Biden will debate Trump but...

15,987 Views | 232 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by peacedude
Old McDonald
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El Gallo Blanco said:

Old McDonald said:

prediction: biden will look old and senile. trump will ramble and struggle to stay on topic as has been the case for a decade. partisans on both sides will insist their guy won.

ideally the folks who've been inundated in "biden is senile" messaging the last three years and oblivious to trump's similarly precipitous cognitive decline will have their eyes opened, but i'm not holding my breath.
Lol, there is absolutely nothing "similar" about it. Only a completely delusional useful idjit would think otherwise.
after five permabans I'm impressed you're finally learning how to call someone an idiot without directly calling them an idiot. however the responses to this post are proving me right: the media right has been inundating its audience in "biden is senile" content (which is true) to cover for the fact that trump is also incredibly senile. they just give trump a pass because, well, he's THEIR senile idiot.
No Spin Ag
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deddog said:

No Spin Ag said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

Trump hurt himself bigot in 2020 with the interruptions. The debates were a wasted opportunity.

He can easily beat Biden if he just lets the guy talk and then bash him when it's his turn.

This to infinity. Any debate will be Biden's to lose, and if Trump can stay focused, it'll be a cakewalk.
Hence the no audience.
This way they can edit Biden's nonsensical talk out

The POTUS is afraid of a ****ing audience.
Imagine that.

It's pathetic, but it's pretty normal for a geriatric to not do well with a lot of noise, people talking, etc. because it's harder for them to focus. They either shut down, get flustered, go off on a tangent, or all of the above.

Just another reason to stop nominating candidates who will be dead (mentally or physically) in the upcoming decade or two.
Old McDonald
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Rockdoc said:

Old McDonald said:

prediction: biden will look old and senile. trump will ramble and struggle to stay on topic as has been the case for a decade. partisans on both sides will insist their guy won.

ideally the folks who've been inundated in "biden is senile" messaging the last three years and oblivious to trump's similarly precipitous cognitive decline will have their eyes opened, but i'm not holding my breath.

Wait, you think Biden is not senile? What proof do you need?
biden is senile. did i say otherwise? reading comprehension is kicking your ass
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itsyourboypookie said:

Took ten takes to get this and peepaw looks ancient

How Presidential!
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"And I think Trump will find a way to rattle Biden and get him off script...which will be the most entertaining part."

stated by EVERY SINGLE TRUMPER BACK IN 2020 and Trump lost both debates.

how about not having the objective to 'rattle' your opponent but to actually lay out superior evidence on the debate issues?
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Old McDonald said:

prediction: biden will look old and senile. trump will ramble and struggle to stay on topic as has been the case for a decade. partisans on both sides will insist their guy won.

ideally the folks who've been inundated in "biden is senile" messaging the last three years and oblivious to trump's similarly precipitous cognitive decline will have their eyes opened, but i'm not holding my breath.
This is one of the laziest and ignorant narratives.

Anyone with a brain can look at Biden and see that he is significantly worse off than Trump. Maybe you could put Mitch McConnell in the same category as Biden but that's even pushing it.

Just because Trump is old and aging like most people do in their 70's doesn't mean "Well he and Biden are basically just as senile so your criticism of Biden's condition is invalid!' - how convenient.

Of course, this is typically from the same people who absolutely denied that Biden had any cognitive issues in 2020. "He's just fine, people are just saying that because they hate him!". Now the goalposts have moved to "Well Trump is just as bad so it doesn't matter!" in 2024.
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LMCane said:

"And I think Trump will find a way to rattle Biden and get him off script...which will be the most entertaining part."

stated by EVERY SINGLE TRUMPER BACK IN 2020 and Trump lost both debates.

how about not having the objective to 'rattle' your opponent but to actually lay out superior evidence on the debate issues?
Who says rattling is the objective? It's probably going to happen because Biden doesn't respond well off script and he's more volatile with his meds than he even was in 2020. It's not gonna take much. Even in 2020 he popped off with lies like "Oh you are such a racist!". He'll crack.

Biden is going to be declared the winner of the debate no matter what happens, just like he was in 2020. Just like he's declared to be of sound health and mind.

This isn't about getting the media or Biden goalies to concede...they're all in on Biden being the choice no matter what. This is about their overconfidence to think they can trot '2024 Joe' out there and there's 0% chance Americans won't see a stark contrast in the abilities of both.
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Just to play the conspiracy theorist, wouldn't having no audience make it a prime opportunity to "eliminate" both candidates? I mean even though the Dems hate Trump they really don't want Biden either. Two birds, one stone.
agz win
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chris1515 said:

Biden should NOT do this.

