Gun control and mass shootings

21,962 Views | 423 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Goro Majima
B-1 83
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Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?

EDIT FROM THE OP: Please be respectful and hear out what potential "solutions" are proposed without going into name calling and attack mode. That's gets threads killed and users banned.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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It's all social medias fault. Ban that!
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Sitting in a LTC class as we speak. Always carry. And always have an exit strategy to any place you enter that lets you leave it holstered if possible.
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There was a no-gun zone sign at the mall…I mean, it's almost as if someone who wants to commit a crime doesn't care about laws.
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I find it interesting that there's nothing out there about the ID of the Allen Shooter. At least not that I have seen and I have been looking.
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halfastros81 said:

I find it interesting that there's nothing out there about the ID of the Allen Shooter. At least not that I have seen and I have been looking.
It's because... well, you know.
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Because that only matters if they are a white male….if they are conservative then it really matters….
fka ftc
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See Brownsville. Common sense gun control will need to include deadly mass killing cars.
B-1 83
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Over 400 views, no ideas? Fascinating………
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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B-1 83 said:

Over 400 views, no ideas? Fascinating………

Well I'm not sure about gun laws. Maybe be more proactive about the sick shooters.
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B-1 83 said:

Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
He must not have seen the sign outlawing weapons at the mall. We need more signage available in all languages. This will solve the problem at hand.
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Idiots in Congress today claim that if they ban "assault weapons" it won't affect anyone except "mass shooters."
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.
B-1 83
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Rockdoc said:

B-1 83 said:

Over 400 views, no ideas? Fascinating………

Well I'm not sure about gun laws. Maybe be more proactive about the sick shooters.
I'm good with some form of this that does not stomp on a person's basic due process rights. The Uvalde shooter legally purchased his weapon, even with a record before he was 18 that should have negated the legal purchase. That needs some cleaning up, and is "common sense" in principle. Nobody wants nuts with guns.

Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy, but this happened about 4 miles from my house, and my kids were up there at the mall, so I'm a bit biased at the moment. This assault would be much more difficult for a guy armed with a 9mm handgun. The AR style weapons, or any semi auto with a pistol grip makes it too easy. Now, how do you get those out of the hands of people that do this stuff? I have no idea. Not a politician and don't claim to have answers. Obviously laws don't matter or they wouldn't be shooting up malls. But I don't think more guns is the answer. I don't think there is a need for these types of guns to be as available as they are. My opinion. Keeping it civil.
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B-1 83 said:

Rockdoc said:

B-1 83 said:

Over 400 views, no ideas? Fascinating………

Well I'm not sure about gun laws. Maybe be more proactive about the sick shooters.
I'm good with some form of this that does not stomp on a person's basic due process rights. The Uvalde shooter legally purchased his weapon, even with a record before he was 18 that should have negated the legal purchase. That needs some cleaning up, and is "common sense" in principle. Nobody wants nuts with guns.


You know since I'm getting on up in years, I've instructed my family to come get my guns should they deem me to "not need them anymore". Same as not letting an elderly person drive anymore. I know most shooters are on the younger side, but their families, friends and neighbors need to get involved before it's too late. May make some folks mad, but that's better than the alternative. And no, I'm not talking about red flag laws.
Old May Banker
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Normalizing degeneracy is a failed experiment.
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PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

I agree with this. We have 400,000,000 people living in America. We will never reach statistical significance.
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SteveA said:


Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy, but this happened about 4 miles from my house, and my kids were up there at the mall, so I'm a bit biased at the moment. This assault would be much more difficult for a guy armed with a 9mm handgun. The AR style weapons, or any semi auto with a pistol grip makes it too easy. Now, how do you get those out of the hands of people that do this stuff? I have no idea. Not a politician and don't claim to have answers. Obviously laws don't matter or they wouldn't be shooting up malls. But I don't think more guns is the answer. I don't think there is a need for these types of guns to be as available as they are. My opinion. Keeping it civil.

That's why pistols are almost never used.

Oh....wait, they're the #1 weapon of choice in crimes. Nevermind.

Glad your kids are safe, but don't let emotions cloud your judgement.
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We should not take guns from law abiding citizens, and we will never keep bad guys from getting guns, but we can do better at keeping the mentally unstable for buying and having guns….
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I think all guns should be legal but can someone lose their right to easily obtain one? In basic training we had a kid that was suicidal and told behavioral health he wanted to hurt people. He was banned from the range and was discharged. Does he still get to walk in and buy a semi-automatic rifle in a matter of minutes? I support the 2nd amendment but can we toss in some logic?
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SteveA said:


Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy, but this happened about 4 miles from my house, and my kids were up there at the mall, so I'm a bit biased at the moment. This assault would be much more difficult for a guy armed with a 9mm handgun. The AR style weapons, or any semi auto with a pistol grip makes it too easy. Now, how do you get those out of the hands of people that do this stuff? I have no idea. Not a politician and don't claim to have answers. Obviously laws don't matter or they wouldn't be shooting up malls. But I don't think more guns is the answer. I don't think there is a need for these types of guns to be as available as they are. My opinion. Keeping it civil.

