Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,494,329 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 10 days ago by aggiehawg
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Have seen a shift of support away from Trump on this board due to the recent bill. I wonder if there will now be less anti-investigation rhetoric as well?
Line Ate Member
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I will be curious to see what comes from the bill. The sheer volume of pages needed to be read could mean some things are hidden within some of the different pages.
Ellis Wyatt
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that_one_guy said:

Have seen a shift of support away from Trump on this board due to the recent bill. I wonder if there will now be less anti-investigation rhetoric as well?
Why? I want to see everyone who took part in this attempted coup swinging from a rope for treason. That has nothing to do with Trump and I don't think it matters who the perp was, no matter how high he or she may have been in the last administration or this one. But we do know Trump is innocent of the bogus accusations.
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I don't like Trump but I sure as hell don't like what the FBI and others have done. Page and Pete the Cheat should be shown the door just like Andy the Idiot.
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backintexas2013 said:

I don't like Trump but I sure as hell don't like what the FBI and others have done. Page and Pete the Cheat should be shown the door just like Andy the Idiot.
Not nearly severe enough punishment for their (and others) misdeeds. Should initiate the appropriate justice with a pair of bolt cutters and an old fashioned auto cigarette lighter...if you get my drift.
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Summary also left out that the only apparent reason Comey ever went to congress is because local investigators notified the NY FBI field office that the emails existed and they inquired about it, which meant the Leadership couldn't sit on it and had to head off any possible leaks to the public that would make it apparent they were intentionally sitting on it.
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That summary points at collusion allright: between Ukraine, other foreign agents, the top of the Obama administration, DOJ and FBI.
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MouthBQ98 said:

Summary also left out that the only apparent reason Comey ever went to congress is because local investigators notified the NY FBI field office that the emails existed and they inquired about it, which meant the Leadership couldn't sit on it and had to head off any possible leaks to the public that would make it apparent they were intentionally sitting on it.
Are there any other verified events on the Weiner laptop timeline?

Sept. 28, 2018: Strzok messaged Page that he had been "called up to Andy's office" earlier that day and told of "hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner's [attorney] to SDNY," a reference to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Oct. 28, 2016: FBI Director Comey notifies Congress that he's reopening Clinton probe due to Clinton emails found on Anthony Wiener laptop several weeks earlier.

Nov. 6, 2016: FBI Director Comey tells Congress that Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner computer do not change earlier conclusion: she should not be charged.

Nov. 8, 2016: Trump elected.

(Edited to include Strzok text msg)
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The above tweet mage me think about Trojan Horses.

Fusion GPS was originally founded in late 2011 by Glenn Simpson & Thomas Catan, former journalists at the WSJ, plus Peter Frisch, former senior editor of the WSJ. Mary Jacoby, Simpson's wife, was also a former WSJ journalist. Looking at FGPS's major projects include: Dem funded opposition research on Mitt Romney, assisting Planned Parenthood in the undercover anti-abortion video scandal, Russian sponsored work regarding the Magnitsky Act, DNC sponsored opposition research on Trump (dossier & Steele), and lately opposition research against the NRA.

These 4 Fusion GPS principals were former WSJ journalists. Makes one wonder just what kind of journalism they published while working for the WSJ. I know that Simpson & Jacoby wrote several anti-Manafort/Ukraine articles in the past that may have contributed to some of the info in the dossier, but I wonder if anyone has ever scrutinized their contributions while at the WSJ.

I always regarded the WSJ as being solid RINO to Republican learning. Perhaps I was mistaken.
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These 4 Fusion GPS principals were former WSJ journalists. Makes one wonder just what kind of journalism they published while working for the WSJ. I know that Simpson & Jacoby wrote several anti-Manafort/Ukraine articles in the past that may have contributed to some of the info in the dossier, but I wonder if anyone has ever scrutinized their contributions while at the WSJ.

I always regarded the WSJ as being solid RINO to Republican learning. Perhaps I was mistaken.
That ended during Bush 43's second term.
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aggiehawg said:


These 4 Fusion GPS principals were former WSJ journalists. Makes one wonder just what kind of journalism they published while working for the WSJ. I know that Simpson & Jacoby wrote several anti-Manafort/Ukraine articles in the past that may have contributed to some of the info in the dossier, but I wonder if anyone has ever scrutinized their contributions while at the WSJ.