At this point, I think he has the election won. Don't do anything to blow it.

I swear both these guys are in a game of one upmanship to see who can screw things up the most in this campaign.

Agree it's Biden's to lose but it's like punching a loud mouth bully in the nose to make him cower. Biden can't show weakness by not being the aggressor challenging for debates.
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dmart90 said:

itsyourboypookie said:

Took ten takes to get this and peepaw looks ancient

How Presidential!

That clip is 14 seconds long and contains five obvious cuts.
oh no
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deddog said:

The POTUS is afraid of a ****ing audience.
Imagine that.
We've seen him with audiences before.

We've seen him yell "I DON'T WORK FOR YOU" at a voter's face on a shop floor for daring to ask him about his flip flopping stances on gun control.

We've seen him yell at a democrat primary voter in Iowa, call him "fat", and challenge him to a push-up competition for daring to ask him a question about the optics of his son's overseas board member position during the democratic primary season in 2020.

We've seen him call a young female democrat student a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" for replying that she had been to a caucus before after she asked him why he did so poorly in Iowa and how is he going to turn it around.

That's how middle class Joe from Scranton treats lowly plebe democrat voters to their faces when he has a friendly audience.

Imagine if part of an audience got a Let's Go Brandon chant going during the debate.
oh no
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well, Trump mixed up two peoples' names the other day, so obviously he's just as senile as the guy who falls upstairs, falls off a bike while standing still, falls on stage, stands and stares with his fists clinched, shakes hands with ghosts daily, gets lost trying to find his way off stage daily, has repeated his son's time, place, and cause of death about 100 different ways in the past few years, can't remember anyone's names, needs cards instructing him who to call on, when, and what question they are about to ask him, and REPEAT THE LINE, END QUOTE, SALUTE THE MARINES, APPLAUSE.
El Gallo Blanco
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Old McDonald said:

El Gallo Blanco said:

Old McDonald said:

prediction: biden will look old and senile. trump will ramble and struggle to stay on topic as has been the case for a decade. partisans on both sides will insist their guy won.

ideally the folks who've been inundated in "biden is senile" messaging the last three years and oblivious to trump's similarly precipitous cognitive decline will have their eyes opened, but i'm not holding my breath.
Lol, there is absolutely nothing "similar" about it. Only a completely delusional useful idjit would think otherwise.
after five permabans I'm impressed you're finally learning how to call someone an idiot without directly calling them an idiot. however the responses to this post are proving me right: the media right has been inundating its audience in "biden is senile" content (which is true) to cover for the fact that trump is also incredibly senile. they just give trump a pass because, well, he's THEIR senile idiot.
Dude/dudette (respecting your pagan liberal faith), it's not even close. Anyone with a functioning brain can see Trump is a thousand times sharper than Biden. It's crazy that anyone would attempt to lump them together lol.

Trump is killing it at rallies and just won a club championship. I know I know, it had to have been a grand elaborate conspiracy involving all of the golf club members to let the most watched and scrutinized man in the field cheat /limp wristed white liberal male feminists who know nothng about golf, or really any other sport
Get Off My Lawn
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I want to see a demand that X live stream the debate.

Then I want to see X add a community notes feature to video - time stamp and pop up style.

Then I want to see X re-broadcast the debate on a 10 min delay so that folks can watch a community notes version in near real time.
oh no
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responses to this post are proving me right: the pravda media has been inundating its audience in "trump is senile" content to cover for the fact that biden is actually incredibly senile. they just give biden a pass because, well, he's THEIR senile empty suit.

see how easy that is to flip around?

95% of mainstream media, most of the social media mobs, all of academia and hollywood are lefty biased. msm is mostly democrat and big government's pravda media arm. tech platform staffers and democrat campaign staffs are in an incestuous relationship with each other. they've actually got the useful idiots in the brainwashed masses thinking it's the right wing media that tricked people into thinking that Biden is senile.. Yeah, he's actually sharp as a tack and that tiny minuscule market share of media that leans right has tricked everyone. no. Biden is senile asF.
i is smart
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There are stricter rules for this than for some podcasts that interview mega stars but are instructed to avoid sensitive topics.
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TexAgs91 said:

This is ridiculous. Trump just says ok to all of Biden's terms? Debating a democrat in a democrat territory.

This Trump's Art of the Deal?

wHaT tH3N, vOrE BiDeN!?
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deddog said:

No Spin Ag said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

Trump hurt himself bigot in 2020 with the interruptions. The debates were a wasted opportunity.

He can easily beat Biden if he just lets the guy talk and then bash him when it's his turn.

