The "Big Guy" Biden is about to go Down.

88,225 Views | 792 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by TexasAggie_02
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texaglurkerguy said:

It's not just Fox News that refuses to imply Joe's involvement. No major media outlet left of Fox will. The closest they got was the WSJ, and even they ended up relegating their coverage of it to an opinion piece.

But if I had referenced any of numerous other MSM reportings doubting Joe's involvement, I'm sure I would have gotten the canned "MSM is fake news/covering for Biden" responses. Fox is an unquestionably right-leaning media outlet. If this story doesn't even clear their bar for reporting, that says a lot.

Now I assume you're gonna believe whatever helps your guy.
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texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.

It's very weird that the named partners only get 90% and the big guy gets 10% held by Hunter.

These reporters don't have brains and think readers don't either.

Go read the email and add up the share split, it comes out to 90 among the named persons, then 10 for the big guy held by Hunter.

The big guy is taking a cut but for some
reason is being excluded as partner on any documents and paper work.

And the text messages give instruction not to mention Joe, that they were paranoid about it.

Why is Hunter holding 10 for the big guy and why isn't the big guy named? Why do the proposed share split only add up to 90? Clearly they were doing something shady wanting to keep it secret and to cover up the identity and involvement of the big guy.

Michael Cera Palin
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bmks270 said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.

It's very weird that the names share holders only get 90% and the big gets 10% held by Hunter.

These reporters don't have brains and think readers don't either.

Go add up the share split, it comes out to 90 among the names persons, then 10 for the big guy held by Hunter.

The big guy is taking a cut but for some
reason is being excluded as partner on any documents and paper work.

And the text messages give instruction not mention Joe, that they were paranoid about it.

Why is hunter holding 10 for the big guy and why isn't the big guy named? Why do the proposed share split only add up to 90? Clearly they were doing something shady wanting to keep it secret and to cover up the identity and involvement of the big guy.

Didn't you hear old grandpa Joe say at the debate he releases his tax returns so there can't possibly be any unaccounted for money? C'mon man
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Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
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texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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It was never paid back. Pull your head out
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Let me help you.

Lib "Trump is dirty"
Response "what about this Biden stuff and why hasn't anything stuck to Trump?"
Lib "Russia, Russia, Russia"

Kind of like

Lib:"Kavanaugh is a rapist".
Response: "interesting Biden's accuser has a more detailed accusation"
Lib "not listening. Russia, Russia, Russia."
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bmks270 said:

captkirk said:

So Biden's son Hunter owes Xin Wang a few million.

It's not a crime to take loans from Chinese banks is it? I'm sure lots of American companies do this on the up and up all the time.

But we don't want Hunter owing money to the chinese mafia while Grandpop is president. I'm sure Hunter has done well for himself and can repay it no problems, this due date extension above is needed just because.

In isolation a loan to Hunter isn't a smoking gun.

He doesn't even want to pay child support.
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aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

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captkirk said:

It was never paid back. Pull your head out

It's obvious Joe Biden was being bribed. But there remains doubt and counter points for many. Best to raise them and knock them down. Given the full picture of the deals in Ukraine, texts, emails, etc. it leaves no doubt for most critical thinkers. No intelligent business person is going to put a dysfunctional crack addict on their board or form a business partnership with one.
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texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

So which of Biden's policies are you the most excited about seeing implemented?

"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
Conservative Ag
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The cognitive dissonance required to take Bubilinksi's personal statements and the totality of the emails and actually believe there's no evidence of Biden's involvement is absolutely unbelievable.
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Sadly I doubt anything will happen to the Bidens. I mean look at the Clintons they've been walking around as actual criminals for years and no one gives a ***** They'll never go after Obama either. It's disgusting.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
Harry Stone
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texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

taking a play out of the dem playbook.
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Conservative Ag said:

The cognitive dissonance required to take Bubilinksi's personal statements and the totality of the emails and actually believe there's no evidence of Biden's involvement is absolutely unbelievable.

Yep. Amazing level of denial.

Even some of my most liberal friends admit there is something there ... but they're still voting for Biden because they hate Trump more than anything else
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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bmks270 said:

Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
Politicians trot out character witnesses all the time to lie and sway public opinions. Democrats did it with Blasey-Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. Not hard to imagine that Republicans, desperately needing to bolster the credibility of this story to help Trump's campaign, could have gotten in touch with Tony to arrange something.
Conservative Ag
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texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
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Senate closed-door session? What is that about? Are Republicans in attendance too? How often do closed door sessions happen?
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texaglurkerguy said:

bmks270 said:

Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
Politicians trot out character witnesses all the time to lie and sway public opinions. Democrats did it with Blasey-Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. Not hard to imagine that Republicans, desperately needing to bolster the credibility of this story to help Trump's campaign, could have gotten in touch with Tony to arrange something.
I am going to go out on a limb and say you might be reaching comparing a current business partner to a high school acquaintance from 40 years ago.
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Tailgate88 said:

Senate closed-door session? What is that about? Are Republicans in attendance too? How often do closed door sessions happen?
Just the Dems trying to use procedural rules to slow War Damn Turtle's roll on the ACB nomination. I'm sure Turtle was ready for them, though.
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Let's say you go on a business trip, and you see a prostitute enter your business partner's hotel room. An hour later you see her leave. Do you have proof that he slept with her? Is there any doubt from a reasonable person about what happened?

