Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,497,435 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 13 days ago by aggiehawg
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DeWrecking Crew said:

fullback44 said:

Is this Pappa talking doing any good? or what he is saying is just giving us insight as to what is going on?

I hope it doesn't hurt the cause.. but I don't know enough to understand if his chattiness is ok? or hurts these investigations?

IMO, As has been noted before, Pappa was quiet for years, the fact that he is talking now means he has been given the "green light" to do so. If the investigators wanted him quiet, he'd be quiet. This very well could be a calculated play to see who starts squirming and making mistakes.
Ok got it, he's releasing info so the other guys (Italian side amd who ever else may be involved) May know they are now compromised and should work with the good guys...

Good Papa !

Thanks for the info
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House votes along party lines to hold Barr and McGahn in "civil contempt". Read the article and still don't understand what that means

Civil contempt
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fullback44 said:

Is this Pappa talking doing any good? or what he is saying is just giving us insight as to what is going on?

I hope it doesn't hurt the cause.. but I don't know enough to understand if his chattiness is ok? or hurts these investigations?
He might be doing it to stay alive. His untimely suicide would raise a few more eyebrows if he's making the news.
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hawk1689 said:

fullback44 said:

Is this Pappa talking doing any good? or what he is saying is just giving us insight as to what is going on?

I hope it doesn't hurt the cause.. but I don't know enough to understand if his chattiness is ok? or hurts these investigations?
He might be doing it to stay alive. His untimely suicide would raise a few more eyebrows if he's making the news.

Where have I heard this before? Hmmm...
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4stringAg said:

House votes along party lines to hold Barr and McGahn in "civil contempt". Read the article and still don't understand what that means
Basically this ... the House (Nadler) seeks a civil judgment from a 'friendly' federal court requiring a legal obligation to comply with a congressional subpoena ... then, if the court order is ignored; a 'contempt of court' ruling with possible per diem fines ... and then a likely appeal and so forth. Maybe an interesting SCOTUS case if constitutional law can be argued. i.e. executive privilege, separation of powers, etc.
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Although it is congressional rules, since they have the power to obtain court orders and impose fines etc, could their action be considered an expo-facto law. It has the appearance of trying to create a rule for punishment of actions that happened prior to the rule.
If not, their actions definitely violate the spirit of this basic Constitutional restriction.
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Nailed it!
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Nunes Opening Statement for HPSCI Hearing on Mueller Report
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Here we are, more than two years since Democrats from this committee publicly claimed to have "more than circumstantial" evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to hack the 2016 elections, and more than two years since they read false allegations from the Steele dossier into the Congressional record at an open hearing of this committee.
After that, the American people were subjected to endless hysteria by the media, Democrats, and anonymous intelligence leakers. Seemingly every day the media triumphantly published a supposed bombshell story, often based on classified documents the reporters had not actually seen, which purportedly proved that President Trump or some Trump associate was a treacherous Russian agent. Democrats on this committee regularly joined cable news pundits in denouncing the traitors. Eventually the Democrats became convinced that the Mueller report would finally rid them of the sinister president who had the audacity to defeat Hillary Clinton.
The entire scheme has now imploded and the collusion accusation has been exposed as a hoax. One would think the Democrats would simply apologize and get back to lawmaking and oversight. But it's clear they couldn't stop this grotesque spectacle even if they wanted to. After years of false accusations and McCarthyite smears, the collusion hoax now defines the Democratic Party. The hoax is what they have in place of a governing philosophy or a constructive vision for our country.
The Democrats assembled us today to analyze the shoddy political hit piece known as the Mueller report. It's written in the same spirit, and with the same purpose, as the Steele dossier, which was once championed by Democrats on this committee, but which they rarely mentioned after it was exposed as yet another Democrat-created hoax.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the Mueller dossier, as I call it, either debunked many of their favorite conspiracy theories or did not even find them worth discussing. These include:
  • Mueller's finding that Michael Cohen did not travel to Prague to conspire with Russians.
  • No evidence that Carter Page conspired with Russians.
  • No mention of Paul Manafort visiting Julian Assange in London.
  • No mention of secret communications between a Trump Tower computer server and Russia's Alfa Bank.
  • And no mention of former NRA lawyer Cleta Mitchell or her supposed knowledge of a scheme to launder Russian money through the NRA for the Trump campaign. Insinuations against Mitchell originated with Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson and were first made public in a document published by Democrats on this committee.
The real purpose of the Mueller dossier, however, was to help Democrats impeach the president in the absence of any evidence of collusion. Thus the report includes:
  • A long litany of ordinary contacts between Trump associates and Russians, as if a certain number of contacts indicate a conspiracy even if no conversations actually created or even discussed a conspiracy.
  • Excerpts from a voicemail from Trump attorney John Dowd that the Mueller team selectively edited to make it seem threatening and nefarious.
  • No comment on the close relationship between Democrat operatives at Fusion GPS and multiple Russians who participated in the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. In fact, no comment on Fusion GPS at all.
  • No useful information on figures who played key roles in the investigation such as Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, or Christopher Steele.
  • No useful information about the many irregularities that marred the FBI's Russia investigation.
Furthermore, the Mueller dossier cites dozens of articles from the reporters and publications that were most responsible for perpetuating the Russia hoax. Thus Mueller produced a perfect feedback loop: intelligence leakers spin a false story to the media, the media publishes the story, Mueller cites the story, and the media and the Democrats then fake outrage at Mueller's findings.
In sum, Mueller relied on a mass of reporting whose central narrative -- that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to hack the elections -- is false. And the Democrats spread a hoax claiming Trump is a Russian agent, but it was later discovered that the only people who colluded with Russians were the Democrats, who paid for the Steele dossier, which relied on Russian sources.
I'd like to remind the Democrats that this committee was created to do important oversight of our intelligence agencies. This work is even more crucial now that the media have abandoned their traditional watchdog role and instead have become the mouthpiece of a cabal of intelligence leakers. I understand the Democrats' inability to move past their failed hoax and get back to normal business. Nevertheless, I suggest they give it a try.

