ABATTBQ11 said:
Ags4DaWin said:
SidetrackAg said:
FriscoKid said:
aezmvp said:
They are also talking about moving nukes into Belarus. I worry about what happens if this goes really sideways for the Russians, they've out run their supply chain and a hostile populace is burning out their tanks and the Russians are retreating on foot while manpads have eliminated their air cover. I wonder if Putin doesn't authorize nukes.
You have to take it out. You can't let a bully be a bully. It might hurt in the short run, but Russia invading Ukraine (and especially if they launch a nuke) can not stand. We should carve up that country into tiny pieces and auction off the land to the highest bidder if that happens.
No way he would be crazy enough to use nukes.
no way hitler would kill 15 million of his own citizens because they like to cut their foreskin off. that's just crazy.
no way mao would starve 90 million of his own people. it just doesn't make sense.
do you see a pattern here?
Yeah, but Hitler and Mao both truly thought there'd be no consequences. Hitler really thought he'd win, and Mao controlled the party with an iron fist. Putin knows they're will be consequences.
Wrong. They didn't think about things in regards to consequences.
Hitler believed that there would be no opposition to hold him accountable when it was all said and done and that he was doing it for the good of his people.
Mao believed he was resetting China and purging its weakness so it could return to greatness after the 100 Years Of Shame.
You can talk yourself into any monstrous act if you can rationalize it with an off setting greater good that you're dping for YOUR people.
Did you not read Putin's crazy rant?
Can you not see that mentally he is right there in crazy town with Hitler, Mao, and Stalin?