Nope. Not lame at all. What's lame is being silent for the last four years about decorum, but NOW crying foul.rackmonster said:All them LIBS made me do it.... pretty lamejrdaustin said:
My daughter was on 3rd deck last night and left the game before halftime due to the "craziness" as she described it by many of the Aggie fans. She called me at halftime to talk about it.
Which brings me, Rackmonster, to the problem I have to your response on this thread.
She didn't mention Biden at all. She just said the energy was toxic and didn't feel right to her and her roommate. She wasn't upset, nor was she lamenting about the change in Aggie Spirit. You see, Rack, this is HER A&M. It IS the new normal.
Why is this the new normal? Though you are only seem concerned because a group said "#$%@" Biden. I believe it is greatly caused because of the actions of the left before and during the last administration:
- It was okay 4+ years ago to attack Trump and NEVER give him the respect due an incoming POTUS.
- It was okay to have insiders in the administration leak damaging information on Day 1 to try to undermine the presidency before it even began
- It was okay to impeach a president based on selection of words in a PHONE CALL.
- It is now okay to imply that people right of center - including me - are one step away from being domestic terrorists.
- It is now okay to accuse me - because I am white - of being inherently racist - because I am white.
- It was okay for Alford, many of the football team, and others to make that same accusation against Former Students who had the audacity to believe a statue of Sully is actually a good thing that promotes the traditions of A&M.
- It was okay for academia and media to abandon all sense of fairness and wear their bias on their sleeve as they demonize those that disagree with their "enlightened" thinking.
I could go on, but you get the idea. This loss of Aggie respect that you lament and try to lay at the feet of opponents of your way of thinking is the manifestation of a lack of respect that began long before yesterday.
Sorry, you can't have can't have your cake and eat it too.
Rackmonster, you have an ethics problem.