I'm not ruling out this lady being the type that decides to suffocate herself sometime in the future.
tsuag10 said:
The parts of her story that might give them a case for the felony charge might be:Quote:
2. suffocate, strangle, disfigure, or inflict serious physical injury on the victim or another in the course of committing the crime;
3. threaten, or place the victim in fear, that the victim, or an individual known to the victim, imminently will be subject to death, suffocation, strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury, or kidnapping; or
4. commit the crime while aided and abetted by another;
(2) engage in sexual contact with another if the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual, and the person performing the act knows or reasonably should know the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual;
- Hand over mouth
- Other guy in the room with them
- Drunk
Leftists are taking this to mean he refuses to testify for fear of perjury.aginlakeway said:
tsuag10 said:
The parts of her story that might give them a case for the felony charge might be:Quote:
2. suffocate, strangle, disfigure, or inflict serious physical injury on the victim or another in the course of committing the crime;
3. threaten, or place the victim in fear, that the victim, or an individual known to the victim, imminently will be subject to death, suffocation, strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury, or kidnapping; or
4. commit the crime while aided and abetted by another;
(2) engage in sexual contact with another if the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual, and the person performing the act knows or reasonably should know the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual;
- Hand over mouth
- Other guy in the room with them
- Drunk
tehmackdaddy said:Leftists are taking this to mean he refuses to testify for fear of perjury.aginlakeway said:
Not to mention that Dr Ford claims the other guy knocked Kavanaugh off of her allowing her to escape. That doesn't sound like aiding and abetting.aginlakeway said:tsuag10 said:
The parts of her story that might give them a case for the felony charge might be:Quote:
2. suffocate, strangle, disfigure, or inflict serious physical injury on the victim or another in the course of committing the crime;
3. threaten, or place the victim in fear, that the victim, or an individual known to the victim, imminently will be subject to death, suffocation, strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury, or kidnapping; or
4. commit the crime while aided and abetted by another;
(2) engage in sexual contact with another if the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual, and the person performing the act knows or reasonably should know the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual;
- Hand over mouth
- Other guy in the room with them
- Drunk
The other guy says he wasn't there. She can't remember when or where it happened. Law enforcement wouldn't even investigate it because they have no facts to assist them in investigating it.
One would think so, but they see it as him avoiding going under oath.aginlakeway said:tehmackdaddy said:Leftists are taking this to mean he refuses to testify for fear of perjury.aginlakeway said:
I guess they're ignoring the I don't recall part I guess. Seems crucial to me.
yes but to what, exactly? Kavenaugh May have done a thing a long time ago but nobody knows when, where, or how but we should still all react as though he's the reincarnation of Hitler, Stalin, Satan, and John Wayne Gacy all rolled into one.CJS4715 said:
Can we update the thread title? Give what is known, it is not even correct.
tehmackdaddy said:Leftists are taking this to mean he refuses to testify for fear of perjury.aginlakeway said:
It's on the internet.techno-ag said:No corroborating witnesses. No specifics on time and place. No case.tsuag10 said:
The parts of her story that might give them a case for the felony charge might be:Hand over mouthQuote:
2. suffocate, strangle, disfigure, or inflict serious physical injury on the victim or another in the course of committing the crime;
3. threaten, or place the victim in fear, that the victim, or an individual known to the victim, imminently will be subject to death, suffocation, strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury, or kidnapping; or
4. commit the crime while aided and abetted by another;
(2) engage in sexual contact with another if the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual, and the person performing the act knows or reasonably should know the victim is a substantially cognitively impaired individual, a mentally incapacitated individual, or a physically helpless individual;
Other guy in the room with them
Wildcat said:tehmackdaddy said:Leftists are taking this to mean he refuses to testify for fear of perjury.aginlakeway said:
So do they think the reason she refuses to testify is out of fear of perjury?
And since when did perjuring yourself in front of congress have any consequences? Haven't we seen multiple members of the intelligence community and a former presidential candidate do the same?
My thoughts are this whole thing didn't happen until they can prove it in a court of law. Which is how it should be viewed instead of automatically assuming he's guilty.tsuag10 said:
wbt5845 said:
How many sex partners this chick have before she turned 18?
I think it's the same law firm. The woman who spoke to Anderson Cooper was different from the one who someone said looks like Lyle Lovett, but I the firm on this letterhead is Katz, Marshall, and Banks.aggiehawg said:
Let's update my earlier post:
Let's recap on what we know thus far:
- accuser sends a letter and requests anonymity from Feinstein in July
- WaPo gets a tip but holds the story
- accuser lawyers up
- accuser or her lawyer scrubb her social media accounts
- accuser allegedly takes a polygraph
- accuser's HS similarly scrub their online records (year books) while simultaneously producing out of thin air within two days, letters from 200 former students of the HS in support of accuser
- then accuser's name is outed
- accuser's lawyer goes on a media blitz declaring accuser wants to tell her story
- Grassley says bring it on, see you Monday
- accuser goes into crickets mode
- Accuser changes attorneys who then demand the FBI investigate her allegation before she will agree to testify
- Feinstein says she's not sure accuser is telling the truth
- Both Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth (surmising he's the P.J. she referenced as being a potential witness send letters to Grassley saying they have no memory of an even as described and further have never seen Kavanaugh act in such a manner
- FBI says not only no but, "Hell no we won't waste federal resources on investigating something that old and the accuser refuses to testify about, nor can even when or where it supposedly happened"
- Grassley says, "Anyplace, anytime, public, private, we'll fly staffers to California, talk to us!"
- Accuser goes back into crickets mode
Same firm? Even worse then. Barring a trial starting yesterday, her original lawyer shouldn't have bailed, instead sending another lawyer to handle whatever court appearances she might have had scheduled.Quote:
I think it's the same law firm. The woman who spoke to Anderson Cooper was different from the one who someone said looks like Lyle Lovett, but I the firm on this letterhead is Katz, Marshall, and Banks.
I thought the accuser didn't discuss this at the time with her friends. Who was spreading this rumor around.. Kavanaugh?tsuag10 said:Prognightmare said:
This is Burt?
WASHINGTON A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh's accuserwrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser's claims.
"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."
She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."
Scrubbed her social media accounts in preparation for this BS.Quote:
How come the below are the only pictures of the accuser that we see?
I understand that, but as a prof didn't she give outside speeches and consult and have a bio that was provided to these entities. Shouldn't there be pictures outside of her social media? I just find it strange that we have only the one recent picture that covers her eyes.aggiehawg said:Scrubbed her social media accounts in preparation for this BS.Quote:
How come the below are the only pictures of the accuser that we see?
Palo Alto. Not only her private HS but pretty sure her college would quietly be taking her stuff off of their sites, too. Remember most of this crap was done before she was outed publicly. They had six weeks notice.Gap said:I understand that, but as a prof didn't she give outside speeches and consult and have a bio that was provided to these entities. Shouldn't there be pictures outside of her social media? I just find it strange that we have only the one recent picture that covers her eyes.aggiehawg said:Scrubbed her social media accounts in preparation for this BS.Quote:
How come the below are the only pictures of the accuser that we see?
Discussed up thread.captkirk said:I thought the accuser didn't discuss this at the time with her friends. Who was spreading this rumor around.. Kavanaugh?tsuag10 said:Prognightmare said:
This is Burt?
WASHINGTON A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh's accuserwrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser's claims.
"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."
She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."