Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

485,357 Views | 9120 Replies | Last: 19 hrs ago by YouBet
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Prepare for disappointment. It's just a matter of time.
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Teslag said:

Prepare for disappointment. It's just a matter of time.

You've been saying this for months. Just like covid "wait two more weeeks"
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Prepare for disappointment. It's just a matter of time.

You've been saying this for months. Just like covid "wait two more weeeks"

And I'm still not wrong. The defense industry ALWAYS gets their way.
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Ags4DaWin said:

Teslag maybe find a different hill to die on.

The intelligence services already admitted there were bio labs in Ukraine doing research there because the research was banned in the US.

This is well known code speak for bio weapons and the precise language they used when describing the Wuhan lab in China.

They already admitted it and it is in the public record so there is nothing left to cover for.
It's amazing, we know for a fact Hunter invested $500K via Rosemont Seneca into Metabiota and introduced them as well to Burisma for research work in Ukraine, and now that the CIA and DoD funded the bio-labs (and dozens of bases/stations) in Ukraine.


Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs, according to the e-mails found on the computer, which was abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 as Joe Biden ran for president.

Hunter introduced Metabiota to officials at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where he was a board member, for a "science project" involving biolabs in Ukraine, the e-mails show.

A memo from a Metabiota official to the then-vice president's son in 2014 said the company could "assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia."
A pathogen research company. "Cultural and economic independence from Russia."


Sorry I thought I'd posted this but maybe not. Been getting busy.

How many Russia Hoaxes are we up to now?

1. Russia collusion hoax (the original/Muellergate)

2. Russian bounties on American soldiers hoax

3. Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo hoax

4. Trump responsible for Navalny's death hoax

5. Trump invited Russia to attack a NATO country that doesn't pay its bills hoax

6. FBI informant for the Biden bribes is a Russian spy (probable hoax)

7. Putin blew up his own pipeline hoax.

8. NEW: Russia to interfere with American election in 2024 (on behalf of Trump).

9. Russian oligarchs will pay the Trump bond for the sham conviction in NY

10. Russia is using dishwasher parts for weapons but also building nuclear space weapons that are really scary.

11. There are and never were biolabs in Ukraine funded by the CIA/DoD, and even if there were, they weren't for weapons.

12. Ukraine is getting larger every day.

13. Sending money and weapons to Zelensky is to support freedom and democracy.
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14. Ukraine will cease to exist in weeks
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Teslag said:

14. Ukraine will cease to exist in weeks
That was I believe Biden subordinate Jake Sullivan warning Republicans what would happen if they stop insisting on American border security before funding Zelensky further, as demanded by Joe Biden;


Within weeks, Ukraine will run out of certain air defence capabilities, national security adviser Jake Sullivan is reported as having told the assembled lawmakers. That could lead to a wide expansion of Russia's air assaults on not just the front lines but targets across Ukraine. According to Mr Sullivan, Ukraine could only effectively remain a capable fighting force for a few months, possibly even just a few weeks, if further US aid was not passed by Congress.

There was also reportedly talk of the effect that a defeat of Ukraine would have on the US's image abroad; countries caught between the US and Russia (or China) would likely rethink decisions to seek closer ties with the US, Biden administration officials warned.

It's the first real sign that the Biden administration is seriously worried about the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war, especially now that the issue of Ukraine aid has become mired in domestic US politics. It is vehemently opposed by some right-wing members of the GOP House caucus, who thanks to the lowered motion to vacate threshold in the chamber have an oversized amount of influence over Mike Johnson, the speaker.
But maybe you have another reference, or is this simply pointing out the falsity put out by the Biden administration regarding their proxy war?
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Sure hope Tesla doesn't have a nut allergy because that teabagging was epic....
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
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That wasn't quite the person I remember making that bold claim. I found it bunched up with these too...

15. Russia is producing 200 T90's per month.
16. Ukraine's counteroffensive is a myth.
17. Ukraine's counteroffensive is real, but it only took a few villages after months of fighting so it's a failure.
18. Russia's counteroffensive is a massive success after spending months taking a few villages.
19. Russia didn't lose an A50.
20. Okay Russia lost an A50 but Russia shot it down.
21. Okay the Ukrainians shot it down but it as actually a converted cargo plane.
22. Russia doesn't want to take all of Ukraine.
23. Russia needs to take all of Ukraine because that's where the Nazis are.
24. Russia also needs to take all of these biolabs that totally exist.
25. Russia is just trying to keep NATO from expanding their borders, pay no attention to Finland.
26. This war only helps the CCP. Also here's some CCP claim that Covid actually originated in Ukraine and was the fault of the US.

And that's just recently.
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Teslag said:

Yes, they admitted this back in 2022. It's not a new revelation. Nor is trying to paint them as weapons labs.

