FriendlyAg said:
Someone explain why this is a big deal. Ebola was going to kill us all. So was H1N1... so was whatever that virus in the carribean that hurts pregnant chicks. Then suddenly it's all a nothing burger.
What gives?
I am going to go ahead and post this. I dont want to over-alarm, and dont know anything about this outbreak, so i am not saying this is what is happening. So far i dont even think this is what is happening, and am not personally acting in any major way to prepare for anything. But aggies deserve to know the worst case - proven to be possible - scenario.
The russians in the 80's and 90's are known to have engineered *and produced* viruses as deliverable biowarfare agents that are air-transmitable, and hit like the flu for 2 weeks; then symptoms subside like normal flu, patient believing recovered. Then it hits again with reportedly 100% fatality rates.
Several books are out on it. The us had no clue until a defector tipped us and yeltsin ended up admitting he had continued the biopreparat program.
If the chinese with their corrupt culture and construction practices built a bio research lab near the origin point and were copying something like that, it might explain them quarantining 11 cities. Which by the way is now the top 11 quarantines in all of human history.
'The favorite "battle strains" were anthrax (Strain 836), Pasechnik's super-plague, and a special Russian strain of tularemia (Schu-4). By 1991, Alibek stated that Russian scientists had "improved" all three of these so that they could overcome all immune systems and current medical treatments.24 In May 1998, Alibek testified before the U.S. Congress:
It is important to note that, in the Soviet's view, the best biological agents were those for which there was no prevention and no cure. For those agents for which vaccines or treatment existed such as plague, which can be treated with antibiotics antibiotic-resistant or immunosuppressive variants were to be developed.25
Although Biopreparat had worked with a highly virulent, rapidly infectious "battle strain" of smallpox (India-1) since 1959, they began research in 1987 to develop an even more virulent smallpox weapon, and tested it in 1990.26' well folks.