let us hope that the sting of these weeks stay with Kavanaugh all of his years on the bench.
aggiehawg said:
I've said it on this thread a couple of times. Love him or hate him, Trump has shown the ordinarily pansy ass republicans that it's OK to have some balls and hold your ground against the dems. Let their crazies scream and protest...you're never winning them over anyway.Rockdoc said:
I don't think Feinstein got screwed. She miscalculated. She thought she could knock Kav out without this going to testifying and become a hero to her party. She chose...poorly.
Do I need to update my bullet list?Squadron7 said:
Just a reminder: Feinstein still has yet to provide The Judiciary Committee an unredacted copy of the Ford letter.
I went back and reread Grassley's missive to DiFi. This stood out:Squadron7 said:
Just a reminder: Feinstein still has yet to provide The Judiciary Committee an unredacted copy of the Ford letter.
So the FBI doesn't have the unredacted letter but are supposed to conduct a thorough investigation?? How is that supposed to work, Dems?Quote:
"My staff has made repeated requests for this document-which has become a significant piece of evidence in Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation process-but your staff has so far refused to provide a copy of the letter. You are able to share this unredacted copy with all the members of your caucus and their staff, as well as anyone else you choose. The only version we have of this letter is a redacted version contained in the supplemental FBI background investigation file that only senators and a handful of very select staff are authorized to read."
'Known about it'?UncleNateFitch said:
Democrats have known about Ms. Ford's allegation since July. A month sooner than the media had been reporting. They sat on it for 2 months waiting for the right time to sabotage.
aggiehawg said:Do I need to update my bullet list?Squadron7 said:
Just a reminder: Feinstein still has yet to provide The Judiciary Committee an unredacted copy of the Ford letter.
based on her extracurriculars that we know of, she's probably had several.Whens lunch said:
From the article.... Rep. Eshoo speaking of Ford:
"She doesn't have a political bone in her body."
Har dee har har.
The Senatorial version of a dick slap.FriscoKid said:
That is a great letter
Ag00Ag said:
If I were Trump (or maybe Grassley) I would absolutely ask the FBI to investigate. Not so much the allegations, because I know and understand that1) it's not really their jurisdiction, and 2) a 35 year old high school boob grab is almost impossible to investigate and prove/disprove.
But rather I would ask them to investigate the possibility/probability that this is/was a coordinated and planned false accusation for the express purpose of disrupting the governments constitutional process.
Subpoena the original letter, Ford's computers, therapy notes, etc... hell , subpoena DiFi's emails and see how long they've been in contact with each other. DiFi' s handling of the matter is every bit as suspicious to me as Ford's inconsistent story.
FriscoKid said:
That is a great letter
AG 2000' said:FriscoKid said:
That is a great letter
If I were Grassley and got told tomorrow (his deadline) that she won't be attending Monday, I'd turn around tomorrow and schedule the confirmation vote for Kavanaugh.
End this garbage.
fasthorses05 said:
Along those lines, would the FBI be able to recall/reconstruct a FB that had been scrubbed?
I thought about this yesterday, and decided that even if they could find all of Ford's FB posts, that Zuckerberg would make them disappear.
Just a general question.
Almost 0% chance this happens. If the general public found out that Facebook keeps your info, even after deleting it, their stock would go down the crapper. Facebook has been on a huge kick these last few years about user privacy since they found all those 3rd party Facebook pages collecting and selling user info.PanzerAggie06 said:
Facebook has the capabilities of tracking down pages that have been deleted/scrubbed.
That's got to leave a mark on Feinstein after "inadvertently" leaking the Fusion GPS testimony, doesn't it?Quote:
"I can certainly understand that Dr. Ford might by distrustful of the Committee's ability to keep matters confidential based on the Democratic member's recent conduct..."