Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

484,833 Views | 9120 Replies | Last: 8 hrs ago by YouBet
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I'm going to reply instead of quote due to these posts sometimes getting too long when we quote each other multiple times, but this is about your post back to me.

Regarding CIA bases - should we have CIA bases in any country around the world? If so, why not Ukraine which borders a country that for the last 70 years has been an enemy?

As mentioned, I do think we should reduce our spend internationally on anything from the CIA to aid.

I don't have twitter so other than seeing links in this thread and the other thread I don't know much about which twitter voices are more credible than another. But I would hope that just like you don't trust the US govt and pro-Uke sources, that you also realize that twitter posts from Russian backers and ones sourcing material from the China Daily Global also have agendas.

With regards to Medvedev, he isn't just some random twitter person. I don't see anything about Putin's reign that would make me think he would let Medvedev say or post anything without his approval. Medvedev is basically his post holder for positions when Putin wasn't able to hold them himself. Even polling amongst the Russian people when Medvedev was President showed that more thought that Putin was really in charge.

If Putin is worried about protecting Russian culture, assets, etc, should he be allowed to take back any lands that were once part of the Russian Empire or USSR?

If Trump is re-elected, what would you want his first steps towards Russia to be?
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Aggie1205 said:

I'm going to reply instead of quote due to these posts sometimes getting too long when we quote each other multiple times, but this is about your post back to me.…

If Trump is re-elected, what would you want his first steps towards Russia to be?
Mostly fair stuff but I do have to go, sorry. Will try to come back later/this weekend. Medvedev is generally the barking dog/far end of the Russian nationalist/militant wing in their politics. Yeah, he has permission to play that role, I am sure.

CIA bases; I am not clear why we do need them in Ukraine at all, or many/most other places. Longer discussion point to be sure but I do not think the "Agency" has served American interests in the post cold-war era at least.

Putin; 'take back any lands…' I don't know why we should frankly worry about such hypotheticals, or commit to certain countries to go to war if he invades. There are horrible wars/bloody conflicts in places like Africa (often where the CIA is involved oh by the way) but we aren't committing much to them. South Africa has parties campaigning on killing the 'boers' for instance. America can't afford to be the world police and isn't very good at it, imho.

Twitter sources have agenda's, sure. I can't post sources/posts that are not pro-Zelensky etc. on the tactical/strategic thread. It just is what it is. I want more people to consider the negative ramifications though outside of the propaganda around our interventionalist state/CIA policy apparatus. I had the NYT as my homepage for over 10 years on a browser around 2000-2010 just to see what 'the enemy' was saying. I value seeing the other side's agenda/thinking, is all.

Trump's first step: I have no idea, and predicting Trump's actions is…a sketchy business. I would guess an offer to reduce sanctions if they will agree to a rapid ceasefire, and cleaning house at the state department/NSA. A trade agreement with orders for Boeing's and trade in titanium etc. would make sense, longer term.

Here's a discussion worth watching, imho;

John Armfield
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UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?
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They apparently had a large flag/cameras for this little waste-of-human-lives PR stunt attempt for nothing of military value/impact at all.

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John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lost Kharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.
F* Russia, F* the Democrats, F* me, F* everybody. But yeah especially Russia.

Note the frame work of this speech has historical president, 2009.
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ttu_85 said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.
F* Russia, F* the Democrats, F* me, F* everybody. But yeah especially Russia.

Note the frame work of this speech has historical president, 2009.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lostKharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus

I rest my case.
Ag with kids
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lostKharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus

I rest my case.
The day you actually MAKE a case will be interesting...
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Ag with kids said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lostKharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus

I rest my case.
The day you actually MAKE a case will be interesting...

Ok, I'll say it again: Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.
Ag with kids
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ag with kids said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lostKharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus

I rest my case.
The day you actually MAKE a case will be interesting...

Ok, I'll say it again: Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ag with kids said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

John Armfield said:

UKE lost Maripol, Aveidka which is a key city to lose, Bahkmut so they are 1-3 lmao?

Not even the most delusional Ukes think it's going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

You do realize that after Mariupol the Russians lostKharkiv, Kherson and 60% of their gains right?

And adviika a "key city"? Jesus

I rest my case.
The day you actually MAKE a case will be interesting...