There is no possible innocent explanation for Hunter Biden being on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his dad was VP. Did they do a world wide search for a crack head with zero experience in the field and it just happened to be the son of the VP?
Just an Ag
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There is plenty to suggest this is a dirty, corrupt deal. It may take a little puzzle-working to make all the pieces fit. Hopefully someone will do their job and see if the pieces fit (or not!). Who is going to be the Special Counsel overseeing the investigation?
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texaglurkerguy said:

bmks270 said:

Now China is shady and bribes are normal so I could see a situation where some Chinese businessman help them get the money for a 10% kick back.

The question remains if the big guy isn't Joe, what is motivating Tony Bobulinski to lie about it? Give a press conference and go to the FBI and Senate?
Politicians trot out character witnesses all the time to lie and sway public opinions. Democrats did it with Blasey-Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. Not hard to imagine that Republicans, desperately needing to bolster the credibility of this story to help Trump's campaign, could have gotten in touch with Tony to arrange something.

Hunter's laptop documents a half dozen crimes.
Tony's texts and emails and phones turned over to the FBI.

Tony has infinitely more credibility as a witness than Ford did, and there is substantially more evidence for Joe Biden taking bribes than there ever was for Trump colluding with Russia in some nefarious way.
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It is amazing to me how many intellectually dishonest liberals we have on this site! For people that are "educated" they have the ability to be totally dishonest when mounds of evidence exists!
Liberals are Damn Liars! Terminate Section 230! It has been ONLY 72!hours since my last banning for defending my conservative values against liberal snowflake cupcakes and the LIBERAL Mod’s that protect them! Fairness is a myth! Stop trying to silence us! Decent LAW ABIDING HUMAN BEINGS MATTER and so do our voices. When you protect the wicked, the Anarchist, the deviant, you become One of them!

ALL LIVES MATTER - I support police and motorcycle riders. Patriot Gun Owners Unite!
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Just an Ag said:

There is plenty to suggest this is a dirty, corrupt deal. It may take a little puzzle-working to make all the pieces fit. Hopefully someone will do their job and see if the pieces fit (or not!). Who is going to be the Special Counsel overseeing the investigation?

No hunt needed, evidence already bagged, just need to skin the crime now.
Marcus Brutus
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texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

So you believe truth over facts, like the idiot liar you support?

You are a great example of why the country is going down the shtter. But alas, the Lord makes the sun shine on the good and the evil.
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texaglurkerguy said:

Fox reporting that "Chairman" or "Big Guy" was likely referring to China, not Joe:


Fox News previously reported an email thread, initially released by the New York Post, which purportedly showed an equity split proposition that would benefit "the big guy," whom sources and Bobulinski claimed was Joe Biden.

According to the Post's reporting and Bobulinski, the proposed equity split referenced "20" for "H" and "10 held by H for the big guy?" with no further details.

"In that email, there is no question that 'H' stands for Hunter, 'big guy' for his father, Joe Biden, and Jim for Jim Biden," Bobulinski claimed Thursday in a statement he gave ahead of the second presidential debate, where he was President Trump's guest.

"In fact, Hunter often referred to his father as the big guy or 'my chairman.' On numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing but only face-to-face. In fact, I was advised by [James] Gillier and [Rob] Walker that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden's involvement secret."

According to separate emails obtained and analyzed by Fox News, the "chairman" appears to refer to China.

So Chairman refers to China, and Big Guy refers to Biden. Bobulinski said it in the email and then in his Thursday press conference. Not hard to understand - that is if you really want to understand in the first place.

Joe Biden was using his family in an elaborate influence peddling scheme with foreign countries. He was smart enough not to be directly involved, but used family members and their close friends as surrogates to speak for him and handle both the contracts and the money. He was just the smiling face in front of the camera that quietly helped win government contracts and use the power of the U.S. government to influence policy both in the United States and foreign countries.

