Houston ICU is 90% full and expected to exceed capacity in just 2 weeks

35,480 Views | 282 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Onceaggie2.0
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FriscoKid said:

This got flagged? I have no idea what's in the black box, but baaaahahahahhaha. Come on guys.
At this point I'm convinced there are a few posters that just have macro scripts set up to automatically flag images regardless of what it is.
" 'People that read with pictures think that it's simply about a mask' - Dana Loesch" - Ban Cow Gas

"Truth is treason in the empire of lies." - Dr. Ron Paul

Big Tech IS the empire of lies

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They've lost all credibility and this goes with the mask thing too. If someone is stupid enough to believe a lie after believing it the previous 9 times then they deserve what they get.
I'm still waiting to hear an actual explanation of how a disease that is transmitted through water droplets flying out of your face when you cough or sneeze is NOT impacted by a barrier over your face when you are coughing and sneezing.

Speaking of stupid.....The whole surgical profession is built around masks being able to stop doctors and nurses from accidentally infecting surgery patients through their breathing, coughing, etc. It's been that way forever, yet now all of a sudden Texags forum 16 and the Trump party have decided that the doctors and nurses have just been wasting their time and money all these years. Think how "stupid" those medical professionals must feel.
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44% of ICU is COVID as of yesterday, quite the climb from single digits and teens a few weeks ago.
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TheEyeGuy said:

Toptierag2018 said:

" During a City Council meeting Wednesday morning, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said 97 percent of the city's ICU beds were filled. A report from the Texas Medical Center (TMC) said 27 percent of those beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients.

According to data published earlier this week by the TMC, a network of health care and research institutions based in Houston, 90 percent of the city's ICU beds were filled as of Monday. Virus patients accounted for more than one-quarter of those occupancies."
So, first off, Turner is an idiot and actively lies to make political points. This is well known so you repeating him shows you either are uninformed or you are falling into the same thing. Either way, I can make statistics up to make anything look good.

Just from those numbers, there's a lot of missing info and a lot of misleading info at that. So first off, ICU beds are 97% full and 27% are covid, but what is the percentage of those that are in for covid complications versus the number that were in for other things and simply tested positive for covid? I bet you don't know. I can't find it anywhere because, again, Turner manipulates facts for his own agenda. Or he just lies. If you want, ask Houston PD and Houston FD about that. They probably have a few words for you.

Regardless, you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Chill out. Actually, ignore all I said. Keep fear mongering. I'm making a lot of money. And pardon me while I go sell some more guns.
Are you able to keep up with the demand for guns? I won't even ask about ammo.

in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things; by pretending "not to know" there is no guilt, no actual connection to conscience. Denial of truth allows easier trespass.
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I've been doing pretty well. It's killing me but I'm probably about 75% of stock on hand guns and we are constantly building ARs. I have to be online from 3-4am to get what I need but we're doing it
Owner of Texian Firearms:
Dealer in Firearms, Optics, Night Vision and other shooting accessories.
US importer/distributor of Rudolph Optics
Supporting bad financial decisions since 2015
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ETFan said:

44% of ICU is COVID as of yesterday, quite the climb from single digits and teens a few weeks ago.
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gougler08 said:

ETFan said:

44% of ICU is COVID as of yesterday, quite the climb from single digits and teens a few weeks ago.
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Thank you sir
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TheEyeGuy said:

I've been doing pretty well. It's killing me but I'm probably about 75% of stock on hand guns and we are constantly building ARs. I have to be online from 3-4am to get what I need but we're doing it
capitalism and entrepreneurs will always find a way!

in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things; by pretending "not to know" there is no guilt, no actual connection to conscience. Denial of truth allows easier trespass.
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Wait, wth just got deleted?
Owner of Texian Firearms:
Dealer in Firearms, Optics, Night Vision and other shooting accessories.
US importer/distributor of Rudolph Optics
Supporting bad financial decisions since 2015
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rab79 said:

TheEyeGuy said:

I've been doing pretty well. It's killing me but I'm probably about 75% of stock on hand guns and we are constantly building ARs. I have to be online from 3-4am to get what I need but we're doing it
capitalism and entrepreneurs will always find a way!

