HeadGames said:
Y'all see she told all her crazy followers to reconsider having children because we're all going to die from climate change?
This is fantastic... if enough looneys follow her, conservatives have a chance to out populate those dorks.
"Our planet is going to face disaster if we don't turn this ship around," she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. "And so it's basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, shouldis it okay to still have children?"
While on one hand it saddens me that so many people are choosing to forgo having children (my prediction is that we're going to have tens of millions of severely depressed and hopeless people once they start reaching their 50-60's), I do stand behind her in echoing this message.
If you're dumb enough to vote for, support, or follow AOC, you shouldn't have kids. Get on bc and stay on it or just get sterilized. Agreed, it will better for the planet (and everything else for that matter).
and she followed it up with student debt as another reason not to have kids. Agree with this too. If you were dumb enough to get a worthless yet very expensive degree that doesn't put you in a position to make decent earnings, you too should not breed.