Gun control and mass shootings

22,065 Views | 423 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Goro Majima
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Still has to enforced.... to the fullest extent of the law.
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This 100000 times.
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I remember one of the changes that Abbott proposed or was seriously considering after Ulvade was a 'red flag' law whereby authorities could seize your guns if you are considered an 'imminent threat'. But I am sure that stuff like that would freak some people out here given their distrust of law enforcement.

People here have seemed to compare owning guns to cars but there is a notable difference. Driving is clearly treated as 'privilege' in our country. Not a 'right'. There is nothing in the Bill Of Rights about 'the right to drive'.

Gun ownership however is considered a 'right' rather than a 'privilege'. Entirely different animal to legislate and politically navigate.

To better enforce the laws already on the books, would folks here support significantly more money spent increasing the size of law enforcement including the ATF to adequately enforce those laws, even it meant higher taxes or sacrificing something else you cared about politically?

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Pumpkinhead said:

I remember one of the changes that Abbott proposed or was seriously considering after Ulvade was a 'red flag' law whereby authorities could seize your guns if you are considered an 'imminent threat'. But I am sure that stuff like that would freak some people out here given their distrust of law enforcement.

People here have seemed to compare owning guns to cars but there is a notable difference. Driving is clearly treated as 'privilege' in our country. Not a 'right'. There is nothing in the Bill Of Rights about 'the right to drive'.

Gun ownership however is considered a 'right' rather than a 'privilege'. Entirely different animal to legislate and politically navigate.

To better enforce the laws already on the books, would folks here support significantly more money spent increasing the size of law enforcement including the ATF to adequately enforce those laws, even it meant higher taxes or sacrificing something else you cared about politically?

The ATF is a corrupt and incompetent political tool, so no. Did you not see the hearings the last week? The head of the ATF cannot define a pistol brace but wants to make 30 million Americans felons on May 31st because of money or "reasons".
Psycho Bunny
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Pumpkinhead said:

I remember one of the changes that Abbott proposed or was seriously considering after Ulvade was a 'red flag' law whereby authorities could seize your guns if you are considered an 'imminent threat'. But I am sure that stuff like that would freak some people out here given their distrust of law enforcement.

People here have seemed to compare owning guns to cars but there is a notable difference. Driving is clearly treated as 'privilege' in our country. Not a 'right'. There is nothing in the Bill Of Rights about 'the right to drive'.

Gun ownership however is considered a 'right' rather than a 'privilege'. Entirely different animal to legislate and politically navigate.

To better enforce the laws already on the books, would folks here support significantly more money spent increasing the size of law enforcement including the ATF to adequately enforce those laws, even it meant higher taxes or sacrificing something else you cared about politically?

Red flag laws are a very slippery slop.

Let's say you make a simple little comment to a coworker, a 3rd person over hearing a conversion between you and your wife at dinner, a vindictive family member alerts the police. Next thing you know, your guns are being confiscated, you are having to take psych evals, pay for court cost and might end up in jail.

Worst case scenario of course, but a scenario that can happen and would happen under red flag laws in Texas.
barbacoa taco
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The laws would need to be carefully crafted to avoid situations like that. As in, one would need to petition a court to have a red flag put into place. And of course, due process for the individual to have the red flag removed. Similar to a temporary restraining order.

So, an offhand comment like that would be harder to prove. But documented evidence of threats being made to some type of target? More likely.
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Anyone advocating for 'red flag laws' should, in principle be for the involuntary committment of high risk mentally disturbed and mentally ill, right? If not, please differentiate why one is ok and not the other.
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I would be willing to pay for felons that are caught with guns to get life without parole.

Liberals would never support that however. The unintended consequences would be politically unpalatable.
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halfastros81 said:

I find it interesting that there's nothing out there about the ID of the Allen Shooter. At least not that I have seen and I have been looking.
He probably ID'd as trans during the killing spree and that is why the marxist media is not saying anything.
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fire09 said:

Anyone advocating for 'red flag laws' should, in principle be for the involuntary committment of high risk mentally disturbed and mentally ill, right? If not, please differentiate why one is ok and not the other.

This right here. If the person is dangerous, then the gun is not the problem, the individual is.
Psycho Bunny
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halfastros81 said:

I find it interesting that there's nothing out there about the ID of the Allen Shooter. At least not that I have seen and I have been looking.
He probably ID'd as trans during the killing spree and that is why the marxist media is not saying anything.
Here you go buddy
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Well, some things have come out today. 33 yr old Hispanic male security guard with a protective vest on. Not that any of those things are really the root of the issue. The root of the issue imo is he was mentally ill and the way things are done nowadays there is no forced treatment of the mentally ill. They have the right to be crazy until it boils over into an incident like this and then it's too late.

