***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,591,820 Views | 47822 Replies | Last: 3 hrs ago by sclaff
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Rossticus said:

Could this be any more Hitler-ish? Yeeeesh.

I once talked to a middle-aged man in Hungary who was explaining Russia to me. He asked, "What part of their history do the Russians feel worst about?" I thought for a second and guessed, "Stalin?" He shook his head with a frown, as though to say I still had much, much to learn. "Alaska."
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I once talked to a middle-aged man in Hungary who was explaining Russia to me. He asked, "What part of their history do the Russians feel worst about?" I thought for a second and guessed, "Stalin?" He shook his head with a frown, as though to say I still had much, much to learn. "Alaska."
That's scary. Still commies at heart.
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aggiehawg said:


I once talked to a middle-aged man in Hungary who was explaining Russia to me. He asked, "What part of their history do the Russians feel worst about?" I thought for a second and guessed, "Stalin?" He shook his head with a frown, as though to say I still had much, much to learn. "Alaska."
That's scary. Still commies at heart.
Some of the jokes I heard over there about America and Russia were eye-opening. Another one was, "When the Americans went to space, they spent millions of dollars to develop a special pen that could write in zero-gravity conditions. The Russians just used a pencil."
Ag In Ok
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I think now we know some admiral general was given funds to create a better pen, pocketed most of it, said it was impossible, and delivered a pencil.
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AggieLit said:

aggiehawg said:


I once talked to a middle-aged man in Hungary who was explaining Russia to me. He asked, "What part of their history do the Russians feel worst about?" I thought for a second and guessed, "Stalin?" He shook his head with a frown, as though to say I still had much, much to learn. "Alaska."
That's scary. Still commies at heart.
Some of the jokes I heard over there about America and Russia were eye-opening. Another one was, "When the Americans went to space, they spent millions of dollars to develop a special pen that could write in zero-gravity conditions. The Russians just used a pencil."

That joke has been around a long time, and isn't actually true.

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Some of the jokes I heard over there about America and Russia were eye-opening. Another one was, "When the Americans went to space, they spent millions of dollars to develop a special pen that could write in zero-gravity conditions. The Russians just used a pencil."
And such was a point of pride? The Hubs was once allowed into the cockpit of an Antonov aircraft in the late 90s. Their gauges were still analog.

Such is the conundrum of the Russians and their technology advances and then zero advances. Very uneven in different fields.

ETA: Oh that's a joke? NM.
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Hey that special pen/marker helped complete a circuit to allow the Apollo 11 Lunar Module to take off from the surface of the moon. A pencil might not have done that
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ABATTBQ11 said:

A big part of the problem is natural gas and other petro products being used as feedstock for a lot of industrial and chemical processes. You can't replace that with nuclear plants.
If you stop burning petro for energy the available petro for feedstock increases...

in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things; by pretending "not to know" there is no guilt, no actual connection to conscience. Denial of truth allows easier trespass.
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  • Mikhail Nagamov, 41, died fighting in Ukraine on April 13, Russia has confirmed
  • Nagamov commanded a sapper regiment, and leaves behind a wife and child
  • Putin has now lost dozens of colonels and eight generals in 55 days of fighting
  • Death toll likely to rise in coming weeks, as battle of Donbas gets underway


Russia has lost another colonel as Ukraine continues to inflict punishing losses on Vladimir Putin's top brass.

Mikhail Nagamov, 41, the commander of a sapper regiment, died fighting in Ukraine on April 13, according to articles that have appeared in Russian media.

It is not clear how or where exactly Nagamov died, with reports saying only that he perished 'performing a combat mission in Ukraine'. He leaves behind a wife and child in the village of Suslonger, around 400 miles east of Moscow.

All Russian officers are either bald or have really bad haircuts.

Jarrin' Jay
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ABATTBQ11 said:

They're right. Give them what they know. If the Russians have taught us anything, it's that even advanced weapons do no good if they're not employed right.

Well, really what we have learned is that Russia doesn't have much advanced weaponry on the ground and especially in the air and what they do have is limited and not very effective.
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rab79 said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

A big part of the problem is natural gas and other petro products being used as feedstock for a lot of industrial and chemical processes. You can't replace that with nuclear plants.
If you stop burning petro for energy the available petro for feedstock increases...

But it still has to come from somewhere, and the petro used for energy is only about 25% of consumption IIRC. Considering the enormity of the use for feedstock and most of the rest going to residential and commercial use for things like heating and cooking, nuclear does not come close to solving the dependency issue. It'll give you power, but you still have millions dependent on O&G for jobs and basic necessities.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

rab79 said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

A big part of the problem is natural gas and other petro products being used as feedstock for a lot of industrial and chemical processes. You can't replace that with nuclear plants.
If you stop burning petro for energy the available petro for feedstock increases...

