J. Walter Weatherman said:PlaneCrashGuy said:J. Walter Weatherman said:PlaneCrashGuy said:J. Walter Weatherman said:PlaneCrashGuy said:Ag with kids said:So, if there is not an explicit dollar limit, then it's "unlimited"? As in infinite?PlaneCrashGuy said:J. Walter Weatherman said:Ags4DaWin said:Ag with kids said:Nobody that I know. It's a strawman.J. Walter Weatherman said:Ags4DaWin said:Teslag said:Quote:
And please answer my question, Are you for giving Ukraine permission to make advanced weapons strike into Russia?
I literally quoted your question and said yes in the previous post.
And define "win".
This is what everyone that has been opposed to Ukraine funding has said from the get go.
The Ukraine fanboys need to define the terms of victory.
Yall are the ones begging for unlimited aid and escalation.
So YOU tell US what the goals are here.
It's not our job to tell you what we want accomplished because we are against funding this **** show.
The onus is on YOU to tell us WHY the investment of untraceable money amd material is necessary, what the goals are, and how a "win" would be defined.
Per usual, u have this assbackwards my dude.
Who is saying this?
Actually the fact that Ukrainian aid is attached to almost every bill that touches the floor of congress and when we call out such things the Teslag crew calls us Putin Fanboys is pretty much proof that the Warhawks and neocons on here want unlimited Ukrainian Aid.
If you have spent anytime at all reading this thread you will have seen that there are two major camps.
1) calls for moderation, oversight of aid, deescalation, and peace agreement.
2) the other calls for aid without oversight, and whatever it takes to stack Russian bodies.
I have consistently taken side 1
Teslag et al. Have consistently taken side 2 and defended every aid package put before the congressional floor.
None of what you said equals the below.Quote:
Yall are the ones begging for unlimited aid and escalation.
Would you like to try again? Or maybe just admit that you made it up?
So if you're not "begging for unlimited aid" as he wrote, when/where did you define your desired cap in aid? If you haven't made that clear, could you quantify how much aid you think should be sent and what your dollar limit is?
I could find "as long as it takes" style posts in the ole bookmarks if you're going to pretend that hasn't been a consistent theme in this thread.
That's inane. Here's an example:
How much will you spend in your life on tacos? If you can't tell me an exact dollar amount, then you're willing to spend an unlimited amount on tacos.
Less then $10 per week. That wasn't hard.
Whats your limit on aid? If you can't provide one, it's completely reasonable to assume you're asking for unlimited money, because you are.
He said posters are "begging for unlimited aid and escalation." Seems easy to find evidence of that, and yet there is none. Just another strawman.
The evidence is 200 pages of calling for more aid without defining a limit to that aid.
If someone defined the limit and I missed it, you could show me where they did so and I'd agree with you.
You can make whatever logic leap to support your usual vague trolling arguments that you'd like. Meanwhile, back in the real world where actual words matter, I'll continue to wait for that poster to quote someone "begging for unlimited aid and escalation." Guessing I'll be waiting awhile.
Then show/tell us the limit. Unlimited means "without limit"
Nothing vague about this: if you can't define the limit then "unlimited" is an accurate description.
That poster didn't say "they won't give a limit on how much/how long the aid will go." He literally said posters are "begging for unlimited aid and escalation." I'm just looking for any evidence of that. I'm guessing he hasn't defended the comment because he knows he made it up.
There's 250 pages of evidence.
Begging for unlimited aid means begging for aid without a limit.
Can you show me where anyone has provided a limit? Without a limit = unlimited. I thought you were the "words matter" guy. What gives?
You could provide your limit at anytime but you haven't done that either, which givesncredence to the notion that you're asking for unlimited aid.
I'm not sure if people genuinely believe someone is going to say, "Wow, if some people say I'm a moron for not believing this, it clearly must be true."
It's not much a persuasive argument. It really just sounds like a bunch of miniature dachshunds barking because the first one one barked when it thought it heard something.
It's not much a persuasive argument. It really just sounds like a bunch of miniature dachshunds barking because the first one one barked when it thought it heard something.