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Furthermore, the Mueller dossier cites dozens of articles from the reporters and publications that were most responsible for perpetuating the Russia hoax. Thus Mueller produced a perfect feedback loop: intelligence leakers spin a false story to the media, the media publishes the story, Mueller cites the story, and the media and the Democrats then fake outrage at Mueller's findings.
Mueller dossier .... LOL.
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Powell previously has met Weissmann on the field of battle and won.
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I have often bemoaned the increasingly common tactic of employing news articles in legal filings, particularly in criminal proceedings because it is hearsay on its face.

The whole circular sourcing swimming around in the Mueller Report is Exhibit A as to why that practice is anathema to the law.
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aggiehawg said:

I have often bemoaned the increasingly common tactic of employing news articles in legal filings, particularly in criminal proceedings because it is hearsay on its face.

The whole circular sourcing swimming around in the Mueller Report is Exhibit A as to why that practice is anathema to the law.

Especially today where anyone can be a blogger and any blogger can be a journalists. You don't even need more than a twitter to label yourself a journalist.
End Of Message
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aggiehawg said:

I have often bemoaned the increasingly common tactic of employing news articles in legal filings, particularly in criminal proceedings because it is hearsay on its face.

The whole circular sourcing swimming around in the Mueller Report is Exhibit A as to why that practice is anathema to the law.
It is bizarre and I do not understand the legal justification for all.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
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drcrinum said:


