Camrossmartin said:Beta responseGAC06 said:Camrossmartin said:DeSantis had no stage presence. When he can match Trump on stage, he'll be better than Trump. Until then, he's going to be cannon fodder.GAC06 said:Camrossmartin said:You can't be this lazy with your thinking.GAC06 said:Camrossmartin said:See earlier quote about conservatives needing to get off TDS.GAC06 said:Quote:
Otherwise, bring in the guy who's shown to have no problem rallying average voters against the entities that want to occupy America.
And losing to Biden
Is "mean tweets" really worse to you than an administration that endorses child sex changes, open borders, and foreign war?
I didn't say anything about mean tweets. Trump lost. We have Biden because Trump lost. He will lose again if nominated.
It's not lazy thinking, it's the truth. Lazy thinking is the "no more mean tweets" nonsense. Do I wish more people would have voted for Trump even though he's such a piece of crap? Yes. But they didn't. I could wish all day that people would overlook what an insufferable dbag Trump is or I can live in the real world. He is unelectable. We need a better option, and now we have one that's better in every way.
Also, look at Trump's election numbers. He was totally electable. What's lazy is just looking at the "L," going along with the reason establishment media gave you, and not looking at everything the other side did for their "W."
So basically the strategy is to wish Trump into office. Good thinking. I'm sure it will work better this time now that he's older, with a smaller platform and attacking DeSantis with leftist positions
So you have nothing just like the rest of your posts?