This to infinity. Any debate will be Biden's to lose, and if Trump can stay focused, it'll be a cakewalk.
Hence the no audience.
This way they can edit Biden's nonsensical talk out

The POTUS is afraid of a ****ing audience.
Imagine that.
I would not agree to no audience. Also, no breaks. Debate goes continuously until the end.
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CheeseSndwch said:

dmart90 said:

itsyourboypookie said:

Took ten takes to get this and peepaw looks ancient

How Presidential!

That clip is 14 seconds long and contains five obvious cuts.
Free on Wednesday and also 7 am....
Old McDonald
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trump is incapable of speaking a paragraph without rambling off on an incoherent tangent. he's falling asleep in courtrooms. he's a shell of his 2016 self. your media diet hides these moments from you while playing Biden's on a 24/7 loop because it's in their interest for you not to know better.

this doesn't mean Biden isn't senile, clearly he is. but the gulf between them is far narrower than your partisan warped brain is capable of recognizing.
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Old McDonald said:

trump is incapable of speaking a paragraph without rambling off on an incoherent tangent. he's falling asleep in courtrooms. he's a shell of his 2016 self. your media diet hides these moments from you while playing Biden's on a 24/7 loop because it's in their interest for you not to know better.

this doesn't mean Biden isn't senile, clearly he is. but the gulf between them is far narrower than your partisan warped brain is capable of recognizing.
Lol the sky is green
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LOL, even being called out by Nate Silver…

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I always thought there were two presidential debates, and one VP debate. They've proposed having a VP debate as well.
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I agree let JB talk as much as he wants and besides stumbling around about how great things are, maybe he'll stray off and tell us the "Corn-Pop" story, maybe the one about his uncle that got eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific, or all the different nationality neighborhoods he grew up in.
oh no
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it would take an extremely partisan warped brain to try to defend the pravda msm narrative that the gulf between biden-level dementia and trump is narrow.
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Logos Stick
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Flagged for ad hom
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DL76 said:

I agree let JB talk as much as he wants and besides stumbling around about how great things are, maybe he'll stray off and tell us the "Corn-Pop" story, maybe the one about his uncle that got eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific, or all the different nationality neighborhoods he grew up in.
that is why Trump needs to just shut the @#@ up and let Biden ramble on

DeSantis shows how debating is done. or Cruz.

imagine if the American people would see a mature and statesmanlike Trump rather than the carnival barker they know.

he would win in a landslide

but with his ego and undisciplined personality he probably can't control himself.
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The third one (as is tradition), was cancelled last time because Trump got covid (or rather tested positive, for Fauci flu).

I think there are usually 2 VP ones but I dunno.
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This thread, nor likely many others leading up through Election Day, are about who you wish were the GOP nominee.
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Old McDonald said:

trump is incapable of speaking a paragraph without rambling off on an incoherent tangent. he's falling asleep in courtrooms. he's a shell of his 2016 self. your media diet hides these moments from you while playing Biden's on a 24/7 loop because it's in their interest for you not to know better.
Trump has always rambled, so no that's not a valid reason. So he fell asleep in the courtroom, that's the best you can do? Your guy Biden fell asleep during the SOTU as VP long before you cheered him on in 2020.

The media hides Biden's senile moments, along with his disastrous policies.

One would have to be as senile as Biden to think he and Trump are basically the same. Which we all know is 100% false, but it's the best argument your side has to combat the abysmal failure that Biden and policies have been for the country.
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oh no said:

it would take an extremely partisan warped brain to try to defend the pravda msm narrative that the gulf between biden-level dementia and trump is narrow.
It's all they have.

They can't defend Biden as a moral person. They can't defend Biden as a leader that people have confidence in, polls show that even democrats are ready for someone to take over for him. They can't defend his policies. They can't defend inflation since he took office. They can't defend the clown show people in his administration. They can't defend his track record with the border.

All they can say is "Yeah well Trump is mean corrupt and evil and is cognitively just as bad as Biden is still better!"
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I mean they're not exactly critical thinkers so…
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Old McDonald said:

prediction: biden will look old and senile. trump will ramble and struggle to stay on topic as has been the case for a decade. partisans on both sides will insist their guy won.

ideally the folks who've been inundated in "biden is senile" messaging the last three years and oblivious to trump's similarly precipitous cognitive decline will have their eyes opened, but i'm not holding my breath. this just a horribad take.

I'm not a Trump fan at all. But Trump doesn't have any real cognitive decline. He has always been a stream of consciousness kind of talker with lots of exaggeration and bloviation. But, at least he understands what's going on around him all the time and understands questions when asked.

Biden is MARKEDLY different than when he was VP. He says gibberish now. He loses all train of thought in the middle of sentences. He's often confused doing normal things.
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