You're assuming the average voter gets their news from main stream media. That's no longer the case.
Then the battle is already lost...Teslag said:FireAg said:At some point you have to break the cycle...Teslag said:Quote:
No, testicular fortitude is required to pass the bill and then stand up to the lunatic, spend-like-drunken-sailor moderates and liberals when they cry about it...
The Democrats excel at the long game. And with the entire media in their back pocket, and a public cut off from federal services, a military not getting paid, for a year under this fantasy "shut it all down till we get 100% of what we want" the Democrats would happily sit back and take the 2024 blue wave to complete and absolute power you hand them on a silver platter.
Continuing to cave in and kick the responsibility can down the road doesn't work...we've been doing it for decades...the debt is now $33T and counting...inflation is moving a "ludicrous speed" and President Skroob doesn't know what planet he's on...
But you won't break a cycle. You will simply delay 18 months until the cycle goes into overdrive with full democratic control. And it will never be reversed once they pass election laws they want.
jt2hunt said:
You're assuming the average voter gets their news from main stream media. That's no longer the case.
Your approach delays the inevitable, while (by your argument) my approach simply bites the bullet now...
Hungry Ojos said:
He's speaking out of selfishness as he grifts off of the military entitlements.
So you are saying the GOP should continue the go along to get along mantra they have been doing for decades which has enabled America's decline, then in the next election the people will vote in a majority of the same GOP that has enabled said problem and you think that same GOP is suddenly going to start being conservative? I like your enthusiam, but that's the definition of insanity repeating what we've done historically and expecting a different outcome.Malibu said:I live on planet Earth and can recognize what is politically possible. You whining about the uniparty globalist cabal doesnt change who controls the Senate nor White House. You can only get concessions and incrementalism right now. That is political reality.Tea Party said:You are not Nostradamus, you are simply the tool the uni-party establishment uses to get their way yet you foolishly think you are winning all the while America burns around you.Malibu said:
So your theory is that the Senate Dems and the White House are going to raise the white flag, roll over, and agree to your demands due to an angry nation and MSM that is dutifully taking your Republican message that the Democrats are to blame? Let us know how that works out for you.
In 42 days you'll have another continuing resolution to fund what Congress has already passed and Ukraine will get more weapons from America. I am Nostradamus.
Congrats I guess?
Dump Trump, get the Democrats to stay the course with Biden, and in 1 year and 4 months you have the opportunity of a lifetime to have the largest conservative majority this country has ever seen and ram your agenda down everyones throat. Thats not reality right now.
EVERY TIME we take the presidency, our spending STILL goes up...Teslag said:Quote:
Your approach delays the inevitable, while (by your argument) my approach simply bites the bullet now...
My approach, which is tactical decision making, sets up a chance to at least take the presidency, increase the house margin, and take the senate. Which creates a path to enable legislation more closely to what we want, and can get.
Yours doens't. It's simply burning down the house and letting the democrats rebuild it in whatever image they desire.
FireAg said:EVERY TIME we take the presidency, our spending STILL goes up...Teslag said:Quote:
Your approach delays the inevitable, while (by your argument) my approach simply bites the bullet now...
My approach, which is tactical decision making, sets up a chance to at least take the presidency, increase the house margin, and take the senate. Which creates a path to enable legislation more closely to what we want, and can get.
Yours doens't. It's simply burning down the house and letting the democrats rebuild it in whatever image they desire.
R's don't have the balls to say, "NO!"
Thinking there are better options out there that "might work this time" while ignoring all of the times in the past they have failed to work is lunacy...
By hook or by crook, the D's always get their way because R's are too afraid of perception...
That is the paradox this country is faced with...
Yes, this is obvious. I've said this for years yet the "conservatives" keep voting for the establishment types during election season then complain when they are in power and do nothing.Malibu said:
Sounds like you dont have faith in the Republicans to deliver what you want when they have power,
Nice strawman, but hey if you think America's future is one where the people are dependent on big brother, then you are proving my point that shutting the government down and ruffling the dependents feathers is the right move, regardless of the political fallout.Quote:
and will instead try the stop paying medicare, social security, and military salaries gambit as the ticket to Conservative Nirvana. I see political suicide in that approach, but hey, at least you tried something.
Tea Party said:Yes, this is obvious. I've said this for years yet the "conservatives" keep voting for the establishment types during election season then complain when they are in power and do nothing.Malibu said:
Sounds like you dont have faith in the Republicans to deliver what you want when they have power,Nice strawman, but hey if you think America's future is one where the people are dependent on big brother, then you are proving my point that shutting the government down and ruffling the dependents feathers is the right move, regardless of the political fallout.Quote:
and will instead try the stop paying medicare, social security, and military salaries gambit as the ticket to Conservative Nirvana. I see political suicide in that approach, but hey, at least you tried something.
