Okay, popping in for a minute.
On the city in CA asking for the block-- what happened was this. Travis AFB is only housing the evacuees, and are not involved with anything else. The CDC and HHS are the ones in charge. I am following one of the evacuees on Instagram. She posted a letter that was passed out. Basically, the CDC said if anyone tested positive and showed symptoms they go to hospital. If they test positive and have no symptoms they have to be removed from the base and relocated. The irony is that they gave people a choice about testing. The person I'm following decided against it because she didn't want to be relocated. She said she will test if she starts feeling ill. I'm pretty sure the other evacuees that were released had to be swabbed and test negative before they were let go. I'm assuming same for this group. So while optional now, it won't be for release. But I'm just guessing there.
On my trip to Italy in 2 weeks. The Italian in charge says nothing to fear, it's in southern Italy and no cases there. They will however no longer transport large groups of us on buses, but instead we will be put in vans with 5 people. Anyone who questions it is branded as being dramatic and that fake news is to blame.
The American aspect of the trip says they are monitoring hour by hour and will see how things play out in the next few days to see how our conference should be handled or if it will be cancelled.
My friend that I was meeting there lives in New Zealand with her husband and kids (they have dual citizenship with UK & US, she does not- she is only US). Her flights through Seoul and Singapore have now been cancelled with the option to rebook. She is going to pass, since she is worried that if things continue to go downhill, New Zealand might not let her back in.