The "Big Guy" Biden is about to go Down.

88,117 Views | 792 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by TexasAggie_02
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Conservative Ag said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

So you think all the emails and info on laptop are fake? Was it Hunter's laptop?

Was Biden paid by these companies?

What Biden policy are you the most excited to see implemented?
Nope, just that they don't conclusively implicate Joe. At least for now.

Inconclusive. The timing of the story (to maximize damage to Biden's campaign before election), the people pushing it (i.e. Trump's allies), the media's refusal to cover it (even among conservative media), and my own internal biases suggest to me it's a political hit piece meant to rile up the base and sway undecideds.

Kind of like Trump stories that have been revealed in the last few weeks?

So what Biden policies are you most excited about seeing implemented?

He keeps saying that the media isn't covering it. They are covering it. It's all over Fox. You're actually arguing that CNN the others avoiding it somehow cuts in favor of it not being true? Are you ****ing serious?
Them not covering it is more proof its true. If all the evidence is fake and/or Russian disinformation, that would be a huge story in and of itself
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Thanks for the links concerning the shenanigans taking place @ Penn.

Maybe Biden needs to just announce he will be teaching a graduate school series of courses on money laundering.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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DallasAg 94 said:

It is right there...


The complaint, filed by the National Legal and Policy Center, says that over the past three years, the university has accepted around $22 million in anonymous funding from Chinese sources. That's out of a total of more than $70 million from Chinese donors during that time, the NLPC said.

Those significant funds, including the anonymous amounts, rolled in after the Biden Center was announced in early 2017 and launched in February 2018. The center is located in downtown Washington, D.C.

These are NOT new filings... May 2020.

From July 2019:


The former vice president collected $371,159 in 2017 plus $540,484 in 2018 and early 2019 for a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events.

It isn't illegal to get paid appearance and speaking fees.

But, when you attach your name to something... Chinese donors anonymously start pouring money into it, and you are linked to selling your influence and money laundering as VP... there is WAY more smoke than being reported, right now.

$70 Million dollars from Chinese donors to the Biden Center. Could it be any more obvious?

It's located in DC, but it's under the University of Pennsylvania?

The Bribery Center is a more fitting name.

You can't even make this **** up, Biden center home page:

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Advancing Globalism
Preserving the Liberal International Order

A great America first agenda. NOT.
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texaglurkerguy said:

bmks270 said:

Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
Politicians trot out character witnesses all the time to lie and sway public opinions. Democrats did it with Blasey-Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. Not hard to imagine that Republicans, desperately needing to bolster the credibility of this story to help Trump's campaign, could have gotten in touch with Tony to arrange something.
Comparing Bobulinski who has mountains of hard evidence to Blasey-Ford who couldn't even remember what year her story occurred
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Bobcat06 said:

texaglurkerguy said:

bmks270 said:

Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
Politicians trot out character witnesses all the time to lie and sway public opinions. Democrats did it with Blasey-Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. Not hard to imagine that Republicans, desperately needing to bolster the credibility of this story to help Trump's campaign, could have gotten in touch with Tony to arrange something.
Comparing Bobulinski who has mountains of hard evidence to Blasey-Ford who couldn't even remember what year her story occurred
When I give job references, I usually list obscure people from high school rather than recent business partners.
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Haven't seen it, anywhere, not would I post it... But just putting it out there.

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will25u said:

Haven't seen it, anywhere, not would I post it... But just putting it out there.

Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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They're releasing sex tapes of him and 14 yo girls? That can't be right. Or are there other videos of him with women of consenting age?
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Links are all over Twitter, but I'm afraid to click on any of the links.
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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agent-maroon said:

They're releasing sex tapes of him and 14 yo girls? That can't be right. Or are there other videos of him with women of consenting age?

They are posting screenshots of him with the crack pipe and lots of skin. Not sure what body parts I'm looking at.
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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The Biden family version of 3D chess is to only have sex videos with children so that people can't post proof without breaking the law
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It is being said that Hunter is getting a foot job in one of the tapes. How embarrassing for the Bidens.
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texaglurkerguy said:

Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

Congratulations on your many years of service! Think we'll get another special investigation into this like the Mueller one?

