Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

476,098 Views | 9112 Replies | Last: 1 hr ago by nortex97
fka ftc
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Also, as I pointed out in another thread - Putin added some bench strength when he traded the faux-male Griner back to the WNBA.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Completely nsfw/horrible video illustrating how terrible this war is and that is should be negotiated to end immediately. Caution; link is grotesque.

This stuff is happening literally every day right now, and some want it to go on because, well, sometimes it is Russians who are dying. I stringently disagree.

Edit: I took the link out. It's just that bad.
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Someone's about to get audited in absentia…

fka ftc
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Those look like boxes and boxes of Trump classified docs in that Horowitz tweet. I just knew the Trump docs would find their way to Putin's world. Dammit!
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nortex97 said:

Completely nsfw/horrible video illustrating how terrible this war is and that is should be negotiated to end immediately. Caution; link is grotesque.

This stuff is happening literally every day right now, and some want it to go on because, well, sometimes it is Russians who are dying. I stringently disagree.

Edit: I took the link out. It's just that bad.

Russian, as the sole instigator, can end this war any moment.
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Is Ukraine's population even 20 million now? This is a valid question.

Most seem to be settling in 'long term' to integrate into their host countries.

I've seen no actual data as to live birth rates in Ukraine since the war started. I think it's considered one of those 'state secrets' saint Zelensky doesn't want the world to know.
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Weird how Zelensky always has some type of mocking name on this thread but it's never done for Putin.

Just a different perspective I guess and totally not indicative of support for Russia.
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Saint Zelensky-Churchill/Xiden dominating the satire news of late.
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nortex97 said:

Saint Zelensky-Churchill/Xiden dominating the satire news of late.

UKE fan girls won't like this
fka ftc
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When are we going to be able to buy Great Z NFT Trading cards so we can just send the money directly to him?
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Has Xiden been told by Xi to bend the knee?

I'm glad to see diplomacy perhaps being given a chance, as per above. Sure, some dimmer elements of "American" statecraft swamp has been out there planting propaganda, but it seems perhaps Biden and Zelensky alike will prove unusefulin 2024 for the CCP.


On Sunday the U.S.Secretary of State went on four morning shows to play the same distinct melody over and over again:
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Margaret Brennan of CBS Face the Nation

SECRETARY BLINKEN: And it was a direct challenge to Putin's authority. So this raises profound questions. It shows real cracks. We can't speculate or know exactly where that's going to go. We do know that Putin has a lot more to answer for in the weeks and months ahead.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: These create more cracks in the Russian faade, and those cracks were already profound. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world all of those things have been dramatically diminished by Putin's aggression against Ukraine. He's managed to bring Europe together. He's managed to bring NATO together. He's managed to get Europe to move off of Russian energy. He's managed to alienate Ukrainians and unite Ukraine at the same time. So across the board this has been a strategic failure. Now you introduce into that profound internal divisions, and there are lots of questions he's going to have to answer in the weeks ahead.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Chuck Todd of NBC Meet The Press

SECRETARY BLINKEN: ... So I think we've seen more cracks emerge in the Russian facade. It is too soon to tell exactly where they go and when they get there. But certainly we have all sorts of new questions that Putin is going to have to address in the weeks and months ahead.
This is just the latest chapter in a book of failure that Putin has written for himself and for Russia. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world all of things have plummeted. We have a united NATO that's stronger than ever before, a Europe that is weaning itself off of Russian energy, Ukraine that Putin has managed to alienate and unite at the same time. Now, with trouble brewing from within, this, as I said, just adds more questions that he has to find answers for.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Dana Bash of CNN State of the Union

SECRETARY BLINKEN: But we can say this. First of all, what we've seen is extraordinary, and I think you see cracks emerge that weren't there before ...
We've seen this aggression against Ukraine become a strategic failure across the board. Russia is weaker economically, militarily. Its standing around the world has plummeted. It's managed to get Europeans off of Russian energy. It's managed to unite and strengthen NATO with new members and a stronger Alliance. It's managed to alienate from Russia and unite together Ukraine in ways that it's never been before. This is just an added chapter to a very, very bad book that Putin has written for Russia.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Jonathan Karl of ABC This Week