That's why he could stand there Thursday night and claim he had never taken money from a foreign country. He got it from his family members that were paid by the foreign countries. Joe Biden is a liar and an extremely corrupt politician that doesn't have the physical stamina, mental capacity, or the moral character to serve as president. To the contrary, the only place he needs to be serving is in prison, along with a lot of others in his family and in the former Obama Administration.
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Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
I do. Until any major publication or outlet independently verifies or outright confirms Joe's involvement (and as we've established, even right-leaning Fox and WSJ refuse to do so), this story is filed away under "wishful Trump supporter speculation" as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I won't convince many in this thread of that, since nothing is more compelling than what people want to be true. And that's exactly what the folks pushing this story are banking on. Fortunately, I think most of the American electorate is smart enough to see through this.

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There is no way that Joe Biden, former VP assigned to foreign relations to Ukraine and China, is involved with his son and brother's lucrative business deals in Ukraine in China.

Marcus Brutus
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BanderaAg956 said:

It is amazing to me how many intellectually dishonest liberals we have on this site! For people that are "educated" they have the ability to be totally dishonest when mounds of evidence exists!

They don't care if its true, that's the bottom line. The only reason they respond at all is to spin and try to muddy the waters for potential voters who might buy their lies.

Regardless of what the future hollds, Biden was selling access to the Chicoms and Ukraine while he was in office. He may not be punished in this life, but like so many evil people who preceded him in death, he will be judged.
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The same people doing mental gymnastics to refuse to believe the mounting evidence against Biden put signs in their yard saying "Country over party"

That's about as Orwellian as "war is peace" "ignorance is strength" and "slavery is freedom"
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GAC06 said:

Let's say you go on a business trip, and you see a prostitute enter your business partner's hotel room. An hour later you see her leave. Do you have proof that he slept with her? Is there any doubt from a reasonable person about what happened?

There is no possible innocent explanation for Hunter Biden being on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his dad was VP. Did they do a world wide search for a crack head with zero experience in the field and it just happened to be the son of the VP?
Using a prostitution analogy to describe the Biden's corruption and influence peddling?

That's... perfect!
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Conservative Ag
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texaglurkerguy said:

Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
I do. Until any major publication or outlet independently verifies or outright confirms Joe's involvement (and as we've established, even right-leaning Fox and WSJ refuse to do so), this story is filed away under "wishful Trump supporter speculation" as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I won't convince many in this thread of that, since nothing is more compelling than what people want to be true. And that's exactly what the folks pushing this story are banking on. Fortunately, I think most of the American electorate is smart enough to see through this.

You're essentially telling those that believe there's meat on this bone they aren't as smart as you. I'm a lot smarter than you and I absolutely believe there's meat on this bone. I don't think you understand the legal issues involved here to be able to evaluate the risk to the parties involved.
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texaglurkerguy said:

Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
I do. Until any major publication or outlet independently verifies or outright confirms Joe's involvement (and as we've established, even right-leaning Fox and WSJ refuse to do so), this story is filed away under "wishful Trump supporter speculation" as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I won't convince many in this thread of that, since nothing is more compelling than what people want to be true. And that's exactly what the folks pushing this story are banking on. Fortunately, I think most of the American electorate is smart enough to see through this.

What Biden policy are you the most excited about seeing implemented?
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
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texaglurkerguy said:

Conservative Ag said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aginlakeway said:

texaglurkerguy said:

aggiehawg said:

"The big guy" is still Biden.

But within that precise context with Sinohawk, "the chairman" is supposedly China, according to Fox, is how I read that.

But both could be true that at times Hunter referred to his Dad as "chairman."
From the same article:

However, according to separate emails obtained by Fox News, Bobulinski states there are no other members besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar and Anthony Bobulinski, regarding the shareholding structure, and records for all stages of company negotiations show no role for Joe Biden.
Even Fox refuses to touch this one.
So is that every email that was sent out? Again, I tend to believe in-person statements over ANY media reporting. Don't you?

FYI ... your candidate is trouble. And it's not because of this.
If your question here boils down to do I trust the aggregate of media doubting Joe's involvement or Bobulinksi, then undoubtedly the former. I don't even believe the people pushing this story (Giuliani, Bannon, etc.) think it's true, because it doesn't need to be to achieve its intended effect.

We'll see, signs suggest just the opposite!

You trust the media over a fact witness that turned over documents to federal authorities, spoke to the FBI, and subjected himself to a slander suit by issuing his public statements on the matter?
I do. Until any major publication or outlet independently verifies or outright confirms Joe's involvement (and as we've established, even right-leaning Fox and WSJ refuse to do so), this story is filed away under "wishful Trump supporter speculation" as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I won't convince many in this thread of that, since nothing is more compelling than what people want to be true. And that's exactly what the folks pushing this story are banking on. Fortunately, I think most of the American electorate is smart enough to see through this.

Here is a person who can look at the emails and texts themselves, but cannot form an independent conclusion, this person has to be told by someone else what it all means. He waits for a journalist to think for him.

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