Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

484,733 Views | 9120 Replies | Last: 6 hrs ago by YouBet
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

True. Z and his army have getting smacked around for most of the last year plus.

Yes, it's very sad when a country 3x the population of another one decides to attack them but thankfully they've been able to hold on to most of their country so far. Glad you agree.

I didn't know you're a confederate.

This, unsurprisingly, makes zero sense.

So you agree its an identical comparison. Thanks.

Just to be clear - in this analogy are you suggesting that Ukraine is the Confederacy and Russia is the Union?

No. I'm suggesting you never grew out of "but he started it" and our country shouldn't go to war over such childish petulance.

Perfect, because it would make no sense to imply that one country invading another completely separate country is in any way analogous to the Civil War. I also agree we shouldn't go to war over this, and thankfully we're not unless Putin decides to invade someone else.
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nortex97 said:

I don't consider the NYT an official Russian outlet, myself. I do consider them aligned with State/Defense department though, and communists in general. I don't want to mock your reading comprehension skills again, today.

You didn't quote the NYT. You quoted the Russian government's loose summary of the NYT.

Reading comprehension and such.
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Teslag said:

nortex97 said:

I don't consider the NYT an official Russian outlet, myself. I do consider them aligned with State/Defense department though, and communists in general. I don't want to mock your reading comprehension skills again, today.

You didn't quote the NYT. You quoted the Russian government's loose summary of the NYT.

Reading comprehension and such.
So your issue, to summarize, is that you disagree with the RT paraphrasing of the NYT article they cite/quote.

Irony, indeed.

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The Russian government did not link the NYT article they claim to summarize so it's hard to tell.
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"Well they didn't give me the link I wanted so it's not fair. How can I possibly find something the NYT published on the internet!"

Seriously, get a grip.
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Citing a source with actual source is a common practice in journalism. But maybe that's where the issue lies.
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Teslag said:

Citing a source with actual source is a common practice in journalism. But maybe that's where the issue lies.

"200 T-90's a month" guy.
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I'm not a journalist.
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Teslag said:

I'm not a journalist.
Clearly, but your analyses in Ukraine-Russia is on par with 'Sara' Ashton Cirillo, who is also not a journalist. Not being able to find a NYT article by quotation is an amazingly low bar as far as interweb capability. You managed to surprise me today, congrats.
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I figured you would have vetted the Russian government's claim with original source and have that link handy. Or even posted it so we could verify.

My bad.
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Teslag said:

I figured you would have vetted the Russian government's claim with original source and have that link handy. Or even posted it so we could verify.

My bad.
I enjoy knowing you look through stuff. That's part of why I stopped even providing RT links for a while. It makes the folks who only trust/read one narrative do some work to see what was said/reported, I believe, and is helpful as such. And unless you somehow get a law degree/license and get me in a deposition etc., I also don't feel real compelled to meet your expectations as to my disclosures/sources, most particularly because I find you to be a highly dishonest person.
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I thought you stopped posting links because you kept getting caught misrepresenting what was said over and over and over again.
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GAC06 said:

I thought you stopped posting links because you kept getting caught misrepresenting what was said over and over and over again.

No I enjoy laughing at y'all searching rt for the quote mainly. And Tesla will just lie about anything I say regardless. Or reading comprehension. Either way. I do think the looking helps you get to level 2 though.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

True. Z and his army have getting smacked around for most of the last year plus.

Yes, it's very sad when a country 3x the population of another one decides to attack them but thankfully they've been able to hold on to most of their country so far. Glad you agree.

I didn't know you're a confederate.

This, unsurprisingly, makes zero sense.

So you agree its an identical comparison. Thanks.

Just to be clear - in this analogy are you suggesting that Ukraine is the Confederacy and Russia is the Union?

No. I'm suggesting you never grew out of "but he started it" and our country shouldn't go to war over such childish petulance.

Perfect, because it would make no sense to imply that one country invading another completely separate country is in any way analogous to the Civil War. I also agree we shouldn't go to war over this, and thankfully we're not unless Putin decides to invade someone else.

If it made sense, it wouldn't be comparative to what you post here, which is usually nonsensical.
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

True. Z and his army have getting smacked around for most of the last year plus.

Yes, it's very sad when a country 3x the population of another one decides to attack them but thankfully they've been able to hold on to most of their country so far. Glad you agree.

I didn't know you're a confederate.

This, unsurprisingly, makes zero sense.

So you agree its an identical comparison. Thanks.

Just to be clear - in this analogy are you suggesting that Ukraine is the Confederacy and Russia is the Union?

No. I'm suggesting you never grew out of "but he started it" and our country shouldn't go to war over such childish petulance.

