We touched on sustainment earlier today, but I want to re-engage on the topic for the next 12-24hrs. FLOT (Forward Line Of Troops) has est 4-6 fronts (depending on the intel we receive) whether it be thru an air bridge via paratroopers, or spearhead into the interior of the country.
Russia is known to have subpar logistics ops, so it's completely believable that armored units are stopping to scavenge for food and fuel (CL I, III for you army folk). My hope is the Ukes let the heavies pass and they hit the soft targets to disable the heavy mech units over time.
If reports hold true, we will continue to see reports of chronic issues of resupply (primarily food and fuel), and munitions will begin to run low, or black. Expect to see more forces thrown in to bolster the Russian progress.
It's going to get sporty regardless. GOOD HUNTING, UKES!