Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
Ok Karen
Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
What about the small business owners he's about to put out of business? If you're scared, stay home. You won't get the virus.jteAg said:GEEZ.....FriscoKid said:Patriarch said:FriscoKid said:
does this mean that he closed churches and youth sports again???
No, both exempted.
So what the **** is twinkle toes doing? Seriously! It's not his job to protect us, or the private hospitals, or anything really. I'm pissed off. Dude needs to stay in his lane. This jack wagon thinks he has the power to shut down salons and saloons He thinks from his almighty perch that 50% open is better than 75% open?
**** this and **** him.. We are husbands and wives. Dads and moms. We are business owners and cubical jockeys. We want to be left the **** alone. If we get sick then we get sick. It's not your fault. We didn't elect a king of Texas.
If you get sick, yeah, thats too bad for you, and its on you. But how many of us do you make sick also? One? Two? A dozen? That is on you also.
All he's trying to do is slow down the spread of a virus that makes people sick; some not too sick, some it kills.
And you have to whine about not getting a haircut or being able to go to a bar and get a drink with your buddies.
Just put on the mask, go to the local store or Specs, grab a case or a bottle, invite 9 of your friends over, get drunk as hell, and have a haircut party!
Really folks, its not that big a deal to get your panties in an uproar! Just adopt and adjust.
Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
C@LAg said:given the huge overreach of these "mandates" - they would be easily challenged in most jurisdictions.Shanked Punt said:Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
If somebody walks past you within 6 feet that isn't socially distancing or a safe distance and therefore a violation.
Shanked Punt said:Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
If somebody walks past you within 6 feet that isn't socially distancing or a safe distance and therefore a violation.
If true you are the kind of person that would rat others out to the communist to get them shipped of to the gulag. You need to do some self reflection, and wonder if your unearned sense of elitism isn't scary. Who are you to tell others how to survive a virus about a deadly as the flu? Everyone hates "karens" because they are entitled, and think they are better than anyone else, and feel that everyone should bend to their opinions. You don't like freedom then move to China. You'll love the social credit scores. You can tattle on anyone who gives you a dirty look.Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
If you knew half as much about this virus as you think you do, you'd know the likelyhood of you catching the virus in that scenario is about as high as you being struck by lightning............. twice. Let's just go ahead and get it going. It will be over quick with Karens like this.Shanked Punt said:Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
If somebody walks past you within 6 feet that isn't socially distancing or a safe distance and therefore a violation.
TxAgPreacher said:If true you are the kind of person that would rat others out to the communist to get them shipped of to the gulag. You need to do some self reflection, and wonder if your unearned sense of elitism isn't scary. Who are you to tell others how to survive a virus about a deadly as the flu? Everyone hates "karens" because they are entitled, and think they are better than anyone else, and feel that everyone should bend to their opinions. You don't like freedom then move to China. You'll love the social credit scores. You can tattle on anyone who give you a dirty look.Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
didn't your mommy tell you nobody likes a tattle tale?Shanked Punt said:TxAgPreacher said:If true you are the kind of person that would rat others out to the communist to get them shipped of to the gulag. You need to do some self reflection, and wonder if your unearned sense of elitism isn't scary. Who are you to tell others how to survive a virus about a deadly as the flu? Everyone hates "karens" because they are entitled, and think they are better than anyone else, and feel that everyone should bend to their opinions. You don't like freedom then move to China. You'll love the social credit scores. You can tattle on anyone who give you a dirty look.Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
I'm not the one making the rules. If you have an issue with them talk to Greg Abbott, and the CDC whose guidelines he is trying to get followed. If anyone sees a violation it's their duty to report it.
Charpie said:
It's funny. I mean, whose more dumb, the troll or the people who fall for it every single time?
I am not in anything together with you or any other idiot that buys into this weak plandemic.CDub06 said:
There is such an absence of reasoning in this forum. You've already defined your good guys and your bad guys and you immediately jump to defend your heroes regardless of if it makes sense. If someone from the "opposing teams" make a claim, it's immediately invalid. There's no room for discussion or education in this environment.
Science doesn't mean anything to you. Statistics don't mean anything to you. That is, unless they support your "team."
It's possible that not everyone is out to get you. It's also possible that you're wrong from time to time. That's not an assault on your manhood. It's an opportunity to learn and grow.
I HATE our two party system and the way politics play out in America. It breeds this kind of mindset. It's not Us vs. Them. We're all in this together. If we work together, in this at least, it will help us get back to normal quicker.
Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
When the world's leaders were taking HCQ as a preventative, then I knew it worked.CreakinDeacon said:BallerStaf2003 said:rgag12 said:Shanked Punt said:Nothing about HCQ was proved one bit, though that didn't stop Trump from saying everyone should take it, using the reasoning, what harm could it do.annie88 said:Nothing about this has been proven. Not one damn bit. He has just lost the governorship of Texas today. Shame on him. Shame on him for buying into the fear mongering and bull*****JobSecurity said:
HCQ works, it's been proven over and over and over again. The only substantial data that said this wasn't the case was compiled by a pornstar.
I can't believe people still argue this.
You know why the death count is so low now? Redemisvir and a very cheap oral steroid that reduces the cytokines storm.
The death count was huge when doctors were throwing crap against a wall with HCQ
Countless AMERICAN studies say it doesn't work.
And yet you still cling to it bc trump can never be wrong.
Well trump says to wear a mask now so get it on!!!!
I'll take things that didn't age well for $1000 Alex
Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
Shanked Punt said:
The enforcement is still way too lax. I was eating in a restaurant, and a group of people were walking around not wearing a mask. Call me a Karen, but I've reported them to the TABC.
BigRobSA said:Charpie said:
It's funny. I mean, whose more dumb, the troll or the people who fall for it every single time?
The staff that simply won't permanently ban him?
You are correct, and you are both in violation. If you were walking, you should have changed course so as not to be within 6 feet. If you were sitting, you should be aware of your surroundings and get up and move if you think someone is going to come within 6 ft of you. No one is innocent here!!Shanked Punt said:Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
If somebody walks past you within 6 feet that isn't socially distancing or a safe distance and therefore a violation.
agrab86 said:You are correct, and you are both in violation. If you were walking, you should have changed course so as not to be within 6 feet. If you were sitting, you should be aware of your surroundings and get up and move if you think someone is going to come within 6 ft of you. No one is innocent here!!Shanked Punt said:Deats said:
UPDATE: Just talked to a lawyer. He said 100% that masks are not required per this order as long as you socially distance inside and maintain "safe distances" outside.
If somebody walks past you within 6 feet that isn't socially distancing or a safe distance and therefore a violation.