Ok, I'll say it again: Not even the most delusional Ukes think its going well for Uke, they'll just try to convince you Russia isn't winning. Its fascinating to watch, really.

That dude literally included Mariupol, a city taken two years ago. And then ignored what happened after.
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Heap big trouble for team war this week.


Blow to the Bundeswehr: the German army blocks wiretapping of its officers on social networks, - Bild
The Russians have published a recording of an explosive telephone conversation dated February 19 between 4 high-ranking German officers discussing the possible supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.
The recording of a conversation between German officers is probably genuine, and the Russians are listening to the command of the German army, writes Bild.
The Bundeswehr is trying to "reduce the damage"; accounts on the social network X (formerly Twitter) that distributed the audio were blocked in Germany.
A spokeswoman for the German Ministry of Defense previously stated: "We are checking whether any messages were intercepted in the Luftwaffe area. The Federal Military Counterintelligence Directorate (BAMAD) took all necessary measures. We cannot say anything about the contents of the messages that are clearly being intercepted."

So, the conversation is legit, the Germans were discussing attacking the Crimean bridge with up to 20 missiles and it's not Russian propaganda after all. Color me shocked.

Respect sovereignty; abolish the CIA.

But Russia is weakened now and out of ammo, right?

LOL @ the reader note;

More from Prince:

The West should pull the plug on the Ukraine conflict as soon as possible because it will not be able to outperform Russia's defense industry, Erik Prince, founder of the American private military company Blackwater has said.

Speaking to the podcast PBD on Friday, Prince, who served as the CEO of the mercenary group until 2009 and now heads Frontier Resource Group, a private equity fund, expressed doubts about whether Kiev and its Western backers could prevail in the conflict with Russia, which has just entered its third year.

"We need to bring this war to a close because all Ukraine is doing right now is destroying itself demographically,"
he said, adding that hostilities are "chewing up the next generation of Ukrainian manpower,"which will be almost impossible to replace.

"The Western defense base is pathetic and you're not going to out-conventional war the Russian bear,"
Prince argued.

According to the former US Navy SEAL, in this light, the "ugly peace" and a freeze in hostilities would be a better option both for Kiev and its Western supporters than "whatever their idea of an ideal war is," adding "let them [Russia] keep Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk. Whatever."

The majority Russian-speaking Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol voted overwhelmingly to become part of Russia in a 2014 referendum after a Western-backed coup in Kiev. Donetsk and Lugansk, regions which had declared independence from Ukraine, followed suit in September, 2022 after the start of the current conflict.

However, Prince did not mention Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, which also held successful referendums to join Russia in the fall of 2022.

"It's not the American taxpayer's obligation to spend another hundred billion in Ukraine when there's been significant corruption and really nothing to show for it," he added.
Probably worth watching the whole thing but this is again worrisome;

"An ugly peace is better than whatever their idea of an ugly war is."

But forever war, comrades!
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The war is going so well for Uke they have to lie about how many planes they shoot down.

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He's right. Schrodinger's Uke
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

He's right. Schrodinger's Uke

The only problem with his analysis is thst Russia is completely unable to mount an offensive
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He's right of course; the balance of the following all are in Russia's favor and will increasingly be the case moving forward;
  • Balance of manpower
  • Balance of artillery
  • Balance of air superiority

None of that is going to change, including if somehow Biden agrees to secure the American border to send 60 billion to Kiev, and 12 or so F-16 pilots start flying around in 30 year old MLU frames.

Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

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Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

The Ukrainians want us there. The Swedes don't want Russians there. Not hard to see the difference.

Though I'm sure you'll try to. Or at least post a bunch of rando Twitter links in a wall of text.
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I remember when these negotiations now confirmed by WSJ were a conspiracy theory. Yet another one that turned out to be true.

This article is also in line with UK, French, and German leaders back then who were urging Zelenskiy to negotiate. They have since gone the other direction, obviously.