I always regarded the WSJ as being solid RINO to Republican learning. Perhaps I was mistaken.
That ended during Bush 43's second term.
Mockingbird all over again
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Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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We all are aware of the timeline of Wikileaks post DNC emails in July 2016 just before the DNC convention, which exposed the deck stacking against Bernie and DWS lost her job and Brazille was appointed the DNC chair. Podesta emails were to follow and Hillary's emails started in October right up until election day.

Okay let's look at a different timeline that I think is being overlooked by all the investigative journalist, even Sara Carter and John Soloman who I feel do a bang up job. Perhaps it's too much of a reach but I think it's significant.

On 8/16/16 NSA hacking tools start appearing online

On 8/27/16 Harold Thomas Martin III, who did technology work for Booz Allen Hamilton (NSA Contractor), was arrested and charged with theft of government property and unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials, authorities said. According to the WaPo "two U.S. officials familiar with the case, he is suspected of "hoarding" classified materials going back as far as a decade in his house and car, and the recent leak of the hacking tools tipped investigators to what he was doing." However they arrest was kept under wraps. Was it a Mockingbird move by WaPo, WSJ, NYT? Maybe

Here's the official charging document

It's evidently becoming very clear that the Mockingbird media could no longer guard the gates in October, this NSA arrest is too big to keep under wraps.

On 10/05/16 the Martin story was broke by the WaPo

So 48 hours after the arrest of the NSA employee story is broke,here comes CLAPPER and JOHNSON on 10/7/16 DHS releases an official joint statement declaring Russia hacked the DNC and the DNCC.

4 days later on 10/11/16 Podesta gives an interview with the NYT claiming his emails were hacked by Russia.

On 10/12/16 WaPo runs a huge story on Assange and Wikileaks with all ties leading to Russia.

On 10/13/16 Hillary said under oath in a court filing that she can't recall key details about her use of a private email server or she refused to answer questions about it posed by Judicial Watch. Clinton's lawyer David Kendall provided the sworn responses to 25 written questions submitted by Judicial Watch. JW had filed multiple lawsuits seeking copies of government documents from Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, in the past when Guccifer revealed that the server even existed. If you recall JW had sought to depose Clinton in person about the private server located in the basement of her New York home, as they did with top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, both of whom perjured the hell out of themselves playing dumb to it's even existence. However back in August U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan instead ordered the Democratic presidential nominee to respond to the group's questions in writing. Preferential treatment? Maybe, anyway her responses, Clinton used some variation of "does not recall" at least 21 times, provided zilch as far as the server was concerned, but it was another case of HRS committing perjury.

Russia Russia Russia became the narrative by the DNC and the DNCC.

On 10/17/16 the NYT revealed that there was a huge clash going on within the FBI over the actual classification of HRC emails that were all over Wikileaks.

Interesting excerpt from the NYT, kinda looking like an attempt to bribe FBI agents to lower classification on documents (WHICH REMAIN CLASSIFIED TO THIS DAY)

The new batch of documents indicated that in one particular case, a senior State Department official, Patrick F. Kennedy, pressed the F.B.I. to agree that one of Mrs. Clinton's emails on the 2012 Benghazi attack would be unclassified and not classified as the bureau wanted.

What remained unclear from the documents was whether it was Mr. Kennedy or an F.B.I. official who purportedly offered the "quid pro quo": marking the email unclassified in exchange for the State Department's approving the posting of more F.B.I. agents to Iraq.

Officials at both the F.B.I. and the State Department said Monday that no deal had been struck, or even offered, over the classification of Mrs. Clinton's private emails. They noted that the Benghazi email in question had been made public with a sentence blocked out, meeting the F.B.I.'s demand for classification. They also said no additional F.B.I. agents had been posted overseas.

On 10/18/16 John Kerry convinced the Brits to pull the plug on the embassy's internet access to try and contain the damage of the emails being posted. Remember Barry's excuse for not doing anything about Russia reportedly hacking the DNC/DNCC was he didn't want to give the appearance of trying to affect the election, HOWEVER in Kerry doing this it shows they were trying to protect HRC, so Barry's BS doesn't pass the smell test, yet no one has called him out on JK neutering Assange's internet.

10/21/16 the WSJ runs a story that FaceBook employees are censoring Trump's post tagging them as hate speech, Zuckerberg pushes back that there was some rogue employees but he put out an internal directive to cease and desist the practice.

On 10/24/16, the WSJ ran a story reporting that the PAC of Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton ally, had contributed nearly $500,000 to the state Senate campaign of McCabe's wife.