SECRETARY BLINKEN: But I think we can say this much: First, we've seen some very serious cracks emerge.
But we've seen, I think, lots of different cracks that have emerged in the conduct of this aggression, because everything Putin has tried to accomplish, the opposite has happened. Russia is weaker economically. It's weaker militarily. Its standing in the world has plummeted. It's managed to strengthen and unite NATO. It's managed to alienate and unite Ukrainians. It's managed to get Europe off of dependence on Russian energy.

In piece after piece, issue after issue, what Putin has tried to prevent, he's managed to precipitate. And Russia's standing is vastly diminished as a result. Now, add to that internal dissention. Again, we can't speculate on where this goes. We have to remain and we are focused on Ukraine, but it certainly raises new questions that he's going to have to address.
The very same (false) talking points, repeated over and over again, are a sure sign of lies and an organized propaganda campaign.

For the record. Progozhin was all alone in his mutiny attempt. Not one element of the Russian government or civil society joint him in his ride. So where are the cracks? There are none. Also Russia's military is now larger and better equipped then before the war. Russia's economy is fine and growing. Its standing in the world has increased.
Valid points, if inconvenient to those who consume/take seriously just propaganda from the MSM etc.
Ag with kids
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nortex97 said:

Someone's about to get audited in absentia…


So, Putin lied about Wagner PMC NOT being funded by the Russians all the way up until now, when it's convenient to say they are .
Ag with kids
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Teslag said:

Weird how Zelensky always has some type of mocking name on this thread but it's never done for Putin.

Just a different perspective I guess and totally not indicative of support for Russia.
Mocking Putin can get you killed don'tcha know...
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Yep and he totally has 90% support. In fact many are piling into factories to double Russias T90 output to 200 per month.
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I think they're giving the West a nudge by calling Wagner a "private military company" with obvious ties to the Kremlin. Everyone, their mom, and their dogs know Academi/Blackwater is the same thing with links to DC.
Ag with kids
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the_batman26 said:

I think they're giving the West a nudge by calling Wagner a "private military company" with obvious ties to the Kremlin. Everyone, their mom, and their dogs know Academi/Blackwater is the same thing with links to DC.
Well, yeah. Except Academi/Blackwater don't operate M1A1s and heavy artillery. There IS a big difference there...
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We also never used black water as a stand-alone army to purse offensives
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Partially true, we haven't used them for major offensive operations but covert operations. Remember over 50% of US defense spending is spent on contractors of one form or another.

Wagner does way more offensive stuff than any US contractors
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Defensive contractors takes on a wide swath of roles. Not all are black water. Many are running things like dining facilities overseas (KBR) or like Logistics Health who maintain military health scheduling and services tracking.
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So I have read on this thread that the Russian military is now stronger than it was at the beginning of hostilities. Can someone 1) explain that in terms of the "how" and 2) explain why if this is the case the Russians have been unable to make significant progress? Even with Western aid I do not see Ukraine as a near peer with the Russian military, so where is the disconnect?
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2000AgPhD said:

So I have on this thread that the Russian military is now stronger than it was at the beginning of hostilities. Can someone 1) explain that in terms of the "how" and 2) explain why if this is the case the Russians have been unable to make significant progress? Even with Western aid I do not see Ukraine as a near peer with the Russian military, so where is the disconnect?
think it depends on one's perspective as to 'stronger.' Russia has undergone a lengthy mobilization and expanded it's uniformed army by at least 200,000, which is why they have declined to go to a further full mobilization now. Tactics, weapons, and leadership are greatly improved now vs. the initial clown show.

