Some of you may remember my daily driver is a '14 F-Type S (supercharged V8) Cabriolet for context.
TLDR, they are very good cars, charging in SoCal, no problem.
#1 and I flew out to SoCal for a couple weeks for our #2 granddaughter's 1st b'day and about a week's stay in Menifee, near Temecula then a week in Burbank with my brother and his wife.
Flew into LAX, picked up my daughter in LA as she had come out for a long weekend get-a-way from NYC with friends, but she too wanted to be at the b'day party, being the only Tia.
Rented a Hertz and upgraded to a Model Y Dual Motor for an extra $20/day seeing how gasoline is over $6 a gallon in Commiefornia and I was curious about the Tesla. I put 947 miles on it in the two weeks, haven't got the bill yet but I don't think I ever spent more than $25 for a charge and I charged it maybe six times at supercharger locations and never for more than a 20 minute wait. A couple times we were at some place for lunch so don't know how long it took to get to 100% those times, suffice to say Superchargers are ubiquitous in SoCal. Cheapest charge was ~$12 and most expensive maybe ~$25 the lease came with $35 charge credit. I fill up my F-Type with ~17 gallons of VA gasoline at about $4.50 per gallon of Shell or Exxon Super Monday it was an $80 fill up. I don't drive much so I fill up maybe every two to 3 weeks, work from home, when I work.
Longest overall day trip was from Menifee to Yucca Valley near Joshua Tree NP (little over 80 miles), where we stopped for lunch and got a full charge. Went up to the Hidden Valley Trail 20 miles there and back to Yucca Valley, so 40 miles, then another 175 miles, about 3-1/2 hours to San Diego Airport to drop my daughter off for her return to NYC and back to Menifee, the Y said we would make it home with about 12% charge but it was late and dinner time so we stopped at an In-n-Out near a supercharger for rest of the return trip 1 hr-15 minutes 72 miles (oddly enough it said it would only charge it to ~60% for some reason).
One of the first times I charged it; it said it was conditioning the battery for fast charging, maybe some of you Tesla owners know why, I don't know why it only did it once.
When I first got the car, I didn't modify the driver preferences, so it was like driving with three women and not just the two, heaven forbid I should change lane to pass someone, women! LKA assist kept bugging me with the audible beep and the steering shudder was disconcerting if not just plain annoying. It would beep as soon the red light turned to green (worse than the driver behind you honking should you not accelerate mediately). I guess the previous driver needed the help, I didn't like those settings. A couple days later I took some time to figure out how to adjust the driving modes. I settled on leaving it on the max recharge at deceleration, basically if you don't have your foot on the accelerator your automatically braking (or it feels like it). Got used to it pretty quickly and I think it helps keep the charge, a slight pedal on a downhill or approaching a forced stop it seems to keep the power use in the green, I suppose charging. There is a sliding bar on the upper lefthand corner indicating how much power you're using or charging when accelerating/decelerating, useful feature.
Also, for some reason driving at just above the speed limit and not much over seemed effortless (yea, there is a setting for that), my F-Type sneaks up on you, before you know it you are at 100MPH.
Let me just say a couple things about CA drivers, 1, they have no concept of left lane as passing lane, worse than here in VA, 2, motorcycles passing between lanes/cars seems like a suicide mission and also disconcerting if you don't see them coming. Working on my M-ARCH in Urban Planning I had to take couple Transportation Planning classes, CA transportation in the 80's was supposed to be the pinnacle...I guess they were satisfied back then, CA roads are worse than VA, I have to say.
The car:
Super rigid body, great suspension (not a mean feat coming from a Lotus guy) great acceleration, great brakes, nice seats (though not nicer than my F-Type), the tech is superb. Don't really care for the Infotainment, you're always looking down and to the right for the speedometer and everything else. Windshield wiper controls were a bit perplexing to me for some reason.
I like the car, I'd buy one if it suited my lifestyle, but I don't drive enough for the price of gasoline to be a bother. I'd like to try the new Roadster, 650 m/charge top speed 250 mph, yea baby!
so, no, it is no substitute for the F-Type in many ways particularly the Jag's exhaust tone and rear wheel drive.