Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,497,428 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 13 days ago by aggiehawg
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I wondered about Nuland's timing, as it seemed to be pretty damned good once she tuned into Steele's poorly written fiction. I used to think she was completely bent, now I just assume she didn't mind if the "ends" were reached, she didn't want to be a part of the "means".

BTW, I'm pretty sure this has been asked, and likely answered, but if the contempt order on Mcgahn comes to pass, where does executive privilege, and attorney client privilege, come into play?
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BTW, I'm pretty sure this has been asked, and likely answered, but if the contempt order on Mcgahn comes to pass, where does executive privilege, and attorney client privilege, come into play?
Ultimately, SCOTUS.
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All the hub-bub over Brennan still having his clearance seems to be fake news.

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White House insiders assure me Brennan's "need to know" clearance was revoked by the President, and that he no longer gets classified information.
For the same reason we have underage drinking laws.
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aggiehawg said:

Secolobo said:

aggiehawg said:

The funny thing is Nuland's involvement. Because at some point she snapped to what was really happening and instructed her subordinates to stop dealing with Steele and forward everything to the FBI because she was afraid of Hatch Act violations. Meaning she knew it was a paid political piece and not an intel product.
Wow Mrs. Hawg, you should add the light bulb emoji to all your posts because that's what happens when (speaking for the board) most of us read them.

I heard from government employees that right after trump was elected that they were inundated with hatch act trainings and email reminders from upper management. Trump also uncharacteristically announced his run for re-election right after election.
I always thought it was just Dems circling the wagons but now I wonder if trump pushed this through to nail ses employees for "smaller process" dings.
Call 'em like I see 'em. I have been wrong in the past and will be very wrong in the future too, no doubt. But when the dots connect, they connect. I have posted this dozens of times on this thread but it really needs an update in light of what we know now.

I present you with Evelyn Farkas admitting everything.

Hey Evelyn, loose lips sink ships.
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You know, in all honesty, you kinda have to marvel at the discipline (I think that's the word I want) the Left has had for over two years in multiple, probably hundreds, of interviews in tv, radio, and general comments, to not reveal more than Farkas did.

She was the first break in the dam that really led me to believe they actuallyfollowed through on some of the crap that's happened. My first sentence is the main reason we can't have socialism under any circumstances, because government always covers for government.

Oh, thanx Hawg.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Hey Evelyn, loose lips sink ships.

not when nothing ever happens.
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drcrinum said:

Powell previously has met Weissmann on the field of battle and won.

Is this the lady that battled with Weissman in the Enron debacle?
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Another addition to the web.

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TruckGuy said:

Is this the lady that battled with Weissman in the Enron debacle?

Powell is the author of the national best seller and tell-all book Licensed To Lie, which exposed the corruption within the justice system. The book is based on the case Powell won against prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, when he was deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force.
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Another step towards Assange to the US.

UK Satisfied Assange Won't Face Death Penalty Or Torture Signs US Extradition Request For Wikileaks Founder


U.K. home secretary Sajid Javid has approved the U.S. extradition request for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The certification doesn't mean Assange is to be shipped to America, but that Javid has no objections to a judge hearing the case out. It also means Javid is happy that Assange won't be tortured or face the death penalty should he be moved to the U.S.
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aggiehawg said:

Can you say incestuous? Is there anything or anyone in DC that isnt connected somehow?
Ellis Wyatt
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RyanAg08 said:

aggiehawg said:

Can you say incestuous? Is there anything or anyone in DC that isnt connected somehow?
This is more than just incestuous, though. It's pure corruption and it's part of an attempt to thwart the will of the voters.
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This is more than just incestuous, though. It's pure corruption and it's part of an attempt to thwart the will of the voters.
Just so you know, the attorneys Flynn just fired are from Covington, Burling. Who is a long time partner at Covington, Burling except for the time he spent as Attorney General? Eric Holder.

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this is a post that brings nothing except for my complete disgust for Kathryn Ruemmler. In the words of Ms. Hawg, Ruemmler is a POS.

Her frickin' name always appears in Obama stories.

I feel better!
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will25u said:

That's a lie by Schiff. Flynn and Gates were prohibited from testifying by Team Mueller in accordance with the plea agreements.