Nunes Opening Statement for HPSCI Hearing on Mueller Report
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Here we are, more than two years since Democrats from this committee publicly claimed to have "more than circumstantial" evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to hack the 2016 elections, and more than two years since they read false allegations from the Steele dossier into the Congressional record at an open hearing of this committee.
After that, the American people were subjected to endless hysteria by the media, Democrats, and anonymous intelligence leakers. Seemingly every day the media triumphantly published a supposed bombshell story, often based on classified documents the reporters had not actually seen, which purportedly proved that President Trump or some Trump associate was a treacherous Russian agent. Democrats on this committee regularly joined cable news pundits in denouncing the traitors. Eventually the Democrats became convinced that the Mueller report would finally rid them of the sinister president who had the audacity to defeat Hillary Clinton.
The entire scheme has now imploded and the collusion accusation has been exposed as a hoax. One would think the Democrats would simply apologize and get back to lawmaking and oversight. But it's clear they couldn't stop this grotesque spectacle even if they wanted to. After years of false accusations and McCarthyite smears, the collusion hoax now defines the Democratic Party. The hoax is what they have in place of a governing philosophy or a constructive vision for our country.
The Democrats assembled us today to analyze the shoddy political hit piece known as the Mueller report. It's written in the same spirit, and with the same purpose, as the Steele dossier, which was once championed by Democrats on this committee, but which they rarely mentioned after it was exposed as yet another Democrat-created hoax.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the Mueller dossier, as I call it, either debunked many of their favorite conspiracy theories or did not even find them worth discussing. These include:
  • Mueller's finding that Michael Cohen did not travel to Prague to conspire with Russians.
  • No evidence that Carter Page conspired with Russians.
  • No mention of Paul Manafort visiting Julian Assange in London.
  • No mention of secret communications between a Trump Tower computer server and Russia's Alfa Bank.
  • And no mention of former NRA lawyer Cleta Mitchell or her supposed knowledge of a scheme to launder Russian money through the NRA for the Trump campaign. Insinuations against Mitchell originated with Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson and were first made public in a document published by Democrats on this committee.
The real purpose of the Mueller dossier, however, was to help Democrats impeach the president in the absence of any evidence of collusion. Thus the report includes:
  • A long litany of ordinary contacts between Trump associates and Russians, as if a certain number of contacts indicate a conspiracy even if no conversations actually created or even discussed a conspiracy.
  • Excerpts from a voicemail from Trump attorney John Dowd that the Mueller team selectively edited to make it seem threatening and nefarious.
  • No comment on the close relationship between Democrat operatives at Fusion GPS and multiple Russians who participated in the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. In fact, no comment on Fusion GPS at all.
  • No useful information on figures who played key roles in the investigation such as Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, or Christopher Steele.
  • No useful information about the many irregularities that marred the FBI's Russia investigation.
Furthermore, the Mueller dossier cites dozens of articles from the reporters and publications that were most responsible for perpetuating the Russia hoax. Thus Mueller produced a perfect feedback loop: intelligence leakers spin a false story to the media, the media publishes the story, Mueller cites the story, and the media and the Democrats then fake outrage at Mueller's findings.
In sum, Mueller relied on a mass of reporting whose central narrative -- that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to hack the elections -- is false. And the Democrats spread a hoax claiming Trump is a Russian agent, but it was later discovered that the only people who colluded with Russians were the Democrats, who paid for the Steele dossier, which relied on Russian sources.
I'd like to remind the Democrats that this committee was created to do important oversight of our intelligence agencies. This work is even more crucial now that the media have abandoned their traditional watchdog role and instead have become the mouthpiece of a cabal of intelligence leakers. I understand the Democrats' inability to move past their failed hoax and get back to normal business. Nevertheless, I suggest they give it a try.

Wowsers. That's the most open I've seen anyone on Capitol Hill about what transpired. Let's hope Republicans stay the course on this through the elections.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

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The Mueller Dossier, as Nunes calls it, is nothing more than government funded opposition research for the Democrat Party.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Pinche Abogado said:

aggiehawg said:

I have often bemoaned the increasingly common tactic of employing news articles in legal filings, particularly in criminal proceedings because it is hearsay on its face.

The whole circular sourcing swimming around in the Mueller Report is Exhibit A as to why that practice is anathema to the law.
It is bizarre and I do not understand the legal justification for all.
There is none that I can see. It is particularly egregious when media reports are used in judicial opinions as statements of fact.
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God, Brennan is insufferable:


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: Do you think he would call the CIA, the agency, and say call off the agents, call off any recruitment of agents so he could protect his friend, the North Korean dictator. Would he actually do that?

