Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,497,417 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 13 days ago by aggiehawg
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4stringAg said:

will25u said:

I agree with Rush on his show earlier today. They need to speed it up. They are in a race right now and losing as the Dems continue daily to use the drive bys to push their false narratives to the public. Now it may not really be causing Trump to truly lose ground but I think every day there isn't an IG report or Huber report or Durham arrest/indictment based on facts is a day wasted that could ultimately bury the Dems for 2020 and strengthen Trump; and/or at least offer a counter balance to the constant harangue of the Mueller report. In other words, go on offense and put the Dems on defense. Just from the information in this thread there would be enough to start arresting and indicting people it would seem.
It reminds me of the idiot libs here that all stated "Mueller is just taking his time, dotting every i and crossing every t before he unleashes the fury of his report."

I certainly hope there are indictments coming soon based on Durham's investigation...and soon I mean by this Fourth of July.
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It reminds me of the idiot libs here that all stated "Mueller is just taking his time, dotting every i and crossing every t before he unleashes the fury of his report."

I certainly hope there are indictments coming soon based on Durham's investigation...and soon I mean by this Fourth of July.
My reading of the tea leaves is that the fireworks won't come on the Fourth, more in August when DC goes dead for a month.

The reason I say that is because of the moves Flynn has made. Sidney Powell, his new attorney, has some company as Flynn's counsel. And that law firm is a boutique one, specializing in suing the government. Sidney has told the court she needed 90 days to get up to speed on the case. That says to me, late summer for the BOOM, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop,Pop,Pop,Pop,Pop,! to reach high decibel levels. Clearing the field for Flynn to withdraw his plea and start suing the crap out of people.

Team Mueller has personal exposure here, I think. Their acts were ultra vires, even if dips*** Rosenstein signed off on them. Nuremberg Defenses won't work.
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Trump is a master of timing. I say he maximizes the effect for the election. Maybe stuff will come in pieces between now and then.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

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techno-ag said:

Trump is a master of timing. I say he maximizes the effect for the election. Maybe stuff will come in pieces between now and then.
Well, maybe he will. But those of us very steeped in this, will connect the next dot anyway. That includes the portion of the media that actually cares about journalism. Granted, that number is few these days.

These people are too intertwined and have little to no plausible deniability left. If Barr is half of the honest broker I hope he is (fingers crossed) then there will be a SHTF moment, likely several of them.

Otherwise, why would anyone ever trust the DOJ or the FBI again? Zero reason to even cooperate at a basic level. That kills their central purpose. They can't protect anyone if no one trusts them farther than they can throw them. Because they lie. You can say, "No." They write up that you said, "Yes."

No method to dispute that. Not within the FBI.

Hoover died, but he never left the building.

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aggiehawg said:

techno-ag said:

Trump is a master of timing. I say he maximizes the effect for the election. Maybe stuff will come in pieces between now and then.
Well, maybe he will. But those of us very steeped in this, will connect the next dot anyway. That includes the portion of the media that actually cares about journalism. Granted, that number is few these days.

These people are too intertwined and have little to no plausible deniability left. If Barr is half of the honest broker I hope he is (fingers crossed) then there will be a SHTF moment, likely several of them.

Otherwise, why would anyone ever trust the DOJ or the FBI again? Zero reason to even cooperate at a basic level. That kills their central purpose. They can't protect anyone if no one trusts them farther than they can throw them. Because they lie. You can say, "No." They write up that you said, "Yes."

No method to dispute that. Not within the FBI.

Hoover died, but he never left the building.

^ True this. If there are no consequences for corrupt action, compliance just becomes a hollow concept open for debate, absent any real action/reaction. I believe AG Barr, US Attorney Durham, etc. understand that very point and know that if they ignore this...the FBI/DOJ and ultimately the US democratic system will become a sad joke.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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the FBI/DOJ and ultimately the US democratic system will become a sad joke.

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I don't think anything will happen to anybody. Best we can hope for is they lose their job and security clearances IMO.

I hate to be cynical but nothing has given me reason to expect more.
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Cepe said:

I don't think anything will happen to anybody. Best we can hope for is they lose their job and security clearances IMO.

I hate to be cynical but nothing has given me reason to expect more.
Same here.