Perfect, because it would make no sense to imply that one country invading another completely separate country is in any way analogous to the Civil War. I also agree we shouldn't go to war over this, and thankfully we're not unless Putin decides to invade someone else.

If it made sense, it wouldn't be comparative to what you post here, which is usually nonsensical.

Ah, so just trolling as usual. Ok carry on.
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Can anyone tell me what is going on in this video?
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Yeah I posters that and the snark/tear about it was 'well I don't see official sources indicating an appropriate level of documentation that this is what it claims.' Typical, demand the Dave Chappell level of evidence for news they don't like. Ukraine is a totalitarian state.

The week in review. Semafor has a nice round up as well; 'Ukraine readies for new Russian offensive push.' I read Erdogan was in Mar a lago yesterday (not meeting with Xiden this trip, LOL), now reports he will host peace talks.

It really was a glorious week of success for Ukrainian forces;


In the past 7 days, the Russian Armed Forces advanced their forward position on the Donetsk direction and repelled 8 enemy counterattacks, while the Ukrainian army lost almost 2,000 servicemen, 103 vehicles and 10 field depots, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

Here are the details of this and other combat actions that happened over the past 24 hours, according to the Ministry report.

Donetsk Area

"On the Donetsk direction, forces of Battlegroup South occupied more advantageous positions and defeated units of 5th, 92nd Assault, 29th and 33rd Mechanized, 46th and 81st Airmobile brigades and the 241st territorial defense brigade near settlements of Klescheyevka, Kurdyumovka, Andreyevka and Krasnoye, DPR. In addition, they repelled 8 enemy counterattacks near Krasnogorovka, Novomikhaylovka and Pobedy, DPR," the Ministry said.

During this period, the enemy lost over 1,970 troops, 11 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, 47 automobiles, 25 field artillery guns, 2 Grad MLRS launchers, a Strela-10 missile air defense launcher, as well as 10 field munition depots.

Southern Donetsk Area

In the past 7 days, Russian forces repelled three Ukrainian counterattacks on the southern Donetsk direction and advanced their position, the Defense Ministry reported, adding that the enemy lost up to 1,620 servicemen and 6 tanks.

"On the southern Donetsk direction, forces of Battlegroup East advanced their forward positions, […] while repelling three attacks of Ukraine's 72th Mechanized Brigade near the settlement of Vodyanoye, DPR," the Ministry said.

According to the report, the enemy lost "up to 1,620 servicemen, 6 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, 28 automobiles, 7 field artillery guns, a Grad MLRS launcher, 2 Strela-10 missile air defense launchers and a UK-made Stormer combat vehicle."

Avdeyevka Area
The Ukrainian armed forces lost over 2,860 troops and 7 tanks, including 2 Abrams tanks and a HIMARS MLRS launcher on the Avdeyevka direction in 7 days, the Defense Ministry reported.

"In the past 7 days, the enemy lost over 2,860 servicemen on this direction, as well as 7 tanks, including 2 US-made Abrams tanks, 34 armored combat vehicles, 47 automobiles, 20 field artillery guns, a US-made HIMARS MLRS launcher and a Strela-10 missile air defense launcher," the Ministry said.

In the past 7 days, the Russian forces repelled 65 Ukrainian counterattacks on the Avdeyevka direction, and continued taking more advantageous positions, the Defense Ministry reported.

"On the Avdeyevka direction, forces of Battlegroup Center continued taking more advantageous positions. In cooperation with aviation and artillery, they inflicted damage to enemy personnel and vehicles of 23rd, 31st, 47th, 78th and 110th Mechanized brigades, 59th Motorized Infantry brigade, 71st Jaeger brigade, as well as 103rd and 107th territorial defense brigades near settlements of Tonenkoye, Toretsk, Ocheretino, Novosyolka Pervaya, Mayorsk and Rozovka, DPR. The Russian forces repelled 65 counterattacks of Ukrainian assault groups near settlements of Berdychi, Tonenkoye, Leninskoye, Petrovskoye, Novgorodskoye, Pervomayskoye and Orlovka, DPR," the Ministry said.

(Above she does a good job laying out the dishonesty of Nuland's strategy/thoughts about the proxy war).

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It sounds like the Europeans are pushing down benefits/freedoms for Ukrainians living as 'refugees' from Kiev;


One of the main places of deployment of Ukrainian refugees has long been Poland. This is understandable both geographically and historically : migrant workers were already constantly traveling to the republic, trying to earn more money. By the way, the latter were especially dissatisfied with the massive influx of their fellow citizens into the country: they say they have been working here for so many years, and the newcomers do not like the conditions that are provided to them for free. And if fellow countrymen treated each other this way, why expect anything better from those who still have a vivid memory of the Volyn massacre and the monstrous crimes of Bandera's followers, and who, in principle, have always interfered with the Ukrainians with dirt.