I have no illusions that Putin will negotiate in good faith, but Ukraine is noticeably worse off now than they were then from a demographics standpoint. They are in a true conundrum. Take a deal they don't want or continue dying in trenches with no chance of winning.
Logos Stick
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Siap, this thread is a monster. I looked at back and didn't see it.
It seems there was a peace deal on the table early on per the WSJ

"Its principal requirement was Ukrainian neutrality, including limits on the size of its military. Ukraine couldn't join NATO but it could still join the EU. Russian troops would have left Ukraine. Crimea would have remained in Russian hands, as it has since 2014. WSJ"::

Logos Stick
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Ukraine should have taken that deal it seems like.
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Yes, that's what my post above was referring to. nortex posted it on prior page buried in one of his larger posts.
Logos Stick
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YouBet said:

Yes, that's what my post above was referring to. nortex posted it on prior page buried in one of his larger posts.

Ok thanks. Sorry. like I said, massive walks of text in here lol.
Ag with kids
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Logos Stick said:

Ukraine should have taken that deal it seems like.
Russia would love a deal that ensures Ukraine stays out of NATO. Lets them come back for another bite in a few years. And then, we'd rinse repeat what's going on right now.

Logos Stick
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Tesla you are pro war here obviously.

So Ukraine should not have taken the peace deal in your opinion? If not, why not?
Logos Stick
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Ag with kids said:

Logos Stick said:

Ukraine should have taken that deal it seems like.
Russia would love a deal that ensures Ukraine stays out of NATO. Lets them come back for another bite in a few years. And then, we'd rinse repeat what's going on right now.

If true, then the argument that we have to engage Putin now otherwise he will continue and attack NATO allies is completely senseless and that's one of the primary arguments.
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nortex97 said:

He's right of course; the balance of the following all are in Russia's favor and will increasingly be the case moving forward;
  • Balance of manpower
  • Balance of artillery
  • Balance of air superiority

None of that is going to change, including if somehow Biden agrees to secure the American border to send 60 billion to Kiev, and 12 or so F-16 pilots start flying around in 30 year old MLU frames.

Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

Whoa a beach promenade? How gracious of the benevolent conquerors to build such amenities after leveling the city and slaughtering its inhabitants.
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GAC06 said:

nortex97 said:

He's right of course; the balance of the following all are in Russia's favor and will increasingly be the case moving forward;
  • Balance of manpower
  • Balance of artillery
  • Balance of air superiority

None of that is going to change, including if somehow Biden agrees to secure the American border to send 60 billion to Kiev, and 12 or so F-16 pilots start flying around in 30 year old MLU frames.

Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

Whoa a beach promenade? How gracious of the benevolent conquerors to build such amenities after leveling the city and slaughtering its inhabitants.

1st you said it was abandoned.
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Where did I say that? Oh yeah, I didn't.
Logos Stick
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GAC06 said:

nortex97 said:

He's right of course; the balance of the following all are in Russia's favor and will increasingly be the case moving forward;
  • Balance of manpower
  • Balance of artillery
  • Balance of air superiority

None of that is going to change, including if somehow Biden agrees to secure the American border to send 60 billion to Kiev, and 12 or so F-16 pilots start flying around in 30 year old MLU frames.

Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

Whoa a beach promenade? How gracious of the benevolent conquerors to build such amenities after leveling the city and slaughtering its inhabitants.

It seems better than reservations and casinos.
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GAC06 said:

nortex97 said:

He's right of course; the balance of the following all are in Russia's favor and will increasingly be the case moving forward;
  • Balance of manpower
  • Balance of artillery
  • Balance of air superiority

None of that is going to change, including if somehow Biden agrees to secure the American border to send 60 billion to Kiev, and 12 or so F-16 pilots start flying around in 30 year old MLU frames.

Wait, are intelligence bases bad now?

Whoa a beach promenade? How gracious of the benevolent conquerors to build such amenities after leveling the city and slaughtering its inhabitants.
It's a lot more than that, just look around some, though I am sure they do want to showcase it as a tourist/vacationer destination again, as soon as they can. One thing the sanctions cut down on is Russian tourism to Europe etc., so there is a lot of domestic pent up demand for beach/waterfront vacations I believe.

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I don't doubt they're trying to capitalize on the territory they seized. I was mostly laughing at your usual propagandist casting it as some great news that Russia is in control there.
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What's the Russian equivalent of tofu dreg? Borscht bricks? Pravda palaces?
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Logos Stick said:

Tesla you are pro war here obviously.

So Ukraine should not have taken the peace deal in your opinion? If not, why not?

Any "deal" where Ukraine can't join nato is off the table
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