They were weapons labs. They all but admitted it.

The DOD said Russia getting them was a national security concern.

The only reason for it to be a national security concern would be if they were in fact bioweapons labs.
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All labs with a higher BSL level are security concerns.
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Teslag said:

That wasn't quite the person I remember making that bold claim. I found it bunched up with these too...

15. Russia is producing 200 T90's per month.
16. Ukraine's counteroffensive is a myth.
17. Ukraine's counteroffensive is real, but it only took a few villages after months of fighting so it's a failure.
18. Russia's counteroffensive is a massive success after spending months taking a few villages.
19. Russia didn't lose an A50.
20. Okay Russia lost an A50 but Russia shot it down.
21. Okay the Ukrainians shot it down but it as actually a converted cargo plane.
22. Russia doesn't want to take all of Ukraine.
23. Russia needs to take all of Ukraine because that's where the Nazis are.
24. Russia also needs to take all of these biolabs that totally exist.
25. Russia is just trying to keep NATO from expanding their borders, pay no attention to Finland.
26. This war only helps the CCP. Also here's some CCP claim that Covid actually originated in Ukraine and was the fault of the US.

And that's just recently.
So, more unsourced claims about what Teslag wants to demagogue others into having said. I bolded the one I think has actually been stated (by me). The rest are I assume just lies unless you are trying to paraphrase the Biden administration, proxy war commanders again.

When large planes are lost, there is footage of the wreckage/pilots/crew buried etc. And yes Ukraine did engage in a 'for show' counter-offensive (at great human cost) they knew wouldn't work, and are now whining about others giving away the plans for the summer-fall one, after failing to launch it in the spring.

What is true:

Now BRICS will develop a politically independent payment settlement system, divorced from outside currencies/monetary systems/banking institutions;


Russia will propose to the BRICS members to form an alternative banking structure to secure trade operations that are politically autonomous, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told Bloomberg Saudi Arabia TV on the sidelines of a meeting of BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

"In order for the BRICS countries to develop normally, we need to think about creating our own financial systems functioning independently of politics and ensuring trade relations between our countries," Siluanov said.

According to him, trade among the BRICS countries is expanding. "For these trade flows to work, we need a reliable payment mechanism. Today we will propose to establish an independent settlement payment system based on new principles, first and foremost digital and blockchain principles, principles that could be comfortable for countries, inexpensive for making payments, and clear," Siluanov stated.
That's a big deal. It might be an effort to pull Mexico/Amlo into BRICS, as he has expressed concerns about WEF/one-world government.

WEF, China, and BRICS have profited financially from the proxy war in Ukraine we have funded. Europe and the US have lost money, and Ukraine has lost an enormous amount of manpower/lives, as have Russian conscripts (mostly). The Russian military is larger, more capable, and has better leadership and tactics than it did in 2022, while the arsenal in Europe and our own reserves are now substantially depleted. But we can't even audit what we are shipping to the 'good guys', of course, and don't want to ever do so.

Yay, war. Salut, comrades!
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Prepare for disappointment. It's just a matter of time.

You've been saying this for months. Just like covid "wait two more weeeks"

And I'm still not wrong. The defense industry ALWAYS gets their way.

I think you'll probably end up right. Until then.
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Who said anyone of those claims were made by someone on this board?
Get Off My Lawn
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Any change in the lines in the past 1.5 years?
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You forgot the Russian server connecting to Trump Tower hoax. Or is that captured under the broader Russiagate hoax?
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Any change in the lines in the past 1.5 years?

Basically no. Ukraine took a little last summer. Russia took a little this winter.

Stalemate by every definition.
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Yeah that's true. The broader mueller fires the lovebirds thread is so long for a reason. It involved layers upon layers of deception and lies about what the nefarious, omnipresent 'Russians" were doing. The passionate, religious belief in that stuff is partially why our the assorted members of our propaganda outlets (MSM) and domestic brownshirts are all so willing to continue the mission as to demagoguing Russia as a greater foe than it and Putin are.

It's an absurdity, but a religiously held conviction, just as 'go get the shot' or 'just wear a mask' were a couple years ago.

All of this is to keep as many folks as possible from seeing/focusing on what is going on, which is Biden's real priority, obviously.

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Until they secure our borders, both north and south, I don't care if Ukraine burns to the ground, and after our sovereignty is restored I will gladly allow Ukraine to purchase weapons with their own money and teach them how to use them.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
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Ah, memory lane.

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It appears the US invaded first.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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nortex97 said:

I'm blanking this one out (terms of service etc) but people can see the post on x if they want to. These are supposed to be our 'allies' fighting for 'democracy' and 'freedom.' Executing surrendering soldiers at point blank range.

X dot.


Not another dime. FJB. "Stacking bodies" and all that…Zelensky is an unrepentant liar as well.