I'm trying to explain to you why your "conclusion" is absurd. Do you believe the information raises logical questions?
Does the evidence currently released to the public raise questions? Certainly. Does it prove his involvement? No. As a litigation attorney I'm sure you can appreciate the difference.

Well, the Senate is digging.

Catherine Herridge doing great work as she has always done.

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texaglurkerguy said:

Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
I do. Until any major publication or outlet independently verifies or outright confirms Joe's involvement (and as we've established, even right-leaning Fox and WSJ refuse to do so), this story is filed away under "wishful Trump supporter speculation" as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I won't convince many in this thread of that, since nothing is more compelling than what people want to be true. And that's exactly what the folks pushing this story are banking on. Fortunately, I think most of the American electorate is smart enough to see through this.

Interesting take--although avoids the logic that the MSM including Fox is corrupted and won't report the straight up news and therefore cannot actually be trusted.

The whole Q anon approach is to encourage digging and empower individuals to become journalists. Individuals will never have the primary source information, but can get fairly close on many issues.
Brock Slammer
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Bobulinksi's allegation that JB was involved in HB's business in 2017 after Joe left office would not have been a crime or even a scandal if he's even telling the truth and not looking for help to pay off a recent $650K judgment.


The ventureset up in 2017 after Mr. Biden left the vice presidency and before his presidential campaignnever received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals, according to people familiar with the matter. Corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden.
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The Biden family business group that partnered with a Communist Chinese company knew that it was working with Chinese intelligence. The Chinese partner was also closely tied to the Chinese regime and the People's Liberation Army.

Tucked in a Wall Street Journal feature that went online less than 90 minutes before last night's Trump-Biden presidential debate, the revelation came in a set of emails and texts that former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski provided to editorial writer Kim Strassel.

In a 2017 exchange, Biden business associate James Gilliar reminded Bobulinsky that their Chinese counterparts "are intelligence so they understand the value added" by the Biden name.

The relationship was between Sinohawk Holdings, which the Wall Street Journal described as "a venture between the Bidens and CEFC China Energy, a Shanghai-based conglomerate" between 2015, when Joe Biden was vice president, and 2017.

Strassel describes what the text and emails contained to show that the Biden business group knew that their partners were Chinese spies, and that the Chinese investor was "closely entwined with the Chinese government and military":

Mr. Bobulinski's text messages show he was recruited for the project by James Gilliar, a Hunter associate. Mr. Gilliar explains in a December 2015 text that there will be a deal between the Chinese and "one of the most prominent families from the U.S." A month later he introduces Rob Walker, also "a partner of Biden." In March 2016, Mr. Gilliar tells Mr. Bobulinski the Chinese entity is CEFC, which is shaping up to be "the Goldmans of China." Mr. Gilliar promises that same month to "develop" the terms of a deal "with hunter." Note that in 2015-16, Joe Biden was still vice president.

As the deal takes shape in 2017, Mr. Bobulinski begins to question what Hunter will contribute besides his name, and worries that he was "kicked out of US Navy for cocaine use." Mr. Gilliar acknowledges "skill sets [sic] missing" and observes that Hunter "has a few demons." He explains that "in brand [Hunter is] imperative but right know [sic] he's not essential for adding input." Mr. Bobulinski writes that he appreciates "the name/leverage being used" but thinks the economic "upside" should go to the team doing the actual work. Mr. Gilliar reminds him that those on the Chinese side "are intelligence so they understand the value added."

But wait there's more.


Hunter, in his own angry texts, makes clear that his contribution is his name. He rails at Mr. Bobulinski that the CEFC heads are "coming to be MY partner to be partners with the Bidens." He reminds him "that in this instance only one player holds the trump card and that's me. May not be fair but it's the reality because I'm the only one putting an entire family legacy on the line." Mr. Gilliar privately tells Mr. Bobulinski to show flexibility, since "I know why [CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming] wants the deal and what makes it enormous, It's the family name."