I'd bet there were clear signs of mental illness way, way before this tragedy. Probably even documented but nobody can do squat .
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FIDO_Ags said:

Watchful At, definitely not. I just don't think civilians nor police need semiautos with high cap mags. Rifles and shotguns are fine and everyone can agree on that.

And I just don't fear criminals having them and think that's a weak argument.
Yeah I don't give a **** what you think
My wife and daughter will use all means necessary to protect them.

And that is usually an AR with a 27 round magazine when in the house. And if you think a 100lb teenager can handle a shotgun, your IQ must rivall Joe Bidens

The rest of my ARs aren't to protect us against criminals. They are to protect us from folks like you who will vote away our rights, and then use the government to attempt to disarm us.
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zwhag2010 said:

Talking about the Allen shooting I ask the gun control advocates what would have stopped him from driving his car into a crowd just as the Brownsville person did. There is outrage from your team that nothing is being done about guns but will be mute to the Brownsville killings

"Team" tells the entire story. How depressing..
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rocky the dog said:

So based on your logic and statistics, Europe is Godly and we are not. What happened to Reagan conservatives? Our country is in such trouble.
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DannyDuberstein said:

The irony of one party preaching gun control while not prosecuting and releasing dangerous criminals more quickly than ever. Are we here for the safety of Joe Law Abiding Citizen or not? Because this is approach is 100% at odds with his safety. Clearly they are not actually for Joe Citizen's safety. But the child-like mindset of some of the masses are useful to them

One party preaching the solution is mental health intervention while cutting $210 million in mental health programs also tells you how tone deaf and stupid our governor is in this state.
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There is a lot folks posting in this thread that don't understand what the constitution says about 2A. There is also a lot of those same folks that don't understand the constitution & 2A that are liberals. You guys are are the problem.

Likely probably never served in the military either while you try and force all your BS liberal crap on this country.

As a former retired Marine 0326 . I'm sick of all the liberal BS. You guys are a freaking disease to freedom with all your liberal BS policies. Freaking enemy of freedom and hate what this Country was founded on.
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Bearpitbull said:

DannyDuberstein said:

The irony of one party preaching gun control while not prosecuting and releasing dangerous criminals more quickly than ever. Are we here for the safety of Joe Law Abiding Citizen or not? Because this is approach is 100% at odds with his safety. Clearly they are not actually for Joe Citizen's safety. But the child-like mindset of some of the masses are useful to them

One party preaching the solution is mental health intervention while cutting $210 million in mental health programs also tells you how tone deaf and stupid our governor is in this state.
Is Abbott responsible for deaths in Chicago too?
And Baltimore? And DC? And New York?

Maybe democrats should stop killing people.
Maybe democrats should stop letting illegals in the country
Maybe democrats should stop encouraging mentally disturbed kids from chopping their dicks and breasts

Democrats kill people and then looking to republicans for solutions

Here's a solution. Disarm every democrat.
Throw every democrat with a gun in prison.
Gun violence goes away.
So does pedophila.

Problem solved
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SteveA said:

I want to reduce mass shootings, especially in schools. Not exactly a gang banger forte.
I do, too. Posting "No Guns Allowed" signs won't stop mass shootings. Taking guns from law abiding citizens won't stop them. Suppose somehow this country passed a law banning possession of all firearms. Criminals would still get them, if for no other reason than being smuggled in by the Cartels (see War on Drugs).

What would work? Physical security for one. Schools can do much more to prevent mass shooters from entering the grounds, and have one or more armed guards (depending on size of school) on duty. But, people object to this for some reason I cannot fathom. Background checks are of little value if the data records they are checking are not current and complete. But, if background checks do become an effective way to prevent the wrong people from legally obtaining a firearm, they will either find another way to get one, or use another weapon.

We live in a sick society, and lethal weapons are always going to be available to criminals and psychopaths. Physical security and personal security awareness are the best way to reduce the number of killings.
rocky the dog
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rocky the dog said:

So based on your logic and statistics, Europe is Godly and we are not. What happened to Reagan conservatives? Our country is in such trouble.
Guess you're too ***** to realize that the Nazis were in Europe.
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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SteveA said:


Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy, but this happened about 4 miles from my house, and my kids were up there at the mall, so I'm a bit biased at the moment. This assault would be much more difficult for a guy armed with a 9mm handgun. The AR style weapons, or any semi auto with a pistol grip makes it too easy. Now, how do you get those out of the hands of people that do this stuff? I have no idea. Not a politician and don't claim to have answers. Obviously laws don't matter or they wouldn't be shooting up malls. But I don't think more guns is the answer. I don't think there is a need for these types of guns to be as available as they are. My opinion. Keeping it civil.