An estimated 8-million Ukrainians died in WW2.

Now 80-years later we've seen another half-million in the course of 24-months with no sign of stopping.

If that 444,000 is close to being accurate then it surpasses the total number of Americans killed in WW2.
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Adam Entous, the New York Times reporter behind the recent CIA press release on the Ukraine War, fervently promoted the Russia Collusion Hoax.

CIA-MSDNC disinformation.


At the Washington Post, he baselessly slandered Trump, Flynn, Kushner, Prince, and others, fraudulently alleging they were Russian puppets in numerous articles, shamelessly lying to the American people:

"Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel"

"Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin"

"National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say"

"Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House"

"Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say"

How does one seamlessly transition from promoting the Russia Collusion Hoax to authoring a CIA press release on the Ukraine War?

For the Washington Post and the New York Times?
It's all the same propaganda, for Russiagate 3.0 from the left/swamp.

Today's update:


The advances are coming surprisingly fast, such that Ukrainian commentators are falling over themselves to explain what's going on. Infamous Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov gives his take, which is one of the threads that ties perfectly together with the last report. Recall the updates I've pushed about the corruption and embezzlement which has stilted Ukraine's ability to build second echelon lines on almost every front. He addresses this directly:


The Russian Army continues to move forward, since no serious defense line of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been constructed west of Avdievka - Butusov

"There are no words. The gap: here in Kiev the Supreme Commander-in-Chief says one thing, but at the front something completely different is happening. I want to say: beyond Avdeevka no field lines of fortifications have been built to this day. I saw our soldiers in holes in the middle of a field being attacked by Russian drones," said Ukrainian military propagandist Butusov. No conclusions are drawn from previous failures.


To make matters worse, an ex-Colonel of the SBU continues another one of our ongoing threads from my previous report about Russia's death by a thousand cuts tactic and how it may soon result in Ukraine's collapse. Read what he says about the many-vectored attackspecifically about the rapidfire rotation of units that's not giving Ukraine a chance to reinforce the constantly shifting axes of attack:

Ex-Colonel of the SBU predicts a new collapse of the front:
The Russian army is attacking on several sectors of the front, probing for the weak points of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said retired SBU Colonel Oleg Starikov.

"The front is standing. What did the enemy start doing? He began to concentrate his groups in six directions - Kupyansk, Seversk, Liman, Bakhmut, Ugledar, Avdeevka and Orekhovskoye, Tokmak direction. And these groups have grown from tactical to operational. Operational - this is the army level of 50-70 thousand. They are pursuing a "swing" strategy - they will hit there, move away, hit there, don't approach. Some of our commentators are starting to say that "meat assaults, we killed everyone, there is no one, and they keep climbing and climbing." Please don't listen - this is more related to panic. This is an underestimation of the enemy, it will come back to bite us, by the way, it's already coming out ," said the colonel.

He noted that the Russians are constantly rotating, training fresh forces,
while the Ukrainian units are divided into those who know how to fight, but are mortally tired, and untrained newcomers. Both are potential sources of large losses.

"As a result, they will continue to press. Wait until we encounter certain problems in the tactical theater of military operations, which turn into operational-tactical ones. Then, operationally, the front collapsed. This is not me saying, but the military history of the First World War," the Ukrainian expert worries.

The above only further confirms that everything we've been writing here about Russia's strategy has been accurate, which further gives me confidence about much of the other projections for the future.

What's interesting is we've seen the repeated projections for two months or so being the time period when things could unravel. This happens to roughly coincide with when Zelensky's presidential mandate runs out, and questions of his legitimacy will begin rising.
But now that things are looking so bleak, there is panic behind the scenes as factions are already forming to begin using this question of legitimacy as a springboard:

The vacuum of legitimacy is the main problem for Ukraine in the future, which will become clear on the weakening of international relations with our strange.

Zelensky's political opponents are increasingly raising the topic of completing the president's five-year cadence, writes The head.

In particular, the ex-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, People's deputy Dmitry Razumkov said that the powers of the current president of our country, Vladimir Zelensky, end in the spring of 2024, after which his powers are transferred to the speaker of the parliament.

"The Constitution clearly states what should happen: there is a chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, he acts as president before a new president is elected and he assumes his rights," explained the nardep.

According to Razumkov, elections in Ukraine can be held after the end of the military conflict: "Everything is standard, everything is democratic. I understand that neither Zelensky nor his office likes this, but the law is the law". Also, the ex-speaker of Rada added that he would like the situation in Ukraine to change and there were more "adequate people in the offices where decisions are made".

The fact that Zelensky's legitimacy after May 21 was also called into question by ex-nardep, Doctor of Law Valery Karpuntsov.