But it still has to come from somewhere, and the petro used for energy is only about 25% of consumption IIRC. Considering the enormity of the use for feedstock and most of the rest going to residential and commercial use for things like heating and cooking, nuclear does not come close to solving the dependency issue. It'll give you power, but you still have millions dependent on O&G for jobs and basic necessities.
Not to derail, but petroleum is overwhelmingly used as transportation fuel.

See slide 10:

Bird Poo
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aggiehawg said:


  • Mikhail Nagamov, 41, died fighting in Ukraine on April 13, Russia has confirmed
  • Nagamov commanded a sapper regiment, and leaves behind a wife and child
  • Putin has now lost dozens of colonels and eight generals in 55 days of fighting
  • Death toll likely to rise in coming weeks, as battle of Donbas gets underway


Russia has lost another colonel as Ukraine continues to inflict punishing losses on Vladimir Putin's top brass.

Mikhail Nagamov, 41, the commander of a sapper regiment, died fighting in Ukraine on April 13, according to articles that have appeared in Russian media.

It is not clear how or where exactly Nagamov died, with reports saying only that he perished 'performing a combat mission in Ukraine'. He leaves behind a wife and child in the village of Suslonger, around 400 miles east of Moscow.

All Russian officers are either bald or have really bad haircuts.

It's called a buddy cut (comrade cut?). They look like **** but they're free!
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htownag10 said:

How the hell does Russia let that happen? Wow.

I keep setting the bar lower and lower for the Russian military. The only thing they have that keeps them relevant are nukes.

Maybe their artillary, since they have a metric **** ton of field pieces.
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Robk said:

Unrolled ...

  • At the end of February Germany's defense industry sends Scholz a long list of all available weapons.
  • Scholz doesn't share the list with Ukraine.
  • Scholz says that there are no more weapons left in Germany to give to Ukraine.
  • Germany's defense industry leakes the list to Ukraine's ambassador.
  • Scholz says that the weapons on the list don't work.
  • The defense industry denies this and leakes the list to the press.
  • Scholz states Ukrainians can't master the weapons in the available time.
  • German defense experts tell the German press that Ukrainians can master the weapons in 2-3 weeks.
  • Scholz says the weapons are needed by NATO and NATO must approve their transfer.
  • NATO officials and German generals deny this.
  • Scholz says no other NATO/EU ally is delivering heavy weapons to Ukraine.
  • The US, UK, Australia, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Romania, Netherlands, etc. publish the lists of heavy weapon they deliver to Ukraine.
  • Under pressure Scholz announces 2 billion for Ukraine's military.
  • German parliamentarians find out that it's really just 1 billion, which won't be available for another 2-3 months, and then Scholz can veto or delay indefinitely every item Ukraine wants to buy.
  • The US, France, Poland, Romania, Japan, the UK and Italy, plus the heads of EU and NATO spend an afternoon trying to talk sense into Scholz.
  • Scholz makes a statement and says Ukraine can have the 1 billion now and order whatever it wants from the list.
  • Ukraine's ambassador says that Scholz removed all the items Ukraine actually wants from the list before giving it to Ukraine and what remains on the list is just a fraction of the 1 billion. Scholz isn't incompetent or mendacious... he just works for the Russians.
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It's comical at this point
one MEEN Ag
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aggiehawg said:


Some of the jokes I heard over there about America and Russia were eye-opening. Another one was, "When the Americans went to space, they spent millions of dollars to develop a special pen that could write in zero-gravity conditions. The Russians just used a pencil."
And such was a point of pride? The Hubs was once allowed into the cockpit of an Antonov aircraft in the late 90s. Their gauges were still analog.

Such is the conundrum of the Russians and their technology advances and then zero advances. Very uneven in different fields.

ETA: Oh that's a joke? NM.
The russians 'engineering pride' is mostly tied to the brilliant phd level engineers and mathematicians they produced. Everything else was sub par. Manufacturing capability, raw materials sourcing, materials research, systems level integration, and maintenance were all lacking. Everything about russian rocketry and weapons design is under heavy constraints that america doesn't think about. Like their version of the saturn 5 had like 31 rockets versus the 5 on the saturn V first stage because they did not have the manufacturing capility to make those big cones. The rocketry design itself had to be of a higher risk/reward design to maximize payload. Both of these lead to major failure points. They developed a whole new field of stainless steel research because we blocked them from getting access to nickel. American stealth on the F-117 nighthawk got its inspiration from a russian research publication on radar deflection. The phds were on their game. Nobody else was.

When my dad worked on computers his whole career he was always amazed at the brilliance of the russian phds he interacted with on chip design. They would always start with the purely mathematical perspective on how to get the cpu cycles as low as theoretically possible to solve a problem and then build a chip from there. America never really thought like that. It was always about building more horsepower at the hardware level and then making the programs as efficient as possible.
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The Germans are a lousy bunch of free riders! They should be hit with severe consequences! Prohibit them from exporting high mark up autos for long enough to cripple their auto industry!
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Robk said:

What a loser. My German friends cannot stand the new ruling party.
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goatchze said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

rab79 said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

A big part of the problem is natural gas and other petro products being used as feedstock for a lot of industrial and chemical processes. You can't replace that with nuclear plants.
If you stop burning petro for energy the available petro for feedstock increases...