A few low level people might get in legal trouble for "lying to the FBI" or some other process crime, but that's it.

The best we can probably hope for is one big name taking the fall for everything in order to protect Obama and Hillary.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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ruddyduck said:


the FBI/DOJ and ultimately the US democratic system will become a sad joke.

The hard core Dem contingent of our society have already dismissed the FBI and DOJ as having any bite to their bark. Exhibit A--Hillary.

When the rest of us join them in dismissing FBI and DOJ in the same manner?

Chaos, but deserved.

Hoover was a political manipulator obsessed with keeping his job but the FBI still functioned under him, no matter how far astray he might wander from time to time. Their core function was still intact.

Not anymore.

Think about it. When is the last time a Mafia Don was all over the news? For weeks and months? Has the Mafia really been eliminated? I think not but one never hears about them on national news.

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If those that caused irreparable harm to this country are allowed to deal, skate, or otherwise walk, then we might as well give up on the notion of Justice. It would be a complete letdown and the US would be a **** hole country like everyone else.
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whatthehey78 said:

aggiehawg said:

techno-ag said:

Trump is a master of timing. I say he maximizes the effect for the election. Maybe stuff will come in pieces between now and then.
Well, maybe he will. But those of us very steeped in this, will connect the next dot anyway. That includes the portion of the media that actually cares about journalism. Granted, that number is few these days.

These people are too intertwined and have little to no plausible deniability left. If Barr is half of the honest broker I hope he is (fingers crossed) then there will be a SHTF moment, likely several of them.

Otherwise, why would anyone ever trust the DOJ or the FBI again? Zero reason to even cooperate at a basic level. That kills their central purpose. They can't protect anyone if no one trusts them farther than they can throw them. Because they lie. You can say, "No." They write up that you said, "Yes."

No method to dispute that. Not within the FBI.

Hoover died, but he never left the building.

^ True this. If there are no consequences for corrupt action, compliance just becomes a hollow concept open for debate, absent any real action/reaction. I believe AG Barr, US Attorney Durham, etc. understand that very point and know that if they ignore this...the FBI/DOJ and ultimately the US democratic system will become a sad joke.
It's not just the DOJ/FBI either. Minorities of all types and freakness, protesters, etc. do whateverTF they want with little to no repercussions. Not to mention Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC and the other congress idiots.
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If our elected officials and other duly appointed agencies cannot be forced to follow our laws and Constitution, we ARE a banana republic.
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Speaking of Powell, how easy is it for a prosecutor to change sides and become a defense attorney?

It's not something that keeps me up at night, but it is something I've wondered about. There are those that I absolutely can't imagine being on the defense side---Mueller and Weissman.

Guys, either get some faith, or keep it. NO ONE has been more depressed about this crap than me. Now, I was like this back in the '08 election, knowing who we had coming in. Candidly, I was kind of like this when 'ole Bill was President, and he was a scumbag on a lot of things, but there was some decent stuff he did. I still can't get over the "missing" FBI files.

However, y'all are correct, IF it comes to be that 8 to 10 folks are convicted with 2-5 year sentences, and they're all lower FBI/DOJ employees, along with maybe Steele, then yeppers, we might as well change sides, sell our soul, and try to get a piece of the trillion dollar pie. How's that for no faith and depression.

My point is that we've been through some really bad **** before, and have had to rely of good men and women. Let's see what happens. To this point, I'm a huge fan of Barr and Durham (I just wish Durham would have slapped the **** out of Mueller on the Bulger case). We're in a better spot than we have been in ten years, and that's not bad.

I will say this, courtesy of so many of y'alls big brains, nobody really wants to debate me right now. Fortunately, a lot of folks know it, I've made it clear.
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fasthorses05 said:

Speaking of Powell, how easy is it for a prosecutor to change sides and become a defense attorney?

It's not something that keeps me up at night, but it is something I've wondered about. There are those that I absolutely can't imagine being on the defense side---Mueller and Weissman.
Easy peasy. In fact, US Attorneys who have been successful as prosecutors routinely cash in with 3-8 million a year jobs in the private practice as defense counsel. It's like another form of lobbying. Leave government? Cash in on your former access. Then go back into government for awhile, rinse and repeat.
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Thanx, Hawg.

