Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
The reason you didn't hear any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field wasn't because of how the OP was written 38 years later. It is because of the differences I've stated.BluHorseShu said:The OP was about Americans dying on Biden's watch. The comment was about that point, not trying to imply any other comparison. Nice try. What people need to stop doing is going is going off topic because someone disagrees with their point of view. There could be a post about which is better Coke or Pepsi and it would end up talking about how the right or left is screwing this country.TexAgs91 said:Reagan didn't steal his election. He didn't do every thing in his power to knock the country down a peg at every turn and his party didn't call his opposing party domestic terrorists.rackmonster said:
I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.
I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
People on this forum need to stop with the false equivalencies.
Old Ags leaving Kyle Field after F pepaw chant circa 2021.
How Texas A&M fans felt about the "mOsT pOpULaR pReSiDeNt iN HiStOrY" at the game yesterday. Made me proud to be an Aggie #GigEm #FuckJoeBiden
— Damani Felder (@TheDamaniFelder) September 5, 2021
Stat Monitor Repairman said:
Oh man,
Wait until they start this s*** on College Gameday.
They got a tiger by the tail now.
rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
Nothing wrong with that....but you do that in the voting booth.Iraq2xVeteran said:
Glad to see some students from Generation Z (Born between 1997 to 2012) opposing Joe Biden and the liberal agenda.
BluHorseShu said:The OP was about Americans dyingTexAgs91 said:Reagan didn't steal his election. He didn't do every thing in his power to knock the country down a peg at every turn and his party didn't call his opposing party domestic terrorists.rackmonster said:
I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.
I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
People on this forum need to stop with the false equivalencies.onbecause of Biden'swatchincompetent decisions. The comment was about that point, not trying to imply any other comparison. Nice try. What people need to stop doing is going is going off topic because someone disagrees with their point of view. There could be a post about which is better Coke or Pepsi and it would end up talking about how the right or left is screwing this country.
Your concern isn't for Texas A&M. If this were true, then we would have seen you here condemning the vandalism against the Sul Ross statue and the faux racism charge hurled against your alma mater by one of your fellow party members.rackmonster said:Nothing wrong with that....but you do that in the voting booth.Iraq2xVeteran said:
Glad to see some students from Generation Z (Born between 1997 to 2012) opposing Joe Biden and the liberal agenda.
you don't disgrace OUR TEXAS A&M...
rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
Thirteen dead Marines, lives that could have been easily saved.Challenger 17 said:rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
Yes. You're never to young to learn that Marxism and election theft is evil. Next question
Lmao, now you're using the "Think of the children!!" defense?!rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
I'll bet he was showing his grandkids this picture...Aggies2009 said:Lmao, now you're using the "Think of the children!!" defense?!rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
I guess coming here acting all big and bad didn't work so well.
Sorry. You voted for this. There were literal riots and cities on fire last year. And NOW you're clutching your pearls over a few chants? LOL
I was 2,000 miles away, where I've been for a long long time. Nice try...assuming I approve of that action...because....because...I'm not a MAGA clown. Whoever did that is a disgrace to Texas A&M ( assuming they were Aggies).Stlkofta said:
Where were you, rackmonster?
Not posting for a 2 year periodStlkofta said:
Where were you, rackmonster?
rackmonster said:I was 2,000 miles away, where I've been for a long long time. Nice try...assuming I approve of that action...because....because...I'm not a MAGA clown. Whoever did that is a disgrace to Texas A&M ( assuming they were Aggies).Stlkofta said:
Where were you, rackmonster?
But this bile that you and most everybody else is peddling here is deeply flawed...namely..."Hey...they did we can do it too!" Guess we could call it RIOT ENVY...and that line of thinking is exactly what led to Jan 6.
"They desecrated we'll get even and desecrate Kyle Field"
Let's talk about Sully for a moment. SOLDIER, STATESMAN, KNIGHTLY GENTLEMAN.
Would a "Knightly Gentleman" shout **** in front of women and children?
Lawrence Sullivan Ross would be deeply ashamed at what happened in Kyle Field the other night
You're still 2,000 miles away, and only NOW you're outraged for the sake of the University?Quote:I was 2,000 miles away, where I've been for a long long time.Quote:
Stlkofta said:
Where were you, rackmonster?
For this man's sake...rocky the dog said:You're still 2,000 miles away, and only NOW you're outraged for the sake of the University?Quote:I was 2,000 miles away, where I've been for a long long time.Quote:
Stlkofta said:
Where were you, rackmonster?
That's a really poor excuse.
rackmonster said:Well.....practically every Aggie here advances the BIG BOLD LIE. That Joe Biden stole the election and is not the legitimate President of the United States. Talk to them people first.sicandtiredTXN said:Okay Mr. Protect the Aggie Code of Conductrackmonster said:It was a few drunks way up high that were chanting that. Always gonna be a few of them, no matter where you go. Back when I was in the Corps, chanting "**** (any President) " would not have passed muster.redcrayon said:rackmonster said:
I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.
I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?
So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.
you gonna talk the better walk the walk.
You would be very uncomfortable in the military right now if this is making you upset.
I guess Texas A&M is a much different place than when I was there.
all of us have an obligation to guard the reputation of Texas A&M.
this is a non-negotiable issue with me.
"The Aggie Code of Honor which Aggies recite by heart: Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those that do" shows what goes to the heart of being an Aggie."
In your post below, highlighted in BOLD is a lie.
Save your BS self righteousness about Aggie conduct.
Requiring Voter ID isn't voter suppression by any stretch of any imagination.
Only poll workers weren't allowed to pass out water. They could get water for any John Q Citizen.
You are not be truthful.Quote:
rackmonster said:
It's gonna be interesting to watch Hershel Walker defend the Georgia GOP Voter Suppression know...where you make elderly black voters stand in line for hours and hours, and don't dare give 'em a bottle of water. voters are going to storm the polls to vote for the Party that made all that possible.
Pass the Popcorn!
Nice try...
rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
rackmonster said:
For anybody who charges that I'm upset about this just because "its Biden"...
This AM I talked to my best and longest friend from TAMU. We've been friends since we were fish together in the Corps....we even wound up as Squadronmates in the Navy. He lives in Georgia, he's a Republican, voted for Trump, is even a local officeholder.
He's as upset about this as I am.
We both agree this is not the Texas A&M we knew.....there are so many more people there now...which means many more aspiring candidates for a vulgar rabble.
For anybody who charges that I'm upset about this just because "its Biden"...
This AM I talked to my best and longest friend from TAMU. We've been friends since we were fish together in the Corps....we even wound up as Squadronmates in the Navy. He lives in Georgia, he's a Republican, voted for Trump, is even a local officeholder.
He's as upset about this as I am.
We both agree this is not the Texas A&M we knew.....there are so many more people there now...which means many more aspiring candidates for a vulgar rabble.
rackmonster said:
For anybody who charges that I'm upset about this just because "its Biden"...
This AM I talked to my best and longest friend from TAMU. We've been friends since we were fish together in the Corps....we even wound up as Squadronmates in the Navy. He lives in Georgia, he's a Republican, voted for Trump, is even a local officeholder.
He's as upset about this as I am.
We both agree this is not the Texas A&M we knew.....there are so many more people there now...which means many more aspiring candidates for a vulgar rabble.