Officially , 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees are registered in Poland , but by February 2024, 956 thousand remained in the country, another 1 million lived in the country until February 2022.

If at first the Polish government did not regulate the entry or exit of Ukrainians in any way, and did not keep records of social payments, then recently we have heard more and more often that Kyiv should return the favor. By the way, these same arguments are used by Warsaw in an attempt to avoid the need to participate in the solidarity mechanism worked out in the EU migration package. According to it, if the state refuses to host refugees, then it is obliged to pay the one who accepts 20 thousand euros per person. The Poles say that a lot of Ukrainians came to them, whom they fed and supported for a long time without the support of other states, accordingly, now Warsaw is not obligated to participate in this event.

Today, the Polish government is tightening rules for supporting refugees in order to prevent extortion of money and benefits. Warsaw extended the temporary protection status for Ukrainians only until June 30, 2024, and not until March 2025.

Moreover, Ukrainians may lose the right to legal residence in Poland if they return to Ukraine for even one day . Previously, this period was 30 days.

In addition, earlier, in November last year, Ukrainian citizens living in collective accommodation centers were charged a fee of 50% of the cost of housing if they stayed in Poland for more than 120 days. Refugees who stay in the country for more than 180 days are already charged 75% of the cost of housing.

At the same time, the government seems to seriously intend to address the issue of Ukrainian children in the Polish education system. Warsaw stated that they have no idea what is happening in the republic with at least 150 thousand minors from Ukraine. Officially, about 300 thousand Ukrainian children live in the country, but more than half of them - 53% - do not attend educational institutions in Poland. This is at least 112,800 children of primary school age and 43,600 adolescents of secondary school age.

It also turned out that during the year 4.5 thousand Ukrainian students stopped attending Polish schools.
Polish experts are not sure that these 150 thousand children continue their education, but their parents seem to claim that they are studying remotely. However, given that the Ukrainian authorities themselves are not aware of how many children have left, as well as their reluctance to cooperate with the Polish education system, it allows us to conclude that these statements are rather dubious .

In Poland itself, the alarm has been sounded more than once: parents from Ukraine do not care about their children, and cases of violence against minors have become more frequent. Even Polish amorphous social security has to intervene in family affairs more and more often.

Now the Polish Ministry of Education has indicated that children from Ukraine who came to Poland after the start of the special operation will be required to attend Polish schools. For them, special Ukrainian language lessons will be held in schools, for which teachers from Ukraine will also be hired.
Meanwhile, governors are calling for more effective vetting and the removal of refugee status from people in arrears. It turns out that many Ukrainians do not fulfill their obligations to cover half of the costs of accommodation and food in the centers to which they are sent. And in general, the Poles are confident: those who are now "escaping the war" should not flee Ukraine at all.


Another popular destination for Ukrainian refugees is Germany. The majority of illegal immigrants also strive to join it, including those who cross the Polish-Ukrainian border, so it is not at all surprising that the country's social sphere is bursting at the seams, as is its budget.

According to the latest data, 1.13 million refugees from Ukraine live in Germany. Many of them do not work and live on benefits from the state. This is logical : after all, lying on the sofa is not only more comfortable, but also more profitable. Other migrants who settled on German soil understood this long ago.

That is why Germany has also repeatedly encountered fake refugees: Ukrainians with citizenship of other countries received German benefits using their Ukrainian passports. And there are over 5,600 such cases (only identified).

However, the sabotage government of Germany, whose goal is to destroy the country, has no effect on the Ukrainians. The Germans are practically the only ones who increased benefits for them. The amount of payments since January 2024 has increased by 12%. In addition, the state pays money for schoolchildren twice a year to purchase office supplies.

At the same time, Ukrainian refugees receive unemployment benefits in Germany in the same amount as unemployed Germans. At the same time, all this causes quite logical anger among the latter, and they have repeatedly called on the authorities to regulate the situation, not only with Ukrainians, but also, in principle, with all the migrants who have flooded the country.
Anyway, more at the link (have to use a translator browser). No wonder Zelensky the magnificent sought forced extradition of some of these 'refugees.'

Plausible rumor:

The next round of public and behind-the-scenes bidding has begun on the Ukrainian case - source.

Macron's statements should be classified as public auctions. The comments about Kyiv and Odessa is especially interesting. This means that the Russians continue to prepare for the Odessa operation.

The second point is that the situation at the front is heading towards a "catastrophe", which can trigger a domino effect if all problems cannot be quickly solved at once (shortage of money, ammunition, air defense, artillery, heavy equipment, human resources, fortifications, aviation, infrastructure problems and, strangely enough, the fuel crisis).