On 10/27/16, in a 5 a.m. email, McCabe told Comey they needed to meet ASAP. Later that morning, according to testimony, he explained that Clinton emails had been found on Weiner's laptop.

On 10/28/16, Comey notified Congress that he was reopening the investigation.

On 10/30/16, the F.B.I. obtained the second search warrant, allowing it to look at the Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop. Funny since they had the actual Laptop for over 3 weeks we learned later. Comey said a "complete forensic analysis" of the laptop could take weeks

On 11/1/16 McCabe voluntary recused himself from the Clinton investigation.

On 11/6/16 by magic Comey clears HRC and recloses the case, nothing new here.

11/8/16 Donald J Trump is elected POTUS

Point I am reaching for was how complicit the WaPo, NYT, and the WSJ were in controlling the narrative, until they were relieved as the gatekeeper, and they all of a sudden ran with every story they could either dig up or manufacture.
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Code 7 10-42
Just an Ag
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"Controlled opposition". Yes, I believe in it.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Point I am reaching for was how complicit the WaPo, NYT, and the WSJ were in controlling the narrative, until they were relieved as the gatekeeper, and they all of a sudden ran with every story they could either dig up or manufacture.
Good point. Today, every national media source is tilted either left or right. That a good thing for cognitive citizens capable of weighing evidence ... but it's a bad thing for our country because most Americans form their opinions based on 10-second sound bites.
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Turns out the tweet I referenced early today about Fusion GPS and 'controlled opposition' was actually the beginning of a tweet thread. Above is the threadreader; it's interesting.
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I was on Fusion, GPS last June.

There are money holes and rabbit holes that never end. Fusion,GPS is the former.

Sadly, the MSM has largely left it to the pajamahadeen. The derogatory term for those that took down Dan Rather and Mary Mapes in less than 72 hours. I followed it on the internet as it happened. Completely dismantled their "documents" as forgeries.

I also remember when folks on the internet knew Sarah Palin was McCain's VP pick from following FlightAware (great during coaching searches back then) when even FNC couldn't figure it out until hours later.

The one takeaway here? The internet can be both a detriment and a boon to the informed voting citizenry that our Founder's prayed would keep our republic alive.

Salute to you, Roscoe and all of the other posters who keep that burning faith and desire alive.
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Anyone care to explain what this is about?
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Tailgate88 said:

Anyone care to explain what this is about?
And as predicted, POTUS is going to do the same thing Barry did with the Stimulus for shovel ready jobs. Redirect the Omnibus funds as he sees fit. And the left will throw a fit and try to throw up a block in court, but there is precedent from the last administration. Barry ran the government 8 years without a full budget passed.

Dear Mr. Speaker

In accordance with section 7058(d) of division K of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (H.R. 1625; the "Act"), I hereby designate as an emergency requirement all funding so designated by the Congress in the Act pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, for the accounts referenced in section 7058(d).

The details of this action are set forth in the enclosed memorandum from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Tailgate88 said:

Anyone care to explain what this is about?
Omnibus acts aren't Constitutionally passed budgets. Trump can futz with them. And he just did, apparently.
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So does this mean that Trump will divert the money to the wall?
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Wendy 1990 said:

So does this mean that Trump will divert the money to the wall?
Sort of. Not a lot can get accomplished before September 30, I think.
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There is going to be a lot of crow served up to a bunch of pundits that were jumping ship over this omnibus bill.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

There is going to be a lot of crow served up to a bunch of pundits that were jumping ship over this omnibus bill.

Those same people should be used to it by now.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Tailgate88 said:

And as predicted, POTUS is going to do the same thing Barry did with the Stimulus for shovel ready jobs. Redirect the Omnibus funds as he sees fit. And the left will throw a fit and try to throw up a block in court, but there is precedent from the last administration. Barry ran the government 8 years without a full budget passed.

"Shovel-ready wasn't as shovel-ready as we thought." President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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See Trump's Tweets this morning. I think he will squeeze money in the Military Budget from the Defense Contractors and use the savings to build the Wall based on a defense necessity ! This is the kind of thinking that made Trump successful. Trump is way ahead of these Dopey Democrats !
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aggiehawg said:

Wendy 1990 said:

So does this mean that Trump will divert the money to the wall?
Sort of. Not a lot can get accomplished before September 30, I think.
Sign contracts, place $ in irrevocable escrow per contract terms, and then release $ based on progress complete ... that's how it could be accomplished in the private sector.
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Poor little snowflake..... "I was confused", curious to how confused he was when he sat on the Weiner laptop, or altered the Flynn 302's, or when he lied under oath to Congress.....