Keeping it civil here but you contradict yourself pretty quickly.
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PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
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Actual consequences for the illegal possession and use of firearms by criminals would be a good start… you know enforce existing gun laws. Don't plea them out Mr. Soros DA. Don't complain about "straw purchases" when the prosecution rate on blatant 4473 violations is < 0.1%.

It is "common sense" to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, not to make up new laws to punish citizens who actually follow them.
B-1 83
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I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
Who isn't? The solution is not to disarm the 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the population that is responsible and law abiding.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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B-1 83 said:


I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
Who isn't? The solution is not to disarm the 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the population that is responsible and law abiding.

Where did I say that was the solution?

But let me guess you think absolutely nothing needs changed on the gun reform side.

It's easy to say you're fed up with the murdering of children until it's time to even consider making changes
B-1 83
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AgsMyDude said:

B-1 83 said:


I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
Who isn't? The solution is not to disarm the 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the population that is responsible and law abiding.

Where did I say that was the solution?

But let me guess you think absolutely nothing needs changed on the gun reform side.

It's easy to say you're fed up with the murdering of children until it's time to even consider making changes
You obviously haven't read the whole thread that I started and posted on. Now, you were saying? What do you have to add, other than "I'm tired of seeing children shot"?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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Can someone explain to me how a ban on high capacity magazines and "assault rifles" (let's just assume for the sake of argument we are talking about semi automatic long guns) will prevent a mass shooting?

It's been mentioned multiple times across multiple threads and nobody can articulate why that law would prevent these events.

I also still waiting on someone advocating for red flag laws to confirm they also agree with involuntary commitment of mentally ill.

Old May Banker
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But let me guess you think absolutely nothing needs changed on the gun reform side.

The gun "side" has had a number of reforms over the past half century... let's keep putting pills in kids' mouths and iPads in their hands while we tell them they can be unicorns if that's what they believe...That's worked well.
B-1 83
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fire09 said:

Can someone explain to me how a ban on high capacity magazines and "assault rifles" (let's just assume for the sake of argument we are talking about semi automatic long guns) will prevent a mass shooting?

It's been mentioned multiple times across multiple threads and nobody can articulate why that law would prevent these events.

I also still waiting on someone advocating for red flag laws to confirm they also agree with involuntary commitment of mentally ill.

Quite a leap with that last part. I'm reasonably sure the posters on this thread are in favor of forbidding certain mentally ill people from legally purchasing a firearm. Are you in favor of it?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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B-1 83 said:

fire09 said:

Can someone explain to me how a ban on high capacity magazines and "assault rifles" (let's just assume for the sake of argument we are talking about semi automatic long guns) will prevent a mass shooting?

It's been mentioned multiple times across multiple threads and nobody can articulate why that law would prevent these events.

I also still waiting on someone advocating for red flag laws to confirm they also agree with involuntary commitment of mentally ill.

Quite a leap with that last part. I'm reasonably sure the posters on this thread are in favor of forbidding certain mentally ill people from legally purchasing a firearm. Are you in favor of it?
Why is it a leap? If a person is so mentally ill that they can't be trusted with a gun, why should they be trusted with a car, a knife, fertilizer, etc.? Crazy is crazy.
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AgsMyDude said:

PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
The citizens of Uvalde booted out Beto.
They realized that not only did the Government not protect their kids, they actively stopped people who were.

Want to reduce kids being shot?

How about doing the obvious, and have armed cops at schools
Enough with the No guns signs. law breakers dont obey laws

Stop voting democrats into office.
Stop voting democrats into school boards who are disarming resource officers because BLM.
Stop voting democrat DAs who let out criminals in the name of equity
Stop voting a Democrat President who lets violent illegals into the country
Stop voting democrat judges who refuse to enforce our laws

Whats disgusting is democrats deliberately creating policies that makes it easier for criminals to kill people including children and then use that as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.
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Not a leap. If you agree red flag laws should prevent someone from exercising their right to owning firearms, why wouldn't you agree that a potentially violent mentally ill patient shouldn't be involuntarily committed (apologies as I left violent out of my last comment).

Both actions are in the interest of public safety and intended to prevent violence and crime.

I see people advocating for red flag laws who don't think we should commit potentially violent mental patients involuntarily. What is the difference?

My personal opinion is that we already have laws in place to prevent these types of people grom owning firearms.
Old May Banker
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Society used to expect excellence, decorum, and decency from people... those that couldn't function in that role were shunned. Now they're celebrated - but it must be the guns.
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AgsMyDude said:

B-1 83 said:


I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
Who isn't? The solution is not to disarm the 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the population that is responsible and law abiding.

Where did I say that was the solution?

But let me guess you think absolutely nothing needs changed on the gun reform side.

It's easy to say you're fed up with the murdering of children until it's time to even consider making changes
What mass shootings would have been stopped by "gun reform"
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