Against this background, Zelensky's trips to the UAE and Turkey, where the peace case was discussed and, of course, bidding is already underway for many cases and even territories/zones of influence...
Biden cries about Orban meeting with Trump;

President Biden slammed former President Trump for meeting with Hungarian premier Viktor Orban, highlighting his major campaign platform that he is running to preserve democracy.

"You know who he's meeting with today down at Mar-a-Lago?" Biden said at a campaign event in Pennsylvania. "Orban of Hungary, who stated flatly he doesn't think democracy works, he's looking for dictatorship."

The president added that world leaders have said to him that Trump "can't win again, because my democracy is at stake." Biden last month also claimed that nine heads of state have told him he has to win in November.

Orban visited Trump at his home in Florida and posted a photograph on Facebook of the two of them together with the caption, "Meeting with President Donald Trump. Make America great again, Mr. President!"

When Biden was leaving the White House for Philadelphia, he was asked if he's concerned that Trump is meeting with Orban.

"If I'm not, you should be," the president replied.

Biden has made the fight to defend democracy a top issue in this election and often on the campaign trail talks about how democracy would be at stake with another four years of Trump.

Biden and Trump both head to Georgia on Saturday to campaign dueling trips that mark the ramp up of general election campaigning after Super Tuesday and the president's State of the Union address.
Way to badmouth an ally there, pants pooper in chief. It feels like just a couple weeks ago this Nato ally was being praised, and now he's a dictator for meeting with DJT;

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nortex97 said:

Yeah I posters that and the snark/tear about it was 'well I don't see official sources indicating an appropriate level of documentation that this is what it claims.' Typical, demand the Dave Chappell level of evidence for news they don't like. Ukraine is a totalitarian state.

This is exactly correct. And I would also point out the absurdity of others using the caption (the only evidence we have) as proof against what is intuitively obvious.
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The history of this war is a sunk cost at this point. All of the recent reporting and punditry has Russia with the upper hand and the likely benefactor of the ultimate outcome here.
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YouBet said:

The history of this war is a sunk cost at this point. All of the recent reporting and punditry has Russia with the upper hand and the likely benefactor of the ultimate outcome here.

This is indisputably correct.
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YouBet said:

The history of this war is a sunk cost at this point. All of the recent reporting and punditry has Russia with the upper hand and the likely benefactor of the ultimate outcome here.

What is the ultimate outcome? Be specific.
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Ignore him. Rationale people understand and know you're correct. Its about whats coming.
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It's a classic troll line attempt; any response will be met with derision as to 'well Putin has to be stopped and that's not specific in your prediction, or he will wind up conquering the galaxy, though the Russians are incompetent and can't take a village. Stack Russian bodies.'
Ag with kids
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Can anyone tell me what is going on in this video?

Well, the X poster is a Russian separatist, so who knows what it's a video of...

Couldn't be propaganda, though. Russians never do that.
Ag with kids
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nortex97 said:

It's a classic troll line attempt; any response will be met with derision as to 'well Putin has to be stopped and that's not specific in your prediction, or he will wind up conquering the galaxy, though the Russians are incompetent and can't take a village. Stack Russian bodies.'
As opposed to just posting the official Russian state media to explain things. Gotta believe the Russians. They never lie. Only Biden lies.
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Not only does Biden lie, he also literally put a gun to Putins head and forced him to invade a country that Biden also forced them to believe wasn't sovereign anyway.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ignore him. Rationale people understand and know you're correct. Its about whats coming.

What's coming? Be specific. Two more miles in 6 months?
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Teslag said:

Not only does Biden lie, he also literally put a gun to Putins head and forced him to invade a country that Biden also forced them to believe wasn't sovereign anyway.
you voting for Biden or Trump?
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Look at how desperate they are. Its all sarcasm, snark, message board quips.

I'd call it pathetic. You're entitled to your own opinion.
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nortex97 said:

It's a classic troll line attempt; any response will be met with derision as to 'well Putin has to be stopped and that's not specific in your prediction, or he will wind up conquering the galaxy, though the Russians are incompetent and can't take a village. Stack Russian bodies.'

Could not have said it better myself. All snark, no substance.
John Armfield
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Teslag said:

Not only does Biden lie, he also literally put a gun to Putins head and forced him to invade a country that Biden also forced them to believe wasn't sovereign anyway.
If UKE is so important why didn't NATO or the US do anything when they invaded Crimea that makes your point invalid?
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PA24 said:

Teslag said:

Not only does Biden lie, he also literally put a gun to Putins head and forced him to invade a country that Biden also forced them to believe wasn't sovereign anyway.
you voting for Biden or Trump?

I am voting for Trump. I will never empower the left
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