Joe Biden chant at A&M game tonight

39,448 Views | 304 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Hullabaloonatic
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rackmonster said:

jrdaustin said:

My daughter was on 3rd deck last night and left the game before halftime due to the "craziness" as she described it by many of the Aggie fans. She called me at halftime to talk about it.

Which brings me, Rackmonster, to the problem I have to your response on this thread.

She didn't mention Biden at all. She just said the energy was toxic and didn't feel right to her and her roommate. She wasn't upset, nor was she lamenting about the change in Aggie Spirit. You see, Rack, this is HER A&M. It IS the new normal.

Why is this the new normal? Though you are only seem concerned because a group said "#$%@" Biden. I believe it is greatly caused because of the actions of the left before and during the last administration:

  • It was okay 4+ years ago to attack Trump and NEVER give him the respect due an incoming POTUS.
  • It was okay to have insiders in the administration leak damaging information on Day 1 to try to undermine the presidency before it even began
  • It was okay to impeach a president based on selection of words in a PHONE CALL.
  • It is now okay to imply that people right of center - including me - are one step away from being domestic terrorists.
  • It is now okay to accuse me - because I am white - of being inherently racist - because I am white.
  • It was okay for Alford, many of the football team, and others to make that same accusation against Former Students who had the audacity to believe a statue of Sully is actually a good thing that promotes the traditions of A&M.
  • It was okay for academia and media to abandon all sense of fairness and wear their bias on their sleeve as they demonize those that disagree with their "enlightened" thinking.

I could go on, but you get the idea. This loss of Aggie respect that you lament and try to lay at the feet of opponents of your way of thinking is the manifestation of a lack of respect that began long before yesterday.

All them LIBS made me do it.... pretty lame
Nope. Not lame at all. What's lame is being silent for the last four years about decorum, but NOW crying foul.

Sorry, you can't have can't have your cake and eat it too.

Rackmonster, you have an ethics problem.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

What gonna be the hand signal for the Pepaw chant?

Middle finger to the air
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valvemonkey91 said:

I 100% support this effort and hope this continues to grow louder and with more participation EVERY Saturday at EVERY stadium across the country. Had I been there, I would have joined in. With the help of social media, hopefully this can be coordinated to start, say the beginning of every 2nd quarter. FJB.
well if you want to disgrace yourself and Texas A&M, go right on ahead...maybe start a FACEBOOK group .
keep in mind that nobody around the rest of the country was watching that game last night. How about you show some big cajones and chant F Biden when the Crimson Tide come to town. That will show the Good Old USA just how all you REAL Aggies feel.

You guys really live in a bubble here. Joe Biden got more total votes in Texas than he did in any other state besides California.

But go ahead with your chant...Do our Texas A&M proud.

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samurai_texan said:

I hope this chant becomes a regular thing
In crowds especially with children present please replace the cuss words.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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halfastros81 said:

While I understand and share the sentiment of the chanters , I have a dream. A dream where no one feels the need to screw up an Aggie Football game with political banter. Enjoy the experience for the experience.
Agreed. That horse left the barn long ago. Getting it corralled will be difficult.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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So you admit that acting like democrats would is disgraceful?
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No doubt. One can still dream tho.
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halfastros81 said:

No doubt. One can still dream tho.
Agreed. One must maintain hope.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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flogmat said:

What does this accomplish?

Triggers libs
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rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.

this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?

So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.

you gonna talk the better walk the walk.

You are comparing apples to oranges
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rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.

this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?

So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.

you gonna talk the better walk the walk.
Well said. There's a time and place for politics and Kyle Field ain't it. But, it was just a small vocal group, much like those on here that want to see more of it at games.
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rackmonster said:

jrdaustin said:

My daughter was on 3rd deck last night and left the game before halftime due to the "craziness" as she described it by many of the Aggie fans. She called me at halftime to talk about it.

Which brings me, Rackmonster, to the problem I have to your response on this thread.

