd be (in the group I called) non-MAGA conservative.

Ask yourself 3 questions:
1) Do I live in an echo chamber?
2) Do I spend all my energy barking when I hear a dogwhistle?
3) If this was me, how would I even know?
Old McDonald
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backintexas2013 said:

And someone who thought Biden dropping out was a conspiracy theory. How did that work out for you.

Old McDonald said:

the msm wanted biden to step down, but as we all know the msm is the enemy of the people

biden thwarting their plan to replace him makes him the people's champion, we must rally around him to defeat the deep state journalists and politicos who tried to interfere with our election

the msm wanted biden to step down, and the msm are cheering in the streets tonight because got what they wanted

it's never good for the american people when the msm get what they want
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Tom Fox said:

AggieShanks said:

I notice a lot of discussions get shot down as anyone that doesn't fall into the groupthink down here are trolls. I'm generally curious if they are any left leaning people on the politics board?

Of course. We have the MMT inflation is transitory variety. The Marxist two-teas variety. The baby killers. The gun grabbers. The gay mafia. The list goes on and on.


Oh and the green weenies
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Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

And someone who thought Biden dropping out was a conspiracy theory. How did that work out for you.

Old McDonald said:

the msm wanted biden to step down, but as we all know the msm is the enemy of the people

biden thwarting their plan to replace him makes him the people's champion, we must rally around him to defeat the deep state journalists and politicos who tried to interfere with our election

the msm wanted biden to step down, and the msm are cheering in the streets tonight because got what they wanted

it's never good for the american people when the msm get what they want

Since Biden dropped out and Trump gets shot and still is going strong seems Trump is the man of the people. I expect you will be voting for him
Old McDonald
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backintexas2013 said:

seems Trump is the man of the people. I expect you will be voting for him
my vote was, remains, and will always be against trump
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Ah, very prudent…you only vote for people who take showers with their teenage daughters…pretty solid discernment there.
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I'm self-proclaimed left. It's no secret that I lean left on many issues. I view F16 as an opportunity to learn from those with differing opinions. Unfortunately, the board is not set up to support many thoughtful discussions across the center line. Left posts typically get spam reported and receive many unrelated responses. Ad Hom attacks are frequent and aren't moderated evenly.

Still, I lurk often and tend to only post when I shave some free time so that I can respond.
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Old McDonald said:

backintexas2013 said:

seems Trump is the man of the people. I expect you will be voting for him
my vote was, remains, and will always be against trump
Makes as much sense as a chicken pledging to always vote for Colonel Sanders.

I agree Trump has a lot of negatives. But I will vote for a loudmouth who can't keep his pants zipped, yet loves America and governs toward the center....

Over anyonethe Dems are currently supporting. Not a damn one of them loves the country, will protect the borders, or preserve freedom
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So you were trolling with your post. Got it. Good luck with Heels Up. She is a complete moron.
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Yeah it's an interesting dynamic. Any opposing thought gets mass reported as trolling.

Pretty poor reflection of Texas A&M.
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It's probably going to be tough for Dems. Trump can't keep his pants zipped and Kamala is well known for unzipping guys pants.
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AggieDub14 said:

Yeah it's an interesting dynamic. Any opposing thought gets mass reported as trolling.

Pretty poor reflection of Texas A&M.

Do you have access to TexAgs moderation files?

Do you have evidence that TexAgs deletes opposing posts that are allegedly flagged?

Personally, I have seen mods repeatedly state that contrary posts are not trolling and will not be taken down
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Read what I wrote. Had nothing to do with mods. Only users.
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Can you provide some proof to this claim? Like actual proof. Give me some statistics or a breakdown of this claim/premise.

Haha, Canyon beat me to it.

So no…AggieDub?
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Purely anecdotal.
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AggieDub14 said:

Read what I wrote. Had nothing to do with mods. Only users.
Unless you are a mod, how would you know what gets flagged?
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So no actual proof. Just how you feel. Got it. M

Are there any libs/CM's/pedo supporters/etc who can actually back up their claims on here about what meanies everyone on this board is?

I am talking about the application of their beliefs and political ideologies in the sense of being superior to those expressed by all of the poopy heads on here…I have yet to see it.
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And this is why libs don't last. They make a "feeling" post. Get called out on it because they have no proof just feels.
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Fatboy Thaddeus said:

Well here's my estimate of board population:
  • MAGA "conservatives": 80%
  • non-MAGA conservatives: 17%
  • liberals & independents: 3%

It'd be interesting to see how many MAGA folks were led to their current persuasion by Fox News and talk radio, and how many came to that camp from the "liberals & independents" crowd. My guess is, on this board, 95% of the MAGA folks are of the "Fox News MAGA" demographic.
I'd consider myself an independent. Voted for Obama and then Trump. My biggest concerns are national debt (no party gives a crap about this anymore so I'm SOL) and getting rid of the toxic philosophy of SJW's (aka vendetta based politics). That leaves me with one option.
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AggieDub14 said:

Purely anecdotal.

Well, i will be sure to give you assertion the proper weight
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Mulberrywildman said:

Are there any libs/CM's/pedo supporters/etc
This is the exact kind of crap that shouldn't be allowed but mods will ignore. Conservatives love claiming their rhetoric isn't extreme and then doing this crap.
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So you don't think it's inappropriate for the current president to have taken showers with his daughter? And that she admitted herself as being inappropriate?

Did you vote for Biden?

If so, simple yes and no questions.
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I'm not playing your games. That line is 100% leading an Ad Hom attack and your follow up questions are thread derailing.
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