I kind of figured it was, since so many folks do it. I was putting an addendum to the message you were answering, and agree with your assesment of late August to early September, for really big answers to some of the questions we're asking now.
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fasthorses05 said:

Thanx, Hawg.

I kind of figured it was, since so many folks do it. I was putting an addendum to the message you were answering, and agree with your assesment of late August to early September, for really big answers to some of the questions we're asking now.
There is a lot of crap already on the record. Connecting al of those dots takes time when so many people have been lying. Liar A contradicts Liar B. Liar C can't recall being in the same meeting. Liar D thinks maybe they remember being there but isn't sure.

Which one is telling any semblance of the truth? None of them. Barr won't go Mueller on their asses and nail them to the wall to get them to sing, for BS charges. Durham looks scary but he's still an ethical prosecutor. He's not a Weissmann kind of guy. Wish he was to some extent because it takes a crook to nail a crook most often but not in his DNA.

I am reserving my prerogative to alter that opinion if we see pre-dawn raids and SWAT team arrests around September.
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Changing the topic.

Gawd! Did y'all see John Solomon on Hannity? I'll let someone put it up, but the complete and staggering crimes some of the DOJ employs did with little, to no penalty is unbelievable. None of it had to do with the Trump deal, but we're talking about drug running (pot), money laundering, etc.

Oh, don't care if you hate Hannity, he drives me crazy. Just watch for the guest, it's outstanding for that.
Bird Poo
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aggiehawg said:

fasthorses05 said:

Speaking of Powell, how easy is it for a prosecutor to change sides and become a defense attorney?

It's not something that keeps me up at night, but it is something I've wondered about. There are those that I absolutely can't imagine being on the defense side---Mueller and Weissman.
Easy peasy. In fact, US Attorneys who have been successful as prosecutors routinely cash in with 3-8 million a year jobs in the private practice as defense counsel. It's like another form of lobbying. Leave government? Cash in on your former access. Then go back into government for awhile, rinse and repeat.

3-8? Dayum.
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3-8? Dayum.
Actually, that's the low end. For long term prosecutors it cab be ten to thirteen mil a year.

Why it is so unusual that Weissmann left the DOJ and became a professor at NYU instead of a very lucrative job in private practice. Very odd. I don't care if he is writing a book or whatever because any white shoe law firm just wants his name on the masthead and would give him a year to write a book if he wanted to do so.

In very large firms, two types of lawyers, those that actually practice law and the others that lunch and dinner to be rainmakers. Draw in clients. Weissmann has long been a leftist scum that he could easily draw in 100 mil a year to the firm in leftist scum clients just by doing lunch and dinners. Weekends in the Hamptons, yada, yada.
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The hearing Thursday also shed some light on why Flynn's relationship with his lawyers from the Washington law firm Covington & Burling went south last week.
After representing Flynn for years on lobbying matters as well as his criminal case, the firm announced in court he had fired them.
Kian's attorneys said Thursday that Covington mistepped by continuing to advise both Flynn and his lobbying group after December 1, 2017, when Flynn pleaded guilty in the Mueller investigation and agreed to cooperate with that and other investigations, like the one into Kian. The firm should have ended its representation of the Flynn Intel Group then, instead of helping both Flynn and the company determine when they could share information with prosecutors.
Kian's attorney Mark MacDougall called it a "textbook conflict of interest" when Covington continued to represent both Flynn and the lobbying group. The firm shouldn't have been able to counsel Flynn on sharing details about Covington's work for the Flynn Intel Group with prosecutors, MacDougall said.
At least one attorney from Covington may be called to testify at the Kian trial, if the judge allows it, a prosecutor said Thursday.
Covington has declined to comment on the situation and the firm's representation of Flynn. Prosecutors say the firm lawyers did nothing wrong.
It's likely that Kian's team could try to attack both the law firm's work and undermine Flynn's credibility before the jury.....

These people need to consult with Aggiehawg.
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These people need to consult with Aggiehawg.
LOL! Told ya Covington had a BIG problem. A problem that they mistakenly believed would go away with Flynn's plea deal. Pretty good reason for Judge Sullivan to let Flynn out of his plea deal because of the deceptions of his counsel. Not slam dunk, of course but a good start.
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fasthorses05 said:

Changing the topic.

