M1Buckeye said:
I re-read your post. I believe we must do as Jesus instructed and treat one another with love and consideration. I don't believe there is an issue if, for instance, Jeff asks to be called Mary. I simply disagree that a Christian is supposed to LIE by referring to "Mary" as a female. If someone can make the BIBLICAL argument that a Christian should lie, then I'll be persuaded to change my position.
Is there a distinction between biological sex and gender?
This seems to be an offshoot of the argument that homosexuality is something taught and that no one is actually born homosexual. . . .but through hard work they can pray the gay away. If you believe that people can be born homosexual, you would not have any issue referring to someone as such. If you believe that homosexuality is a choice - you might object to recognizing them as born homosexual and instead say they are a confused heterosexual.
Similarly, if you believe a man or woman can be born with a different gender association, then why should there be an issue with choosing language to describe that person that correlates to that person's identity? If you think that the whole idea of transgendered persons is bogus, then from your point of view, it is a lie.
I'm not going to convince of you of anything here. By your admission in your first post, you are not close to anyone who is trans. Get close to someone that is trans and then make up your mind. It just seems silly to me to pass judgement on a whole group of people but not know anyone from that group.