There simply cannot be a coexisting country if a large portion wants to be dependent on big brother and the other side wants to be conservative. You are proving my point that shutting it down is the right move.
let's be honest, the dems wouldn't have voted to oust mccarthy if it wasn't in their interest. gaetz has advanced the dems' agenda whether he intended to or not.Finn said:
That is the point. He approached the job as one trying to work with the other side.
Reality Dems do not care. Stop with bipartisanship bs pass your agenda make them vote against it. Keep your job.
I do not agree with the absolute that it won't, but I completely understand that it is significantly more likely it won't than there will be a positive awakening of the sheeple. That slim chance is worth the gamble to me because the current trajectory we are on by continueing the status quo is one to slow suicide by leftism.Teslag said:
You seem to be under this notion that a shut down will create a permanent dystopian comeuppance for many people. It won't. It will simply usher in a multigeneration rule of complete democrat authority in as few as 15 months. As soon as they have the gavel, spending won't just resume, it will explode. Everyone back paid. Everyone given even more as they suffered under the "GOP shutdown" that is parroted by every media outlet on the planet. And "safeguards" will be put in place to "prevent this threat to our financial stability and democracy" from ever happening again.
You clearly do not know me because I advocate for short term pain for long term gain as one of the only ways that we can wake the sheeple up. I'm ready for making bold moves to save the country. Why aren't more people like you also ready?Quote:
And dollars to donuts you'll be on this website telling us how terrible it is and it's everyone's fault but yours and Matt Gaetz.
Why aren't more people like you also ready?
The establishment uni-party thanks you for your continued support in supporting the status quo.Teslag said:Quote:
Why aren't more people like you also ready?
Because I recognize the reality around me and work within those constraints.
Ol' poopy pants must be so mad at the Democrats voting in unison to oust McCarthy. He's worried it will impact money to Kiev. But don't worry, they have a secret back channel plan to get some more unappropriated American funds to them.Funky Winkerbean said:
Whatever happens, the general public will forget it by Christmas.
Malibu said:I live on planet Earth and can recognize what is politically possible. You whining about the uniparty globalist cabal doesnt change who controls the Senate nor White House. You can only get concessions and incrementalism right now. That is political reality.Tea Party said:You are not Nostradamus, you are simply the tool the uni-party establishment uses to get their way yet you foolishly think you are winning all the while America burns around you.Malibu said:
So your theory is that the Senate Dems and the White House are going to raise the white flag, roll over, and agree to your demands due to an angry nation and MSM that is dutifully taking your Republican message that the Democrats are to blame? Let us know how that works out for you.
In 42 days you'll have another continuing resolution to fund what Congress has already passed and Ukraine will get more weapons from America. I am Nostradamus.
Congrats I guess?
Dump Trump, get the Democrats to stay the course with Biden, and in 1 year and 4 months you have the opportunity of a lifetime to have the largest conservative majority this country has ever seen and ram your agenda down everyones throat. Thats not reality right now.
It’s amazing how many people pretended to support draining the swamp.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 4, 2023
But are now throwing a fit because one of the biggest swamp creatures has been removed.
Take notes.
If you keep eating the turd soup that the cook makes, they are going to keep making the turd soup.Teslag said:
Pander? No. Take what you can get when you control one house of congress with a razor thin margin? Yes.
I also don't try for every green on a par 5.
Burn down the restaurant...Teslag said:
Then you just get thrown out of the restaurant and turd soup is the only thing on the menu
Keep going... You are almost at the logical outcome.Teslag said:
Then you just get thrown out of the restaurant and turd soup is the only thing on the menu
Not if a better chef and waitstaff build back first...Teslag said:
They would be more than happy for you to do that so they can rebuild a restaurant that feeds you turd soup by force
our government is built around incrementalism and bipartisanship. it's incredibly difficult to ram through legislation without compromise. this is a good thing imo. republicans have spent the last 8 years cautiously courting the absolutist, dont-give-an-inch sentiment that pervades the gaetz wing of the gop and now it's obstructing them rather than their opponents.Malibu said:
I live on planet Earth and can recognize what is politically possible. You whining about the uniparty globalist cabal doesnt change who controls the Senate nor White House. You can only get concessions and incrementalism right now. That is political reality.
Dump Trump, get the Democrats to stay the course with Biden, and in 1 year and 4 months you have the opportunity of a lifetime to have the largest conservative majority this country has ever seen and ram your agenda down everyones throat. Thats not reality right now.
Tea Party said:Keep going... You are almost at the logical outcome.Teslag said:
Then you just get thrown out of the restaurant and turd soup is the only thing on the menu
If turd soup is all they want to serve, then why does the cook get to keep his job?
Or more accurately, if sheeple like the turd soup, why do we want to share the same restaurant with them?