Gawd! Did y'all see John Solomon on Hannity? I'll let someone put it up, but the complete and staggering crimes some of the DOJ employs did with little, to no penalty is unbelievable. None of it had to do with the Trump deal, but we're talking about drug running (pot), money laundering, etc.

Oh, don't care if you hate Hannity, he drives me crazy. Just watch for the guest, it's outstanding for that.
Hannity talks too much over his guests but I'll give him credit, he's the one guy that has stayed on top of Spygate daily and at least kept the story going to counterbalance the leftist crapola out there and keep some of this stuff in some semblance of the news.
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Kian, an Iranian-American lobbyist who also goes by Bijan Rafiekian, was charged with conspiracy for working for Turkey to influence American politicians. He did this, allegedly, while he and Flynn co-owned the Flynn Intel Group and relied on the company for financial transfers in the scheme. He pleaded not guilty, and the trial is set for July.

Another conspirator, Kamil Alptekin, who also uses the first name Ekim and lives in Turkey, was charged and has not entered a plea in federal court. He too had attorneys at the hearing on Thursday.

Flynn was not charged in the case, but admitted to making false statements on federal lobbying disclosures about the work for Turkey.
That's unusual.
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4stringAg said:

fasthorses05 said:

Changing the topic.

Gawd! Did y'all see John Solomon on Hannity? I'll let someone put it up, but the complete and staggering crimes some of the DOJ employs did with little, to no penalty is unbelievable. None of it had to do with the Trump deal, but we're talking about drug running (pot), money laundering, etc.

Oh, don't care if you hate Hannity, he drives me crazy. Just watch for the guest, it's outstanding for that.
Hannity talks too much over his guests but I'll give him credit, he's the one guy that has stayed on top of Spygate daily and at least kept the story going to counterbalance the leftist crapola out there and keep some of this stuff in some semblance of the news.
Here's Gorka interviewing Solomon yesterday on "Feds Gone Wild"

"Feds gone wild: DOJ's stunning inability to prosecute its own bad actors" - by Solomon

Some examples from just the last month (of the written report):
-FBI Lawyer caught shoplifting from Marine Base PX!! (nothing done)
-Asst US Attorney (Federal Prosecutor) trafficking marijuana based goods and lied about it on intel forms
-DEA Supervisor who routed hundreds of thousands of dollars to his sons and his sons closest friends
-FBI Special Agent in charge (runs field office) took the FBI repair garage and started using it for his personal garage and his employees cars repairs (taxpayer money for personal use)

None of these people have been prosecuted. All of them were referred but were declined prosecution. All of them remain in their jobs or were able to retire with full pensions.

By the way, Andy McCabe has YET to be prosecuted after 15 months.
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Meanwhile, in the never ending sentencing saga:


Prosecutors and attorneys for Michael Flynn expect President Trump's onetime national security adviser to be finished cooperating with the government in two months, according to a new court filing.

Prosecutors with the U.S. attorney's office in D.C. and Flynn's new lawyer, Sidney Powell, asked for another delay in his sentencing in a joint status report filed Friday.

They wrote that Flynn may testify at the trial of his former business partner in the Eastern District of Virginia in July, after which his cooperation with the government is likely to be complete. They asked to file another status report within 60 days.


"The parties propose filing another status report within 60 days. Based on the current trial date in the EDVA case and estimated length of that trial, the government believes 60 days should provide sufficient time for the defendant to complete his cooperation, which was the basis for the defendant's request for a continuance," the filing states.

"Defense counsel's concerns about the amount of information to review in preparation for sentencing will be addressed again in 60 days, when the defendant's cooperation is likely to be complete," it continues.

The developments signal that Flynn is likely to formally move toward sentencing by mid-August. Judge Emmet Sullivan, the federal judge overseeing his case, with have to approve the parties' request.
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Episode IV said:

4stringAg said:

fasthorses05 said:

Changing the topic.

Gawd! Did y'all see John Solomon on Hannity? I'll let someone put it up, but the complete and staggering crimes some of the DOJ employs did with little, to no penalty is unbelievable. None of it had to do with the Trump deal, but we're talking about drug running (pot), money laundering, etc.

