Joe Biden chant at A&M game tonight

39,343 Views | 304 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Hullabaloonatic
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Dark_Knight said:

Proper Twelve said:

Dark_Knight said:

That we're better than everyone else, of course.

I'm torn on it on how it was executed, but the message is clear so I cant fault it.

Maybe "Beat the Hell outta Joe Biden" would have been better ;-)

Better at what? Being classy?

I'll be a very nice person to anyone I meet in the street but if I'm at an Aggie game and the crowd starts yelling something "mean", I'm gonna yell with
Classy, smart, etc...just better in general. Not lowering ourselves to everyone else's level.'ll be a sheep?

I think "Beat the Hell Outta Joe Biden" is better. The left would lose their minds.
The left are already losing their minds lmao

Look at the people in this thread alone.
rocky the dog
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I think F*** Joe Biden is classy (compared to what the left does).
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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rocky the dog said:

I think F*** Joe Biden is classy (compared to what the left does).

Think of it as a mostly polite chant, Lefties.
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rocky the dog said:

I think F*** Joe Biden is classy (compared to what the left does).

Again I say, be careful using the left as your measuring stick. They have small peepees and ugly women.
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Rapper has a F Biden song that is getting a lot of views on youtube.

Video at Link (Won't post the youtube link itself because of language and gestures.)

This is not going away.
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Howdy, Ags!

What an awesome weekend we had in Kyle Field…it is great to be back home in Aggieland! The 12th Man showed out in an unbelievable way at Midnight Yell Practice and our home opener as we BTHO Kent State!

We made Kyle Field extra beautiful as we painted the stands in red, white and blue to show our love, passion and respect for our great country and remembered the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2001, and we honored all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defending our freedom.

I hope this weekend reminded everyone how lucky we are to be back in Aggieland, which we had so greatly missed. It reminded us how special Texas A&M is because of the love, loyalty and respect Aggies embody.

Texas A&M is a cut above the rest. As Aggies, we show and live out our core values of excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service in all that we do. Sporting events are the front porch of representing Texas A&M spirit and tradition, and our core values should be shown to the millions of people watching worldwide.

As Aggies, we do not boo, we do not chant obscenities at the officials, others, or each other. Whenever we disagree with something, especially at a sporting event, we have always expressed our disapproval in a unique way by hissing. This is a way to distinguish ourselves from every other fanbase in the country, another tradition that has set us apart from all the others.

Let us be sure that the tradition of good sportsmanship and Aggie hospitality are alive and well throughout this year. Let us strive to constantly embody our university's core values and have our opponents leave Kyle Field knowing that Aggieland is a special place, and that the 12th Man is a world class fan base unlike any other.

Thank you for your constant love and support for Aggie Football and our student athletes and for making Texas A&M the best university. It is an honor that is second to none to get to lead you, the 12th Man, the greatest fanbase in college sports. I look forward to seeing you in Colorado and yelling with you at Yell Practice and on Saturday at Empower Field at Mile High when we beat the hell outta Colorado!
Thanks, Gig 'em, and God bless Texas A&M!

Memo Salinas '22
Head Yell Leader

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How quickly everyone forgets the utter disruption when Trump got elected. People standing in free ways, safe space requirements at school and work, profiling conservatives as racist xenophobic homophobes. Constant impeachment and slander by every channel possible.

Yet get completely butt hurt when students chant **** Joe Biden at multiple stadiums.

This is the result of the environment liberals have created.
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IslanderAg04 said:

How quickly everyone forgets the utter disruption when Trump got elected. People standing in free ways, safe space requirements at school and work, profiling conservatives as racist xenophobic homophobes. Constant impeachment and slander by every channel possible.

Yet get completely butt hurt when students chant **** Joe Biden at multiple stadiums.

This is the result of the environment liberals have created.

So then why do we have to live with that environment? Why can't we change it back? Are we afraid or lazy?
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Dear yell leader,

We don't hiss. We imitate a horse pissing on them.

Get off of that high pissing horse.


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I'm all for it, for far too long Republicans have taken the high road and let democrats get away with whatever they want in the name of classiness, those days are over. It also sends a message to the liberal academic types the kind of people we by and large are.
Look it up
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KAGS and the Dems seem to think this is acceptable...
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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Whenever we disagree with something, especially at a sporting event, we have always expressed our disapproval in a unique way by hissing. This is a way to distinguish ourselves from every other fanbase in the country, another tradition that has set us apart from all the others.
LOL, booing is some type of heinous sin, but hissing is the polite way of whispering your imitating a horse fart.