Anyway, more at the link, as always.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

nortex97 said:

I'm blanking this one out (terms of service etc) but people can see the post on x if they want to. These are supposed to be our 'allies' fighting for 'democracy' and 'freedom.' Executing surrendering soldiers at point blank range.

X dot.


Not another dime. FJB. "Stacking bodies" and all that…Zelensky is an unrepentant liar as well.

An estimated 8-million Ukrainians died in WW2.

Now 80-years later we've seen another half-million in the course of 24-months with no sign of stopping.

If that 444,000 is close to being accurate then it surpasses the total number of Americans killed in WW2.

Yet far short of the 3.5 to 5 million killed in a Russian backed famine which led to the modern Russian/Ukrainian divide we see today...
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Teslag said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

nortex97 said:

I'm blanking this one out (terms of service etc) but people can see the post on x if they want to. These are supposed to be our 'allies' fighting for 'democracy' and 'freedom.' Executing surrendering soldiers at point blank range.

X dot.


Not another dime. FJB. "Stacking bodies" and all that…Zelensky is an unrepentant liar as well.

An estimated 8-million Ukrainians died in WW2.

Now 80-years later we've seen another half-million in the course of 24-months with no sign of stopping.

If that 444,000 is close to being accurate then it surpasses the total number of Americans killed in WW2.

Yet far short of the 3.5 to 5 million killed in a Russian backed famine which led to the modern Russian/Ukrainian divide we see today...
Ok so if that was a "Russian caused famine" then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right? Or, wait, do you now agree the Ukrainian death total is far closer to 444K than 31K?

Virtue signaling about wanting to fund others (including handicapped, mentally ill, women, elderly etc) being conscripted into a massive war against their will, which "their" political masters have already ensured will be lost in the end.
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then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

No, this is an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation and has been from the start.

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?
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Teslag said:


then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

No, this is an unprovokedinvasion of a sovereignnation and has been from the start.

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?

Both have been disproven. HTH
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Teslag said:


then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

No, this is an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation and has been from the start.

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?

Not a bit. For someone terminally online, you really need to pay better attention. Showing symptoms of brain rot.
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They're bragging about destroying our tank
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Where does it say the woman in the video was conscripted?
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:


then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

No, this is an unprovokedinvasion of a sovereignnation and has been from the start.

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?

Both have been disproven. HTH

So Ukraine wasn't a sovereign nation despite Russia formally recognizing their sovereignty?

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then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?
Essentially all conscripts are in a combat zone. At least half of Ukraine is one, pending the daily strikes. Something like half their forces are within field artillery range often. The claim they have not mobilized most/or a great majority of their uniformed forces into the combat areas is belied by basic observation, and their own reporting of their dire manpower situation.

When Ukrainian propaganda admits as much, we should recognize the truth in the admission. End of discussion.
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nortex97 said:



then you now agree this is a civil war we have no business in, right?

And are we still running with the "women are being conscripted for combat" bit?
Essentially all conscripts are in a combat zone. At least half of Ukraine is one, pending the daily strikes. Something like half their forces are within field artillery range often. The claim they have not mobilized most/or a great majority of their uniformed forces into the combat areas is belied by basic observation, and their own reporting of their dire manpower situation.

When Ukrainian propaganda admits as much, we should recognize the truth in the admission. End of discussion.

I'm well aware of what a combat zone is. I was in one in both Syria and Iraq. And in no way shape or form am I a "combat veteran" while there despite taking indirect fire.

Wanna know some other formally recoginzed combat zones? Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc and you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that ever deployed or spent time in those locations to consider themselves "combat veterans".
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Newsflash Tesla the United States isn't a sovereign nation currently and hasn't been in some time. The concept that Lincoln described at Gettysburg no longer exists. Any that actually believes that our government is of the people, by the people, for the people" is delusional.

People toss around the term sovereignty around like they actually know what the word actually means. The so called protectors of democracy are the very ones setting it on fire. We are no longer citizens we are subjects, divide and concur is the oldest tactic in the manual, and yet it still works to this day. People got lazy and too busy in the "pursuit of happiness" and forgot there is a price to pay for freedom, despite it's name freedom isn't free.

Spend half the time working on restoring our own sovereignty, that we spend worrying about sh**holes that have no chance of ever becoming a sovereign nation, then the US could return to being great. Despite what all you liberals think, America First is not a bad thing. It's not racist, xenophobic, non inclusive, whatever. America FIrst is a necessity of survival.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
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Well put. He's back to trying to play legalese bs games. The fact is women are being conscripted and killed by the UFA while employed in various roles in the active combat zone that is eastern Ukraine. Tap dancing around his claims of heroism/military expertise, lies about what others say/post, and fake legalisms to distract from other's points and the brutal reality of this war are his MO.
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Newsflash Tesla the United States isn't a sovereign nation currently and hasn't been in some time.
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