But more importantly, they are hitting their recruitment targets and have moved to more Chinese/domestic components for most of their major weapons systems. Assuming they 'lost' around 100K in their initial attack:

Now, Shoigu has announced a total of 155k+ new enlistments and volunteers as of this year (2023) so far. This puts us at 480-500k+ total. But, here's the first big wrinkle: it was announced that Russia is creating:

  • an entirely new army
  • a new corps
  • five new regiments to be added into existing armies
  • [/ol]

    The RF Armed Forces are actively forming reserves, both for defense and offensive purposes.
    Today, at a meeting of the president with permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, an important issue was raised about the active formation of reserves in the Armed Forces, both in terms of equipment and personnel.

    According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, 114,000 people and 52,000 volunteers have been recruited under a direct contract. In addition, reserves are being formed as part of the army corps, the army, five regiments in the 1st and 20th tank armies.

    "In fact, by the end of June, we will complete the formation of a reserve army and in the near future we will complete the formation of an army corps. Five regiments have also been formed by more than 60%. In this case, I am talking about personnel and equipment," the head of the military department emphasized.

    Such data inspire confidence in the resilience of our defense in the NVO zone, especially against the backdrop of off-scale losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, the following phrase flashed in the minister's speech: "Preparations are underway for further offensive actions ... On our part as well."

    We have repeatedly said that victory is achieved only by an offensive. We hope that, having exhausted the enemy in defense, the Russian army will proceed to conduct large-scale offensive operations - to liberate the still occupied territories of the Russian Federation and deep into Ukraine.


    However, if they do continue recruiting at the same rate as given earlier, i.e. ~1,300 per day, and if Shoigu has already gotten his allotment for the new army/corps, that means Russia can gain 40k new men per month for the actual SMO and as I outlined earlier, can bring a hypothetical massive total of 240k men by the end of this year alone.

    The importance of this point is to give an idea for Russia's long term plans and why they may choose to be passive for now. With rough parity for the time being, they could very well choose to continue grinding and attriting the AFU. But imagine, for instance, they build up and recruit until next summer, that would be an additional 240k at the current rate. By next summer they could have the massive ~350k + 240k + 240k = 800k - 1M man army
    The two armies today are not…in a similar state vs. their pre-war conditions, at all.

    It's sort of funny to read 'their side:'

    I think there is interesting contrast:
    - How Russia handle armed insurrection by 4,000 armed military.
    - How US handled "insurrection" by a few thousand middle-aged conservatives (mixed with FBI operatives) - these people and their families, lost jobs, were threatened by the government, had homes searched, some remain in jail awiting outcome of "trial".
    So, which is the authoritarian government.
    So, the J6 fedsurrection was a threat to the republic, but the 12 hour blitzkrieg of 4,000-6,000 mid/lower level Wagner mercenaries up a highway toward Moscow/near certain destruction indicates a fracture that they (Russians) are unlikely to recover from?

    Ukraine is, in short, not a near peer to the Russian military at all. It's sort of amazing so many still fall for such propaganda in other places.
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    2000AgPhD said:

    So I have on this thread that the Russian military is now stronger than it was at the beginning of hostilities. Can someone 1) explain that in terms of the "how" and 2) explain why if this is the case the Russians have been unable to make significant progress? Even with Western aid I do not see Ukraine as a near peer with the Russian military, so where is the disconnect?

    Russia is producing 100 T-90 tanks per month.
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    Ukraine is, in short, not a near peer to the Russian military at all. It's sort of amazing so many still fall for such propaganda in other places.

    So Russia should be rolling into Kiev any day now correct? They totally didn't spend all winter trying to take one single town?
    fka ftc
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    Teslag said:


    Ukraine is, in short, not a near peer to the Russian military at all. It's sort of amazing so many still fall for such propaganda in other places.

    So Russia should be rolling into Kiev any day now correct? They totally didn't spend all winter trying to take one single town?
    Wander what your reaction will be if Putin does level up. Will you be man / they enough to admit you were wrong?
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    Teslag said:


    Ukraine is, in short, not a near peer to the Russian military at all. It's sort of amazing so many still fall for such propaganda in other places.