JOHN BRENNAN, FMR. CIA DIRECTOR, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I wouldn't put it past him to try to prevent the intelligence agency from understanding what might be happening if he felt that was going to be harmful to his policy or personal interests or objectives.

That's why I'm concerned about the upcoming presidential elections. It's clear that the Russians interfered to help Mr. Trump in 2016. Is Mr. Trump turning a blind eye because he doesn't mind if the Russians involve themselves again to try to enhance his prospects for reelection?

It's really quite unnerving to think this president, Mr. Trump, can, in fact, turn off law enforcement and its intelligence capabilities if they pose a threat to him personally.

And just what did Obama order you to do in 2016? That was your watch, dipstick.
Garrelli 5000
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Rapier108 said:

The Mueller Dossier, as Nunes calls it, is nothing more than government funded opposition research for the Democrat Party.
The money spent to fund what amounts to a government funded anti-Trump political advertisement would make PACs blush.
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Adam Ag 98 said:

Rapier108 said:

The Mueller Dossier, as Nunes calls it, is nothing more than government funded opposition research for the Democrat Party.
The money spent to fund what amounts to a government funded anti-Trump political advertisement would make PACs blush.
And then to have Mueller think he can just run away from the huge turd he dropped in the punch bowl. He didn't leave the Dem's a roadmap to impeachment like Leon Jaworski did during Watergate*, he took a giant dump instead and submitted it as a report.

*Jaworski compiled an index. He would make a statement of fact, then list the White House tapes or other specific evidence supporting that statement.
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aggiehawg said:

God, Brennan is insufferable:


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: Do you think he would call the CIA, the agency, and say call off the agents, call off any recruitment of agents so he could protect his friend, the North Korean dictator. Would he actually do that?

JOHN BRENNAN, FMR. CIA DIRECTOR, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I wouldn't put it past him to try to prevent the intelligence agency from understanding what might be happening if he felt that was going to be harmful to his policy or personal interests or objectives.

That's why I'm concerned about the upcoming presidential elections. It's clear that the Russians interfered to help Mr. Trump in 2016. Is Mr. Trump turning a blind eye because he doesn't mind if the Russians involve themselves again to try to enhance his prospects for reelection?

It's really quite unnerving to think this president, Mr. Trump, can, in fact, turn off law enforcement and its intelligence capabilities if they pose a threat to him personally.

And just what did Obama order you to do in 2016? That was your watch, dipstick.

I know it's not lady-like, so let me help with your noun selection: f***stick.
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drcrinum said:

Powell previously has met Weissmann on the field of battle and won.
She loathes Weissmann. Definitely glad to see her on this case.
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Powell noted that Flynn's case file, "is massive" and "it will take me at least 90 days to review it."
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Government watchdog Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation released new information Wednesday showing a senior State Department official worked with House Majority Leader (Minority Whip at the time) Steny Hoyer in 2016 on Russia documents provided by British spy Christopher Steele.

"Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation today released 18 pages of documents revealing former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer coordinating with then-House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer's (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg to work on Russia dossier materials provided by Christopher Steele," Judicial Watch released.
Some more sunshine shed on the dossier
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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The funny thing is Nuland's involvement. Because at some point she snapped to what was really happening and instructed her subordinates to stop dealing with Steele and forward everything to the FBI because she was afraid of Hatch Act violations. Meaning she knew it was a paid political piece and not an intel product.
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Donald Trump Jr. told the Senate Intelligence Committee Wednesday that he did not tell his father about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting and that he didn't pay close attention to the Trump Tower Moscow project that was one of many potential deals that had been in the works, according to a source close to Trump Jr.

The source said that Trump Jr. also reiterated that he did not tell anyone ahead of time besides the participants about the Trump Tower meeting where a Russian lawyer offered dirt on Hillary Clinton, telling the panel that he did not know what campaign deputy Rick Gates was talking about after Gates told the special counsel that the President's eldest son mentioned a potential offer of negative information at a campaign meeting.

Trump Jr. told reporters after the two-and-a-half hour closed-door session Wednesday that he did not have to correct his previous testimony and was "not at all" worried about perjury.