Mueller sucked a lot of oxygen out of the room by keeping certain people away from Congressional inquiry.
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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That's a lie by Schiff. Flynn and Gates were prohibited from testifying by Team Mueller in accordance with the plea agreements.

and because of stuff like this, i think i'm out for a while on this entire fiasco. everyone is lying through their teeth, everyone else knows it, and still nothing gets done. the elite protect the elite without one thought of those who elected them, and seemingly nothing can be done by the people to stop this inane clown show. it feels like this has all been done before 1,000 times over and it will be done 1,000 times again just with different characters. nothing more than political theatre. time is a flat circle.
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ruddyduck said:


That's a lie by Schiff. Flynn and Gates were prohibited from testifying by Team Mueller in accordance with the plea agreements.

and because of stuff like this, i think i'm out for a while on this entire fiasco. everyone is lying through their teeth, everyone else knows it, the media won't report it, and still nothing gets done. the elite protect the elite without one thought of those who elected them, and seemingly nothing can be done by the people to stop this inane clown show. it feels like this has all been done before 1,000 times over and it will be done 1,000 times again just with different characters. nothing more than political theatre. time is a flat circle.
FIFY, and I agree completely. Schiff lies, no one calls him on it, and on and on we go. Nunes and Jordan seem like they can and want to do something about it, yet here we still are. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, all of them just blather on and anyone that we think might have a lick of sense are either silent or don't have the right microphone.

On top of that, the loud minorities of race, gender-bending, etc. keep yelling and making everyone bend to their will or face the consequences, unfettered by any consequences themselves.

It's infuriating and depressing. I'm happy to be insulated a bit from it here in my little West Texas bubble, but for how long? And what effect on my kids and future grandkids?
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The Russian-American lobbyist who attended the infamous Trump Tower meeting had contacts with members of Hillary Clinton's inner circle and knew Clinton herself, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.
"I knew [Clinton]; I knew some people who worked on her campaign," the lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in closed-door testimony on Nov. 14.

A transcript of the testimony was released along with other meeting attendees on May 16.
Akhmetshin, a former Soviet military intelligence officer, also said his attorney, Edward Lieberman, knows Clinton well. Lieberman's late wife, Evelyn Lieberman, was a close confidante of Clinton's. At one point, Akhmetshin said he was not a fan of President Donald Trump's family.

The revelation of Akhmetshin's Clinton links are significant because he has been portrayed as a possible conspirator in a collusion scheme between Trump's campaign and Russian government.
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fasthorses05 said:

You know, in all honesty, you kinda have to marvel at the discipline (I think that's the word I want) the Left has had for over two years in multiple, probably hundreds, of interviews in tv, radio, and general comments, to not reveal more than Farkas did.

She was the first break in the dam that really led me to believe they actually followed through on some of the crap that's happened. My first sentence is the main reason we can't have socialism under any circumstances, because government always covers for government.

Oh, thanx Hawg.
Marvel at their discipline and bemoan the complete lack of interest in pursuing it by the press, especially with the 20/20 hindsight of the revelations of the last two years.
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will25u said:


The Russian-American lobbyist who attended the infamous Trump Tower meeting had contacts with members of Hillary Clinton's inner circle and knew Clinton herself, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.
"I knew [Clinton]; I knew some people who worked on her campaign," the lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in closed-door testimony on Nov. 14.

A transcript of the testimony was released along with other meeting attendees on May 16.
Akhmetshin, a former Soviet military intelligence officer, also said his attorney, Edward Lieberman, knows Clinton well. Lieberman's late wife, Evelyn Lieberman, was a close confidante of Clinton's. At one point, Akhmetshin said he was not a fan of President Donald Trump's family.

The revelation of Akhmetshin's Clinton links are significant because he has been portrayed as a possible conspirator in a collusion scheme between Trump's campaign and Russian government.

It all points back to one place. Uncanny, isn't it?
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Harvey & Binnall, PLLC
Supposedly white collar defense attorneys.
Anyone familiar with them?
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drcrinum said:

Harvey & Binnall, PLLC
Supposedly white collar defense attorneys.
Anyone familiar with them?
I don't know much about law, but I don't think you need 4 or more lawyers to do a plea deal. I think a war is brewing.
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BTW, Sidney isn't licensed in Virginia, she's filing for pro hac vice status, meaning she needs to have local counsel alongside her that is licensed there.

As to knowing much about that counsel, I don't know.
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So is much of the Mueller report
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In a virtual world, much of our private information is stored online, in the cloud. Consequently, it is more important than ever that our privacy is protected from third parties, including cyber criminals, hackers and even governments. Harvey & Binnall is proud to be in the forefront of the fights to protect privacy. The firm's lawyers have represented clients in resisting grand jury subpoenas, warrants and wire-tap, or pen/trap, orders. They have litigated Stored Communication Act issues and understand the issues surrounding cybersecurity. Regardless of whether our clients are engaged in their own cyber security disputes or it is their customers' rights at stake, the firm puts its trial experience and its tough preparation to task in litigating privacy cases.
From their web-site.