Yeah, I've been a walking zombie for the last couple months but we had our biggest month ever on June. And considering June is usually one of the bad months...
Owner of Texian Firearms:
Dealer in Firearms, Optics, Night Vision and other shooting accessories.
US importer/distributor of Rudolph Optics
Supporting bad financial decisions since 2015
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ETFan said:

44% of ICU is COVID as of yesterday, quite the climb from single digits and teens a few weeks ago.

So move the goalposts again.

The OP said we should be overwhelmed by now.

We ain't nowhere close being overwhelmed.

Liberalism is a disease.
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TheEyeGuy said:

Wait, wth just got deleted?
As a sponsor your business is protected, there will be no boycott of texags sponsors on texags!

in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things; by pretending "not to know" there is no guilt, no actual connection to conscience. Denial of truth allows easier trespass.
Emotional Support Cobra
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So in two more weeks, if masks still do not help, what is the next step? Helmets, or an analysis that perhaps public masking doesn't affect how people behave in close quarters where the virus is actually transmitted?
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Emotional Support Statue said:

So in two more weeks, if masks still do not help, what is the next step? Helmets, or an analysis that perhaps public masking doesn't affect how people behave in close quarters where the virus is actually transmitted?
They're already calling for a shut down of all but "essential businesses" yet again.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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It's not scary at all because it's 100% bull*****
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So in two more weeks, if masks still do not help, what is the next step?
Two Masks ! ! !

Then gloves.

Then an astronaut suit.
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This needs to be kept at the top. Scare tactics are always lies.
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Did you ever stop and think wearing a surgical mask while standing over a person cutting them open might be a good idea and is a high risk situation however walking by you at Home Depot Is not a remotely similar situation and may not require the same precautions.
Nice re-direct, but you missed the point. The point is not that breathing into an open body during surgery is more/less dangerous than breathing on a complete stranger during a pandemic. The point was made to demonstrate that masks are an effective means of limiting vectors of contagion that are spread via water droplets that come out of your face. It was made to directly refute the implication, made by a previous poster, that masks are not effective against spread of COVID. And it sounds like you agree that's the case!
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Cassius said:

ETFan said:

44% of ICU is COVID as of yesterday, quite the climb from single digits and teens a few weeks ago.

So move the goalposts again.

The OP said we should be overwhelmed by now.

We ain't nowhere close being overwhelmed.

Liberalism is a disease.
I thought I was on your ignore list?

Just posting facts.
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MassAggie97 said:


Did you ever stop and think wearing a surgical mask while standing over a person cutting them open might be a good idea and is a high risk situation however walking by you at Home Depot Is not a remotely similar situation and may not require the same precautions.
Nice re-direct, but you missed the point. The point is not that breathing into an open body during surgery is more/less dangerous than breathing on a complete stranger during a pandemic. The point was made to demonstrate that masks are an effective means of limiting vectors of contagion that are spread via water droplets that come out of your face. It was made to directly refute the implication, made by a previous poster, that masks are not effective against spread of COVID. And it sounds like you agree that's the case!

Welding people inside their homes is also an effective means of limiting vectors. Public health shouldn't trump freedom.
Matt Hooper
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In 2 weeks - No AC; make everyone open windows and stop breathing recirculated air.
(Just Kidding - in July that would cause some real crazy)
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Welding people inside their homes is also an effective means of limiting vectors. Public health shouldn't trump freedom.
Public health should absolutely not "trump" freedom, but it most definitely needs to be balanced against it. That you would compare wearing a simple face mask to forced home arrest is a testament to how completely ridiculous your argument even is. Wearing a face mask is really "the minimum".
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hbtheduce said:

MassAggie97 said:


Did you ever stop and think wearing a surgical mask while standing over a person cutting them open might be a good idea and is a high risk situation however walking by you at Home Depot Is not a remotely similar situation and may not require the same precautions.
Nice re-direct, but you missed the point. The point is not that breathing into an open body during surgery is more/less dangerous than breathing on a complete stranger during a pandemic. The point was made to demonstrate that masks are an effective means of limiting vectors of contagion that are spread via water droplets that come out of your face. It was made to directly refute the implication, made by a previous poster, that masks are not effective against spread of COVID. And it sounds like you agree that's the case!

Welding people inside their homes is also an effective means of limiting vectors. Public health shouldn't trump freedom.
This is what annoys me about the whole thing being blamed on Trump by some people. Those same people would be screaming bloody murder if Trump tried to declare a national decree to wear a mask or NOT wear a mask, to close all businesses or leave all businesses open. And leaving it to local government as mandated by our founding documents? Also not good enough.