SO DUMB. I love almost all of our traditions, but that one is so dumb. I have seen someone almost fight another person in the stands for booing.
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Dear Mr Yell Leader Salinas

Politely go F yourself sir... your opinion only counts as ONE, you are not the voice of 75,000 students and over 250,000 alumni

That being said, we will do what we want to
Spotted Ag
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Bjork is a flacid lefty and good luck getting 75K to stop doing anything. He couldn't even get QB1 (last year) to stop insulting the CoC and saying stuff that drastically reduced donations, probably bc he agreed with him.

Leftists are some self righteous SOBs. 4 years of saying and doing every vile and despicable action in the book and NOW when people use their voice to express their displeasure, all the sudden freedom of speech is only what they say it is. Go jump off a damned bridge.
Covidians, Communists, CNN, FOX, and all other MSM are enemies of the state and should be treated as such.
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Burdizzo said:

IslanderAg04 said:

How quickly everyone forgets the utter disruption when Trump got elected. People standing in free ways, safe space requirements at school and work, profiling conservatives as racist xenophobic homophobes. Constant impeachment and slander by every channel possible.

Yet get completely butt hurt when students chant **** Joe Biden at multiple stadiums.

This is the result of the environment liberals have created.

So then why do we have to live with that environment? Why can't we change it back? Are we afraid or lazy?
It hasn't run its course yet

Politics have been injected into every segment of modern life

I'm inclined to believe that this is building towards an event yet to come, after which perhaps rational discourse returns, but we're not there yet
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Burn, Loot and Murder , that's A OK.
Have the football team and administration call the students and alumni racist? No problem.
Chant F Joe Biden? Suddenly the leftists find religion.

I hope this is just the beginning and we can remove the leftist scourge from our university and country.
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Tanya 93 said:

Code of conduct:
  • Be civilized and show your sportsmanship
  • Do not use vulgar, abusive, racist, sexist, demeaning or intimidating language at any time
  • Support the players, coaches, and officials in a positive, respectful and pleasant manner, regardless of team
  • Never engage in cheers that are vulgar, crass or demeaning
  • Refrain from entering the playing field at ALL times, including post-game
  • Not become intoxicated or hostile as it may
  • Always be a positive role model for those around them by treating others with courtesy and respect remember the golden rule
  • Guests who exhibit inappropriate behavior may result in the guest having his/her tickets revoked, being ejected from the stadium or arrested by police regardless of the ticket(s) they are holding.
  • Do not distribute banners, booklets, business cards, circulars, commercial advertising, flyers, folders, handbills, leaflets, notices, pamphlets, posters, stickers or any other written, printed and/or painted materials, without advance written permission from Texas A&M University.

The Kyle Field Code of Conduct does mention language use
But ejecting hundreds of people may put a damper on later attendance

You missed a couple:

  • Don't steal the election.
  • Don't let the enemy dictate your scheme of maneuver.
  • Don't give the enemy 90 Billion dollars of advanced weaponry.
  • Don't let Americans be left behind.
  • Don't let American soldiers be killed because you were too afraid to fire.
  • Don't be a ****** bag in the presence of families that lost a service member in support of this country.
  • Don't force vax on us while you allow invaders in across the border without any covid worry....let alone intentions or costs.
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Typical Lefties.

Their violence is speech and our speech is violence.
Central Committee
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The left has lost all moral standing on treatment of a sitting president for what they did to Trump. Gone.

I was respectful about Obama, even though I disagreed with everything he did/said. But he was my president too.

But now, the gloves are off in terms of how I speak about the VOTUS Biden.
We may not always get what we want. We may not always get what we need. Just so we don't get what we deserve.
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Squadron7 said:

Typical Lefties.

Their violence is speech and our speech is violence.

I agree. I am so stealing this line.
rocky the dog
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King of the "F" bomb...

Talk to me about "class".
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
Sea Speed
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So how much pressure had to be applied to get him to release this?
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rocky the dog said:

King of the "F" bomb...

Talk to me about "class".

So should we all get a case of herpes too?