    So Russia should be rolling into Kiev any day now correct? They totally didn't spend all winter trying to take one single town?
    ok then explain how Russia still occupies a 1/3 of UKE ? UKE said the war goes on until all their land is returned you see this happening?
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    LarryElder said:

    Teslag said:


    Ukraine is, in short, not a near peer to the Russian military at all. It's sort of amazing so many still fall for such propaganda in other places.

    So Russia should be rolling into Kiev any day now correct? They totally didn't spend all winter trying to take one single town?
    ok then explain how Russia still occupies a 1/3 of UKE ? UKE said the war goes on until all their land is returned you see this happening?

    Russia controls 18% of Ukraine, down from a high of 27%

    So Russia, with all it's power and might, can only occupy 18% of small piss ant Ukraine after a year and a half of fighting and have been steadily losing more and more each day.

    Putin is getting ***** slapped by a ****ing comedian.
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    It's more about what it matters, to whom, as to which side controls what remnant of Ukraine today and moving forward.

    Claims of a few hundred square kilometers are laughably irrelevant. People who think this is about 40 or 50 tanks, or old F-16's, or some largely empty hamlets populated by retirees are simply delusional/ignorant of basic facts/history/math etc.

    Ukraine isn't worth a billion dollars to the US taxpayer, let alone a trillion or more.
    fka ftc
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    Teslag said:

    Putin is getting ***** slapped by a ****ing comedian.
    Great news!

    Bu why did Biden ask for $500 million more in aid today?
    Stat Monitor Repairman
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    This war ends in favor of Ukraine and the refugees will make absolutely no effort repopulate their country.

    Males of fighting age have been penned-in and forced to fight a proxy war with no favorable outcome for any party.

    And the US taxpayers are being made to pay for the whole thing.

    So the reality is that we are taking your tax dollars and forcing some unlucky people on the other side of the world to fight to the death in an un-winnable proxy war.

    People don't see that though.

    It too complex an issue for the average person to comprehend.

    The only thing we care about in 2023 is that Putin bad ... and Trump bad.

    Those two things must remain inviolate.
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    fka ftc said:

    Teslag said:

    Putin is getting ***** slapped by a ****ing comedian.
    Great news!

    Bu why did Biden ask for $500 million more in aid today?

    Because we need to stack even more Russian corpses
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    Teslag said:

    fka ftc said:

    Teslag said:

    Putin is getting ***** slapped by a ****ing comedian.
    Great news!

    Bu why did Biden ask for $500 million more in aid today?

    Because we need to stack even more Russian corpses
    why do American tax payers care about stacking Russian bodies they are not a threat to the USA
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    Stat Monitor Repairman said:

    This war ends in favor of Ukraine and the refugees will make absolutely no effort repopulate their country.

    Males of fighting age have been penned-in and forced to fight a proxy war with no favorable outcome for any party.

    And the US taxpayers are being made to pay for the whole thing.

    So the reality is that we are taking your tax dollars and forcing some unlucky people on the other side of the world to fight to the death in an un-winnable proxy war.

    People don't see that though.

    It too complex an issue for the average person to comprehend.

    The only thing we care about in 2023 is that Putin bad ... and Trump bad.

    Those two things must remain inviolate.
    fka ftc
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    LarryElder said:

    Teslag said:

    fka ftc said:

    Teslag said:

    Putin is getting ***** slapped by a ****ing comedian.
    Great news!

    Bu why did Biden ask for $500 million more in aid today?

    Because we need to stack even more Russian corpses
    why do American tax payers care about stacking Russian bodies they are not a threat to the USA
    Because some live of the government and support more government and more assistance. Pretty simple for them really. Costs them NOTHING.

    For the rest of us, we understand the fruitlessness of this proxy war and the costs on both the taxpayers and the everyday citizen.

    Plus, 10% for the Big Guy. Always.
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