Practically every damn day, as more and more largely arbitrary redactions are pried away kicking and screaming from documents that were deliberately hidden from public view in the first place by endless stonewalling, the venality of their true motivations and that of their cohort's actions becomes more evident. The swamp is covering for each other hiding behind the ****ing guise of national security, when all it is, is that they are hiding their dirty laundry not protecting the nation. This sort of crap has got to be addressed.
And the ramifications of these unmaskings (note the word) will be more extensive than expected and will reach into every aspect of our culture, even to the last lines of Swamp's defense the media, entertainment and education. The results won't go in a straight line, I'm no statistical expert, but they rarely do. And there will always those who remain true believers, no matter what. That's what true believers do. Their defenders will also become increasingly shrill, as the wagons continue to circle. But the Swampers and I strongly suspect many of them are starting to realize it (hence that shrillness) are headed for a world of hurt. If they chose to die on that hill so be it, but they have to go, democrat, republican, indy, whatever, if you're the swamp it's time to clean out your ****ing desk.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42