CEFC was closely entwined with the Chinese government and military until it went bankrupt, following U.S. charges of money laundering. There is no question CEFC was buying Hunter for influence.
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Brock Strongballs said:

Bobulinksi's allegation that JB was involved in HB's business in 2017 after Joe left office would not have been a crime or even a scandal if he's even telling the truth and not looking for help to pay off a recent $650K judgment.


The ventureset up in 2017 after Mr. Biden left the vice presidency and before his presidential campaignnever received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals, according to people familiar with the matter. Corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden.

Only eight minutes until this post got dunked on
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When the first NY Post story came out and everyone was rushing to point out that the emails were in 2017 after Biden had left office, I opined at that time that these types of JVs take a long time to negotiate and paper over. Considering this was with a foreign entity with foreign government ties, there are a lot of hoops to jump through before getting to the final stages and the funding actually flowing.

So the criminal enterprise here actually began in 2015, while Biden was VP. And these are obvert acts in furtherance of that conspiracy. It doesn't matter when the payoffs were actually paid vis-a-vis Biden is still in office or not.
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aggiehawg said:

When the first NY Post story came out and everyone was rushing to point out that the emails were in 2017 after Biden had left office, I opined at that time that these types of JVs take a long time to negotiate and paper over. Considering this was with a foreign entity with foreign government ties, there are a lot of hoops to jump through before getting to the final stages and the funding actually flowing.

So the criminal enterprise here actually began in 2015, while Biden was VP. And these are obvert acts in furtherance of that conspiracy. It doesn't matter when the payoffs were actually paid vis-a-vis Biden is still in office or not.
This reminds me of the OJ trial. We have a mountain of evidence, but the LA Police are racist and trying to frame him.

If the glove don't fit, you have to acquit.
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bmks270 said:

DallasAg 94 said:

It is right there...


The complaint, filed by the National Legal and Policy Center, says that over the past three years, the university has accepted around $22 million in anonymous funding from Chinese sources. That's out of a total of more than $70 million from Chinese donors during that time, the NLPC said.

Those significant funds, including the anonymous amounts, rolled in after the Biden Center was announced in early 2017 and launched in February 2018. The center is located in downtown Washington, D.C.

These are NOT new filings... May 2020.

From July 2019:


The former vice president collected $371,159 in 2017 plus $540,484 in 2018 and early 2019 for a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events.

It isn't illegal to get paid appearance and speaking fees.

But, when you attach your name to something... Chinese donors anonymously start pouring money into it, and you are linked to selling your influence and money laundering as VP... there is WAY more smoke than being reported, right now.

$70 Million dollars from Chinese donors to the Biden Center. Could it be any more obvious?

It's located in DC, but it's under the University of Pennsylvania?

The Bribery Center is a more fitting name.

You can't even make this **** up, Biden center home page:

Didn't A&M just announce a new GW Bush center in DC?

Where did that money come from?
The world needs mean tweets

My Pronouns Ultra and MAGA

Trump 2024
Fat Black Swan
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Brock lays it all on the table. aggiehawg almost immediately:

Conservative Ag
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Fightin_Aggie said:

bmks270 said:

DallasAg 94 said:

It is right there...


The complaint, filed by the National Legal and Policy Center, says that over the past three years, the university has accepted around $22 million in anonymous funding from Chinese sources. That's out of a total of more than $70 million from Chinese donors during that time, the NLPC said.

Those significant funds, including the anonymous amounts, rolled in after the Biden Center was announced in early 2017 and launched in February 2018. The center is located in downtown Washington, D.C.

These are NOT new filings... May 2020.

From July 2019:


The former vice president collected $371,159 in 2017 plus $540,484 in 2018 and early 2019 for a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events.

It isn't illegal to get paid appearance and speaking fees.

But, when you attach your name to something... Chinese donors anonymously start pouring money into it, and you are linked to selling your influence and money laundering as VP... there is WAY more smoke than being reported, right now.

$70 Million dollars from Chinese donors to the Biden Center. Could it be any more obvious?

It's located in DC, but it's under the University of Pennsylvania?

The Bribery Center is a more fitting name.

You can't even make this **** up, Biden center home page:

Didn't A&M just announce a new GW Bush center in DC?

