RebelE Infantry said:
Here is a good quick write up on the overall strategic military situation. Yes it runs counter to the broad narrative, no it is not Russian propaganda.
This analysis gets the facts right but reaches the wrong conclusions.
There are enough signs, even ignoring the obvious propaganda, that the invasion is going poorly to believe it's going poorly. But the author is correc that none of these issues change the fact that, militarily, it's inevitable that Russia will accomplish its strategic goals as long as they maintain their will to do so. They are struggling more than they or we thought, and hat tip to the Ukrainian for some of that, but they're still inexorably progressing toward their military goals.
But all of the reports on the Russian failures, including the DoD reports, are geared toward the propaganda war. Winning the propaganda battle, which we are dominating, rallies support from abroad and boosts Ukrainian morale, while also allowing more time for the sanctions to come into play and either hurt military efficiency further, or increase domestic pressure on Putin. With that in mind, the overly optimistic briefings from the DoD and reports from western media make a lot more sense. The author completely ignores this aspect, which is a pretty big omission.