Ex-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe admitted Saturday he was "confused and distracted" when he talked to investigators about alleged misconduct during a 2016 investigation of the Trump campaign.

McCabe "lacked candor" in that interview, Attorney General Jeff Sessions determined, and fired him March 16, two days before he would have been eligible for a pension.

"Some of my answers were not fully accurate," McCabe admitted in a Washington Post op-ed, but insisted, "I did not knowingly mislead or lie to investigators.

"When asked about contacts with a reporter that were fully within my power to authorize . . . I answered questions as completely and accurately as I could," said McCabe, who was accused of leaking material to the Wall Street Journal.

He added that when he realized that his answers "may have been misunderstood," he tried to correct them.

"At worst, I was not clear in my responses, and because of what was going on around me may well have been confused and distracted and for that I take full responsibility," McCabe said, adding that his misstatements don't justify President Trump's "unhinged public attacks on me."
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Reads like he wants us to think he was multitasking when he was asked the questions, you know, working on an email while also talking on a conference call and having a sidebar discussion with investigators.

That's not how these things go down. The investigators would have had his full attention and it wouldn't matter what else was going on in the periphery of his job.

"Distracted and confused" doesn't really explain lying about your leaks when you were asked about them. That's just not an explanation anyone should buy. It's just an incredibly lame excuse.
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Posting this link now in anticipation that this Dem talking point will come up on Chuck Todd's show.


Lately Democrats have accused Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee of prematurely shutting down the Trump-Russia investigation without interviewing many key witnesses. The committee "obtained either no or incomplete information about 81 percent of the known contacts between Trump officials and Russians, or groups and individuals with strong Russia ties like WikiLeaks," NBC reported Thursday.

"The House Intelligence Committee shuttered its investigation today, concluding they had found no evidence of collusion," NBC's Heidi Przbyla said on "Hardball." "We'll have a new report showing they overlooked 81 percent of the known contacts between Trump officials and the Russians."
It's discredited by Byron York HERE.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Poor little snowflake..... "I was confused", curious to how confused he was when he sat on the Weiner laptop, or altered the Flynn 302's, or when he lied under oath to Congress.....

Ex-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe admitted Saturday he was "confused and distracted" when he talked to investigators about alleged misconduct during a 2016 investigation of the Trump campaign.

McCabe "lacked candor" in that interview, Attorney General Jeff Sessions determined, and fired him March 16, two days before he would have been eligible for a pension.

"Some of my answers were not fully accurate," McCabe admitted in a Washington Post op-ed, but insisted, "I did not knowingly mislead or lie to investigators.

"When asked about contacts with a reporter that were fully within my power to authorize . . . I answered questions as completely and accurately as I could," said McCabe, who was accused of leaking material to the Wall Street Journal.

He added that when he realized that his answers "may have been misunderstood," he tried to correct them.

"At worst, I was not clear in my responses, and because of what was going on around me may well have been confused and distracted and for that I take full responsibility," McCabe said, adding that his misstatements don't justify President Trump's "unhinged public attacks on me."

So the FBI #2 was suffering from dementia? I don't know how he could possibly do his job.
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I've got a title for the movie they eventually make of this saga and it applies to McCabe as well as Hillary and likely others:

Dazed and Confused

I hope Richard Linklater doesn't mind.
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aggiehawg said:

Posting this link now in anticipation that this Dem talking point will come up on Chuck Todd's show.


Lately Democrats have accused Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee of prematurely shutting down the Trump-Russia investigation without interviewing many key witnesses. The committee "obtained either no or incomplete information about 81 percent of the known contacts between Trump officials and Russians, or groups and individuals with strong Russia ties like WikiLeaks," NBC reported Thursday.

"The House Intelligence Committee shuttered its investigation today, concluding they had found no evidence of collusion," NBC's Heidi Przbyla said on "Hardball." "We'll have a new report showing they overlooked 81 percent of the known contacts between Trump officials and the Russians."
It's discredited by Byron York HERE.
The Moscow Project = initiative funded by the Center for American Progress Action Fund = a sister organization of the Center for American Progress = founded by none other than John Podesta.
In other words, The Moscow Project = The John Podesta Project.
All Russian collusion stories lead back to the DNC/John Podesta.
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Tailgate88 said:

Anyone care to explain what this is about?

A short thread which responds to your request.
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