Oh, don't care if you hate Hannity, he drives me crazy. Just watch for the guest, it's outstanding for that.
Hannity talks too much over his guests but I'll give him credit, he's the one guy that has stayed on top of Spygate daily and at least kept the story going to counterbalance the leftist crapola out there and keep some of this stuff in some semblance of the news.
Here's Gorka interviewing Solomon yesterday on "Feds Gone Wild"

"Feds gone wild: DOJ's stunning inability to prosecute its own bad actors" - by Solomon

Some examples from just the last month (of the written report):
-FBI Lawyer caught shoplifting from Marine Base PX!! (nothing done)
-Asst US Attorney (Federal Prosecutor) trafficking marijuana based goods and lied about it on intel forms
-DEA Supervisor who routed hundreds of thousands of dollars to his sons and his sons closest friends
-FBI Special Agent in charge (runs field office) took the FBI repair garage and started using it for his personal garage and his employees cars repairs (taxpayer money for personal use)

None of these people have been prosecuted. All of them were referred but were declined prosecution. All of them remain in their jobs or were able to retire with full pensions.

By the way, Andy McCabe has YET to be prosecuted after 15 months.
Why is this not national news? All it would take is a weekly wrap up every Monday on any or all major news network to get these people the justice deserved(ie: what you & I would get)
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Why is this not national news? All it would take is a weekly wrap up every Monday on any or all major news network to get these people the justice deserved(ie: what you & I would get)
Barr should get grilled about this the next time he appears before the House or Senate.
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drcrinum said:


The hearing Thursday also shed some light on why Flynn's relationship with his lawyers from the Washington law firm Covington & Burling went south last week.
After representing Flynn for years on lobbying matters as well as his criminal case, the firm announced in court he had fired them.
Kian's attorneys said Thursday that Covington mistepped by continuing to advise both Flynn and his lobbying group after December 1, 2017, when Flynn pleaded guilty in the Mueller investigation and agreed to cooperate with that and other investigations, like the one into Kian. The firm should have ended its representation of the Flynn Intel Group then, instead of helping both Flynn and the company determine when they could share information with prosecutors.
Kian's attorney Mark MacDougall called it a "textbook conflict of interest" when Covington continued to represent both Flynn and the lobbying group. The firm shouldn't have been able to counsel Flynn on sharing details about Covington's work for the Flynn Intel Group with prosecutors, MacDougall said.
At least one attorney from Covington may be called to testify at the Kian trial, if the judge allows it, a prosecutor said Thursday.
Covington has declined to comment on the situation and the firm's representation of Flynn. Prosecutors say the firm lawyers did nothing wrong.
It's likely that Kian's team could try to attack both the law firm's work and undermine Flynn's credibility before the jury.....

These people need to consult with Aggiehawg.
You figure, everybody thought Trump was a goner back then. The media told us daily how Mueller had the goods to impeach him. Sounds like Flynn's lawyers bought into the lies and acted accordingly.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

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MooreTrucker said:

whatthehey78 said:

aggiehawg said:

techno-ag said:

Trump is a master of timing. I say he maximizes the effect for the election. Maybe stuff will come in pieces between now and then.
Well, maybe he will. But those of us very steeped in this, will connect the next dot anyway. That includes the portion of the media that actually cares about journalism. Granted, that number is few these days.

These people are too intertwined and have little to no plausible deniability left. If Barr is half of the honest broker I hope he is (fingers crossed) then there will be a SHTF moment, likely several of them.

Otherwise, why would anyone ever trust the DOJ or the FBI again? Zero reason to even cooperate at a basic level. That kills their central purpose. They can't protect anyone if no one trusts them farther than they can throw them. Because they lie. You can say, "No." They write up that you said, "Yes."

No method to dispute that. Not within the FBI.

Hoover died, but he never left the building.

^ True this. If there are no consequences for corrupt action, compliance just becomes a hollow concept open for debate, absent any real action/reaction. I believe AG Barr, US Attorney Durham, etc. understand that very point and know that if they ignore this...the FBI/DOJ and ultimately the US democratic system will become a sad joke.
It's not just the DOJ/FBI either. Minorities of all types and freakness, protesters, etc. do whateverTF they want with little to no repercussions. Not to mention Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC and the other congress idiots.