There's a spike because young people are getting out? What should Trump do? Something and get criticized for it or nothing and get criticized for it.

These are not fair, rational people.

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Toptierag2018 said:


What's the latest orders put in place in Harris County? I'm not up to date on them.

Houston is one of the biggest if not the biggest hub for medical care. This is scary.
Riddle me this... What percent capacity are Houston ICUs usually at?
Nitro Power
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And should be a choice...you know..freedom to choose...
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MassAggie97 said:


Did you ever stop and think wearing a surgical mask while standing over a person cutting them open might be a good idea and is a high risk situation however walking by you at Home Depot Is not a remotely similar situation and may not require the same precautions.
Nice re-direct, but you missed the point. The point is not that breathing into an open body during surgery is more/less dangerous than breathing on a complete stranger during a pandemic. The point was made to demonstrate that masks are an effective means of limiting vectors of contagion that are spread via water droplets that come out of your face. It was made to directly refute the implication, made by a previous poster, that masks are not effective against spread of COVID. And it sounds like you agree that's the case!
What if someone cries a lot, should they be required to wear googles? Btw, I think your mask thing is a ridiculous analogy. A surgeon, nurse or support staff are within a couple of feet of a patient for lengthy periods of time and typically looking down upon the person. If walking by someone at the grocery store or HD without masks on results in the rampant spread of the disease then we've found our global killer that many have been predicting (except that for the vast majority this is a fairly mild disease). If masks are so successful at stopping the spread then I cannot believe China would have had any issues at all with CV, they mask up at the drop of a hat.
ETA: wear your mask if you want to, but do not tell others they have to wear their mask unless of course they are a surgeon.
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And should be a choice...you know..freedom to choose...
Should we allow people to "choose" their speed on the freeway? We allow TxDOT to choose speeds because they've done research on how to balance safety against expediency. There are plenty of issues where "choice" has been ceded to government agencies with expertise on the issue. This is really no different.
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MassAggie97 said:


Welding people inside their homes is also an effective means of limiting vectors. Public health shouldn't trump freedom.
Public health should absolutely not "trump" freedom, but it most definitely needs to be balanced against it. That you would compare wearing a simple face mask to forced home arrest is a testament to how completely ridiculous your argument even is. Wearing a face mask is really "the minimum".

Wearing the burka really is the minimum. Or maybe we should force people to wear blue stars if they test negative.

I'm fine if private businesses want to force people to wear a mask. That's a negotiation between private citizens. The government doesn't get to mandate uniforms or prevent freedom of assembly.

The mask is just your religious uniform. Keep your beliefs to yourself please.
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MassAggie97 said:


And should be a choice...you know..freedom to choose...
Should we allow people to "choose" their speed on the freeway? We allow TxDOT to choose speeds because they've done research on how to balance safety against expediency. There are plenty of issues where "choice" has been ceded to government agencies with expertise on the issue. This is really no different.
I guess you will let us know when erosion of freedoms has gone far enough.

Nitro Power
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You continue to compare apples to oranges. One is law, the other is not. If masking becomes a law...well then...it is what it is, but as of this moment, it is not and as such is unconstitutional.
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MassAggie97 said:


And should be a choice...you know..freedom to choose...
Should we allow people to "choose" their speed on the freeway? We allow TxDOT to choose speeds because they've done research on how to balance safety against expediency. There are plenty of issues where "choice" has been ceded to government agencies with expertise on the issue. This is really no different.

There are no speed limits on private land. There are no seat belt laws on private land. The EO signed by our idiot governor attempts to force wearing masks on private land. It's a complete overreach of government power.
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If walking by someone at the grocery store or HD without masks on results in the rampant spread of the disease then we've found our global killer that many have been predicting (except that for the vast majority this is a fairly mild disease).
How do YOU think it spreads?

If masks are so successful at stopping the spread then I cannot believe China would have had any issues at all with CV, they mask up at the drop of a hat.
Compare China's case count and number dead to ours. You just proved my point. We're 4% of the world population, but 25% of cases and deaths. Why? We're the only country where a large number of people actually question whether barrier over the face can slow a disease that spreads by mucus and water droplets flying out of your face.
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And you believe China's numbers? If so, you've just proved a lot of points.
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