I am still not getting this rationale that conservatives are supposed to drop to that level of bad behavior.
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But it happened at Kyle Field - boo hoo.
I voted for this because I like Mean Tweets!
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SB 43rd STREET OG said:


Whenever we disagree with something, especially at a sporting event, we have always expressed our disapproval in a unique way by hissing. This is a way to distinguish ourselves from every other fanbase in the country, another tradition that has set us apart from all the others.
LOL, booing is some type of heinous sin, but hissing is the polite way of whispering your imitating a horse fart.

SO DUMB. I love almost all of our traditions, but that one is so dumb. I have seen someone almost fight another person in the stands for booing.

I agree, the hiss is a really dumb one. It needs to go away and we need to man up in that department. Leftists don't hold back, neither should we.
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I don't go to a football game for politics. Just like people kneeling if you want to bring your politics to an event where I want to spend 3 hours escaping the garbage that politics have brought upon our country then you can go **** yourself!!! I don't care if you are Democrat or Republican!!!
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Did people already forget Isaih Martin, the guy who put a fake racist hate note on his own vehicle in 2020 during the "Summer of Love?" Where was the letter of admonishment from the overrated cheerleaders about his blatant violation of the Aggie Honor Code? Mind you, he was allowed to graduate despite lying about this - and he brought great national discredit and dishonor to A&M and himself because he was telling "his truth."

Where were the Yell Leaders then? Did they try to bring us back together and teach us to not lie - or tolerate those who do? Or did they curl up when the SJWs attempted to defund the Corps for alleged racist incidents. So many of these pearl-clutchers posting forgot about this and don't want to be seen as unsophisticated and uncouth. "That's not what Aggies do!!". Please. Save the selective outrage.
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Chief_FIDO12 said:

Did people already forget Isaih Martin, the guy who put a fake racist hate note on his own vehicle in 2020 during the "Summer of Love?" Where was the letter of admonishment from the overrated cheerleaders about his blatant violation of the Aggie Honor Code? Mind you, he was allowed to graduate despite lying about this - and he brought great national discredit and dishonor to A&M and himself because he was telling "his truth."

Where were the Yell Leaders then? Did they try to bring us back together and teach us to not lie - or tolerate those who do? Or did they curl up when the SJWs attempted to defund the Corps for alleged racist incidents. So many of these pearl-clutchers posting forgot about this and don't want to be seen as unsophisticated and uncouth. "That's not what Aggies do!!". Please. Save the selective outrage.

No, we haven't forgotten. Hence the FJB chants. He is the manifestation of all this woke bull***** It's only going to get bigger.
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This just earned an eye roll from me. A bunch of drunk 21 year olds that probably didn't vote in 2020 and couldn't identify Afghanistan on a map.

I love seeing Biden's approval rating fall off a cliff but those little immature shows accomplish nothing other than annoying other fans.
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valvemonkey91 said:

Chief_FIDO12 said:

Did people already forget Isaih Martin, the guy who put a fake racist hate note on his own vehicle in 2020 during the "Summer of Love?" Where was the letter of admonishment from the overrated cheerleaders about his blatant violation of the Aggie Honor Code? Mind you, he was allowed to graduate despite lying about this - and he brought great national discredit and dishonor to A&M and himself because he was telling "his truth."

Where were the Yell Leaders then? Did they try to bring us back together and teach us to not lie - or tolerate those who do? Or did they curl up when the SJWs attempted to defund the Corps for alleged racist incidents. So many of these pearl-clutchers posting forgot about this and don't want to be seen as unsophisticated and uncouth. "That's not what Aggies do!!". Please. Save the selective outrage.

No, we haven't forgotten. Hence the FJB chants. He is the manifestation of all this woke bull***** It's only going to get bigger.

Don't forget that the Aggie Socialists for a Democratic Society are coming for us on September 16th in College Station. Don't want to get banned but an athlete who has been active in the anti sully movement has tweeted it and a girl who was very active in a previous anti sully parade tweeted it too
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"except for over half of America that voted for Joe Biden"

Lmao good one!
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rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.

this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?

So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.

you gonna talk the better walk the walk.

Ellis Wyatt
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deddog said:

Burn, Loot and Murder , that's A OK.
Have the football team and administration call the students and alumni racist? No problem.
Chant F Joe Biden? Suddenly the leftists find religion.

I hope this is just the beginning and we can remove the leftist scourge from our university and country.
Yep. They set the rules and started the game.
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