But it still has to come from somewhere, and the petro used for energy is only about 25% of consumption IIRC. Considering the enormity of the use for feedstock and most of the rest going to residential and commercial use for things like heating and cooking, nuclear does not come close to solving the dependency issue. It'll give you power, but you still have millions dependent on O&G for jobs and basic necessities.
Not to derail, but petroleum is overwhelmingly used as transportation fuel.

See slide 10:


I may be thinking purely NG. Either way, energy is not the crux of the issue.
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And the Russian army cannot scale up bc the politics fallout would end Putin.

People are a whole lot more willing to sign up to defend against invasion than to attack others.

All that fascist crap they teach gets accepted when they don't all have to go die or lose limbs enacting it.
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aggiehawg said:


Replacement for the R-36M (SS-18/Satan) family of super-heavy ICBMs.

This is a Russian first strike weapon as it can come from any direction, even over the South Pole.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Agsuffering@bulaw said:

The Germans are a lousy bunch of free riders! They should be hit with severe consequences! Prohibit them from exporting high mark up autos for long enough to cripple their auto industry!

Pull the US Army and AF out of Germany and open new bases in Poland. Poland's defense outlook is more aligned with the US and the Germans will actually have to spend more to defend their country without our troops doing the work for them.
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Alarming new news? Or old and previously known news?
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aggiehawg said:

Alarming new news? Or old and previously known news?
We've known they've been building it for 4-5 years now. They finally just decided to test fire one.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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benchmark said:

Robk said:

Unrolled ...

  • At the end of February Germany's defense industry sends Scholz a long list of all available weapons.
  • Scholz doesn't share the list with Ukraine.
  • Scholz says that there are no more weapons left in Germany to give to Ukraine.
  • Germany's defense industry leakes the list to Ukraine's ambassador.
  • Scholz says that the weapons on the list don't work.
  • The defense industry denies this and leakes the list to the press.
  • Scholz states Ukrainians can't master the weapons in the available time.
  • German defense experts tell the German press that Ukrainians can master the weapons in 2-3 weeks.
  • Scholz says the weapons are needed by NATO and NATO must approve their transfer.
  • NATO officials and German generals deny this.
  • Scholz says no other NATO/EU ally is delivering heavy weapons to Ukraine.
  • The US, UK, Australia, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Romania, Netherlands, etc. publish the lists of heavy weapon they deliver to Ukraine.
  • Under pressure Scholz announces 2 billion for Ukraine's military.
  • German parliamentarians find out that it's really just 1 billion, which won't be available for another 2-3 months, and then Scholz can veto or delay indefinitely every item Ukraine wants to buy.
  • The US, France, Poland, Romania, Japan, the UK and Italy, plus the heads of EU and NATO spend an afternoon trying to talk sense into Scholz.
  • Scholz makes a statement and says Ukraine can have the 1 billion now and order whatever it wants from the list.
  • Ukraine's ambassador says that Scholz removed all the items Ukraine actually wants from the list before giving it to Ukraine and what remains on the list is just a fraction of the 1 billion. Scholz isn't incompetent or mendacious... he just works for the Russians.

Man you'd really think that Germany would jump at the chance to A) Put Russians in their place & B) Be the good guys for once, but nooooo gotta be the biggest jackasses in terms of hampering the aid effort for Ukraine.
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Germany only cares about Germany.
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aggiehawg said:


Do we have a comparable system?
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AgLA06 said:

Germany only cares about Germany.
I mentioned this back on February 24th and nothing has changed since then. Germany always sides with the tyrants and has been on the wrong side of the last two world wars, why change their perfect record?

***** OFFICIAL Russia v. Ukraine ***** - Page 111 | TexAgs
one MEEN Ag
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AgLA06 said:

Germany only cares about Germany.
Correct. And the german economy isn't as robust as one might think. They are industrious, but they have no high tech sector or fin tech either. Their economy relies on being the premium quality manufacturer for the world. The richest people in germany are either related to land ownership, traditional banking, niche manufacturing, or sitting on what was stolen during WWII. There is no huge swaths of 'new money' like America's tech and OG sector provides.

Reducing their access to gas is a huge double whammy to them. They freeze in the winter and they can't keep industry running. Everyone at the top is either directly or indirectly tied to keeping that gas flowing, and they've been benefitting from a cozy relationship with russian oil, gas, and raw materials.
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SwigAg11 said:

aggiehawg said:


Do we have a comparable system?
Nothing even close.

Our best ICBM, the LGM-118 Peacekeeper, was retired and the Minuteman IIIs were de-MIRVed in a treaty with the Russians, who have never honored it whatsoever. They've added more MIRVs to their missiles, built new missiles to carry even a higher number of MIRVs, and then built this thing.

Without its nukes, Russia is at best a second rate power and they know this, which is why they are trying to reach a Soviet level of nuke deployment.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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