So by your thinking, should any semi auto pistol be banned as well? What about drum mags that can hold as many as 100 rds? I'd be more worried about an idiot with a pistol and several 30 rd mags going inside the mall. It would be much more difficult to see him beforehand, and a lot easier for him to move around with a handgun.
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JWinTX said:

There was a no-gun zone sign at the mall…I mean, it's almost as if someone who wants to commit a crime doesn't care about laws.
But…unless we pass more empty laws that murderers refuse to follow…it means we're ok with it. Blah blah blah.
B-1 83
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Lesotho said:

I think all guns should be legal but can someone lose their right to easily obtain one? In basic training we had a kid that was suicidal and told behavioral health he wanted to hurt people. He was banned from the range and was discharged. Does he still get to walk in and buy a semi-automatic rifle in a matter of minutes? I support the 2nd amendment but can we toss in some logic?
See the Sutherland Springs shootings. Shooter was flagged by the USAF (for family violence, I believe) and the flag was never disseminated down the line. This is certainly an area that needs attention.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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When you talk about banning AR-15 style "assault" weapons, I always go back to the same thought. Just keeping the discussion about guns, what would prevent someone from doing the same thing with a Winchester 30-30, or a 9mm pistol, or a shotgun?
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I also live within 4-5 miles and realize that there are 500 million guns in the US already. Thinking these laws would protect is just wishful thinking with zero basis in reality. Law abiders will disarm themselves and become fish in a barrel for sick ****s like this guy

Chicago is the wild west in spite of what is essentially and outright ban of all guns
Old May Banker
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Everyone wants to ban inanimate objects while ignoring the root cause - people. Remove these idiots from society like we did 50 years ago. Stop normalizing **** that ain't right, so as not to be "offensive" to them.
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SteveA said:


Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?
A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy, but this happened about 4 miles from my house, and my kids were up there at the mall, so I'm a bit biased at the moment. This assault would be much more difficult for a guy armed with a 9mm handgun. The AR style weapons, or any semi auto with a pistol grip makes it too easy. Now, how do you get those out of the hands of people that do this stuff? I have no idea. Not a politician and don't claim to have answers. Obviously laws don't matter or they wouldn't be shooting up malls. But I don't think more guns is the answer. I don't think there is a need for these types of guns to be as available as they are. My opinion. Keeping it civil.

" I'm not a gun control guy."

Yes you are. Every word you wrote after that was about gun control. . Maybe to be fair: you were not a gun control guy but now are. But don't continue to convince yourself you are not a gun control guy. Even threw the big boogeyman pistol grip in.
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TequilaMockingbird said:

When you talk about banning AR-15 style "assault" weapons, I always go back to the same thought. Just keeping the discussion about guns, what would prevent someone from doing the same thing with a Winchester 30-30, or a 9mm pistol, or a shotgun?

Casualty count would be lower. I don't support semi automatic rifle ban but I do support making them more difficult to acquire. Yes criminals will find a way, but there are a lot of school shooters that walked in and purchased legally and quickly.
B-1 83
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Please explain what measures would/should make them more difficult to obtain.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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#3 in terms of mass shooting count was done with 9mm handguns. The body count on these things seems to have far more to do with how they were able to pin down a high number of victims (VT locked egress doors) and how quickly/slowly someone else with a gun (typically LEO) was able to engage
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Talking about the Allen shooting I ask the gun control advocates what would have stopped him from driving his car into a crowd just as the Brownsville person did. There is outrage from your team that nothing is being done about guns but will be mute to the Brownsville killings
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You lost me at pistol grip.
fka ftc
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When this became standard issue for every police officer down to small town America Barney Fife, then the citizens went forth and armed themselves in a similar manner.

Someone mentioned on a previous thread that if you want to start a conversation on what guns should be legal, it should start with what the LEOs are allowed to possess.

Edited to add: I included a sample pic, so if you want to comment on what the actual officer has in the pic fine, but the point is many local cops dress up in stormin fallujah gear to pick up someone with o/s warrants for parking tickets.

"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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A ban on semi auto rifles and large capacity magazines would be a start. I'm not a gun control guy
Uhh, what? You want to ban a large swath of guns / magazines as A START? Yeah you're aligned with the grabbiest of gun grabbers with this stance.
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