She didn't mention Biden at all. She just said the energy was toxic and didn't feel right to her and her roommate. She wasn't upset, nor was she lamenting about the change in Aggie Spirit. You see, Rack, this is HER A&M. It IS the new normal.

Why is this the new normal? Though you are only seem concerned because a group said "#$%@" Biden. I believe it is greatly caused because of the actions of the left before and during the last administration:

  • It was okay 4+ years ago to attack Trump and NEVER give him the respect due an incoming POTUS.
  • It was okay to have insiders in the administration leak damaging information on Day 1 to try to undermine the presidency before it even began
  • It was okay to impeach a president based on selection of words in a PHONE CALL.
  • It is now okay to imply that people right of center - including me - are one step away from being domestic terrorists.
  • It is now okay to accuse me - because I am white - of being inherently racist - because I am white.
  • It was okay for Alford, many of the football team, and others to make that same accusation against Former Students who had the audacity to believe a statue of Sully is actually a good thing that promotes the traditions of A&M.
  • It was okay for academia and media to abandon all sense of fairness and wear their bias on their sleeve as they demonize those that disagree with their "enlightened" thinking.

I could go on, but you get the idea. This loss of Aggie respect that you lament and try to lay at the feet of opponents of your way of thinking is the manifestation of a lack of respect that began long before yesterday.

All them LIBS made me do it.... pretty lame
Why is your grammar so poor?
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Sure would be fun to find a way to use Soros' money against him.
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I always love seeing a liberal meltdown.
gig em 02
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Gordon Bombay said:

Bad Bull

Aggies have a strong history of opposing Nazis. Opposition to Fuhrer Biden in every legal way is good bull.
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rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
Reagan didn't steal his election. He didn't do every thing in his power to knock the country down a peg at every turn and his party didn't call his opposing party domestic terrorists.

People on this forum need to stop with the false equivalencies.
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You can tell who still watches the 'news'

Try thinking for yourself.

Also, nice chant!
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redcrayon said:

rackmonster said:

sicandtiredTXN said:

rackmonster said:

redcrayon said:

rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.

this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?

So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.

you gonna talk the better walk the walk.

You would be very uncomfortable in the military right now if this is making you upset.
It was a few drunks way up high that were chanting that. Always gonna be a few of them, no matter where you go. Back when I was in the Corps, chanting "**** (any President) " would not have passed muster.

I guess Texas A&M is a much different place than when I was there.

all of us have an obligation to guard the reputation of Texas A&M.

this is a non-negotiable issue with me.
Okay Mr. Protect the Aggie Code of Conduct

"The Aggie Code of Honor which Aggies recite by heart: Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those that do" shows what goes to the heart of being an Aggie."

In your post below, highlighted in BOLD is a lie.

Save your BS self righteousness about Aggie conduct.

Requiring Voter ID isn't voter suppression by any stretch of any imagination.

Only poll workers weren't allowed to pass out water. They could get water for any John Q Citizen.

You are not be truthful.


rackmonster said:
It's gonna be interesting to watch Hershel Walker defend the Georgia GOP Voter Suppression know...where you make elderly black voters stand in line for hours and hours, and don't dare give 'em a bottle of water. voters are going to storm the polls to vote for the Party that made all that possible.

Pass the Popcorn!

Well.....practically every Aggie here advances the BIG BOLD LIE. That Joe Biden stole the election and is not the legitimate President of the United States. Talk to them people first.

Nice try...



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rackmonster said:

valvemonkey91 said:

I 100% support this effort and hope this continues to grow louder and with more participation EVERY Saturday at EVERY stadium across the country. Had I been there, I would have joined in. With the help of social media, hopefully this can be coordinated to start, say the beginning of every 2nd quarter. FJB.
well if you want to disgrace yourself and Texas A&M, go right on ahead...maybe start a FACEBOOK group .
keep in mind that nobody around the rest of the country was watching that game last night. How about you show some big cajones and chant F Biden when the Crimson Tide come to town. That will show the Good Old USA just how all you REAL Aggies feel.

