txaggieacct85 said:
gbaby23 said:
Maybe you should not take criticisms of a declining economy as a personal attack on your work ethic.
I'm not taking anything personally. I'm painting a picture.
And the economy is a result of the government nanny state. The larger the government, the more the economy is going to be inefficient.
Every time they do "good" it causes harm.
And the idea that everything should be easy and handed to someone is part of the problem. It's a narrative that liberals sell . A livable wage. A "livable wage" Bernie Sanders.. creates inefficiencies in the economy.
yet the younger generations vote for this stuff
I would hazard a guess that most people you are arguing with on this thread are not Bernie supporters or even Democrats.
And yes, you are taking things quite personally when you are replying to everyone pouring out your life story to prove to everyone that it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows when you were a first time homebuyer. However, I do understand your frustration. It is not easy to listen to Boomers say the same type of stuff of Millennials without the urge to prove them wrong with my own personal story.
No one is saying your life was, or is, easy. However, there are quantifiable and observable metrics that show the economy is getting worse. It was getting worse when you were a young man, but it is also cumulative. The goal should be improvement every generation, not decline. That does not mean that young men of today are not working hard to deal with it while looking for solutions to the problem.
"Living wage" is a good trick by the left because that should be the goal. We should be working to cultivate a society where every man is able to live well. I just do not agree with their methods for getting there.
The generational blame is just ridiculous, but it is entertaining to watch young and old blame each other for problems that are out of their control. One generation raises another. We are not independent of each other. The circumstances that shape the young are put in place by the old. Although, politicians are the ones who create the circumstances and they very rarely listen to what the people actually want.
Personally, I think a lot of complaints from younger generations comes from a subconscious yearning for the culture and community that has eroded faster than our economy has declined. People would be willing to deal with more hardship if our society was healthier overall.