10thYrSr said:
Rossticus said:
Azov has slowly been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard structure (particularly within the past few years) in order to ensure greater oversight, cooperation, discipline, and accountability. Beginning in 2018/2019 many of the more extremist elements began to be purged. It's still far right nationalist but also far from being a rogue element or terrorist org.
Do you have a video or link from the organization stating this themselves? My video was pretty clear they had no desire to do that. I posted information that was verified. Can you do the same?
Theres a ton of info out there. I put in the legwork to review the available info and come to my conclusion. You're capable of doing the same. Someone beat me to posting a recent video. Yours is from 3 years ago.
My statement doesn't contradict your old Vice vid. It supplements it with pertinent information that fills in the temporal gap. In the future, if you're going to use old information to form an opinion, take the time to do additional research in order to ensure that other events haven't transpired in the interim before you snap back to criticize information which you've failed to integrate.