You guys really live in a bubble here. Joe Biden got more total votes in Texas than he did in any other state besides California.

But go ahead with your chant...Do our Texas A&M proud.

It's what happens when people are angry. Don't like it? Don't steal elections, get Marines killed, and shove mandates down people's throats. That **** is turning the youth Conservative.
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You guys really live in a bubble here. Joe Biden got more total votes in Texas than he did in any other state besides California.

But go ahead with your chant...Do our Texas A&M proud.

That is why you libs are so pissy about the new voting laws. Once the fraud is cleaned up, this won't be applicable anymore.

Edit -- and Texas is also a huge state.
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TexAgs91 said:

rackmonster said:

I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.

I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
Reagan didn't steal his election. He didn't do every thing in his power to knock the country down a peg at every turn and his party didn't call his opposing party domestic terrorists.

People on this forum need to stop with the false equivalencies.
The OP was about Americans dying on Biden's watch. The comment was about that point, not trying to imply any other comparison. Nice try. What people need to stop doing is going is going off topic because someone disagrees with their point of view. There could be a post about which is better Coke or Pepsi and it would end up talking about how the right or left is screwing this country.
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Come off it

After all the past years protesting and BS kneeling and virtue signaling this is the bridge too far?

Go suck and egg.
Wyoming Aggie
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I just find it absolutely hilarious that NOW Libs want to cry about having class and sporting events aren't the place for politics. God, you people are insufferable trash.
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One of the most triggered posts on texags history. Great job.
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Bourre said:

Were you guarding Texas A&M's reputation last year when Mond called for The Corps to be defunded because they're all a bunch of racists?
McKinney Ag69
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I view this as a major positive. The election was stolen by Marxists through voter fraud. It was a total coup.
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rackmonster said:

valvemonkey91 said:

I 100% support this effort and hope this continues to grow louder and with more participation EVERY Saturday at EVERY stadium across the country. Had I been there, I would have joined in. With the help of social media, hopefully this can be coordinated to start, say the beginning of every 2nd quarter. FJB.
well if you want to disgrace yourself and Texas A&M, go right on ahead...maybe start a FACEBOOK group .
keep in mind that nobody around the rest of the country was watching that game last night. How about you show some big cajones and chant F Biden when the Crimson Tide come to town. That will show the Good Old USA just how all you REAL Aggies feel.

You guys really live in a bubble here. Joe Biden got more total votes in Texas than he did in any other state besides California.

But go ahead with your chant...Do our Texas A&M proud.

HAHAHA you've been roughed up pretty good here.

Conservatives have finally started to have enough of your gaslighting. We are starting to fight back. Cry all you like. It's GLORIOUS. More importantly- it's just the beginning.
Bird Poo
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RockTXAggie said:

I just find it absolutely hilarious that NOW Libs want to cry about having class and sporting events aren't the place for politics. God, you people are insufferable trash.

Gordon Bombay
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gig em 02 said:

Gordon Bombay said:

Bad Bull

Aggies have a strong history of opposing Nazis. Opposition to Fuhrer Biden in every legal way is good bull.

Totally agree with your post and their chant. Just sick of the crossover between sports, politics, and "social justice". It'd be cool to just watch a game, thinking that will never happen again.
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Rackmonster should probably start posting less because he has been completely owned in this thread.
Woods Ag
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Good Job

**** Joe Biden.

**** those the got him in office.

**** the covid bros for being so ****ing stupid to believe this nonsense.

Stat Monitor Repairman
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Old Ags leaving Kyle Field after F pepaw chant circa 2021.
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Liberals get so mad when someone says **** Joe Biden but in the next breath they'll scream how babies should be allowed to be murdered and their mutilated body parts sold to the highest bidder.
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