Where did that money come from?

Brock Slammer
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Still just vague innuendo, nothing even to implicate JB in what would be a legal business arrangement that never materialized. Any evidence any improper government policy accommodations were made pre-2017 that would have aided this venture?

Giuliani supposedly has years of emails and messages and probably has been combing them for a year. This is the best they got? You drop it 9 days before an election because you know there's no actual crimes, just tabloid fodder.

This Bobulinski guy seems rock solid


Later in 2019, a third judgement was ordered against Bobulinski for court costs in the Cayman Islands for $562,170.94. In the federal lawsuit filed in California, the company is seeking a judgement from U.S. authorities to force him to pay the judgements made in the Cayman Islands.
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What was your previous username? Guessing you were a dossier believer who is now changing usernames to hide your identity.
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Still just vague innuendo, nothing even to implicate JB in what would be a legal business arrangement that never materialized. Any evidence any improper government policy accommodations were made pre-2017 that would have aided this venture?
Doesn't matter. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Selling influence and access all of the time Joe was a public servant is what matters. If the people paying for that access got hosed in the end is irrelevant.
Brock Slammer
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Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

The timing and weakness of the rollout alone is a tell that magaworld is getting played by Bannon and Giuliani, again.

Edit: 5 posts hit


Hey buddy? Investigations usually START with communications. The case isn't required to be proven based on emails.

Assuming this rando out of left field is telling the truth he hasn't even alleged any crime. I do find it amusing that the CEO of "Sinohawk" would get worked up by "doing business with communist China".


Be honest here. If those emails were between China and one of Trump's children, would you still say no big deal?

You mean like if Trump was getting $2 million/ year directly from the Chinese government? Would I think it's a big deal? It would be a potential conflict of interest but not necessarily criminal.
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Brock Strongballs said:

Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

What was your previous username?
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
Conservative Ag
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Brock Strongballs said:

Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

The timing and weakness of the rollout alone is a tell that magaworld is getting played by Bannon and Giuliani, again.

Hey buddy? Investigations usually START with communications. The case isn't required to be proven based on emails. The woman you're talking to and I are both lawyers. We MIGHT know more than you.
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Brock Strongballs said:

Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

The timing and weakness of the rollout alone is a tell that magaworld is getting played by Bannon and Giuliani, again.
Be honest here. If those emails were between China and one of Trump's children, would you still say no big deal?
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So you won't answer your previous username. Not shocked.
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backintexas2013 said:

So you won't answer your previous username. Not shocked.
Does the drive by shooter stick around to see if they did any damage? No. They speed off to whatever rock they crawled out from.
This message brought to you by the Entertainment Board Sneaker Thread Player Haterz Club President.
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aggiehawg said:

Brock Strongballs said:

Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

The timing and weakness of the rollout alone is a tell that magaworld is getting played by Bannon and Giuliani, again.
Be honest here. If those emails were between China and one of Trump's children, would you still say no big deal?
Just a feeling, but I don't think he will bring himself to "honestly" respond to your query. He may be thinking about it...I hear fuses frying.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Conservative Ag said:

Brock Strongballs said:

Yes this other FCPA crime you imagine might have occurred would be criminal. But Bobulinski neither made or documented any such claim.

The timing and weakness of the rollout alone is a tell that magaworld is getting played by Bannon and Giuliani, again.

Hey buddy? Investigations usually START with communications. The case isn't required to be proven based on emails. The woman you're talking to and I are both lawyers. We MIGHT know more than you.
You're correct. If we're looking for a smoking gun, then I haven't seen anything to cement a guilty plea.

But Holy Cow, there's smoke coming from every crevice in the building, and is yearning for an investigation, which will easily take two years.

I have no problem with him bringing up adversarial information, as we (us Trumpikins, as we're called) have been pretty celebratory and acting like the emails along make this a done deal. Yes, I'd be completely shocked if an investigation is completed, and both Bidens, Archer, and probably 5 to 10 other DC hilltoppers aren't indicted by RICO.

Just keep in mind, in a 1 1/2 weeks, this won't be so big of a deal, assuming Trump wins.
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