nortex97 said:
I suppose you are trying to make this a racialist debate but I'll decline, other than to re-state that white 'liberals' are the worst. People get the government they deserve.
Never, ever vote for a democrat. There are always at least two better choices. And polling shows…America is tiring quickly of 'Democrats' as is Europe.
I'm not "debating" anything, just pointing out that a wave of Muslim immigrants did not take over the Twin Cities, and they certainly don't have enough demographic influence to win anything other than 1 or 2 House seats in the state legislature.
As to the second point, in Minneapolis the Democratic primary
is the election. If one wants to cast a protest vote in the general, go ahead, but it isn't going to make any difference as to the outcome.
In a clear-cut choice between bad and way worse, it is logical to choose bad, not vote for magical unicorn fairy dust.
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