"The reality was there's nothing to change," Trump Jr. told reporters after emerging from the committee's secure spaces. "I don't think I changed anything of what I said because there was nothing to change. I'm glad this is finally over and we're able to put final clarity on that. And I think the committee understands that."

Trump Jr. added that if he needed to clarify anything it was due to President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, whom he noted was "serving time right now for lying to these very investigative bodies.".....

Notice the leak was from the Senate Intel Committee to CNN within minutes after the closed door hearing concluded.
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aggiehawg said:

God, Brennan is insufferable:


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: Do you think he would call the CIA, the agency, and say call off the agents, call off any recruitment of agents so he could protect his friend, the North Korean dictator. Would he actually do that?

JOHN BRENNAN, FMR. CIA DIRECTOR, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I wouldn't put it past him to try to prevent the intelligence agency from understanding what might be happening if he felt that was going to be harmful to his policy or personal interests or objectives.

That's why I'm concerned about the upcoming presidential elections. It's clear that the Russians interfered to help Mr. Trump in 2016. Is Mr. Trump turning a blind eye because he doesn't mind if the Russians involve themselves again to try to enhance his prospects for reelection?

It's really quite unnerving to think this president, Mr. Trump, can, in fact, turn off law enforcement and its intelligence capabilities if they pose a threat to him personally.

And just what did Obama order you to do in 2016? That was your watch, dipstick.
It's like he thinks that if he keeps saying it, it will eventually be true.
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Schiff back to claiming that Mueller did not prove "collusion" didn't happen.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Rapier108 said:

Schiff back to claiming that Mueller did not prove "collusion" didn't happen.

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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Rapier108 said:

Schiff back to claiming that Mueller did not prove "collusion" didn't happen.
Just part of a choreographed Democratic gameplan ... weaponize House committees but avoid controversial floor votes on impeachment and contempt .... all designed to help House Democrats with their reelection campaigns, stay newsworthy, and dampen the looming fallout from Horowitz/Durham.

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President Trump's former aide Hope Hicks has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee behind closed doors, the panel announced Wednesday afternoon.

Hicks has agreed to submit to a transcribed interview before the committee next Wednesday. The committee had originally subpoenaed her for public testimony on June 19.


Hicks did provide the committee with some files related to her time on the Trump campaign, but she deferred to the White House order for documents related to her time in the administration.

The subpoenas to Hicks and Donaldson, issued together on May 22, also sought testimony from Hicks on June 19 and a closed-door interview from Donaldson on June 24.

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aggiehawg said:

The funny thing is Nuland's involvement. Because at some point she snapped to what was really happening and instructed her subordinates to stop dealing with Steele and forward everything to the FBI because she was afraid of Hatch Act violations. Meaning she knew it was a paid political piece and not an intel product.
Wow Mrs. Hawg, you should add the light bulb emoji to all your posts because that's what happens when (speaking for the board) most of us read them.

I heard from government employees that right after trump was elected that they were inundated with hatch act trainings and email reminders from upper management. Trump also uncharacteristically announced his run for re-election right after election.
I always thought it was just Dems circling the wagons but now I wonder if trump pushed this through to nail ses employees for "smaller process" dings.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Secolobo said:

aggiehawg said:

The funny thing is Nuland's involvement. Because at some point she snapped to what was really happening and instructed her subordinates to stop dealing with Steele and forward everything to the FBI because she was afraid of Hatch Act violations. Meaning she knew it was a paid political piece and not an intel product.
Wow Mrs. Hawg, you should add the light bulb emoji to all your posts because that's what happens when (speaking for the board) most of us read them.

I heard from government employees that right after trump was elected that they were inundated with hatch act trainings and email reminders from upper management. Trump also uncharacteristically announced his run for re-election right after election.
I always thought it was just Dems circling the wagons but now I wonder if trump pushed this through to nail ses employees for "smaller process" dings.
Call 'em like I see 'em. I have been wrong in the past and will be very wrong in the future too, no doubt. But when the dots connect, they connect. I have posted this dozens of times on this thread but it really needs an update in light of what we know now.

I present you with Evelyn Farkas admitting everything.

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