howitzercannon said:
The absolute best evidence that anyone can find or produce is blurry pictures. Do you know why? Because as soon as we get clearer pictures, we know what it is and isn't a story. So we never keep track of all the times a blurry picture we thought was an alien space craft but once clarity hit it wasn't worth keeping record of.
When there are phones and cameras and satellites covering the entire globe with competing governments that don't like each other, and none of them are saying one thing or another for UFOs….come on.
We get the random 1 time shot of meteors hitting on dash cams in russia, police body cams capturing cool aerial phenomena. And we can't get a single clean pic of a UAP? Is it because once identified 10 out of 10 times we know what it is?
So we all sit around and go, "hey! What's that? I don't know, must be aliens." And move one with our day without any further thoughts it seems.
Eh, you're conveniently limiting evidence to only photos and videos, when
circumstantial evidence is admissible in court. And on that front, there is a mountain of it when it comes to witness testimony from highly credible sources, to the point where we have to face one of three realities...
1) Some of the most credible officials and pilots in our government are being duped by one of the most complex psyops in all of human history, lasting decades, one that involves man-made technology generations ahead of where we are publicly.
2) Some of the most credible officials and pilots in our government are suffering from mass psychosis, a form of mass psychosis that somehow has the ability to either directly affect satellite and radar data, or at least our
perception of satellite and radar data.
- or -
3) The phenomenon is real, i.e. we're dealing non-human intelligence, either extra-terrestrial, ultra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional in nature (if not all three).
Either way, it's one of the biggest stories in human history.
Personally, at this point, frankly, I chalk up reactions like this as nothing more than the death rattle of skepticism. I get that this is going to be hard for a number of people to swallow, and I get the gut reaction to dismiss it outright. But if you truly look into what's happening right now, and truly consider who is saying and confirming what, there is absolutely no denying that this is an incredibly massive story, one that I personally believe is the third option above, based on myriad circumstantial and corroborating evidence.
As for the whole photo/video thing, when was the last time you captured on your phone a car wreck happening in real time? And even if you did, these "car wrecks" are thousands of feet away, if not hundreds of miles and away. So
of course the footage is going to be blurry.
That said, there are dozens of credible videos out there, like the below, that are far more than just blurry dots in the sky...