There are very few solutions:
1) learn to live w tyrants and a two tier "justice" system


2) hit the reset button.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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our government is as corrupt as the day is long. if this was 100 years ago it would be go time. however, everyone (including the "poor") are way too comfortable to lift a finger. it will have to get a lot worse before the pitchforks come out.
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Kislyak appears 55 times in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's recent report.
According to visitor logs, Kislyak visited the Obama White House nearly two dozen times, including at least twice in October 2016.
In another meeting on October 14, 2016, Kislyak ran into his former counterpart, Michael McFaul, who had served as U.S. Ambassador to Russia for two years under President Obama. McFaul is an Obama confidante and was sworn-in as ambassador by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in January 2012: He also is a vocal Trump foe and collusion conspiracy theorist.....McFaul and Kislyak are close.
Kislyak solicited meetings with Team Trump beginning in April 2016, when he attended Trump's foreign policy speech in Washington, D.C. It was the first time, according to the Mueller report, that Kislyak met Trump; he also had brief exchanges with Jeff Sessions and Jared Kushner. Later that day, McFaul oddly tweeted, "Did Russian ambassador Kislyak attend opposition campaign event today? #doublestandards."
In July 2016, Kislyak attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where he interacted with Sessions and campaign aides Carter Page and J.D. Gordon. "Ambassador Kislyak continued his efforts to interact with Campaign officials with responsibility for the foreign-policy portfolio -- among them Sessions and Gordon -- in the weeks after the convention," the Mueller report stated.
After the election, Kislyak contacted Jared Kushner, who agreed to meet with the diplomat on November 30, 2016. (Michael Flynn also attended the meeting.) According to the Mueller report, Kislyak offered to have Russian generals brief the transition team.
In December 2016, Kislyak continued to pursue more meetings with Trump's son-in-law. "Kushner declined several proposed meeting dates, but Kushner's assistant indicated that Kislyak was very insistent about securing a second meeting," the special counsel wrote. The Russian ambassador also was insistent about wanting "Kushner to meet someone who had a direct line to Putin."
A May 2017 Washington Post article claimed Kislyak told Moscow that it was Kushner, not him, who was seeking a "secret communications channel" between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.
But it was Kislyak's role in the Michael Flynn debacle that is the most suspicious and caused the greatest personal and professional damage to Trump's short-lived national security advisor. The envoy reached out numerous times to Flynn during the transition, including the night before the Obama administration would announce weak sanctions against Moscow for election meddling on December 28, 2016. The subject of those calls, including how the Kremlin would respond to the sanctions, eventually landed Flynn in legal trouble.
And there is another odd angle to the Kislyak mystery that still is unresolved. The ambassador apparently received a $120,000 payment 10 days after the 2016 election. "Employees at Citibank raised an alarm about the transaction because it didn't fit with prior payroll patterns and because he immediately split the money in half, sending it by two wire transfers to a separate account he maintained in Russia," BuzzFeed reported in January 2018. It's unclear whether this payment remains under investigation by Congress or the FBI.....

Kislyak certainly seemed to have a public appearance at Trump events & orchestrated multiple meetings with Trump associates. Interactions with Kislyak took down Sessions & Flynn, while Kushner barely escaped IMO. Coincidence? And then there is that mysterious payment.
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Wasn't Sessions recusal a direct result of Kisylak running into him at the RNC?
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4stringAg said:

Wasn't Sessions recusal a direct result of Kisylak running into him at the RNC?
That and dumbass Sessions thought he was ever friends with Democrat Legislators. Shows you how consuming the swamp is. Sessions thought he was immune to the swamp, turns out it blinded him just the same.
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4stringAg said:

Wasn't Sessions recusal a direct result of Kisylak running into him at the RNC?
Sort of but it was the meeting in Sessions' Senate office (requested by Kislyak) and the incoherent questioning by Al Franken, no less, that led to his recommended recusal.

Franken asked about Sessions' contacts with Kislyak in connection with the Trump campaign, not his position as a Senator. Sessions answered according to that premise without qualifying that he had interactions with him as a Senator. The Dems immediately cried foul and accused Sessions of perjury.

Sessions was always a bad pick for AG and his stumble right out of the gate should have forced him to resign in embarrassment, if for nothing else. When Al Franken outsmarts you, you should be ashamed.
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