After several high-profile cases, the government has made prosecuting white collar crimes a priority. Virginia and federal law enforcement agents often use intimidating and invasive tactics during the course of an investigation. Even if charges are later dropped or the defendants are acquitted, the damage can be substantial. A company faces loss of revenue and harm to its brand reputation, whereas individuals may lose their careers, financial security and freedom.

Harvey & Binnall, PLLC's aggressive, dedicated Alexandria white collar defense attorneys are available to assist you with your case. In fact, we handle these white collar matters all throughout the country. We deliver candid, experienced advice about complex white collar crimes and protect our clients' rights throughout the investigation and prosecution. Our office acts with discretion and confidentiality to preserve our clients' reputation and financial health while protecting their rights in the criminal justice system.

Aaannndd this:

Harvey & Binnall's civil rights, civil liberties and political law practice is proud to serve people who are involved in our electoral process and those whose rights have been violated by government actors. Some of our clients have included:
  • College students who have been disciplined for exercising their constitutional rights;
  • Political operatives who are parties to disputes before the Federal Election Commission;
  • Individuals and businesses serving political campaigns who might be impacted by disclosure requirements and other FEC regulations;
  • An individual charged with violating federal campaign finance laws;
  • Witnesses called to testify before federal grand juries;
  • Companies wishing to resist overly broad government subpoenas and warrants;
  • Businesses fighting unconstitutional restrictions on their freedom of speech;
  • Clients opposing gag orders that violate the first amendment's freedom of speech; and
  • Entities wishing to file amicus briefs, or friend of the court briefs, in important civil rights law suits.


Yeppers, getting ready to go to war against the government.
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pagerman @ work
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aggiehawg said:


In a virtual world, much of our private information is stored online, in the cloud. Consequently, it is more important than ever that our privacy is protected from third parties, including cyber criminals, hackers and even governments. Harvey & Binnall is proud to be in the forefront of the fights to protect privacy. The firm's lawyers have represented clients in resisting grand jury subpoenas, warrants and wire-tap, or pen/trap, orders. They have litigated Stored Communication Act issues and understand the issues surrounding cybersecurity. Regardless of whether our clients are engaged in their own cyber security disputes or it is their customers' rights at stake, the firm puts its trial experience and its tough preparation to task in litigating privacy cases.
From their web-site.


After several high-profile cases, the government has made prosecuting white collar crimes a priority. Virginia and federal law enforcement agents often use intimidating and invasive tactics during the course of an investigation. Even if charges are later dropped or the defendants are acquitted, the damage can be substantial. A company faces loss of revenue and harm to its brand reputation, whereas individuals may lose their careers, financial security and freedom.

Harvey & Binnall, PLLC's aggressive, dedicated Alexandria white collar defense attorneys are available to assist you with your case. In fact, we handle these white collar matters all throughout the country. We deliver candid, experienced advice about complex white collar crimes and protect our clients' rights throughout the investigation and prosecution. Our office acts with discretion and confidentiality to preserve our clients' reputation and financial health while protecting their rights in the criminal justice system.

Aaannndd this:

Harvey & Binnall's civil rights, civil liberties and political law practice is proud to serve people who are involved in our electoral process and those whose rights have been violated by government actors. Some of our clients have included:
  • College students who have been disciplined for exercising their constitutional rights;
  • Political operatives who are parties to disputes before the Federal Election Commission;
  • Individuals and businesses serving political campaigns who might be impacted by disclosure requirements and other FEC regulations;
  • An individual charged with violating federal campaign finance laws;
  • Witnesses called to testify before federal grand juries;
  • Companies wishing to resist overly broad government subpoenas and warrants;
  • Businesses fighting unconstitutional restrictions on their freedom of speech;
  • Clients opposing gag orders that violate the first amendment's freedom of speech; and
  • Entities wishing to file amicus briefs, or friend of the court briefs, in important civil rights law suits.


Yeppers, getting ready to go to war against the government.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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will25u said:

I agree with Rush on his show earlier today. They need to speed it up. They are in a race right now and losing as the Dems continue daily to use the drive bys to push their false narratives to the public. Now it may not really be causing Trump to truly lose ground but I think every day there isn't an IG report or Huber report or Durham arrest/indictment based on facts is a day wasted that could ultimately bury the Dems for 2020 and strengthen Trump; and/or at least offer a counter balance to the constant harangue of the Mueller report. In other words, go on offense and put the Dems on defense. Just from the information in this thread there would be enough to start arresting and indicting people it would seem.
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